Out to Lunch

Five Guys and an Exchange Student

When the hour was over, everyone got up to leave. “So what’s your next class?” Onew asked casually.

“Oh, Mondays are really light for me, since it’s just Mandarin,” I told him.

“Really? That’s great,” he said happily. “You know, I’m getting a bit hungry. Wanna go out for lunch?” My mind went on overload. He’s probably just asking you ask a friend, I reasoned, so don’t get your hopes up.But this was too good of a chance to let go. Plus, I was getting rather hungry myself.

 “Definitely,” I answered. Onew’s expression was elated and relieved. How cute. His feelings are like an open book. “Great,” he grinned. “I know an amazing place nearby. Let’s go!”

So I followed him to a little restaurant right by the campus. When we walked in, the place was crowded with students. Onew and I grabbed the last table and sat down quickly. We ordered our food and chatted for a bit, until someone interrupted us.

“Oh hello Onew hyung.” Minho’s face was stony. “And Mihyun. At first I thought you forgot to text me, but I understand now. Sorry for bothering you.” Oh my god, I completely forgot about Minho and English! This is really awkward. Onew’s cheerful presence was making me forgetful. “I’m really sorry, Minho sunbae,” I began, but at that moment a new person arrived. He had the prettiest face and hair I’d seen on any guy without looking feminine. I made a mental note to get my hair cut like his next time I went to the salon. Onew certainly has a very y group of friends.

“Hey hyungs,” he said happily. I saw Onew silently pleading with him out of the corner of my eye. Why, I wasn’t quite sure. “Who’s this?” The new guy winked at Onew.

“This is Jang Mihyun, my Mandarin classmate,” Onew said. “Mihyun, this is my friend Taemin.”

“Hi, noona.” Taemin smiled and bowed. He’s so cute and happy, I kind of want to pinch his cheeks. Not in a grandmotherly way or anything. He’d be the perfect kind of best friend.

“He’s very friendly,” Onew added. Friendly enough to call me noona at first sight. He shot another meaningful glance at Taemin, whose eyes widened in understanding. “Say, Minho,” Taemin winked at Onew, “don’t we have a training session for dance today?” They dance?!?! Holy freaking cow. They’re like pop stars. “I think we’d better leave now. You know how long it takes to get to the studio sometimes. Come on,” he tugged on Minho’s arm, and Minho followed him reluctantly out of the shop. “Bye, hyung and noona!” Taemin called happily.

“Your dongsaeng Taemin is so cute,” I laughed. Onew breathed a sigh of relief. “So what’s up between you and Minho?”

Uh-oh, I knew this was coming. But I figured telling the truth would seem a lot less suspicious than making some excuse. “He showed me to my class this morning and asked if I would help him in English since I’m from the States. Only I forgot to text him.” Onew nodded.

“Is that all?” he asked.

“Basically,” I replied.

“Well,” Onew began, “I was going to ask if you could help me in Chinese.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise. Why did I feel so guilty thinking about Onew and Minho at the same time? “I don’t see why I can’t do both of you.” Onew raised his eyebrows ever so slightly and frowned. Shoot that sounded wrong. “For tutoring,” I added quickly. Luckily, the waitress came and brought our food, so all our attention focused on ramen instead.

“That was an amazing meal,” I said to Onew as we left the restaurant.

“Yeah,” he said cheerfully. Somehow his happiness was contagious, because I’d been feeling a little giddy. “I have to go to class now, but do you want to meet up again tonight?”

This is way too much to have hoped for. “Sure, text me when and where, okay?” Onew pulled out his phone. “What’s your number?” he asked.

Go Mihyun, I thought. “010-7711-3448.”

“Okay then, see you tonight!” Onew waved cheerfully. I giggled as he bumped into someone while walking backwards and still waving. He’s so cute. Smart, nice, funny, and works out too. Plus he doesn’t seem like the overly creepish kind. Everything I look for in a guy. Then I remembered Minho’s study session. I didn’t want him to think I hated him, so I texted him: When do you want to meet at the library?

How about now? he replied. So I walked to the campus library.


:O what will happen to her at the library with minho?!? find out in the next chapter!

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update soon~!^^
update soon :(((
NinjaXD #3
awwww ;D<br />
Taemin so cute ^.^