One-Third Cat

One-Third Cat

One-Third Cat






I snapped my head behind me to see a fairly short boy. Is this guy seriously in high school? I recognized his face because he hung out with the other 10 guys during the opening assembly. His big eyes stared in my direction. Or should I say directly at me.


“The name’s D.O.” He introduced himself. “You can call me Kyungsoo.”


“D.O… That’s kind of stupid.”


“Well, that’s my last name. And that’s why I told you to call me by my first name.”


“Fine. D.O, what do you want from me?” I gritted through my teeth. How did he know about me? I kept myself concealed for the longest time. Out of all times, why now?


“Call me Kyungsoo… But I’m just really amused. Why didn’t you prove her wrong?” D.O walked forward to now face me. “You could’ve easily put her in her place.”


I shrugged my shoulders. “I didn’t feel like it. Is that a good enough answer?” He only chuckled in response.


“Now you my friend.” I pointed at the shorty, even though he was about the same height I was. “How the heck do you know me?”


“Isn’t it proper to have knowledge on the corporation that’s my partner?”


“Well. That’s funny. I don’t know who the hell everybody is in this school. And 99.99% of them don’t even know me.”


“Are you really the heir of the Ahn Corp.? And I’m guessing I’m that 0.01%”


“Yes and yes.”


D.O shook his head and the corner of his lips twitched up. “Are you really the nerd just because ‘you feel like it’?”


“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I finally picked up my books and placed them in my backpack. D.O bent down to help me out.


“Then I have pry that information out of you, don’t I?” I just gave him a shrug.


I didn’t know what to tell him. He already knows who I am. That’s enough information for him right? But first things first…


“Hey. Kyungsoo?”




“Don’t tell anybody. Please.”


No one else should know about me.


“Maybe...” He laughed. “But that’ll cost you.”


I glared at him. “What do you want?”


“I don’t know yet.” He smirked and started speeding away.


He waved. “See you around!” And he just left.


Ugh. What am I going to do with him?


Third Person POV


D.O walked away from Haneul with a big smile on his face.


I missed you Haneul.




I dragged my feet to the door, lugging the books in my bag.


Why didn’t I put these in my locker?


I punched the code into the door and twisted the door knob.


“Yeon-ah!” I called her.


“Yeaaah?” She yelled back.


“Just checking if you were home yet!” I stumbled into my room and placed my bag on the desk. I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and tucked a large t-shirt in them. I decided to out to the roof.


I went out through a glass door. The roof had lanterns that lit the place. The balcony area had a fire pit and was furnished with cabana theme patio set. There were white pool chairs surrounding the small body of water. Beside the pool was also a jacuzzi. I took off my slippers and dipped them in the shallow end of the pool.


My phone rang. “Yobeoseyo?”


“Yo. Where are you? Didn’t you just get home?” It was Nayeon.


“Stupid. I’m still home. I’m on the roof.”


“Oh! I see you.” She ended the call and stood next to me.


I motioned with my hand. “Come and join me.”


“Don’t mind if I do.” She took off her slippers and sat beside me. The two of us stared that the almost set sun. The red and oranges in the sky was now mostly devoured by a cool blue.


“How was school?” I asked her.


“It was good! It seems like I got popular with the guys already. Haha.” She laughed and I joined her. That wasn’t a surprise. “How ‘bout you?”


“Meh… It could’ve been better.”


“I’ll put some music on.” Nayeon unlocked her phone and clicked shuffle on her music player. The song “Remember” by A Pink played.


“Oh. Actually do you remember when you got bullied?”


“Yeah. Those good times~.” She reminisced.


“Good times? Are you kidding me?”


“It was good because I had you by my side.”


I flipped my hair. “I know. I’m so awesome.” She chuckled. “But I encountered another girl at school today.”


“Already? It’s the first day!”


“I know. The perfect day to find a ‘target’.” I made imaginary quotes with my fingers.


“So what happened?”


“One of the stupid snobs proclaimed herself as a queenka and aimed at me.”


“Wait? She thought you’re the poor one?”


“Yep.” I popped my “p”.


“Did you correct her?”




“Why??” She stood up in the pool. The water only reached a little above her knees.


“I didn’t want the actual girl to get hurt. You know I hate this type of discrimination.” Nayeon hummed as she lightly kicked the water.


“If that’s what you feel is right… Then go ahead. But if you get hurt, I step in and kick their asses.” She held her fist up. I laughed.


“Go ahead. Be my guest.”


“You’re crazy. You play as a nerd at school. You are a rich princess when it comes to business. And you are one hell of a DJ at the club!” She counted with her fingers. “Most of all, you’re hiding one life from the others! You’re like juggling three lives!”


I aighed. “That’s true.”


“It’s like you’re a cat!” Nayeon spread her arms in the air.


“How does that even ing relate to cats here?” Rolling my eyes at the random and uncorrelated idea.


“Well cats have nine lives right?”


“Yeahh… So?”


“You have three! It’s like… Like…” She thought for a minute. “You’re like one-third of a cat!”


How coincidental. AOA’s “Like a Cat” was now playing on her phone.


“One-third cat?” I was utterly confused at this point.


“The 3 live you have divided by 9 lives cats have is one-third!” She clapped obnoxiously.


“Woww. You can do math Nayeon.” I applauded with her.


“I’m serious here. I can make more nicknames!”


“Please don’t.” I rolled my eyes, know that I’m being ignored at this point.


“Haneul-ine! Like feline! Or should it be Eul-ine?”




“Or Ha-yang-i?” (Wordplay on the word goyang-i, meaning cat)








She started the pace around in the pool thinking about new nicknames. Her shorts slowly becoming drenched as she blankly walked towards the deeper end. I decided to bail on her and I went back inside. I grabbed a small towel in one of the closets and dried my legs off, taking a second one for Nayeon and leaving it for her on the couch. I laid on my bed, thinking about what Nayeon said earlier.


“One-third cat, huh?”


Yayayayayay!!! I finally got a chapter up!!!! Blesssssss.... 

So this girl right here hasn't touched this story in like 9 months =/ But I have been writing in the summer... kinda... So maybe its actually like 7 months. That's still more than half the year. Btw I'm posting this to procrastinate all my homework and studying for my AP Chem quiz.

Sad news its that, as you can already tell, that I don't have a strict posting schedule like other authors. I just finished college apps, so I'm waiting on them to get back to me. But I've already started applying to scholarships, so like I'm still have a lot on my plate. So I would like to thank all of you in advance for sticking with me and overlooking all my =D




Bless "Catch Me When I Fall" cuz like I loved it at first listen!!! TBH I love Luhan, but his title songs before this were only just catchy and decent. There are still random times I feel like listening to "Lu" lol, but you know all his songs are suggestive, so it made me happy to finally have a song thats not ual, you know?? ITS SO BEAUTIFUL. Sadly, he wasn't in the video, but I know its for us to listen to his beautiful music =D Its all good. If you haven't listened yet, I'll link to it below! 



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creamycupcake #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I'm a new reader here. I like your fic and the title is unique. I hope to read more amazing update from you. Keep it up!!
Em1412 #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot line so far :) I wonder what happens next ;)