Somewhere Along the Way


I don't really know how i'm going to format this but it'll somewhat be like diary entries I guess (?) I'm not too sure on what direction I'll finally take this fic.
I want this to be kinda personal and a sort of monologue for the OC. The "entries" take you deep into the OC (you/Soobin)'s thoughts and memories. So enjoy guys :) 


Somewhere along the way, we went wrong. Maybe not wrong. I don't think that's the right word to describe it. But somewhere, along the way, we fell through. We grew distant. And that's when the problems started. That's when I realized, that this, could be a hopeless love.


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Chapter 5: *applauds* Hooray. She is finally back to being Happy. She is better off without him
Chapter 4: This brings out my feelings, so much. Even though it is sad i still really like it.
Chapter 3: That is deep. I really like this, it is a change from what you normally see. I need a monologue sort of thing for an audition, so I was wondering with your permission. Could I use this?