A New Beginning

One-Third Cat

A New Beginning






Oh wait… It’s my best friend, Son Nayeon. She’s the heiress of the Son Company… Just sayin’ We’re friends since forever. While I was one who was born into wealth, her family worked for it.

Crap. Why do I have to deal with this at 4 in the morning? Can’t a girl get her fricking beauty rest? What did I do to deserve this?


“Ah.. *sob* Han- *sniff* -eul. *sniff* I-I-I… *sniff*” She croaked.


I pulled her into my apartment, before more waterworks could go down. Groaning, I let her in. “Let’s get you inside and you can tell me what happened.”


Can you tell? I’m definitely not a morning person. Or at least a 4-in-the-morning person. But when a girlfriend calls, I gotta be there.


I quickly settle her down into the couch on the living room and ran into the kitchen to get myself a nice cup of coffee. I managed to whip the amber-haired girl a mug of herbal tea to calm her down. I took a sip in an attempt to recover some energy and placed the other cup down in front of Nayeon.


“Yeon-ah? What’s wrong?” I patted her back and passed her a few tissues.


After gulping down the tea, she finally became sane enough to speak normally. “So, my parents came home from their business trip, right?”




“It was like around 3 this morning y’know. They were supposed to come like at 11 yesterday. I was asleep, but then they woke me up.”




“They told me I have to transfer schools.” Nayeon gazed at me, disappointed.


My eyebrows furrowed at the thought of my friend leaving my school. “What? When?”


“The day after tomorrow….” Her eyes started getting foggy.


Oh heck no. You ain’t gonna start crying on me again.


I handed her the nearly-finished cup of tea. “Here.... Did they say where?”


“Woollim High.”


“But we’re gonna be seniors! How can you go all they way to Seoul?”


Yeon Hye’s eyes flared. “I know right?! Something about their headquarters moving locations.”


I groaned while rolling my eyes. “Come ooonn… It’s just our last ye--” My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I read the screen…




Well, . Why is the man who claims me as his “daughter” calling me at 4 in the morning? I answer the call.




“Haneul-ah. Start packing everything.” Great. He starts off with command.


“Mwoh? Waeyo?” I rubbed my temple as I heard him respond. “You’re moving to Seoul. You’re gonna be transferring schools.”


Woah! It’s actually good news today! “Seoul?” My hopes came up while I eyed Nayeon. She gave me a questionable look with one raised eyebrow.


“Yes. To SM College Prep.”


Whoops. I spoke too soon. The tone of my voice dropped, “SM College Prep?” Nayeon’s hopeful smile turned upside-down as I mentioned the name. “Isn’t that the new school opening up for the prestigious?”


“Yes it is, Haneul. We have plentiful shares there, so you’re going to attend there the day after tomorrow.”


Wow… What a coincidence. Nayeon’s also transferring the same day.


“We’ll send your stuff later today. I’ll send you a message with your new address.” Aaaaaand he hung up the call.


I gave my best friend a half-hearted smile, “At least we’ll still be close to each other? Right?”


My dad had to choose damned SM. Why couldn’t I go to Woollim?


Both of us sighed, “Yeah…”


My phone buzzed shortly, notifying that I received a new message. I guess I got the address.


A light bulb lit up inside of my head. “Oh! Why don’t you live with me instead of living with your parents?”


“Oh! Why didn’t I think of that?” She knocked herself in the head. “You’re the best Haneul!”


“It’s because I’m the smart one.” I smirked.




-3 hours later-


I shouldn’t have drunk the coffee… I didn’t sleep a wink since Nayeon left like 2 hours ago. At least I was productive ‘cause I finished packing a long time ago. The clutter of boxes remained in the living room and I had one luggage and one backpack ready to bring to the new place today.


The doorbell rang as I walked through the house to see if I forgot anything. I opened the door to see Nayeon also with a backpack and a luggage. The buttons on her blouse were buttoned wrongly and her skirt was inside out.


“Neullie~!” She greeted me.


Oh gawd I love this girl. I smiled, welcoming her into the home that we’ll be leaving in a few minutes. Forever. *Internally cries*


I finally pointed out her blouse and skirt. She shrugged and ran to the bathroom. “Thanks!” Quickly arranging the disheveled outfit, Nayeon came back out.


“Ready to go?” She asks me.


No. I’m not ready. Not at all. “Yeah…” I choke out looking at the place for the last time. “Let’s go.” I locked arms with her when we walked out the door.




“Holy-” I gaped after opening the door to the new penthouse. Or should I say our new penthouse.


“…” Nayeon finished my sentence.


Damn. I actually give props to my father, for once. The penthouse was twice as big as the old apartment. Three bedrooms, four bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. We also had private access to the roof and the rooftop pool. Every room was already furnished with modern black-and-white furniture, just the way I like it.


“Is this real?” She blinked. I smirked as I pinched her cheek. HARD. “Ouch! What the Neul-neul?!”


“Ew. That’s a new one.” I cringed at one out of the million nicknames Nayeon had for me.


“What? I also got the name Ha-ha in my repertoire!”


“Ew. Like that Pepero guy on Running Man?”


“Not Pepero, but Pororo!” She corrected. I shoved her forward into the main room.


“Let’s get settled in and then get our uniforms from the store.”




“Say, Han-ah?” Nayeon called me.


“Hmm?” I sat on the chair within the train, as the doors slid shut and I fixed the pair of thick-rimmed glasses on my face. Why didn’t I wear my contacts?


“My parents are opening another club in Seoul.” She fiddled with the end of her hair, smiling.


“Does that mean I still get to work?” I questioned, raising both of my eyebrows.


Music is my life. If there’s one thing that I can’t live without, it has to be music. I’ve been working almost 3 years at her parent’s club. Even though they are busy business people, they had the chance to open a club as a hobby.


Why I’m working there you ask? Let’s just say a game of hide-and-seek turned into a business deal.


~Flashback 4 years ago~


A 14 year old me entered the Son Company’s building for the arranged playdate with Nayeon. The building was at least 5 stories high and her father’s office was on the 3rd floor. The building was owned by the He-Devil. Apparently he rented it to them because “the Son’s have potential” and that I should stick to them.


“Heaven~!” Nayeon’s habit of changing my name existed back then. “Let’s play hide-and-seek!”


“Are we too old for that?”


“Nope!” She turned and faced the wall, “Imma start counting to 30! One! Two….”


I left the room thinking, where the heck am I supposed to hide. I didn’t want to go to the high floors because there was a construction for new cubicles. So I decided walking down.


Even though Mr. and Mrs. Son told us it was off-limits.


I took the emergency staircase and skipped along the steps. The door for the 2nd floor was locked, so I walked one more flight down.


Shoot. The 1st floor door is locked. I turned my head to see another door underneath where the staircase ended.


Omo! It’s like Harry Potter.


The metal door wasn’t locked and was slightly opened already. Having curiosity killing the cat, I thought why the heck not?


The door has a staircase heading down. I followed the straight path until it ended, leading me to a open room. The room’s lights were switched on, but the large room was still remotely dim. My mouth gaped at the room. I walked on top of what seemed to be an LED floor to the bar counter.


From what I’ve heard, I knew that this building was only to be used for office purposes. Having a place like this was definitely not in the contract. I could see stacks of cash inside the bar counter.


They were definitely using this for another business. I smirked and then spun 360 degrees to observe the place. My hazel eyes landed on the black small stage with some sort of machinery on it. I approached the technology.


I could recognize it was a mixer for music. I took out my white earbuds and placed it in the headphone jack. I pressed the power button and immediately loud music was blasting in the room. I tested the different colored dials and started creating a simple beat. Pressing other buttons added the bass and the snares to the track.


I was about to continue drowning myself with music until I was interrupted.


“AHN HANEUL!” I clicked the power button again making the room extremely quiet. My wide-eyes met the angry ones of Nayeon’s parents holding Nayeon by the shoulders. “Didn’t we say no wandering around?!” Mrs. Son scolded.


I retorted, “Didn’t the contract say this was supposed to be only an office?” The two gulped. “I might just tell this to my dad.” I took out my smartphone. But I’ll never call my father, over my dead body.


“No wait!” Nayeon’s father stopped me and I smirked.


I knew I was kind of manipulative. Hehehe~


“What do you want?” He asked me.


“I want to play here.” I pointed at the mixer.


He rubbed his forehead in frustration. “How about not until you’re in high school.”




“We’ll even pay you to play music here!” Mrs. Son pleaded.


Hey. It was a good deal. So I took it.


“Deal! But don’t tell my father.”


I guess taking business classes since the age of 6 was beneficial to me.


~End of Flashback~


In the end, once the Son’s made it big, they renewed the contract with Father. buying the building from him. They could’ve kicked me out or told my father a long time ago, but I made good music and became pretty popular. *Mentally flips hair*


I wasn’t the only popular one. I turned my head to my best friend.


Son Nayeon. She might be my happy virus, but when we get down to the club, she dances like no other. But don’t worry. She won’t get … I think. Just kidding! Mr. and Mrs. Son put security stationed near us, practically making us off-limits.


“Of course you’re gonna still work there. I wouldn’t dance to any other DJ.” Nayeon nudged my arm with her elbow.


I nudged her back, “We’re here.” The both of us walked out of the metro station and walked into the fairly large-sized shop.


The uniforms were arranged by schools. I looked left and right for Nayeon’s or mine. My eyes skimmed the names. “JYP High, Pledis High, YG Prep…” and the list went on.


“I found Woollim, I’ll get mine and meet you at SM.”


“Okay.” I nodded and entered the area where SM College Prep was.


“Welcome.” Two shop assistants bowed and greeted me.


“Damn. I guess not everyone is gorgeous, like I thought. If SM enrolled looks, then I would’ve made it in.” One of the assistants whispered. My eyes twitched. I scoffed.


Gorgeous, huh? I can show you gorgeous.


“Oh really?” I said aloud. The two flinched. “You guys really have no filter. I may not be gorgeous, but I can get your ‘gorgeous’ asses out of here in 3 seconds.” I bluffed picking up my phone.


“Chesunghaeyo!” They both bowed once again. At least they know I have some power here. But well, it is assumed that anyone from SM would have some power in the economy.


“I hope you can get to work now and fetch my uniform so I can try on.”


“We only fetch for the custom-made ones. Are you really going to this school?” One asked.


“One.” I pulled out my phone again. “Two.” I unlocked my phone.


“I’m sorry! She’s stupid!” The other assistant spoke, slapping her hand over the other’s mouth. “Name please?”


I walked closer to her and laid my hands on the counter in front of me. “Ahn Haneul.” My eyes skimmed the shop, not wanting my identity as a top entrepreneur exposed. But it’s okay probably. I only attended like 3 public events my whole life and the last one was when I was 6 years old. And you know, a quiet life is a good life.


“Here are your uniforms.” The nicer worker came back with my blazers, shirts, and skirts.


Nayeon grabbed me from behind, almost choking me. “Ha-neul, Dul, Set!” I shrugged her off.


“Yeon-ah,” I glared, “Did you seriously count?”


“Yep. You got your uniform? Try it on!” She shoved me into the nearest fitting room.


I looked at the uniform. Navy blue blazer, white button-up, and a plain grey ― or is it ‘gray’? But what is grammar? Haha. ― skirt. I had two options for the lighter blue-colored tie, the western bow or the basic necktie.


I went for the necktie, finishing up my school look. Why don’t I surprise the two assistants outside.


I may not be the prettiest person, but I’m confident to blow their damn socks off when I show them my face. I took off my glasses and removed my dark amber hair from the hair tie. I finally stepped out.


“How is it?” I smirked when the two girls gaped.


The blunt one spoke. “Where is the ugly nerd? The one who just entered that same stall?”


“Shut the up for once Sohyun!” The other one snapped.


Nayeon gave me a thumbs-up. “Unnie, it’s really nice. But why did you get it custom made? It looks the same. I opened the blazer and I showed her the inside, “Food pouches.” I smiled. Because we all know that food is life.


“Really?” Nayeon nearly facepalmed.


I nodded while chuckling and also pointed at one of the threaded hems, “This part is for my headphones. It’s a hassle to get caught in class.”


“That sounds so like you.” Her phone buzzed. “. Parents calling. I think they’re here. I gotta go.”


“Enjoy dinner!” I yelled as she ran and I re-entered the changing stall. I came back out exactly how I came in the first time, hair tied up and glasses on my face. I faced the two employees.


“Thank you.” I smirked. “Consider yourself fired.” I pointed at the one called Sohyun. Sohyun’s eyes widened. “You can’t do that!” She yelled at me.


“Oh. I. can.” I showed them my business card.


Ahn Haneul

Ahn Corporations & Trade

Public Relations Manager and Heiress

[email protected].net



Shoo. Shoo. Motha a.


“Ahn Corp…” Sohyun kneeled in shock and her eyes teared up.


Just kidding. I’m not that mean. “I’ll give you one strike. I’ll let your manager to put this place on a strike system. Three strikes and you’re out. Get it? Got it? Good.” I lent the girl my hand.


“Thank you.” She bowed and wiped your tears.


I walked towards the exit only to be shoved to the ground by someone’s shoulder. I glared upwards.



Two sparkling eyes deer eyes if I had to describe them stared at me. “Sorry.” He knelt down and helped me pick up the few stuff that fell out of my bag and the uniforms I had in my hand.


“O-oh. I-It’s okay.” My voice weakened as my mind failed to process what happened. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. “Hello?”


“Can you set up the mixer now?” It was Mr. Son.


Oh and it’s not the mixers that blend fruit. To set up one of those you just plug the plug into the outlet. Duhh. But back to reality...


“Really?” My eyes brightened and I rushed to pick up my stuff. I quickly bowed and ran out of the store, forgetting to thank the guy and something that was very important.




Arriving at the new club, my mouth gaped. It was a three-story club. Waaayyy different than the club back at Incheon. The first story was for the main floor and it even had a pool. The second floor was for the VIPs and it overlooked the main floor. The third floor also overlooked the main floor, but it’s where the private rooms were built.

I should close that mouth of mine. I can catch a fly.


Like any second now.



Close it now! Ew! What the ’s in my mouth?!


I finally closed to taste the lightness of whip cream.


“I finally got your attention!” Nayeon smiled shaking the whip cream can again. She placed a dollop in and ate it. “My dad said he’s calling this place ‘1004’ just for you.”


I smiled at the name. Since my name means sky or heaven, some people around me ― including my whip cream-filled friend ― calls me angel. I might be far from the nickname, but I definitely like the sound of it as the club’s name.


“Oh, Appa also said go ahead and start.”


The stage was where the mixer was, but it was high enough to overlook the place. I had to walk through a hallway and a locked door blocked me from my “home”. I opened the door with the key that was already in the keyhole and I rushed up the stairs to the stage with the new edition of my favorite music mixer.


I plugged my headphones in and fished my bag for my memory card of music. I delve my hand into the pockets. I felt my phone, my extra set of earbuds, my wallet, the business card I threw back in after I showed it to the workers, and nothing else. I remembered bringing it and I didn’t take it out. How can I lose it without leaving the ba-. Wait…







Damn that deer-eyed boy.

HI!!!! So this is the first chapter obviously, but I'm so excited for this story! 
So if any of you read my first story Say Love, thanks for giving me your loyal support even though I discontinued it. TT^TT
BUT CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT LUHAN'S SONGS??? I know it's late, but might as well since this is a Luhan-biased story. 

The song is catchy, but my favorite version has to be the Squareloud Remix. Damn them beat drops. Listen if you haven't already!





Ughhh (/ *^*)/ㅗㅗ


But Adventure Time though! I cannot do this. I can see that Luhan's trying to get that swaggy style of music -- note that I still think its catchy -- , but I miss his actual singing. I mean like WHAT IS THIS AUTO-TUNE ! TT^TT But srly. Even Tao's songs showcase his voice better... D= And Tao's mostly a rapper! Come on! I'm pretty sure he'll get better songs soon, but all I'm just waiting for now is his movie Great Wall. The End.


This is my second fanfic, so I hope you enjoy =D Please subscribe, comment, and/or upvote. I love you all. <3


Special Thanks to my very first subscriber here:



Much Love,


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creamycupcake #1
Chapter 1: Hi! I'm a new reader here. I like your fic and the title is unique. I hope to read more amazing update from you. Keep it up!!
Em1412 #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot line so far :) I wonder what happens next ;)