He Is Just 'Work'

Crossing the line

"Hey, we're ba..." Jin opened the door but stopped at the scene on the couch. The other members pushed each other to get a view of what made Jin speechless.

"Yeah..he fell asleep here. What are you staring at?" Jungkook said, annoyed by his bandmates reactions. Back to reality they started to do their stuff. Some went up to their rooms. Some to the kitchen or the bathroom. They knew better than to ask an obviously annoyed maknae if he and Jimin made up or something. They were too tired to deal with his y mood right now.

"Jimin wake up. Theyre back." he pushed Jimins feet a bit to wake the boy up. He was pissed of. Mostly about himself. Why had he let the others catch him in such a situation? He should have just stayed in his room. He should have not told Jimin to stay here. Now the others would ask questions sooner or later. And he really did not want to answer them. He wanted to safe his disrespecting behaviour towards Jimin. Because its easier that way. Jungkook was not the type to talk about his feelings. He was a genius in playing superficial. He could be the funny maknae and having fun. He could even cry, in front of the cameras. But thats it. Talk about his feelings or problems to his bandmates off cam, taht was not him.

Jimin opened his eyes, realising that he fell asleep. "Oh my god...what..." he slowly sat up rubbing his eyes and glanced over to Jungkook who was staring at the TV. He noticed voices in the kitchen behind him and turned around. He looked back to a emotionless Jungkook who was still not paying attention before walking over to the kitchen with a familiar dissapointment in his chest.

With a mouth full of sweets Jimin came back "Want some?" he smiled and handed Jungkook some chocolate. Not even looking at the boy before him Jungkook stood up and walked straight to his room.

Jimins smile disapeared while he just stood there not sure if he should be shocked of that. This is what he was used to right? The offer to stay that the maknae made earlier was an exception, this stormy leaving was normalicy. Jimin sat down on the couch pretending to watch TV trying not to show his hurt. We're back to normalcy, he thought.


"Okay! I want you to do this again! Yoongi, seems like you need it! GO!" the dance instructer shouted while starting the song again. They have been practicing some new steps and Yoongi just couldnt get the order in his head. All sweaty and totally exhausted, the dance instructer cut the practice for today and damn, they were pretty thankful. The boys layed down on the cold ground and tried to calm down.

"I'm...sorry..." Yoongi tried to catch his breath "It's okay...I needed...the extra round...too." Namjoon smiled at him before closing his eyes again.

Jin sat up and took a sip from his bottle while checking his phone. "Ehm..guys, ive been invited to a privat house party." he said looking at his bandmates. "Oh thats cool. You wanna go there? Where is it?" Taehyung asked. "Its an old friend of mine. We havent talked for years." Jin said while looking back at the message. "How about....we all go there? We havent any work tomorrow. It could be fun to be in company with new faces." "Hey, does that mean youre tired of our faces, hyung?" Taehyung pouted and hit his hyungs arm. "Of course not. You know what i mean." the oldest stated smiling.

As they arrived at the said house party, a really handsome man opened the door and smiled brightly. Loud music and peoples talking could be heared. "Woah, Jin maaaaan!" the young man called and put Jin into a hug. "Long time no see! I'm glad you came." he let go of the vocal as he spoted the 6 boys behind his friend "Oh man. You....ah...came with your.....army?" he asked with a suspicious look and a confused smile. "Haha no." Jin laughed "theyre my bandmates. You just never met them before. But i told you about them, remember?" "Ah okay okay. I see. Well, welcome everybody. Lets have some fun." he said and winked at Jimin with a smirk on his lips. The young man then wraped an arm around Jins shoulders and guided the group of boys into the place of fun.

Jungkook had noticed the wink from the stranger and the slight blush on Jimins face that he was still secretly glancing at. What the hell was that? He thought to himself.

After sometime the members were splited to different corners. TaeHyung was talking to a very good looking girl. Jin and the houseowner were talking about old times. Hoseok and Namjoon were rockin' the dance floor like two dorks and Yoongi was chilling on the couch boucing his head to the beat. Jimin was standing in a corner with a drink in his hands watching Hoseok and Namjoon, totally embaressed for his hyungs. Jungkook was sitting at the bar with a drink aswell observing the people. Suddenly someone caught his eye.

The houseowner made his way over to Jimin "Hey, having fun?" he asked smiling at the smaler boy. Jimin turned his gaze to him and noded "Yeah, thank you. I just cant believe what the two over there are doing." he laughed and shook his head in embaressment before taking a sip of his drink "Haha yah. But they seem to be happy." Jimin noded again as the man made him look back at him "What are you drinking?" he asked. Jimin looked down in his glas then back to the other "Just a coke. Why?" the man smirked like before at the door "I think we should get you something else." with that he grabed Jimins wrist and took him over to the bar.

Jungkook sat there, watching the scene while slowly getting annoyed again. He followed Jimin and the man with his eyes and sipped his drink. "What the hell do you think youre doing there mister!?" suddenly Jin shouted with an angry look on his face while he grabed the glas out of the maknaes hands befor he could even drink. Jin sniffed on the liquid "What is this? I truly hope for you that its just a coke. Otherwise, i swear to you i will..." "God, hyung, calm down. Thats just a coke. Stop shouting around like an Omma!" Jungkook said embaressed trying to hide from the strange looks of the other guests around him before snapping back his glas. "Yeah i hope so." Jin warned.

"What were you staring at?" he asked trying to follow the maknaes gaze. "Nothin..." Jungkook hissed and took another sip. "Are you watching HIM?" Jin said now in a calm, comforting voice

"No..." the younger boy utterd not realising that he was still staring at the couple that laughed and smiled at eatch other talking about something.

What the are they laughing about? They dont even know each other! That flirting.... off!

Just then Jungkook noticed another feeling building up in his chest. It was different than the annoyance he usualy felt . That was something that made him angry and hurt at the same time. He never felt that way before. Everytime he started to, he always managed to skip that kind of feelings very fast. Why is it not working now? Was it that thing called jealousy maybe? NO!! Never!! Thats not it! What should he be jaleous about? Jimin and his new friend? NO! Isnt it better that way? Keeping Jimin away from him? Yes, that is definitely a better solousion than to talk with him about 'feelings'! Then why is it so hard to see Jimin talking to someone else, maybe flirting with someone who is interested in him? Hes just a bandmate! Just a bandmate, he is just 'work'.

Jungkooks thoughts were flying around in his head and he couldnt get control of them. He could not order them. He always managed to handle his feelings and thoughts by himself. He was always in control. Its not the first time he saw Jimin with someone beeing close. Jimin was close with everyone. With Taehyung. With Hoseok. With Yoongi. It never was a big deal. So why is it different now?

The housowner spoted Jin standing with Jungkook and walked over to them, Jimin beside him. "Heeeeey, everybodys having fun?" he asked with a huge grin looking at Jungkook and Jin.

"Yeah....so much fun!" Jungkook hissed with a harsh look in his eyes before standing up from his chair. "Thanks for invitation. I gotta go." he stated making a short eyecontact with a confused Jimin before making his way out.

"Kookie, the van is not here. Where are you going?!" Jin shouted behind the boy but that didnt make him stop.

"I will check on him." Jimin said putting his glas on the bar and leaving the two perplexed men behind.

Grabing his and Jungkooks jacket he walked out of the house closing the door. Looking to all directions he spoted the maknae walking down the street, not to far yet. Jimin started walking after him.

"Jungkook wait." he shouted. Jungkook recognized the voice and walked on.

Finally catching up Jimin walked in front of the younger to make him stop. "Here. Its cold." he handed him the jacked he brought. Jungkook grabbed it and passed Jimin, walking on.

"Where are you going? We're one hour away from home." Jimin said following the younger.

"I dont care" Jungkook mumbled "and stop following me!"

"I will not let you get lost here alone."

"Better alone than with you!" Jungkook hissed and kept walking.

It hurt. A lot. But Jimin was used to it. So he kept following the other. He wished, he could just turn around and go back to the others having fun and talking to the nice man he met tonight. But he couldnt. He couldnt let the other get into dangers or something worse. He was his hyung.

After some minutes of silently walking god knows where, Jungkook stopped and turned to face his bandmate.

Jimin also stopped, creating a distance between them and waiting for something to happen.

"Why are you still following me? I said i dont want you here!" Jungkook hissed and locked eyes with the other male.

"I'm not going to leave my bandmate alone in the dark in a strange city." Jimin said surprised by his own confidence.

"Bandmate..." Jungkook whispered mainly to himself than to Jimin. The thoughts of earlier popped into his mind again.

.....Hes just a bandmate! Just a bandmate, he is just 'work'......

"I'm just work to you..." Jungkook whispered not realising that he actually said that thought out loud enough for Jimin to hear. Snapping back to reality he noticed a confused Jimin still staring at him. He broke the eyecontact trying to escape the others stare. He turned around with the intention to walk on again before he felt a grab on his wrist that stopped him.

"Did you....just really said that you....are just work to me?" Jimin asked in disbelieve.

. Jungkooks heart skipped a beat.








Weeeeelll! Yaass! I finally updated that!

Its so difficult for me to write that because of my lack of english words. :(

But i will continue because i really love JiKook so much and i wanna make that a great story full of Loooooove xD

I'm sorry if the story sounds strange because of my language. I would love to read your comments to that.

Please tell me if there is something wrong so i can work on it and me ^^.

Thank you <3





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luvarin #1
Chapter 5: Next chapter author-nim.. cant wait.. :).. your english is just fine.. no worry.. fighting. (^O^)/
belinha1045 #2
Chapter 5: Kyaaaa
Can't wait for the next chapter*--*
Chapter 5: Oh god, this was so cute >.<
belinha1045 #4
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhhhh
Finally kookie!
Jimin he is not playing with youuu!!!
Can't wait for more*-*
jikookjikook #5
Chapter 4: FinallyJungkookie!! >.<
Update juseyo :)
faith3_13 #6
Chapter 4: This last chapter was awesome, finally Jungkook opened his mouth, hopefully things go well from now on.
Chapter 4: We like your story because it is really great!!
Thank you for the update, it was great!
belinha1045 #8
Chapter 3: I'm really liking this >.<
Can't wait for the next chap*-*
Chapter 3: Come on, Jungkook..just admit that..the truth that you're falling for your bandmate...hey author-nim, your english is better than me so it's okay o_< can't wait for the next update~
Chapter 3: Great chapter! Just like the other ones :D
I find your English to be quite good but if it "bothers" you, why not get a beta reader or something like that?