I'm a ghost who fell in love with a... VAMPIRE?!? (GUILUN VERSION)




Suddenly, I heard it… footsteps… It was time… I hid… Maybe that was stupid because I was a ghost and no one could see me anyway… but no… it was all because of him… I knew he could sense my presence… he could see me…

He was with a new girl... his new prey...

She pulled his face near hers… making their lips touched… until they were kissing passionately… I looked away… I pity her because I knew… his next move would be the end of her…

Just then, I heard it… her scream…

Minutes passed and the silence came back… I peeked once again… There she was… her lifeless body was lying on the ground…

She was dead…

He wiped the blood at the corner of his lips… I could see it… his fangs… the tool he used to kill them… those women he brought here… those women he killed… for his thirst in blood...

Because he was...

...a vampire...



Hi! Just want to say, I'm not good in writing this kind of story because I'm not that familiar about the facts on ghosts and vampires...

This is my first time writing about this.

I just wanted to try writing one and if you guys won't like it, please tell me so that I'll know if I can really write one or not...

Thank u!

And this is the first time I posted a GuiLun story here, hehe. 

And yeah, I also have a 'Jaejoong and you' version of this one so if u ever read that one, it's just the same but i'll change other parts of it.

Thank u!

my other stories:

What is "Love"?(Jaejoong and you): http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/33196/what-is-love-dbsk-jaejoong-jessicajung-korean-kpop-snsd

It All Started In A Bet(Jaejoong and you): http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/78226/it-all-started-in-a-bet-dbsk-jaejoong-you

I'm a ghost who fell in love with a... VAMPIRE?!?(Jaejoong and you version): http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/96336/i-m-a-ghost-who-fell-in-love-with-a-vampire-one-shot-jaejoong-you

DATE: November 11, 2011


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AaronGuiGuiforever #1
Chapter 9: Update i really love the story at first i was confused of the story but i re-read it and now i get it now aha Update soon please! :)
chinesepinkpig #2
You haven't lost me yet either! This is chinesepinkpig. I love all your stories and I look forward for more of your great work in the future!
Chapter 9: You are not losing me yet ;)
I am still here and keep faith toward my other fellow buddies<3
Glad you see you back ^-^
PS: Time will heal and lead you to right one in some day ;) forget the past that you can't turn it back, every morning get up and always look forward to your bright future :)
tinygui #4
can't wait
please update soon
im here to read!
tinygui #6
awe update soon
Awee Love the Christmas special~
ok my comment might be the same as the other two but... <br />
Awww~!!!!! this story is so....GOOD! no! good is not a good adjective to describe your story, <br />
it's WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! HEH? haha... XD<br />
I LOVE this little one shot but the end really make me wondering what will happen to them? <br />
come one! i know i asked or maybe buged you everytime but can you please can you please do a sequel for this one-shot? preety pwretty please with a reall cute pupy face? and maybe cherry on top?!!! <br />
Great job btw, Your story's plot is always interesting and creative! *so jealous -.-*
azuraes #9
I want more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
its beautiful , the plot is good. .<br />
<br />
pleaseee continue. . :DD<br />
chubbymorie #10
awwww...<br />
more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!