On our way...

Finishing Academy

"NO! No way! There's absolutely no way in hell I'm going! It's already enough that I have to deal with this when I'm home, Now I have to go to a stupid school for it!? Forget it!" Jungkook slams his door so hard I felt the walls vibrate a bit. "Jungkook, wait!" I yell after him as I stand up from the table and bow my head "please excuse me.." I say as I run off to his room, leaving the rest of the boy's with their millions of questions for mom. When I finally get to Jungkook's room I knock softly "Jungkook?..Can I come in?" 

"No." That means yes. I slowly open the door and it reveals Jungkook laying on his bed while staring at the ceiling. "Aish, will this room ever be clean?" I ask as I step over all his stuff that was littered on the floor. He doesn't pay me any mind as he has his headphones on at full blast. I sigh as I sit on his bed "Jungkook...I know you can hear me, so just hear me out. I know your upset about all this, your not the only one who feels pretty upset about not knowing about this beforehand but-"

"That's not the point." He interrupts as he rips off his headphones and chucks them in a corner. "Why is it that I have to do this? Why do I not have a choice? I know that we were born into this life and that's what we've been trained to do but...I.." he let's out a deep sigh "..I just wanna be normal...instead of going to school, I'm stuck here...don't get I say in what I wanna be? Why is it that everything's being chosen for me?"

I blink. I didn't know this is how Jungkook felt about this...

"How come you never told anybody this?" He scoffs "I did. I always did. But nobody never listens to me. Just like now." 

I sorta understand how the boy feels...but what am I supposed to say? 

There's another knock on the door and Hoseok's head pops out from the behind it. "Jungkook? Mom wants to talk to you." Jungkook sighs before getting up and walking out the door, leaving me here wondering what I could've said to him.



On that same day mom gave us a notice saying that we'll be leaving in one week. Well that one week did eventually come so here we are, all packing out luggage and getting for our first school to start. Dad's supposed to drive us to the drop off, so we all waited quietly for his arrival. The front door opens revealing our Appa "There you guys are...are all your things ready?" We all nod and he smiles slightly "Good...well, let's get going. We wouldn't want to be late, right?" Hoseok was the only one who nodded, the rest of us were just zoned out. Before we could leave mom pulls me to the side "Shizuka...we aren't doing this to frighten you...this whole thing with the school..it's for your own good." I nod my head "I know mom...but I wish you could've just told us instead of waiting for the last minute." She was about to say something else but dad interrupts "Song Yi, it's now or never. " mom nods and looked me in the eye "About your brothers...take care of them..please." I don't understand what she's so scared about....but I nod anyway.  "Alright mom. I promise."



The car ride was painfully awkward. Nobody said a single word, which is pretty strange considering how wild and crazy we can be. Dad didn't even say anything as he just continued to drive to who knows where...until finally the car went to a halt "Here we are." Dad said as he looks out the window. All of us simultaneously look out our own windows and we see...a train station?


               *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *     *    *

"Is this real?" Yoongi says as he eyes the station in disgust "Are we seriously gonna take a train to our school?...What is this,  Harry Potter?"  Dad gave us our tickets and left, not even saying a goodbye or anything. But that's usually how he is. A man of few words. "Oh but come on, this won't be so bad! Riding train can be fun!" Hoseok says with a smile. 

"Yeah...remember that time where we had to go to Soviet Russia and had to fist fight an ex mafia gang...on top of a moving train? Yup....that was SOO much fun..." Jungkook says sarcastically. Seokjin slaps the back of his head "Enough from you! He's just trying to lighten the mood!" 

"I don't know guys..what if they make us..I mean, make me kill somebody?" Jimin asked fearfully.

 "Well, it's bound to happen anyway." Yoongi says with a shrug "you can't keep hiding from what you gotta do." Yoongi was right though. Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook are gonna have to eventually learn how to kill sooner later. Like Yoongi said, they can't keep hiding forever. Jungkook scoffed and looked away "let's just find the stupid train and get it over with." 

I sigh "it says it's on platform 6...this is platform 4 so it should be close by.



"Admit it, we're lost aren't we?" Taehyung asked. "Shut up...we're fine." I mumble as I recheck the map once again. "You've been looking at it for the past 15 minutes, Shizuka." Tae whines. "We clearly have no idea where to go."  Suddenly the map is taken out of my hands by Namjoon as he reads through it. "..it says that it should be here..but...where?" For some reason, the platforms skipped 6. It went from 1-9 but 6 was nowhere to be found. "Maybe...maybe Yoongi's right!" Hoseok gasps and we all turn and give him an odd look "err...what do you mean?" I ask slowly. "What if this IS like Harry Potter?? What if the platform isn't here because there's a secret passage that we have to take to get there!" Some of us laughed at the idea, while others rolled their eyes. "Hate to break it to you Hoseok, but magic isn't real." Yoongi says as he takes one last glance around the station. Well, to be honest what if he's right? What if there's a secret passage? And if there is how can we find it? And why did they not give us a freaking set of instructions on how to get there? "That's it...I'm gonna ask for directions."

"NO!" The seven yelled at the same time. "Well it's the only option we got left!" I spat. "We could just tell mom and dad that the train left without us." Jungkook suggested. "Jungkook, come on. You know that isn't an option." Seokjin says. Ignoring the protest of the others, I walk up to the front desk/receptionist. The lady smiles widely at me, it seemed so worn out and fake "Hello Miss, how can I help you?" She says ever so sweetly. "Yeah, I was wondering if you could tell me where Platform 6 is?" Her smile disappeared for a microsecond but went back to normal "I'm sorry...there's no such thing as platform 6." I narrow my eyes at her 'sure there isn't..'  I thought. I take in a deep breath "Look, I know you know exactly what I'm talking about so how about you just cut the act and tell me where the stupid train is so I can get to this stupid school." She stares at me for a minute before answering "...Very well." She says softly, yet sharply.  "..Are there any other people with you?" I nod my head "My seven brothers over there." I say as I point to them. The girl gives me an odd look "you have seven brothers..?"

I chuckle a bit "yeah I know, unbelievable right?" The woman frowns but quickly shakes it off "OK then...well, please follow me." She opened the front door so I could pass through the back room that she had just opened. I look over to the seven and motion for them to come over. Reluctantly they do as I say "You should be thanking me by now." I say as we go through the back door the woman told us to go through. "Yeah whatever.." Jungkook says, clearly dissapointed that he still has to go.  

I'm gonna be completely honest when I say this; I'm not easy to impress. If you wanna impress me with something, you gotta do something pretty damn worth remembering. 

But...I'm not sure why but..I literally felt my jaw drop when we all went through that tiny little door. When the door was closed it looked like a regular broom closet, but inside was another station! How weird is that? Only this station was a bit different. The trains back there came in a few different colors, such as blue, brown and a yellowish color. This train was solid black, not a single hint of color was seen on it. The platform was also a lot bigger than the others, not to mention that the people were also different. Just like everything else in the platform, they all wore solid colors. It felt odd seeing kids that were precisely around my age walk around the station, knowing that they're going to the same place as me. Knowing that their lives are the same as mine. As ours.

"Wow..." I heard Jimin say from behind me. "This.." Namjoon started "This is.."

"So cool!" Hoseok exclaims as he runs past us, and goes into the train "Hoseok wait! Aish, he couldn't even wait. " Yoongi says as he looks around the place "...Now or never I guess." He says as  he follows Hoseok. "Well...maybe this school won't be so bad..I mean, we've already gone this far." Tae said with a shrug as he then quickly runs off after Hoseok and Yoongi to get on the train. "You see guys? It'll be fun! Think about it, you guys all wanted to go to school before right?" Seokjin says as he walks down the steps slowly to get to train. Namjoon sighs "Hopefully we stay outta too much trouble."

"Yeah...but I think we'll be just fine." Jimin says hopefully.Then those two walked down the steps and joined the others, leaving me and Kookie at a loss of words. "Well.." I take in a deep breath "You ready?" 

"No." He says immediately. He looks completely scared, which I found absolutely adorable. "Me neither." I say as take his hand in mine, and he gives it a tight squeeze. "Come on, we don't wanna be left behind do we?" I say with a smirk. He nods his head with a small yet faint smile "Yeah...I guess not." 

"Hurry it up you two!! The train's gonna leave in 5 minutes." Seokjin exclaimed. "Plus, you gotta check out these cup holders!! They're like the coolest thing ever!!" I heard Tae yell. Me and Kookie roll our eyes and follow our idiot brothers down the steps, Wondering how much our lives are gonna change.


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Infiredpotato #1
Chapter 4: I'm really excited for this! You're doing really well!!! I love this story!!!! Im anticipating the chapters to come:) keep writing! I'm enjoying it
Chapter 3: Love the name of the school. Finishing Academy. Seems so appropriate! And new reader here, anticipating the new chapters to come!
Infiredpotato #3
Chapter 2: YESSSSSSSSS YOURE CONTINUING!!! I'm so excited!!! I like this story plot! :) you're doing a wonderful job. Keep going! ^_^
Infiredpotato #4
Chapter 1: Haha why am I the only commenting XD you have a good plot going for you. I like this:) I'm not evil or anything, I just like these type of stories. You're doing really good ^_^ thank you for updating!
Infiredpotato #5
I'm not sure if you're gonna continue this, but you've got a brilliant plot here. I know it seems odd of me to say this, but I really like the idea of this. I know I'm way too late XD but this story sounds intriguing. :)