Day 38

Somewhere Along the Way

everything reminds me of him. 


Why me? Why did it have to be me? Why is it always me? I'm always being lied to. I was always left behind. It's getting tiresome. 

I'm a good person. I try to be the best I possibly could. But I'm never spared from all the pain. I thought he was worth it y'know? I thought that he was worth the risk of breaking down all my walls and allowing myself to be vulnerable by falling for him.


was wrong.


Oh, I was so wrong. I feel so betrayed. How could someone who claimed they loved me, fall out of love just like that? I don't think I'll ever come to understand this. And if someday I begin to grasp this concept, I don't think I'll be able to accept it. Because it's just cruel. 

Maybe I was wrong. Wrong to think that his love for me would never run out. That our love would thrive and continue to bloom and prosper. How careless I was, to give my all to this one person. I let myself become so vulnerable, I now fear that I may not recover. 

Do you know what it feels like? To have someone fall out of love with you? You feel like you're worth nothing. Emptiness fills your heart, your whole being. Were you not good enough? Did you do something wrong? Was it really love? Was any of it even real? You doubt yourself. You begin to doubt everything. Your self esteem plummets. Your whole world just goes down hill from there. 


but even then, you're still everything I've ever wanted. 


            how cruel, this world can be. 


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Chapter 5: *applauds* Hooray. She is finally back to being Happy. She is better off without him
Chapter 4: This brings out my feelings, so much. Even though it is sad i still really like it.
Chapter 3: That is deep. I really like this, it is a change from what you normally see. I need a monologue sort of thing for an audition, so I was wondering with your permission. Could I use this?