The Explanation

Finishing Academy



"Kookie~ Help me with the laundry!"

"Wae? Do it yourself.." 

"But Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Shizuka got blood all over their clothes! And it got on all the others too!" Jimin whines from the back laundry room. "What do you want me to do about it Hyung? Besides, just get Hoseok to help you with it."

"He was supposed to...but he fainted. You know how he is when he sees blood." 

I groan before getting myself from the couch "fine...but speaking of those four...where are they?"

"There in the game room, why?" 

I'm not sure why we call that room a game room...we can just call it the training room since that's all it basically is, who even had the idea of calling it a game room.

I turn and scan the room "Just curious...Also, where's Taehyung?"  

"I'm not sure..he should be back soon though." 

'That's come he didn't tell us if he was going somewhere?'.

"Ughhh...Jungkook hurry up! It's all starting to stink bad and the blood is gonna stain everything!" I sigh loudly at my Hyung's stupidity "Your gonna make a mess! Just let me handle can just keep an eye on Hoseok Hyung and make sure he doesn't see the blood again when he wakes."




"OOF!!" A throbbing pain hits my face as I stumble back. The pain on my cheek begins to sting and I can feel a bump forming, there's definitely gonna be bruise there before dinner. "Your getting sloppy. This time block correctly, not with your face." Yoongi says as he cracks his knuckles. The four of us are all training, which we usually do after breakfast but because we had that drug smuggle thing to take care of we didn't get back until 6 pm. I glare at him "shut up...Damn, you didn't have to hit so hard.."  he simply shrugs "That's what you get for not paying any attention." 

"Oh your SO gonna get it now.." before I could go complete wushu on him Namjoon steps in "Don't go too crazy guys, if we fight too hard we'll be too hurt and tired when it's time for jobs." 

"Namjoon's right you two. Besides, we've been at it for two and a half hours. We all need to shower and get ready for dinner before mom and dad get back."  I sigh in defeat, as much as I hate to admit their both right. Yoongi's also right about me getting sloppy...I'm usually stronger, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's as if Yoongi read my mind because at that moment he ruffles my hair softly "Hey, don't let what I said bother you. Your just having an off day that's all. By tomorrow you'll be back to normal and probably beating up Seokjin Hyung in no time." 

"Yah, what's that supposed to mean Yoongi-ah? Don't make me pump your head full of holes.." Seokjin warns as he tries to reach for his gun but Namjoon quickly restrains him. "Hyung come on, Yoongi's just playing! He didn't mean it!" Yoongi rolls his eyes and I laugh at Seokjin's sudden outburst. "Guys!" At that moment Hoseok comes running in "Dinner's ready!" His face automatically scrunched up "you guys stink." He says as he fake gags. "Yeah yeah we get it, we'll wash up before dinner." I say as I walk past him with my towel and water bottle in my hand. Hoseok glances at my face "omo, what happened to your face Shizuka? Your cheek is like, a dark purple." I frown and rush to the bathroom to inspect the injury Yoongi gave me. I knew he was gonna bruise it, but I didn't think it would be this bad! The bruise is basically fully purple along with a tiny outline of blue and is the size of half my palm. 






"..."I heard him mumble.

"Somebody's gonna die~" I heard Jimin say in a softy singy songy voice from across the room.  Yoongi stumbles as I see him run past Namjoon and Seokjin. "Get your ads back here!!" I yell as I chase after him. "Wait until I get my hands on you..."



After fifteen minutes of me chasing Yoongi, Yoongi running from me, Seokjin getting annoyed and threatening to crack our skulls with a frying pan, Namjoon restraining Seokjin, Hoseok just sitting there laughing at the whole scene, Jimin cheering for me to beat Yoongi up, and Jungkook rolling his eyes and looking at us weirdly, we were finally able to all get ready as we start to setting the dinner table. But something was missing...

"Taehyung isn't back yet?" Jungkook says as he looks through the window, which was covered in dew drops since it just started raining. I frown "Back? Back from where? Did Taehyung say he was going anywhere?" 

"He didn't tell me." Jimin said. "I figured he went to the park like usual, that's why I told 

"Do you think he's still there?" Hoseok asks his head slightly turned. "He came back home with the rest of us after the mission..did you guys ever notice him leave?" Oddly enough every one of us shook our heads...well, except for see, when our mom and dad trained us, the first thing they taught us was to make sure our faces were always solid, meaning that our faces should never be able to give yourself away. Seokjin is better at that then anyone, except this moment I saw him give a panicked expression but he quickly replaced it with a poker face. "Well, I'm sure he's fine. If he wants to eat then he'll for sure come back home." 

"I don't know hyung...what if somehing happened to him?" Jungkook suggested, but Seokjin just shakes it off "he'll be fine! And what could possibly happen to Taehyung? In case you guys have forgotten we're basically trained to deal with any given scenario, that includes Tae." It seemed like everybody pretty much took Seokjin's word because they quickly stopped talking about it and went to sit at the table. I eyed Seokjin but he refused to meet my eyes.

If a person refuses to look you in the eye, it can either mean,

A. He feels too guilty to look at you.

B. He's hiding something from you.

C. Both.

I intend to find out what he knows, (cuz it's obvious he knows something) but I don't think now is the right time. I'll have to wait when we're alone. "Any idea when Mom and Dad get back?" Jimin asks as he leans on the table. Jungkook shrugs "Who knows? We don't even know where the hell they go everyday." 

"Oh my darling, I'm afraid that it's going to remain a mystery for a while." We all jump and turn our heads to face a woman stand before us, our mom. "M-Mom..." Jungkook shudders as his face goes a bit red "er..I-I didn't mean it like that.." 

Mom simply chuckles softly as she walks up to him and kisses him on the forehead softly "Don't be sorry deary, it's only natural to curious, but be careful..being too curious can be dangerous." Jungkook merely nods "What about dad? Is he not here?" 

"You father had extra things to take care of, he'll be back a bit later tonight." After that we all file in to give and receive a hug and kiss from our mother before we all sat down to eat. "About today's mission.." Mom says as she takes a small bite of her food "A job well done! You all did nicely. But...there are some things I'd like to point out." She grabs a napkin and dabs before speaking "Yoongi, your flipping maneuver was well planned out, but poorly executed. You'll need to work on that. Seokjin...I expected more from you when it came to tracking the took you about 10 minutes to find them, next time I expect you to find them in 5. Namjoon, your shooting range is getting sloppy, fix it. And Shizuka..." I feel my body tense up as she looks over at me, I already know that I had today was a pretty bad day for me...I just hope it isn't that bad. She sighs "Oh, Shizuka...for one you almost got caught by the guards at least twice, when it came to defense...well, let's just say that your lucky that the drug dealers weren't very good at attacking. This is definitely not your best job." At those words I felt a lump form in my throat, but I quickly swallow it. Don't get her wrong, she isn't saying this to make me bad or anything, not at all, she's saying it because she wants me to get better. The thing about our job is the slightest mistake, mess up, it can cost you everything. I simply nod my head "Yes mom.." She smiles warmly at me before looking at the others "As for you three.." she says to Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin "hmm...pretty good job. Tracking the location of the drop off could've been faster...but other than that very good job! Pretty soon you can go out in the field with the rest of your siblings!" Jimin let out an awkward laugh when she said that, obviously not liking the idea. Jungkook merely turned his head away at the thought while Hoseok went bug-eyed in fear of the being out there. "Speaking of appears that somebody's missing.." before any of could explain Jimin blurted out "Taehyung went somewhere and we don't where he went...but..I'm sure, er...we're sure that's he's fine but-" Mom simply chuckles "oh your adorable when you stutter sweetheart! Don't fret, I know exactly where he is." Before any of us could ask what she meant Taehyung, (like the idiot he is) walks straight into the house and sat at the table as if nothing happened. "I'm home." He says simply as he starts surfing himself some food as the seven of us stared at him in shock. "Welcome home Taehyung!" Mom says sweetly. " what did I miss?"

" Uh, how about you first start off by telling us where the hell you've been?" Yoongi says as he raises his voice. Taehyung simply stays silent as he continues to eat, and that just added the fuel to Yoongi's flame. "Yah, can't you see I'm talking to you!? Where the hell did you go?"

"Nowhere hyung." Tae says as he continues eating. "Oh cut the crap Lee Taehyung you obviously went somewhere."

"Lay off hyung..." Tae says sharply which took us all back, Taehyung isn't somebody to raise his voice like that, and never have I once heard him sound so mad. It a way, scary. Yoongi clenches his fist "What was that you bastard?.." 

"Yoongi, Taehyung, enough." Namjoon warns. I turn to mom to see what she's gonna do about this, but she looks completely disinterested as she takes a sip of her drink, not minding the situation at hand. "No Namjoon, this brat meds to know his place. We were all ing worried about this idiot and he has the decency to act as if nothing happened?" 

"Well I'm obviously fine, aren't I!? Just leave me the hell alone!" Taehyung spats. "You don't get it do you? If something happens to you then it's on all of us! Who knows what'll happen to the rest of us if you keep getting so careless??" 

" Yoongi just drop it. We'll talk about it later, now its not the right time." Hoseok says, trying his best to calm the argument down. "Why the heck not? It's either we deal with it now or never!" This is seriously getting bad...sure, we all had pretty big fights, but this one is getting out hand. "Where I've been is really none of your business is it!? I told you I'm fine so just off!!" Then just like that Yoongi's hand flew across the table and grabbed Taehyung by the collar of his shirt. The six of us jumped to our feet "Yoongi! Your going way too far!" 

"Yoongi just stop! It doesn't matter anymore, just drop it!" Seokjin yells. Taehyung glares back at Yoongi "..What are you waiting for? Just go ahead and do it already." Yoongi's clenched fist is now trembling in anger "What exactly are you trying to hide?" Taehyung turns his head away "nothing."


"Didn't I tell you to off!?"

"Aish, this brat!.." Yoongi and Taehyung both bring up their fists at the same time and threw them at each other, but they didn't get to make it very far as both of their fists are stopped midway between the two. "That's enough." I look up at my mother in awe as I see her put each of her hands in between the both of their hands in such speed that I barely even noticed her. She gave a small sigh "Really know the rules...there's no fighting at the table. If your going to do so then please do it outside and try not to get blood everywhere."

"Eomma!!" Every single one of us at the table yelled in unison. She giggles "Oh come on kids you know I was just playing! You all need to relax a bit, learn to take a joke!" 

"Last time I checked jokes were supposed to be funny.." Taehyung mumbled. "You can say that again.." Yoongi says as rolls his eyes. They stare at each other for a few seconds before, oddly enough, they start to laugh. 'Wait just a second...'  I thought 'weren't these two ready to start kicking each other's asses just a second ago? Why are they acting as if nothing just happened'


And they say girls are confusing...

"Now that we're all's odd..what was it that I was gonna say?...Ah that's right!" After we all settled down and Tae and Yoongi apologized to each other we all looked at our mother expectantly as to what she has to tell us. "Well, me and your father have been watching your progress from each and every mission and...we've come to a decision." 

Uh Oh. I do not like the sound of that at all. I think my brother's would agree with me because they all have a look of worry on their faces. " see..." She let's out a deep breath "How do I say this..."  She leans back in her chair "You see the 18th century hitmen were very uncommon, but the government around that time were in desperate need of some when it came to assassinating certain rulers to gain power and spread fear to others countries. They're many more reasons why the government wanted more killers hired, but this is basically the base of it. They wanted to find a way to, in a way, grow generations of them." 

What exactly is she trying to say? We all already knew this stuff, why was she reminding us? Back during the time where the weak were ruled and pushed around by the superior rulers, they had hitmen. They were usually used to kill big leaders and spread fear to the enemy countries. The only problem was that there were very few people who could do it, more or less volunteer to do it. Around that time many people were unfamiliar when it came to killing, plus teaching grown men and woman was a bit difficult. Teaching children however, was easier since children can adapt a lot faster than adults since they're younger. That's when they started taking in children and began teaching them how to kill, so that when they grew up they'd be professionals. Eventually they started recruiting families to start working as killers for the government. Of course, nowadays there's no more families that do the anymore, the whole mafia family thing went away after a few decades. Well, except for us. In fact, we're the only one's left.

"What I'm trying to say kids, is that me and your father have already taught you as much as we could, but's time to send you off." The whole table went silent. "Send us off?..." I ask, not fully understanding what's going on. "Eomma, could you please explain a bit better on what you mean?" Jimin asks.

"What I'm saying is that it's time for you to get some experience from people better than's time to get you guys enrolled in school." 


The eight of us have never been to school..our parents told us that we were too different and that school would just get in the way of our training. Of course our parents did teach us math and science and every other subject that they teach. But why do we suddenly have to go? 

"School?..." Jungkook's eyes lite up. "Like...a real school? One's with kid's my age?" Mom nods slowly and Jungkook's smile widens "J-Jinja? I can actually go?" 

"Yes...but...this school is a bit different."

"Just get to the point." Seokjin says as he narrows his eyes at her suspiciously. She takes in a deep breath and looks at all of us "This is a school for kids liker you."

"Wait, Eomma, what are you saying? What do you mean by kids like us?" Hoseok asked softly. 

"Remember about the story about other kids that were recruited by the government to become killers?...those families...they're still around."




"Wait...WHAT!?" Namjoon jumps to his feet and slams his hands on the table "Wait a second...there's..there's...what!?" 

"You can't be serious..." Jimin breathed wide eyed. 

"Wait, why is this the first time we're hearing about this!?" Yoongi exclaimed. "More importantly why did you tell us that we were the only family left?" Taehyung added. Mom hung her head in shame "I didn't want you all to be intimidated by the fact that there are others just like you out there.." 

"Eomma that's still not a proper excuse!" Hoseok says with a frown. So far I've been the only quiet one during this whole argument, but eventually I ask the most obvious question. "So this mean..this is a school for.." mom looks me in the eye and nods. "You'll all be attending Madam Sungha's Finishing Academy. A school especially for hitmen, assassins, and killers."












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Infiredpotato #1
Chapter 4: I'm really excited for this! You're doing really well!!! I love this story!!!! Im anticipating the chapters to come:) keep writing! I'm enjoying it
Chapter 3: Love the name of the school. Finishing Academy. Seems so appropriate! And new reader here, anticipating the new chapters to come!
Infiredpotato #3
Chapter 2: YESSSSSSSSS YOURE CONTINUING!!! I'm so excited!!! I like this story plot! :) you're doing a wonderful job. Keep going! ^_^
Infiredpotato #4
Chapter 1: Haha why am I the only commenting XD you have a good plot going for you. I like this:) I'm not evil or anything, I just like these type of stories. You're doing really good ^_^ thank you for updating!
Infiredpotato #5
I'm not sure if you're gonna continue this, but you've got a brilliant plot here. I know it seems odd of me to say this, but I really like the idea of this. I know I'm way too late XD but this story sounds intriguing. :)