Welcome To Madam Sungah's Finishing Academy

Finishing Academy


Well, the train was not like any train I've been on. This was more...luxuries in a way. The seats were soft and silky and decorations of black emeralds embedded the walls. It looked more like one of those booths that you sit in when you go to one of those fancy restaurants. But I wasn't here to get comfortable. Our main priority as of now is to go to this 'Finishing Academy' and...well, do whatever they make us do I guess. But...it seemed like these idiots had other plans. They were marveling at how beautiful the train looked, and they started to lose track on what we're here for. "Guys!" I hiss at them, causing them all to stare at me. "Stop acting like five year olds..people will start to think lowly of us." People were looking at us weirdly, and I don't think it's entirely because of how odd and dumb we were acting. They were staring at us even before we got on,  like they were studying us..

"So.." Jimin whispers as he moves in closer to us "What do you think this school will be like?" I shrug my shoulders. None of us are really sure...this will be of course, the first school we've ever been to.  "..Oh, They might have uniforms! I've always wanted to wear one at least once in my life" Seokjin says with a look of content on his face. "I just hope that everybody will be nice!" Hoseok says as he stares out the window. "Well this school does have boys and girls going to the same classes...so. there's bond to be some hot chicks." Namjoon says with a smirk. I scoff at him "get your head outta the clouds.." I turn to look over and Jungkook, who's been silent the whole time "What about you Kookie? Is there anything your looking forward to at this school?" He thinks for a minute and shrugs "Nothing really...I guess making a few friends wouldn't hurt.." 

"Now that I think about it..." Yoongi's face scrunches up "Do you think that we might have to share rooms...like..with a roommate?" 

"Hmm...maybe, why?" Jimin asks. "Cuz that'll ! I like my privacy..." Yoongi grumbles. 

"....Do you think the food will taste good?" Taehyung says.

. "..Is that the only thing you care about Tae?" I ask as I glance at him. He thinks for a minute and nods "It's just a school. If we're gonna live there for a while, I want to make sure the food is acceptable." I chuckle a bit "From the movies I've seen, the school food is pretty terrible." Taehyung frowned "I haven't been to school before, but I already hate it." We all laugh, and we seem to be doing just fine...well, until they decided to come on over..

"Ohh~ What do we have here? New recruits?" We all turn our heads to see that someone has entered our compartment. She was pretty good looking, she had short redish hair and big beautiful eyes, her body was also pretty good. Jimin was the first of us to speak as he jumps to his feet and brings out his hand. "H-Hi!..Yeah, we're all knew here! These are my siblings...oh, and my name is Jimin by the way!" The girl eyes him up and down rather rudely and that made my blood boil. "...Your name..is Jimin?" 

Jimin nods "Y-Yeah.." We then hear a laugh and yet another girl appears as she stands next to red headed girl. This girl also had short hair, except it was blonde and looked more like a Pixie cut. Just like the other girl she had beautiful eyes and a nice body. "Aww how cute! You both have the same name! Isn't that great Jimin?" The Blondie says as she pinches the red head's cheek. The girl who's name was apparently Jimin growls "Oh shut up Choa.." She then glares at Jimin "Isn't Jimin a girl name?"

Jimin blinks "Is it? I didn't know.." 

"Why does it matter?" I say sharply as I glare at the two; they were seriously getting on my nerves..

The girl Jimin turns her head and her eyebrow at me "Are you getting sassy? Careful girly..you should respect the people older than you." 

"Respect needs to be earned." I say as I eye her up and down the way she did to my brother "Which you clearly did not.." Right at that moment her eyes widen and her face began to turn to a shade of red that matched her hair "You little brat! I outta..!" She brings up her hand to smack me and I was ready to retaliate, but luckily for her Blondie stopped her "That's enough for now Jimin. Serves you right for trying to bully the younger ones." Choa teased and Jimin regretfully puts her hand down. "Enough with playing around, let's just get back to our seat." Chow waves goodbye to us and walks away, but the female Jimin stays behind and gives me a nasty glare "You better be grateful that I'll let this slide...having enemies on your first day...not much of a good start, huh? Especially at this school. Watch your back." She then stomps away, leaving my seven brothers gawking at what just happened. "S-Shizuka!" Seokjin gasps "What the hell did you do that for!?" 

"What, did you want me to just sit there while that bratty witch insulted my brother right in front of me?" I say back. "And you!" I say as I turn to Jimin "What were you doing? Were you actually just gonna let her make a fool of you!" 

"She's our sunbae! We can't just starts fights with our upperclassmen!" Jimin argues.  "That doesn't mean you can't defend yourself Lee Jimin!" I spat angrily. I love my brother, I really do. In fact, I love every single one of them. But the problem with Jimin is that he's scared to stand up for himself, and I feel like if he doesn't change that soon, he's gonna have a hard time at this school. I sigh loudly "I'm sorry...I...I need to use the restroom." Before any of them could say a word I scramble out of our compartment and walk around aimlessly. As I look around I notice that everybody on here seemed to get along very well, they were friends I guess. Everywhere I looked I saw girls chattering to each other while smiling and giggling, and it made me kinda jealous. Would I be able to actually make friends? female friends mainly? Interacting with boys was easy, I lived with seven of them. But girls...i've never spoken to any females like me except for my mother and the old lady that lives a few blocks away from us. Just as i'm thinking this through my head I bump into something hard and I fall backwards and I brace for impact...but I barely felt it. That's odd..did I land on a cusion or something? I open my eyes to see what I had landed on, only to see who I landed on. I gasp softly as I look at the person I had fallen on...he had such pretty eyes and his skin was beautifully toned. "...Are you gonna get off now?" Oh I forgot that i'm still on top of the poor guy..

I quickly pick myself up and I then offer my hand to help him up. Luckily for me he does indeed take up my offer, he then begins to straighten himself up.

Shizuka you idiot...where were you looking!? Your lucky this guy didn't go off on how clumsy you were...

"I'm really sorry about that! I wasn't looking at where I was going.."

"It's fine.." the boy said softly. That was surprising...For some reason I was expecting him to have a deep voice,  but it was actually light as a feather.

This is my chance! Maybe this I can get my first school friend! I take a deep breath "U-Um..my name is Lee Shizuka..it's nice to meet you." The boy simply glances at me and nods. "...Hi."  Wow, I didn't know making friend's would be this hard..but now that i've introduced myself, what do I say now?

It stayed awkwardly silent for a while before he finally speaks "Well..bye." he turns and starts to walk away "W-Wait!" I say and he turns around questionly "Yes?"

"Well..you didn't tell me your name." He looks blankly at me for a minute before answering "Jung Taekwoon." he said ever so softly as he turned and walked away. Jung Taekwoon? What an odd guy...

I like him already. 

Although it seems that i'll have a hard time trying to spark a conversation with the guy, but i'm sure I can make it work! "Shizuka!" I heard Tae yell from our compartment. "where are you?? Are you still in the restroom?" 

"I'm coming!" I yell back as I walk back to our seats. "What took you so long? It's been an hour!" Jimin whines. "OK, first of all it was fifteen minutes, don't overaggerate. Secondy I was talking to one of our schoolmates, that's why I took so long."

"Oh, are you already starting to make friends? That's good Shizu!" Seokjin says happily. "Actually we aren't friends...we just started talking for a bit cuz I accidentally fell on him-"

"WAIT! Him!? You were talking with a guy?" Namjoon chokes. 


"Why!? Why couldn't you go talk to a girl instead!"

"Because...no reason? I wanted to apologize for bumping into him and we just spoke for a little bit." I say as I sit down "Why are you being so serious about it? It's no big deal." 

Namjoon mumbles something under his breath and Seokjin nudges him "Oh, leave her alone! She's not a baby anymore! Besides, she was only talking to him." 

"Whatever.." Namjoon says as he turns and faces the window so he's laying his forehead on it. "I'm gonna get some sleep..it might take a while for us to get to the place." I look and see that Yoongi had already fallen asleep; typical. "We should all sleep actually." Jungkook says. "I overheard one of the students say that we'll be there around 8 PM and...it's 1:30 PM right now.." He slouches back in his chair "Which means we might as well make ourselves comfortable.."

"Well OK then...see you guys in a couple hours then.." Jimin says as he closes his eyes and falls into slumber. Seokjin nods and does the same "This should do good for my beauty rest.." I heard him mumble and I can't help but chuckle a bit. Hoseok yawns and says goodnight before he quickly falls asleep next to Jimin. I too was about to hit the lights and go into snoozeville, but I notice that Tae's still awake. "..Hey Tae, aren't you gonna go sleep?" He shakes his head "I'm not really tired...i'll sleep a bit later.." He looks kinda bothered...could it be because of what happened yesterday? But he was doing fine just a little while ago..

I decide to drop it for now, Maybe i'll ask him about it later. I soon doze off and fall right to sleep.


The last thing I suspected when I woke up was a red blaring light and an robotic voice saying CODE RED CODE RED PREPARE FOR DROPOFF

My eyes pop open and I quickly jump to my feet "What's going on?" I ask as I scan the whole train. "Don't know..." Yoongi says as he opens his groogily."But it better be pretty ing important in order for them to wake me up.."

"Do you think we're under attack?" Hoseok asks frantically. "Maybe.." Namjoon says as he gets up "We'll just have to go and see for ourselves." 

"Wait! They said prepare for dropoff-" Jungkook looks out the window "Do you think we're almost there?"

"But if we're almost there then why are we going so fast? Shouldn't we be slowing down?" Seokjin adds. I didn't even notice how fast we were actually going, if anything we were a little TOO fast. "What the hell...do they want us to crash or something?" Jimin asks. I walk right out of our compartment and I see that people were calmly getting out of their own compartments and were lining up in front of the train's sliding doors, then just like that the doors began to open slowly and one by one each student jumped out. "Shoot.." I mumble as I rush back to my brothers. "Good new and bad news." I say to them. "Which one do you wanna hear first?"

"Some good new would be wonderful right now." Taehyung says. "Well, the good news is that we're not under attack or anytthing. Bad new; We gotta jump off the train."

"we gotta what!?" they all yelled in unison "Yeah yeah I know! But let's hurry up, some of the students are already jumping!" They all scramble to their feet and follow me to where everybody was jumping from. "Are you guys ready?" I ask. "NO!" Jimin and Hoseok say at the same time. "Where are we supposed to land when we do jump?" Jungkook asks, obviously afraid of what's to come. "HEY!" We turn our heads to see a guy around our age pointing at us "Lets get moving shrimps, we don't got all day!" 

"Wait! what are we goona land though?" I ask. The guy grins at me "Well the goal is to jump before you run outta roof." 

"Roof?.." I take a closer look and without a doubt there is a large and not to mention long building a few feet below us "You mean...that's the Academy? Where gonna jump on it?" The guy nods and Hoseok shakes his head rapidly "No no no no there's no way I can do that!"

"Hyung, just calm down." Namjoon says to Hoseok. "Well you gotta be quick, or you get left behind with the rest of the train." And just like that the guy immediately jumps off. Hoseok is starting breath heavily and Jimin is shaking slightly, there's no choice... "Yoongi, do you think you could carry Hoseok? And Seokjin could you carry Jimin?" Yoongi and Seokjin exchange looks before finally nodding.

Once everything was set we were all ready to jump, but we were running outta roof quick; it was now or never. "Ready...1...2...." I turn and to look at all of them one last time before facing the front again "..3!!" We all jumped out at the same time, and I could hear both Hoseok and Jimin yell in fear. But just like that we all hit the hard concrete roof and I groan in pain. I open my eyes to make sure everyone's OK and sure enough we're all here, I smile in relief. We notice that some of the students were all gathered up as a woman in a long silky dressed approached them. "Hello everyone! It's good to see all of you again here for another year of learning!" She automatically looks at the eight of us, who were the only one's who haven't gotten up yet. "Ah~ Our new recruits! Oh it's excellent that you made it here! Very nice job!" We all look at each other and we hurridly get to our feet and brush ourselves off. The woman giggles "Something tells me that none of our returning students told you about the dropoff did they?" 

"No..." Yoongi seethed "They didn't.." Some of the students snickered and giggled as if it were some innocent little prank. "Well, no matter!" She then walks over so she's closer to us "My name is...Well, I can't tell you my REAL name...but you may call me Professor IU. It's nice to meet you all!" She sticks out her hand for me to shake and hesitantly I do. "Thank you.." I mumble and she smiles at me "Don't worry, your not the only new recruits! There are about 3 more trains arriving with the rest of the students, they should be here shortly. But I won't wait to tell you this..." She smiles warmly at us...

"Welcome to Madam Sungah's Finshing Academy!"





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Infiredpotato #1
Chapter 4: I'm really excited for this! You're doing really well!!! I love this story!!!! Im anticipating the chapters to come:) keep writing! I'm enjoying it
Chapter 3: Love the name of the school. Finishing Academy. Seems so appropriate! And new reader here, anticipating the new chapters to come!
Infiredpotato #3
Chapter 2: YESSSSSSSSS YOURE CONTINUING!!! I'm so excited!!! I like this story plot! :) you're doing a wonderful job. Keep going! ^_^
Infiredpotato #4
Chapter 1: Haha why am I the only commenting XD you have a good plot going for you. I like this:) I'm not evil or anything, I just like these type of stories. You're doing really good ^_^ thank you for updating!
Infiredpotato #5
I'm not sure if you're gonna continue this, but you've got a brilliant plot here. I know it seems odd of me to say this, but I really like the idea of this. I know I'm way too late XD but this story sounds intriguing. :)