The everyday life in the Lee household..

Finishing Academy



What the hell...

I groan loudly as I grab my pillow and put it over my head, I'm definitely not in the mood for Seokjin's nagging today...

" Will you hurry it up? It's your turn to set up the table and I can't because I'm making breakfast now-"

" Will you just put a sock in it!? " I hear Yoongi yells from his room " She won't do it, It's not like she ever does her job to begin with.." 

" What the hell does that mean!? " I yell as I shoot up from bed and I scoff " You can't be one to talk! I'm not a stupid sloth who falls asleep everywhere I go! "  

" Oh really? I can take you in a fight Shizuka, don't test me."

" Really? Remember the last time you said something similar to that? Should I remind you how that went down.."


" Guys~ quit fighting will ya? It's 8 in the morning, way too early to start a fight."

" Oh shut up Hoseok why don't you quit being a baby? " Yoongi groans. I roll my eyes, Yoongi can be such an in the mornings...

" A baby?...I-I'm not a baby! Your just a rudey pants! " 

" Yoongi apologize to Hoseok or we'll never hear the end of it.." Namjoon called out. " Why should I? It's the truth! " Yoongi snaps.

" Hello? Hi, it's your brother Seokjin and I'd gladly appreciate some help in the kitchen right now thanks! " Seokjin shouts from downstairs.

" How about this? Your all annoying! So how about you all shut up." Jungkook says from his room. " I will hurt you Jung-ing-Kook." Yoongi warns.

Yeah, this is what a normal morning is in this house. And believe it or not, this would be considered calm.

" Guys you know there are still people here who would like to continue sleeping so if you would please-"

" SHUT UP JIMIN." We all yell in usion.

" Wow, you know what, you guys are all rude as heck you know? "


" nana where are you..." I hear a voice from bed. I recognize the voice, I poke my head under it. " Taehyung please explain why your hiding under my bed."

" Shhh..." he says. He's laying on his stomach as he scans his surroundings " I'm looking for Nana. "

" um..who's that? "

" My girlfriend. "

" Taehyung you don't have a girlfriend. "

" You know nothing about me." 

" Taehyung is she human."

" ...she's a ladybug. "

" um, I'm sorry to say this Tae but I think she's gone."

" She's just playing hard to get."

Wow, I can seriously never be able to hold a conversation with Tae..

" That's it! If nobody's down in the kitchen in 25 seconds you all will have holes in your brains! " Seokjin threatens, which is actually more like a promise than a threat. You never know what that boy's capable of..

That shut us all up as we all rushed to get ready and dash downstairs. 



   Oh, I didn't introduce myself right? Sorry about that, I'm Lee Shizuka. I'm 18 years old and I live in Seoul Korea. You remember those screaming idiots from before? Those my friend, are my brothers. We're a pretty odd bunch aren't we? But most families are right? I'll introduce you to each of them.


When I finally make it downstairs in my skinny jeans and hoody I feel something hard wack the back of my head and I jump back in shock and pain " Serves you right doesn't it Shizu? " Yoongi growls as he crosses his arms and looks at me " Yoongi you little what the hell was that for!? " I say as I get up in his face, he really wants to fight now. " Don't play dumb Shizuka you know exactly what that was for! " 

This pathetic lady's and Gentlemen, is the second oldest brother Lee Yoongi. But don't worry, he's only a total in the morning. Other than he's pretty chill and laid back.

" Are you guys still at it? Come on~ let's just all get along for once and have a nice breakfast Okay? " Hoseok says as he stands in between the both of us. This is the third eldest brother, Lee Hoseok. He's a very random guy...not much else to say about that. He's just a big bundle of joy...and he's probably one of the most weirdest in the house. " Alrighty, come on let's go eat! Eating is a lot better than fighting right? " I laugh and Yoongi just rolls his eyes. As you can see Hoseok isn't a tough guy, he's what you'd call ' A lover not a fighter.' 

" Yoongi, Shizuka, get over here and help out before Seokjin REALLY gets pissed.." Namjoon says as he walks past us with his arms full of plates. That's Lee Namjoon, the fourth son. even though he's the middle child he mostly acts like the oldest since he has a very leader-like personality, he's one of those people that you can't NOT like.

Yoongi sighs and nods and we both grab the plates and silverware and bring it to the table where Taehyung was sitting along with Jungkook and Jimin. I notice that Tae has got something in his's his ladybug. Guess he found it...

Do I really have to say anything? This is Lee Taehyung, the sixth eldest son and kinda already saw what he's like. I'm gonna be completely honest with you, I've lived with this guy for almost my whole life and I STILL don't know what's going on in that guys head...but even so he's a lot of fun when you get to know him..he's a bit shy too.

Once me and Yoongi are finished we sit at the table and wait for Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin to come over with the food.

" Unbelievable! I wake up every morning just to cook you morons breakfast! And what do I get? Nothing! Not even a little bit of respect! All I ever asked for was a thank you and a good job, but nooo..." I quickly zone out of Seokjin's little rant. This is the queen bee, Lee Seokjin, He's the eldest outta all of us. The reason why I call him a queen time a few years back me and Jungkook snuck into his room and applied lipstick on him and we were expecting him to look ridiculous but...he actually looked pretty good..

 I'm not even joking. He looked MAJESTIC.AS.HELL. 

And ever since that day nobody will ever let him forget it. 

Soon after Seokjin finishes scolding us we all dive into our breakfast...well..all except one...

I frown "Lee Jimin, how come you aren't eating? " he simply just shakes his head. "Ani...I'm not really hungry."

" Liar! " Hoseok says as he bites into his pancakes "You've been starving yourself with this stupid diet for a month now! If you don't stop now it'll be worse for your body." Namjoon tilts his head at Jimin "Diet? What are dieting for? " Jimin shrugs his shoulders "no reason..losing a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt.."

" That depends on how your trying to lose them." Yoongi warns. "Starving yourself isn't a good way, it'll do a lot worse on your body, you know that don't you? "

This is Lee Jimin, the fifth son. Despite having a bit of a baby face I will admit, he's pretty hot. Yeah yeah I KNOW he's my brother and I shouldn't be saying stuff like that about him, but all I'm saying is that if he wasn't my brother, I'd probably be interested.

ANNND that sounded weird...I'm gonna just shut up now.

What else...oh yeah, as you can see Jimin is probably the easiest guy to bully, plus it's fun seeing him try to get angry..

 OK, now who am I forgetting?...

" ...Hey, Pabo-yah, what are zoning out for? " I yelp and jump back in my chair as a grape fly's outta nowhere and hits me on my nose. I glare at the person who threw it at me "Yah, Lee Jungkook you better watch yourself.." he just rolls his eyes at me and that just makes me even more irritated. And here's the final sibling...this is none other than my younger brother, Lee Jungkook. At first glance he may look like a cutie and just a big sweetheart, But he's not. He really isn't. This boy...he's always messing with me! He starts fights and he's just a huge handful..

" Yah! You should be respecting your noona! " I scowl and he looks at me in annoyance "Your only older by 7 months! That doesn't mean anything!"

" But it still means I'm older." I say in triumph as he glares at me and finally sighs in defeat.

Yup, we seem to be a normal family right?

Well not do I say this...we're all killers.

Ugh, I seriously hate that really bothers me...well, it is true but still..

Our family likes to use the term 'Hitmen' instead, it sounds more professional. But we aren't a bunch of psychos that just kill for no reason, we have our own rules that we follow:

Number 1: We don't kill or harm the innocent.

Number 2: We don't hunt down or harm minors, only do so if it's completely necessary.

Number 3: Make the kill as quick as possible.

Number 4: The eight of us cannot go kill without informing the other.


That's basically all we have to follow, other than that we can do whatever the hell we want. Are you probably wondering where our parent's are at? Well to be completely honest we don't know either. They're never here in the mornings because of work. Many many years back our family was recruited as hitmen for the government, so killing people is basically the family business.

" Taehyung, pass the orange juice." Yoongi says as he eats one of the pancakes.

" ...."

" Taehyung, did you hear me? "

" What? " Tae replied.

" I asked if you could could pass me the orange juice."

"Oh.." it stays silent for a few seconds. "So are you going to do it?" Yoongi asked, the irritation in his voice becoming bigger. Taehyung blinks "Do what?"

" You know what...just forget it.." Yoongi sighs.

Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to point out...when I said we were hitmen I meant all of us, but mostly just me, Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi. To be honest, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook haven't killed anybody before. I'm not sure why...but I suppose it's because they're just scared. Hoseok is obviously not gonna be killing people any time soon...I mean, he's too much of a sweet. Same for Jimin, he's too nice to everyone, boy won't even hurt a fly. Taehyung on the other hand...I can see him killing someone, I mean, compared to Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook he has more potential to do so, but he never really seemed to be really into it. As for Jungkook...I'm not really sure about him...he's still pretty young so it's hard to, he kinda gets mad when we bring up killing. 

Suddenly we all hear a phone buzzing and Namjoon quickly grabs his phone and reads a text message. "...It's from mom. We got some drug smugglers trying to get some Meth into Daegu." 

"More? That's gonna be the third smuggle this week." Seokjin says with a frown. Namjoon shrugs "Well, it is summer. And we all know that summer is when drug dealers are a lot more busy." 

"Did mom send the directions on where in Daegu the drop off is gonna be at?" I ask as I cross my legs. Namjoon shakes his head "They aren't sure where yet, but she also sent me a link of a GPS chip that they attached to the vehicle that holds the drugs. A few of us need to go and follow the truck while the others stay here while on the coms, once we get the address we'll tell you and you'll have to inform mom and dad and then get to the drop off as fast as possible. You never know how many people will be there, we could use the backup." 

" So we're doing the usual then right? Shizuka, Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin are gonna be following the car while we are here on the communicator?" Hoseok says and Yoongi nods. Jimin jumps up from the table "Well, guess we gotta get going!" Seokjin nods "We have to hurry so we aren't too far from the car." I sigh and pout "I didn't even have time to do my hair.." 

" Oh don't worry, you'll still look hideous anyway." 

" Yah! Jungkook your gonna die now.." 

"Jungkook come on, don't bother your sister." Seokjin says as he rolls his eyes. Taehyung gets up from the table "I'll go and check if the coms are working properly." He then runs off upstairs. "Shizuka, are you ready? The three of us are heading out now." Namjoon says as Seokjin and Yoongi starts putting on their bulletproof vests and grabbing their guns and knives. I nod as Namjoon tosses me my gun and vest.

" Good luck you four! Don't die OK?" Hoseok says and Jimin laughs while Jungkook rolls his eyes. I nod "I promise." I then turn to Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin "Let's go."







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Infiredpotato #1
Chapter 4: I'm really excited for this! You're doing really well!!! I love this story!!!! Im anticipating the chapters to come:) keep writing! I'm enjoying it
Chapter 3: Love the name of the school. Finishing Academy. Seems so appropriate! And new reader here, anticipating the new chapters to come!
Infiredpotato #3
Chapter 2: YESSSSSSSSS YOURE CONTINUING!!! I'm so excited!!! I like this story plot! :) you're doing a wonderful job. Keep going! ^_^
Infiredpotato #4
Chapter 1: Haha why am I the only commenting XD you have a good plot going for you. I like this:) I'm not evil or anything, I just like these type of stories. You're doing really good ^_^ thank you for updating!
Infiredpotato #5
I'm not sure if you're gonna continue this, but you've got a brilliant plot here. I know it seems odd of me to say this, but I really like the idea of this. I know I'm way too late XD but this story sounds intriguing. :)