First Business Day

One-Third Cat

First Business Day



I wish I can die in a hole right now. Please. All my hard work was in that USB. I still kind of remember how each song goes. But I had everything prepared. TT^TT Help me.


I just played with the mixer to test it out. Everything was fine. Except that… I DON’T HAVE MY USB! God dammit…


“Tomorrow’s going to be the first day, so I want you to play tomorrow. Okay?” Mr. Son walked in.


“Tomorrow? But the next day is going to be school!” I tried to create an excuse.


Mrs. Son went next to her husband, “Since when did you care about school?”


“Oh…” Yeah, I never did care about school. “I’ll play tomorrow.” I guess I’ll use my other USB. All the songs there were created a long time ago. I was ready with my newer mixes. I feel like crying.


“I have great expectations! I put out a good word out to the media to watch out for DJ Sky.”


If you didn’t get the memo, then you will now. Yes, I am Sky. I got that stage name with the meaning of my birth name. Haneul means “sky”. So end of story. Back to reality...


“Don’t be nervous. You’ll do great as usual.” He reassured. But  didn’t get any comfort what-so-ever.


Don’t expect from me. I am not ready at all.



After testing out the mixer and checking the place out, Nayeon and I went back to our penthouse. I punched the code into the lock and the penthouse entrance opened.


I threw my purse onto the leather couch and stood in front of the nearest wall. I placed both of my hands flat on the wall and started banging my head on it.


“Hannie! Stop it! You’re hurting yourself!”


No Sherlock. You think hitting my head against the wall is not painful? I rolled my eyes as she pried me away from the wall.


“What’s wrong?”


I thought, Everything.


I placed my hand on my hurting head, “I lost my USB.”




“Nayeon… That thing had 32 full gigabytes of music for the club.”




“I worked on that mix for the past 3 years. I wanted to use it for the new club…” I felt like pounding my head against the wall again. But the sudden throbbing of it told me otherwise as I clutched my forehead.


“Don’t you have other USBs?” She patted my shoulder.


“Yeah. I have like 5 more. One is with the old stuff and the other 4 are empty. There’s a difference.” I sighed and stood up. “If you’re looking for me, just don’t. Imma be working on remixing the old music.”


I guess. I’m staying up all night.




It’s already 8 in the morning and I’m still at the computer putting all the files together. I pushed my glasses up for the umpteenth time in the past 10 hours. I was supposed to be sleeping for those hours.


At least all the song I have now sound fresh. I want to sleep.


But I can’t. Stupid father summoned me. Why today out of all of the days?


It better not be a public event, because I am not going like this. I received a call from the devil himself.


“Yobeoseyo?” I probably sounded like the happiest person in the world.


Can you catch the sarcasm there? I mentally scoff.


“Haneul. Your driver is on the way to pick you up. Be ready.” I rolled my eyes.


“May I ask what the occasion it is today?” I gritted through my teeth.


“You will know when you get there. Please be presentable.” And he hung up. The last time he said that he presented me to other rich bachelors.


Ha. I know what I’m going to wear.


I stayed in the clothes I wore yesterday, leggings and a large t-shirt. I kept my glasses on cuz I know my dry eyes won’t cooperate with the contacts today.


I left the place once my phone rung. I knew that was from my driver.


“Agassi!” The driver waved at me through the open window of the car.


“Kim Ahjussi,” I spoke, entering the car, “Is this another marriage meeting.” He nodded and I groaned.


“The master said to be presentable.”


“You know how I am with these things.” I shrugged my shoulders. Ahjussi knows I’m kind of rebellious.


“This is the exact reason why he doesn’t take you to public events.”


“I never really wanted to attend those anyway.”


The talk was cut short as we arrived at the restaurant. I could see my father talking to another rich parent and an excited kid probably around my age next to the parent.


I ordered a green spinach and kale smoothie at the drinks bar.


I walk towards their table. My father turned to me with wide eyes after looking at my appearance.


You know what happened next?


I faked sneezed on the bachelor, spilling some of the smoothie. Hehe~


“Ha-” My father was about to yell my name before he stopped himself.


The young bachelor’s eyes widened and he yelled at me. “This suit is expensive! Your snot! Ew!” He pointed at some of the kale bits.


My father apologized. “I’m sorry that this happened.” He glared at me. “Kim-ssi, this lady out of here.”


“But!” I acted innocent.


“NOW!” And Kim Ahjussi brought me out.


He shook his head. “You are crazy, agassi.”


“I know.” I smiled.


I have no intentions of marrying anybody.


My father stormed into the car. “AHN HANEUL!”


“Ne~?!” I added a little aegyo.


“You blew another marriage!”


“It’s not like I wanted to get married anyways…”


“But I want you to!! Who do you even take after?” He ruffle his hair.


I glared at him, “I definitely take after eomma!”


“You shut your mouth!”


“Like hell I’ll take after you! Don’t involve me in that kind of business.”


“Well I’m re-introducing you back into the industry on your 18th birthday so get ready!” He stormed out of the car and left in his.


Great. Another public event. Can’t I just take other the throne quietly?


“Ahjussi. Take me home please.”


“Unnie, where did you go?” Nayeon asked me.


“Another marriage meeting.”


“How did it go?” She knew I despised the meetings.


“Perfect.” I smiled.


Nayeon chuckled. “What did you do this time around?”


“I ‘sneezed’ on the poor guy. But the snot was actually a smoothie.” She immediately cringed when hearing the word “sneezed”.


“Ew. But what a waste of drink!” She shook her head. “How did your father react?”


I plopped next to her on the couch. “Pissed. He said he’s planning my birthday as a public event.” I sighed.


“That mea-” I interrupted her. “Yeah. I’m going to be known again. I might as well take the company now.” I rolled my eyes and headed to my bedroom. “Imma take a nap! Wake me up at 5!”




“Misses Sky~! Wakey wakey~!”


“Nayeon…” I deadpanned as I got up from my oh-so comfortable bed.


Can I lay here forever? Please?


“Get ready! Opening day! It’s OH-PEN-NING DA-IIYY!!” She pulled me off the bed and landed on the floor.


“I’m up!” I stood. “Give me a minute and we’ll go.”


“Okay!!” She ran out of my room, slamming my door.


~A little while later~


“Are you done yet??” Nayeon kicked my door multiple times.


“Yah! Stop kicking the door! I’m almost done!” I said, putting finishing touches for my make-up.


I open the door. “Let’s go?”




I came out with a black leather jacket and jeans. Every time I work, I try to cover as much skin as possible. I don’t want any men to touch places where they’re not supposed to.


I wouldn’t let them anyway. Cuz that’s no no. I would also kick their damn asses. 5 years of taekwondo, aikido, karate, and t’ai chi has done me well. I finished my look off with light make-up, highlighting my natural facial features.


“You look hawt.” Nayeon smiled.


“So do you.” I complimented.




She wore a red and white t-shirt along with high-waisted jean shorts. Nayeon had a bronze-colored eyeshadow and bold red lipstick. She wasn’t as cautious as I was, maybe because the security would always double-check on her.


“Let’s go?” I asked again. She linked arms with me. I took the USB in my hand and placed it in my jacket pocket and zipped it up.


I will not lose this again. I swear.


With my phone in my hand, we finally exited the penthouse.


First night. Here. We. Go.




Nayeon and I walked passed the queue of people. The club hasn’t opened yet. But since word got out, I guess people really want to get in there.


“It’s not open yet. We open in 30 minutes. Go in the back of the line.” The bouncer told us.


Nayeon flip her hair and placed her hand on the bouncer’s shoulder. “Good sir. We are here early beca-” I cover .


“Let me take care of this.” I whisper. I hear murmurs from behind us since we cut both the regular line and the VIP line.


The bouncer glared at the both of us. I pull out the employee card Mr. Son gave me the previous day. The bouncer nodded and let us in. The murmurs got louder as we entered the building.


I see Mr. Son overlooking everything from the main floor. “Bartenders to your places! Electrical guy can you start the lighting now?! Waiters get to position! Oh! You guys are here? Sky, go ahead and set up.”


I nodded my head and left to go to my "den". The pathway to the DJ booth was off to the back of the club and through a small hallway. Then I turned to the door on my right and unlocked it. The small case of stairs led up to the secluded space that had my set up. I left my headphones here yesterday so they were already plugged in and ready. I took the USB from my pocket and plugged it into the laptop connected to the sound system.


“You can start playing music now, Sky. It’s five minutes before opening.” Nayeon's father called out to me and I used the laptop to click the first file, which would play for a good hour before I have to mix music live.


Let’s get this started. I clicked play and music started. The sounds of screams can be heard from outside.


I get they’re either frightened or excited. I’m going to say more of the second one.


I left my station because I didn’t want them to enter knowing I’m the DJ right off the bat. And I wanted to look out for what kind of crowd I’m pleasing.


There gonna like my music no matter what.


I pulled Nayeon with me to take the back exit outside and re-enter through the front again to look like we’re regular people too. She complied.


The doors were already open for business and people went in. Some were rejected because of their age or their attire, but in the nick of time, we arrive at the front of the line again. The bouncer gave us a confused look and we just smiled at him. And he finally let us in.


The club was filled with noise, whether it was people talking or the music blasting. Nayeon rushed into the dance floor and started to party like no other. I laughed and watched her from the sidelines. I can see two of the bodyguards making a proximity with her to keep watch.


I can also see my bodyguard a few meters away from me. I gave him a nod and he gave one back to me. I went to the bar to get a drink. Non-alcoholic of course.


I don’t do that illegal . Well… except for this job.


I order a kiddie cocktail because why the heck not. You gotta love that Sprite with cherry syrup. I turn back around with the drink in my hand and went up to the second level. The one with the VIPs.


Walking to the ledge, I checked on Nayeon. I saw her glaring at someone. That someone was being dragged away by security.


Poor guy. He wanted to get with that. I laughed, amused from the scene.


“Say…” A voice behind me spoke. “I haven’t see you around before.” A guy stood next to me, propping his elbows on the arm railings. I raised my hand up to signal the bodyguard that’ll I’ll be fine.


“Well. Today’s this club’s opening day.” I deadpanned. Duh. Is he stupid.


“That too.” He scooted closer to me, leaning in so that I can see his face. “Hi. I’m Kai.” He smirked and continued staring at me.


Or should I say ALL of me.


“Didn’t it hurt when you fell from heaven.” Another person came between us and pushed the person named Kai away. “Yah! Sehun! That’s my girl!”


I laughed. “I don’t remember being your girl, Kai-ssi. And you’re Sehun right?” The other guy nodded. “It did hurt when I fell from heaven. Thank you oh-so very much for asking!” I chodded and walked away.


I saw the two guys stare at each other questionably and started laughing. I smirked as I worked my way back to the DJ area. I grab the key in my pocket and unlocked the door so I can start playing live. I put on one headphone and grabbed the mic. I lowered the volume and started speaking.


“Is everybody enjoying tonight?” I received screams for the replies. “Good! This is all you’ve been waiting for… Wassup! I’m Sky and I will be providing the music for tonight!” Another round of screams.


“Are there some people who heard my music in Incheon?” More screams. “I want to give a few shoutouts. Thanks to the Son Company for letting me play here and some handsome VIPs who gave me a nice welcome here, Kai and Sehun!” I pointed to the two guys still at the ledge of the second floor.


The two turds laughed nervously as the spotlight shined on them. I spoke in the microphone on last time. “Let’s get started.”


Doing my magic, I clicked one music file and started adding different rhythms to it. I mixed up ll types of songs, some K-pop/K-hip hop and also American music. The beat started to get faster and faster. The crowd was starting to jump altogether, ready for the bass drop…



Only to be disappointed by a slow romantic song. The “awws” were distinguishable in the crowd. With one spin on the scratcher, the music picked up the pace once again. I drowned myself in music and I didn’t want to stop.


Let this night last forever.


UMG! I'm back es! Lol I thought about CL's song for a sec. BUT YEAH! I'm back. Sry, I kinda left you all in the dark with only the first chapter. It's almost half a year since I posted that TT^TT. I'm kinda bad at updating, but I'm in the mood to do so since the school year is nearly closing!
Can't wait to get out of this hell hole. 
I have a quick tangent on Luhan again! He got me so Excited TT^TT THIS SONG IS WAY BETTER THAN THAT GOOD GOOD! Or in my opinion it is... AND DID YOU GUYS SEE HIS TICKET SALES??!!!! SO RIDICULOUS! IF YOU DON'T KNOW, HERE IT IS:
I understand that it is a ultimate package, but $1182 dollars???? That could go to my college tuition man!!!! AND IT SOLD OUT IN 30 SECONDS!!! HOOOOWWWWWW??? 
Anyways... That's all I got! I'll update as soon as I can! Please subscribe, upvote, and/or comment if you want to! I like talking to you guys!! 
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creamycupcake #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I'm a new reader here. I like your fic and the title is unique. I hope to read more amazing update from you. Keep it up!!
Em1412 #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot line so far :) I wonder what happens next ;)