
Finishing Academy

When you do something bad for the sake of doing something good, would that make us a good or bad person?


The car went to a stop in front of the tall dark building as the rain started shooting down like bullets from the sky. " Do we really have to be here? I see no point in this." I glance at her and chuckle " Unfortunately, yes. What seems to be the problem dear? This isn't the first time we've done this. " she yawns softly " I know..forgive me for that...but I can't help it, I was having a nap and I barely slept at all."

" Is that so? "I said, raising my brow. She smirks at me " Of course, women always need their beauty sleep, I must keep a good appearance."

" Your beautiful enough, what more must you have? "

" Oh, are you flirting with me? Miahne, but I highly doubt now's the right time for that." She teases. I grab my wife's hand and kiss it "Of course my dear. Would you like it if I went in myself and you stay here and continue your ' Beauty sleep' ? "

" And let you have all the fun? I don't think so~ " 

"Then let us be off, we must not keep them waiting any longer." I say as I open the car door and extend my hand out to her. She grabs it and we make our way to the front door where the guards are waiting for us.


" Ah, it's a real pleasure to have both Mr. And Mrs. Lee here with us! I am very honored. " When we entered the office a big chubby man in a plain black suit greeted us as he shook each of our hands, he had a very red face that resembled a tomato. "Yes, Thank you for inviting us to visit your company, Park Jongwoon-ssi. I believe this is the first time you have seen my wife, allow me to introduce her to you. This is Lee Song Yi. " Song Yi bows her head and smiles " It's nice to meet you Jongwoon-ssi. "

" Yes..." Jongwoon says shakingly as he bites his lip and eyes her up and down " Anyway...shall we sit and talk business? " He ushers us to our seats as he sits at the seat across from us. "Are you hungry? would you like any refreshments? " Song Yi nods her head " Thank you, Do you have any Jasmine tea? That would be lovely right about now."

" Of course! " He says loudly as he snaps his fingers and his female assistant that was in the back of the room gets up and exits the room to fetch the tea. " Now.." Jongwoon says as lays back in his chair " about that investment that we talked about over the phone-"

" Actually.." I intervene. " I was hoping that you would talk about your business more." Jongwoon frowns at that " You want to know more about my business? There's not much else to say..Well, here at WOOLY'S We have the finest silk-" I laugh a little " No, no, no I meant your real business. " I say. He stares wide eyed at me for a few seconds " er...real business? I'm sorry I-I don't understand...this..this is my real business-"

" I'm talking about your business, Jongwoon-ssi. " I say softly. " Why, this one is merely a cover up for the real deal isn't it?" Jongwoon's very red face has now turned into a pale white color and his hands are shaking, he seems to be having trouble processing the situation. Song Yi puts her hand on my shoulder "Jaesuk I don't think he understands Why we're here. Should we just tell him now? " Jongwoon slowly gets to his feet and stares at us in anger " You two...just who are you? "

" Hm? Didn't we introduced ourselves a little while ago? Surely you know who we are."

" What is it that you know? " he says sternly. " We know enough." Song Yi says calmly as she looks him in the eye. " I don't know why you look so surprised Jongwoon-ssi, you should've known this would happen eventually. "

" You have a large number of es that are 'employed' by you." I say as a matter of factly. " How did you manage to get so many? Did you Traffic them? Force them into it? Whatever it is I have to congratulate you, you've done this for three and a half years without the slightest suspicion from anybody! Your pretty good...but nothing to brag about really." Jongwoon clutches his fists " What is it that you want? "

" From you? " I ask " Nothing. What can you give us? We're just here to do our jobs. " Jongwoon steps back slowly to where his office phone is. " And what might that be?...Are You here to take me to prison? "

" Oh no we're not taking you to prison, but your welcome to guess again! " Song Yi says as she crosses her legs. She had a very calm and gently expression, but she gave off such an intimidating aura it was hard to ignore. Jongwoon just stared at us, waiting for some kind of explanation. But then he just started to laugh, not like a crazy person, but it was dark. " So? You think you have me all figured out huh? Well then answer me this, where are the s now? You can check all over the building and check our data base, your not gonna find anybody! " Song Yi rolls her eyes " We know your smart enough to know not to put any information about your escorts in this company's data base, you'd obviously put it somewhere more private..." She glances at Jungwoon and smirks "...maybe in a private laptop that's password protected and that you keep at home. And about where your escorts are...please, we know you keep them in a private land of property back in Incheon and that every few weeks a truck comes over and drops off a couple of women. "

" How is it that you know all this!? " Jongwoon barks as his face turns into a unnatural purple color. I shake my head " Have you ever heard of the expression, ' A magician never reveals their secrets' ? " I ask. " Unfortunately the same applies here."

" You still didn't answer my other question...What are you going to do with me? " He says between grit teeth. " Well.." I sigh as I lean back in my chair. " To put it bluntly, we're going to kill you." Immediately after that he picks up the phone " GUARDS, GET UP HERE RIGHT THIS-" but when he hears nothing on the other line he notices the cable is cut " I'm afraid your guards won't be of much help now.." Song Yi says " After all, they have their own problem right now.." Jongwoon quickly scrambles to his assistant's desk and hits the buzzer repeatedly " Minji! Minji call the police and get the guards up here immediately! Yah, are you listening-"

" No, she isn't~." Song Yi says in a singy songy voice " but don't worry,  my son is taking care of her as of right now." Then, right on time ( as usual ) the door opens revealing Yoongi, Namjoon and Shizuka. " My My, that was quick." Song Yi chirps as she stares lovingly at her children. " We took care of the guards." Namjoon says. " Jimin should be up in a sec."

" Who are you people!? " Jongwoon yells, obviously pissed. " Your asking all the wrong questions dude." Yoongi says with his arms crossed. Jaesuk turns to them " Where are the others? "

" Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook went to Incheon after we sent them the coordinates of where the drop off is. They should be getting everybody out right about now." Shizuka, my youngest and only daughter said. Yoongi looks at Jongwoon

" What about him? What's taking so long? Just kill the dude already so we can get this over with, I'm tired as .."

" When are you not tired.." Namjoon mumbles and Yoongi glares at him and mumbles something under his breath. " Monsters..." Jongwoon mumbles as his back hits the wall and he slides down to the ground " Your just a family of cold blooded monsters! Your actually gonna murder me? That makes you no different from what I've done! "

" Well that may be so.." Shizuka says as she walks up to him and grabs him by the collar " But pimps like really disgusts us." She throws him against the wall and walks over to Yoongi, tossing him what appeared to be a gun. " W-Wait!? P-Please...I-I have a family they..they can't live without me! "

" Oh I doubt that."  Jaesuk says. " Nice try though."

" But..without me they'll- "

" No offense.." Namjoon interrupts. " But I doubt anybody will miss you." And just like that the sound of the gun echoes through the room.         _______________________________________

This was probably trash right? Yeah...IDEK Where this came from..I really had an urge to write it so..yeah. Anyway, comment what you think about it!

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Infiredpotato #1
Chapter 4: I'm really excited for this! You're doing really well!!! I love this story!!!! Im anticipating the chapters to come:) keep writing! I'm enjoying it
Chapter 3: Love the name of the school. Finishing Academy. Seems so appropriate! And new reader here, anticipating the new chapters to come!
Infiredpotato #3
Chapter 2: YESSSSSSSSS YOURE CONTINUING!!! I'm so excited!!! I like this story plot! :) you're doing a wonderful job. Keep going! ^_^
Infiredpotato #4
Chapter 1: Haha why am I the only commenting XD you have a good plot going for you. I like this:) I'm not evil or anything, I just like these type of stories. You're doing really good ^_^ thank you for updating!
Infiredpotato #5
I'm not sure if you're gonna continue this, but you've got a brilliant plot here. I know it seems odd of me to say this, but I really like the idea of this. I know I'm way too late XD but this story sounds intriguing. :)