
Crossing the line

Jimin slowly made his way over to the maknae never breaking eye contact.

Jungkook knew Jimin could be strong and forcefull if he wanted to. He stepped back a few

steps until his back hit the mirror. Trying to avoid the eye contact with the boy that came closer.

He started to play with his phone that he was holding "No idea what youre talking about" he said still

watching down on his phone pretending to check some more important things.

"I'm used to your stupid comments towards me. But lately it seems like youre really hating me. Why?"

Jimin stopped before the other male creating a save distance between them. He didn't wanted to force Jungkook

or frighten him. So he just stood there waiting for an answer that he wont get.

Jungkook still staring at his phone screen had no idea what to say, what to answer. He knew he couldnt be honest to Jimin.

He could not find the confindence to tell Jimin the reason why he was that cold to him.

After a few minutes of waiting and hoping Jimin just turned around and without a word he walked over to his bag. He started packing up his stuff getting ready to leave.

When Jimin made his way over to the door Jungkook lifted his head "The van is away. How do you wanna get home?" Jimin stopped just before the door, not turning around "Why the would you care about that..." then he left.

Now Jungkook knew that he had gone to far...


After some days of sheldules and interviews the group had finally a day off again.

"So what are we going to to today?" Taehyung asked with mouth full with breakfast.

"Maybe we can go just hanging out in the city?" Hoseok said sending Jimin a questioning and worried look.

Of course everyone noticed that something between the maknaes and they tried to cheer them up but no success.

"Ah, no. I think i just wanna watch TV here guys. But you can go and buy me something." Jimin said with an obvious fake smile on his lips.

An hour later everyone except Jimin was ready to go.

"Hey, where is Kookie?" Jin asked scanning the room.

"I'll check on him." Hoseok went up to Jungkooks room and opened the door

"Jungkook-ah are you ready to go? We're waiting." he asked the maknae who was styling his hair infront of his mirror.

"Ah sorry hyung. I'm not going with you. I'll meet a friend in an hour. Sorry i forgot to tell you." Jungkook said and smiled over to Hoseok. "Oh...Okay, well, have fun then. Message me if you need something." "Yup, thanks."

After the members left the dorm Jimin made his way over to the couch layed down with a snack and switched on the TV. Some minutes had passed when Jimin heared something in the hallway. He turned his head. Jungkook was about to put on his sneakers and his jacket. Jimin was surprised to see the maknae since he thought all the members had left but he decited not to ask Jungkook why he was still here and where he wanted to go to.

While searching for his jacket Jungkook heared the sound of KKT from his phone. He opened it

Hey Kookie

I'm sorry i totally forgot our meeting today.

I'm 2 hours away from home...think we should find another day?

"Great! that..." annoyed Jungkook stamped back to his room slamming the door shut leaving a confused Jimin back.

About three hours later Jimin started to feel the hunger coming. He went over to their kitchen and prepared some kimchi. Then suddenly Jungkook popped into his mind again. He must be hungry too, he thought. Jimin wasnt a person who could be mad at someone for to long even if this someone is the cause of the hurt feeling in his chest. He was still his hyung right? So he has to take care right?

Jimin made his way up to the maknaes room and knocked. No answer. He decited to get in. He scanned the room and found Junkook laying on his bed, face down in the pillow. Unsure what to do he felt his heartbeat raising up and took a few steps inside the room. He stopped in front of Jungkooks bed "Hey...w-wanna eat?" he asked.

Jungkook turned to face the owner of the voice "What to eat?" he asked and rubbed his eyes as if he just woke up.

"I-I made some kimchi." Jimin said while stepping back a little. He knew it was nothing special to be happy about but at that moment he could jump around smiling because that was a sort of a normal conversation with the maknae after weeks of fighting and ignoring each other.

Back down both took a seat on the couch with a cup full of kimchi watching some random drama. With a raicing heartbeat Jimin dared to make another try to talk to the other even if its totally nonsence.

"You wanna watch some other stuff?" he asked and reached out to give Jungkook the remote. Their eyes met and Jimin couldnt but smiling at the boy that slowly grabbed the remote from him.

How long havent they looked each other in the eyes? It was too long, Jungkook noticed. Even if he was the first who broke eye contact, he couldnt deny the warm feeling in his chest. With a smile he started zapping through the channels.

After they finnished their food Jimin grabbed his glas with coke from the living room table and started to leave towards his room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jungkook asked. At that Jimin turned around with a confused look in his eyes " I-ehm...I...up to my room. So you can watch your stuff here." he said eyes down on his feet. Just when he started to walk on, Jungkook spoke again.

"Sit here" he pointed at the place beside him eyes on TV.

"But...I..." Jimin tried to find words.

"Just. Sit here." Jungkook repeated imperiously facing the other now and Jimin thought he saw a smile on the maknaes face. An almost unvisible one, but a smile.









Sooo! Yess! I finally updated this.

I'm really sorry if this story is kinda boring but, i like it when things are going on slow, you know ;)

Like love needs time and stuff....i want it to be reallife like ^^







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luvarin #1
Chapter 5: Next chapter author-nim.. cant wait.. :).. your english is just fine.. no worry.. fighting. (^O^)/
belinha1045 #2
Chapter 5: Kyaaaa
Can't wait for the next chapter*--*
Chapter 5: Oh god, this was so cute >.<
belinha1045 #4
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhhhh
Finally kookie!
Jimin he is not playing with youuu!!!
Can't wait for more*-*
jikookjikook #5
Chapter 4: FinallyJungkookie!! >.<
Update juseyo :)
faith3_13 #6
Chapter 4: This last chapter was awesome, finally Jungkook opened his mouth, hopefully things go well from now on.
Chapter 4: We like your story because it is really great!!
Thank you for the update, it was great!
belinha1045 #8
Chapter 3: I'm really liking this >.<
Can't wait for the next chap*-*
Chapter 3: Come on, Jungkook..just admit that..the truth that you're falling for your bandmate...hey author-nim, your english is better than me so it's okay o_< can't wait for the next update~
Chapter 3: Great chapter! Just like the other ones :D
I find your English to be quite good but if it "bothers" you, why not get a beta reader or something like that?