My answer is yes

Why would you?

Jiae's P.O.V

Two months later

Yoongi has been chasing me for 2 months now.I wonder if he ever gets tired.And speaking of the devil,where is he?I haven't seen him since lunch.

"Miss Jiae!I would appreciate it if you listen to me!Please be more attentive in class!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and answered her.

"Ne seongsaengnim!"

Phew,I was lucky i didn't get detention.I looked at the empty seat beside me.Where are you Yoongi?Truthfully,I kind of miss him right now.I know,I just saw him during lunch,but I can't help it.

And actually,I think I'm falling in love with him.

The bell soon rang and class was dismissed.I walked to my locker to place some books inside before going home.A small pink paper dropped out of my locker once I opened it.I picked it up and read it.

Meet me at the rooftop after school.I want to show you something.


Oh this Min Yoongi.Always being mysterious.I chuckled and made my way to the rooftop.Oh right!I forgot to tell Lovelyz I can't go home with them today.Just as I pulled my phone out,a message popped out.

"Unnie!Lovelyz knew you had something to attend to,so we'll go first ok?Annyeong!"


Well it seems Yoongi had already notified them.I typed a quick 'ok' reply and continued my way to the rooftop.

Suga's P.O.V

"Quick!She's going to be here any minute!Loveltz and Bangtan!Hide over there!Behind the wall!"

Seokjin ordered them.

They hurriedly hid there,not making a single sound.

Today is the day I will try to confess again.Its been two months,and I'm going to see if her feelings for me have changed.Well I know for sure my feelings have grown bigger.Even if she does not accept me now,I won't give up!

Bangtan and Lovelyz skipped all the periods from lunch onwards to help me get ready for my second confession and decorate the rooftop.This is it.My second attempt.

The door to the rooftop slowly opened.


Jiae's P.O.V

I opened the door,and was greeted by the sight of Yoongi with flowers in his hand,dashingly handsome,like always.

In front of him was a big heart made of roses,and it said 'Suga❤️Jiae'

I had pretty much guessed what was happening right now.I put on a big smile on my face,and he walked over to me.

He took a deep breath and handed me the flowers.I gladly accepted it.

"Jiae,the first time I confessed to you,you rejected me and said you needed more time to think.its been two months now,and I have been chasing you continuosly.So now Jiae,after two months,I want to ask you the same question again,I like you.Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was touched and surprised beyond words.

"Of course Yoongi,gladly"

He cheered and hugged me.I hugged him back.I heard the sound of clapping and cheering behind me and turned around.It was Bangtan and Lovelyz.Oh those mischievous girls!It was all planned!


Taehyung started cheering followed by Sujeong and the others.

I blushed furiously and turned to Yoongi.I was shocked to see that our faces were just centimeters away from each other.

"May I Jiae?"

He whispered into my ear.

"Yes,you may"

Our lips touched for seconds before I pulled away,blushing harder than ever.The cheering became louder than ever too.

And we lived happily ever after.But that's another story  to tell.

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luvsouthkorea #1
Chapter 9: Do a sequel, its so cute!
Odg, I ship Yoongi and Jiae a lot and I've been looking for fanfics of them! I found this and I couldn't help but smile on every single chapter and just ugh, this is fluffy. Thanks for making this fic!
Chapter 9: I now officially ship Suga and Jiae together. Cute story!
florame97 #4
Chapter 5: OMYGAD!! the feels !!
florame97 #5
Chapter 4: Update soooooooooooooooon !!!!
I love this pairing.
Update soon.