The School's Nerd

One-Third Cat

The School’s Nerd




My head was ringing loudly as I woke up the next morning. Yesterday went perfectly. I played till 3 in the morning and had to drag an exhausted Nayeon to her bed. I should’ve asked one of the bodyguards to help me. Ugh. After that, I dropped dead.


The sun shined through the window shutters brightening my room. My vision was blurry until it finally adjusted to the brightness. Oh no. Today’s the first day of school… I took my phone out of the charger and in my hand. I read the time…




Fuq… I have 20 minutes. I shot out of my bed and quickly wore my uniform. I run to place 4 pieces of toast in the toaster and then I rushed into the other room to see an unconscious Nayeon.


“Yeon-ah!” I yelled at her while shaking her shoulder. “Get up! School!”


She immediately sat up and I slapped her face lightly. “We have about 15 minutes.”


“Crap.” She flung the blanket away from herself and started changing into her yellow-and-grey color-schemed uniform. We both knew that the she needed a whole hour to get fully ready.


I quickly went back to the kitchen to pick up our toasts. I spread jam on all of them and placed them Nayeon’s in a plastic bag. She came out to the kitchen with everything ready, her hair fixed, makeup done, and uniform straightened, contradictory to what I guessed.


Seriously, how does she get ready so fast?


She took her pieces of toast and quickly put on her shoes. “I’ll leave first!” And she ran out the door.


I have to pick up my pace too. I carried my backpack and locked the penthouse.




I arrived at the school 3 minutes early. Good enough. But I was exhausted and what my dad calls it “unpresentable”. But I felt that this was just normal for an average person. I didn’t have time to fix myself up, so I wore my thick, black frames and had a  bare face. The dark circles were prominent on my face since I lacked sleep. I call it being “natural.”


Apparently, we had to gather in the auditorium for the opening ceremony, but I couldn’t care less.


Why did I even bother trying to arrive on time? I internally rolled my eyes.


I saw this one teacher holding a stick at the front, smiling like a dork until he spoke. “You! Tuck in your shirt!” He pointed in my direction. I look down.


My shirt is already tuck. Why you yell at me Mr. Moodswing? I turn my head around. My eyes widened at who I saw.


It was the marriage meeting guy. Why did he have the school as me?! Ugh… I pushed my glasses higher on my face, quickly increasing my pace. Hopefully he doesn’t remember me.


The population of students settled in the auditorium. I, on the other hand, went in the main school building already. I ended up in the room that was supposed to be my classroom. I sat in the back and my eyelids drooped heavily. I was going into a deep sleep until…




My eyes snapped open at the sound. It sounds like I’m not alone. I looked in the direction of where the sound came from. The front of the room. I saw 10 guys in front of me. It doesn’t seem they noticed me yet. They just threw their bags on the desks and the desks clashed together. I laid my head down again.


“Where’s Suho and Kris?” One of them asked.


“Suho is getting scolded by Kim-seongsaengnim for not tucking his shirt in.” Another one shook his head.


Oh. So marriage boy’s name is Suho. Well here’s my apology. Sorry for sneezing on you, I mean spitting on you Su. Ho.


“And Kris was forced to speak at the assembly because the valedictorian wasn’t present. Seriously? Who’s smarter than him?”


Whoops. Father said I had to speak. I “forgot.” But wait…


That voice seems familiar…


“I don’t know. But it that we don’t have the same homerooms like before.”


And that voice too… Why do I feel like I’ve heard their voices before? I looked up and my eyes widened. The chair underneath me squeaked and now they are all staring at me.


It’s Kai and Sehun. They go here too?


One of them glared at me. “Did you follow us here?”


I scoffed and stood up straight. I was about to speak until Suho came through the door. “Sorry guys. Kim-nim kept me for so long.” He looked at me. “Oh? Where have I seen you before?” He pointed.


“You know her hyung?” Sehun asked. You know me too “heaven boy”.

(A/N: reference back to Chapter 2)


“I don’t know. She seems familiar. Have I met you?” He asked me.


I acted confused and I rose one eyebrow. “I don’t think so. I’ve never met you.” I pushed my glasses higher up the bridge of my nose.


“Are you our fan?” The one with chubby cheeks interrogated.


I was utterly confused at this point? Who do they think they are? K-pop idols?


See. I’m not active at all in the industry. I really didn’t know who they were. I pretty much abandoned my business studies in third grade. I bluntly asked. “Who are you guys?”


A bunch of them scoffed back at me. “You seriously don’t know who we are? Or are you trying to get close to us on purpose?”


I was the one who scoffed now. “I was the one here before you guys. You are the ones who are ignorant. Do you think I would follow you?”


The school bell rung. I guess the assembly is over and the students started entering in. Some of the guys in front of me groaned and greeted each other farewell.


Kai spoke. “Don’t get too cocky nerd.”


Did he call me a nerd? Do I seriously look like a nerd to you? I thought for a while.


Yea. I do. I groaned as students entered the classroom and started to settle in. I moved stayed in my seat two rows from the back and it was somewhat in the middle. I leaned my head back on the desk.


Great. I didn’t get some sleep.


“Gooooooodd Morning!!!” Someone said in English and continued to speak in Korean. “I’m your homeroom and English teacher Henry Lau. You can call me Lau-seongsaengnim.”


He started to take attendance. “Ah Minyoung?”




“Ae Aerin?”




“Ahn Haneul?”


“Here.” I rose my hand. He continued the list which felt like an eternity.


“Huang Zitao?”


“Here. Call me Tao!”




~A little while later~


“Lu Han?” Girls’ screams were heard.


“Here.” I turned to my left side to whom the voice belong to. His eyes were dazzling and they seem familiar. Have I met him? His hair was styled up to exposed his forehead and he had skin that could be fairer than my own. *internally cries* I shook off the feeling of recognition as Lau-saem continued down the list.


“Wu Yi Fan?” More screaming.


“Here. Call me Kris.” Oh the guy who spoke for me this morning. Thank you.


“Zhang Yixing?” Even more screaming.


“Here. I’m Lay.”


Wait… Like as in the chips??


Lau-saem spoke. “That’s everybody in the class. I’ll be back. Go ahead and talk.”


I plugged my earbuds in and was about to switch on music and sleep until a girl smacked both of her palms on the front desk. “You guys should know who I am.”


I swallowed the urge to ask her mockingly who she was. But I remembered she was Ae Aerin. I only knew her name because of attendance. But let’s see what she has to say.


“Heiress of the Ae International Trade.” Oh. One of the branch companies my father owns.


I see what she’s doing. Making herself the queenka by announcing her position in the industry. True. She has a high position, but I’m one step higher. But she doesn’t need to know that. This self-proclaimed queenka. I shook my head.


“I heard SM allowed a few scholarship students.” At the corner of my eye, I saw the girl I remembered was Seo Chi Hae flinched at the mention.

(A/N: If you recognize this name, lemme just say I love you forever! <3)


Aerin grazed her hand on the attendance list left on the desk. “Ahn Haneul? I haven’t heard that name before.” She smirked in my direction and walked to my side.


Of course you haven’t heard of me. I’m not like you who flaunts their wealth to the world. And of course you choose my name first. Alphabetically, my name is the first to be displayed out of all the “unknowns.” I lightly bumped my forehead into my desk. If I did it any harder, these frames would have shattered.


Why did Ahn have to start with an “A?" Can the “ah” sound be spelled differently at least? No wait. That was a stupid question. Nevermind. Don’t mind me.


“You can’t even afford this uniform. Why are you even at this school?” Aerin knocked my head.


Since when did living quietly turn into this? Me? Bullied?


Hell no.


I scoffed. “Do you have evidence?” I looked at her straight in her eye.


“They mentioned your name as valedictorian. But thank god you didn’t talk. We got to hear Kris oppa talk because you weren’t there.”


“That could also mean I’m smart and rich.” I retort. “Go pick on someone else.”


“I’m sorry, but you’re my target.” She left my side and sat back down when Lau-saem came back. I looked at Chi Hae and she had a guilty look. I nodded at her as if to say “it’s okay,” but it seemed like she didn’t notice it.


But look. Rich and obnoxious people are stupid. ‘I’m sorry, but you’re my target,’ she says. I swear I would smack her. That wasn’t even a logical argument. Please go attain knowledge before approach me.


Fight me. I dare you. Then I heard my name.


“Ahn Haneul. Please go to the principal’s office.” Whispers erupted in the room.


“She is the scholarship student.”


“I told you so.”


“How poor is she?”


I stand up and walked out of the room. I pulled the earbud from my blazer and put it in my ear. I walked towards the principal office.


What the hell does he/she/it want from me? I bowed at the principal’s secretary and went in the office.


“Haneul. Haven’t you learned that you’re not supposed to have headphones on when speaking to elders?” I looked up. My frown turned upside-down immediately as I saw who was the principal.


My favorite uncle. Lee Soo Man.


“You own this school, old man?” I laughed.


“Why did you think you’re father has so many shares?” Technically, he is my father’s best friend and also my godfather.


How the hell did he get along with my father?

Who knows?


“I don’t know he’s rich. He could just rain that money any and everywhere.” I motioned with my hands. He chuckled.


“Now little miss. Sit down.” I obeyed. “Why did you skip opening ceremony?” He eyed me.


I couldn’t tell him that I was tired from playing at the club because he didn’t know I worked in that kind of place. But he knew me more than my father. Like Ahjussi, he knew I was kind of rebellious. So I told him half the truth.


“I was tired. So I skipped.”


He laughed. “What am I going to do with you? Do you like the school?”


“It’s barely been 30 minutes since I’ve been with my class and I’m already a victim of bullying.” I stated.


“Bullying? Who?”


“And you calling me here isn’t doing me any good.”


“Need help?”


“No. Don’t do anything about it. I got it.”


“Are you sure?”


“I’ll take it so the other girl doesn’t have to go through it.” The last thing I want is someone to get hurt.


“Fine. But if your father finds ou-”


“You know he doesn’t give two shi-”


“Language.” He teased. “Do you want anything else here?”


I smiled. “Just tell the teachers to leave me alone if I sneak food or wear my earbuds in class.”


“Fine. But if I see your grades drop or your place gets taken. And I’m disowning you!” He laughed.


“Samchonnnn!” I whined and cracked a small smile.


“Arraseo. Now go back to class.” He opened the door for me to get out.



I went back to the classroom. The words “free study” were written on the board.


Free study?? What the hell do we have to study on the first day? Nevermind that. But great. I know how this goes. Just like in the dramas. This was not “free study” it’s “free bullying”.


“Nerd. How was your meeting?” Minyoung spoke shoving my shoulder.


“Did he give you money?” Another girl with another resting face spoke to me. Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the little bully group.


Aerin pushed me to the wall. “Don’t think you belong here peasant.” And they left the room.


I walk back to my desk and I put in my headphones. I might as well get my sleep now.




I walked my way to the cafeteria. The whispers, murmurs, and giggles in the hallway I knew were aimed at me.


Great. Now I’m the proclaimed nerd around here. Someone’s arm then landed on my shoulders. I turn my head to see Kai.


“I told you. You are the nerd here.” I shrugged his arm off. “Tell me. Why would the nerd and valedictorian skip opening ceremony?”


“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I picked up my walking pace. I lined up for lunch, but people kept shoving me back. Including the freshmen.


Wow. I even have underclassmen disrespecting me.


I my heel and exited the cafeteria. There’s no point anyway. I guess I should pack lunch from now on. I returned to the classroom to see Chi Hae eating her homemade lunch alone.


“Hey.” I sat next to her. She looked down on her desk, guilty for not stepping up.


“Sorry.” She apologized.


“I saw your rank. Fourth place huh?”


“You know don’t you? That I’m the scholarship student… Please don’t tell anybody.” She took another bite of her meal.


I nodded. “I won’t.”




“Y’know… You should give me some of your lunch since I can’t get any from the cafeteria.” I smiled at her. She smiled back and grabbed an extra spoon from the lunch bag.


“This is good.” I munched on the meal with her. There was a pregnant silence.




“I don’t believe on picking on the poor.” I started and she nodded. “That’s why I’ll take the hits for you.” Her eyes widened.


“Why would you do that?”


“Because. I’ve seen my best friend bullied for being poor before.” She nodded. “It’s not right. But I look at her now. Her family’s successful. It’s because they worked hard.”


“I’m sorr-”


“Stop apologizing. You just work hard too and maybe something good will happen.”


Yeah. Once I inherit the company.


“Thanks for lunch.” I stood up. “If anything I’ll be your friend. But you wouldn’t want that.” I laughed.


She smiled. “That’ll be nice.”


I guess there was someone worth seeing at this school.




Thank god I actually lasted the rest of the day and now it was time to go home.


Let’s get out of here.


I grabbed my bag and it felt light. I check my bag and it was empty. I sighed.


They hid my damn books. I heard the Aerin and Minyoung laugh.


I go up to Aerin. “Where are my books?”


“Why are you glaring at me like that?” She knocked my head over. What am I? A bobblehead?


“You don’t answer a question with another question.”


“Well. I think you should look up.” I did and I saw the ceiling. I thought for a bit.


You’ve got to be kidding me. I scoffed.


“Well…  See you! Ahn. Han. Eul.” The remaining students left.


I better start going if I want to get home before dark. I walked out of the classroom with my bag and headed to the stairs. I started walking the flights to the roof. I turned the doorknob to open the door.


The sunset drenched the skyline with red and orange. The view was breathtaking. Today felt like the longest day. I feel fine knowing that the simplest things like this can make me smile. My thoughts about my stressful life were interrupted by someone speaking.


“Since when did the wealthiest female bachelor become the bullied nerd of the school?”


My head snapped back.


Who knew who I was?

Hey!! Another update within the same week!!! Even I'm surprised!As you know, I do udate inconsistently due to my schedule, but this is a first!
This is gonna be a short author's note, cuz I spoke my mind or what I could think of in the last one regarding Luhan and EXO.
JKJKJKJK! I just remembered! Did you guys see EXO on their world tour this past month(s)? CUZ I DID TT^TT
My post concert depression has nearly ended, but there are still random moments in my life where I'm like, "Did I really see them?" and I go back to my camera roll to see some of my videos from it. No photography my =P Pretty much every other person had their phone out. 
*I was nearly crying during Drop That and Run*
That's my spiel on that. And if you want to know, I also went to BAP, VIXX (w/ hi-touch TT^TT I still cry about that), Epik High (w/ photo with them and I got their signatures), and I will be going to BAP a second time next month. Seeing how many concerts I went to, I can assure you that I'm broke. XP Man, I need to work more. 
Well, that's all I have to say! Please subscribe, upvote, and/or comment if you could! I'll see you next update!
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creamycupcake #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I'm a new reader here. I like your fic and the title is unique. I hope to read more amazing update from you. Keep it up!!
Em1412 #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot line so far :) I wonder what happens next ;)