Pour up

It's Cold

Playlist for the chapter: Pour Up - Dean Ft. Zico of Block B

*Hyungwon’s POV*


“Don’t you see anything?” The boy’s soft voice came from behind me.

I looked around the houses, but couldn’t see anything yet. I shook my head in response, jumping on the roof of the next house. I looked around once more, as we tried to make our way to the tall building in the middle of the city. My friends arrived behind me, silently. They both were really impatient to arrive at destination, but we needed to be careful not to be seen. For that reason, I.M asked me to look around the streets and report any movements. It had been at least an hour now and the strong wind was making it hard to see anything.

-”Can’t you go faster?” The woman asked impatiently.

I glanced at her.

-”You can do it on your own if you want.” I replied harshly.

-”Nana, let him do his job. You know that he is trying his best. The weather is simply not on our side…” I.M calmed us down.

I stared at her, as she avoided my gaze. She clearly knew that she couldn’t do it on her own. A werewolf’s eyes sight was quite useful for this mission. I moved to the next rooftop, slowly observing the abandoned city. The organisation had gave us two missions; number one was to examine the building in which they transformed the half-blooded humans while number two was to found these now left-alone half-blooded creatures. It looked like the government’s plan was a huge failure. They didn’t expect the creatures to fight back and had to face an instant crisis of lack of soldiers and half-creatures. In the end, all the buildings used to transform the half-creatures were abandoned, same goes for the creatures that were already transformed.

I kept moving, followed by my two friends, when something caught my eyes. I stopped, showing the dark silhouette that was walking furtively from house to house.

-”You see something?” I.M asked me.

-”A girl.” I started. “A vampire and...I’m not quite sure but I’d say she is half-angel too. I need to get closer to her to be sure.”

-”No need for that.” Nana said running toward her, jumping off the roof with elegance.

I.M followed her right away, as I only glanced at them from afar. Nana took only a few seconds to catch the girl who struggled to get out of her grip, without any chance. I sighed and walked toward them. As I got closer to the girl, my eyes distinguished the other species that were hiding in her blood.

-”We don’t want to harm you. We want to help you.” Our leader I.M tried to reassure her.

-”I don’t need your help!” She screamed, as Nana firmly tightened her grip on her arm.

-”She is a dominant vampire, but have angel blood.” I said finally catching up with them.

-”Come with us.” I.M continued. “We will provide you a home and food. You won’t have to worry about anything.”

-”No!” She replied, her elbow hitting Nana’s stomach, making her release her grip on the girl.

She took the opportunity to ran away from us.

-”Nana, you go get her. You know what to do. We can’t obligate her to follow us.” I.M said with dark eyes.

Nana smirk.

-”I understand.” She said, leaving immediately, following the girl’s path.

-”Let’s not waste more time, we will go directly to the building.”

We started moving toward the building, taking our time so that Nana would come back before we reach it. In fact, a few minutes later she came back with blood splattered on her face and clothes.


Unlike my will, we needed to kill every half-creatures that didn’t want to follow us, if they had been affected by the government’s transformation. The organisation found out that, during the transformation process, the liquid in which the half-creatures were flooded was making the creatures’ part more active. It basically means that the normally sleeping-cells of a creature inside a human’s body were now awake, causing the creature’s personality and instinct to take over the human’s ordinary ones. We observed some kind of split personality on many of the half-creatures we saved in the past few weeks, making them act like normal human being at one point or act like dangerous creatures at another point. These personalities can barely be controlled by one’s self so the organisation decided to eliminate every half-creatures who wanted to stay in the wild in hope that it will decrease the creatures’ attack on humans. However, even after the government had decided to stop the devices that were controlling the half-creatures, many were still wandering in the wild and killing people. A lot of them had lost their memories, wondering what had happened to their body, but especially wondering what was these new feelings inside of them. The creatures were feeling the thirst and the need to fulfil unknown desires for the first time and they were now going toward the cities to understand their new selves. It was somehow an abrupt method to kill a few of them, but we couldn’t say anything against it. The organisation was ruled by really important and powerful people and going against their will would certainly mean death for us. At least we saved many half-creatures already, making the organisation twice as big as before.

And for now, we were happy to be alive and to live in really decent conditions. For a few of us, the organisation was the only family we had after the incident, and for most of us, it was the only family we ever had.


*Hyemi’s POV*


We were all sat in the living room except for Mingyu who was walking back and forth from the entrance to where everyone was. The atmosphere was really awkward, as the boys, Wonwoo and Vernon, kept looking at me, but every time I tried to look at them, they looked away as if nothing had happened. Mingyu kept on telling that I needed to remember, that I knew them, which made things even more intense for me. They knew more about me than myself. I was just a complete mess who was having a hard time to remember her own life. I remembered the city and its walls, my dad, my late mother and the school. I remembered the wolves outside the walls and the horrible creatures that were frightening us at dawn. Yet, I felt like that last part wasn’t exactly real memories. The dreams I had along with the few talks with the boys made me understood that not only them, but also myself, were part of the dark world. I still couldn’t understand what that meant for myself, but I felt like I would soon understand it.

I glanced at Mingyu, his brown hair falling above his eyes, his dark eyes, obviously worried, his tall and strong body, honestly, all of it wasn’t leaving me indifferent. I lowered my gaze, biting my lips. Something inside of me was still telling me to leave this place.

-”Humm...Mingyu?” I said softly.

The boy looked at me, his eyes full of hope.

-”Can’t I go home? It’s not that I don’t want to be here but… Even if what you say is true, I don’t feel like it is right for you to keep me here…” I said, seeing his eyes saddening at my every words.

He walked toward the entrance, thoughtful.

-”I’ll come back if I remember anything, or just come see me if you think you found a way to make me remember.”

He came back a few seconds later, his eyes watery.

-”Fine, you can go.” He simply said, going upstairs.

The other boys all got up, worried for him, before looking down at me. I felt their pain deep down in my heart, but I wasn’t feeling good in here. I grabbed my coat, looking one last time at the boys and without a word, left in the cold street.


The streets were crowded despite the weather, as people were helping each other to build back the city. Feeling the fresh air was making me feel better. I walked slowly toward my house, as I recalled the way back there. Everything felt new, but my body remembered the way things worked and how I used to live. There were things that were clear in my mind while others were blurred or totally buried to unknown places. Seeing my house from afar was making the memories crawl back up to the surface. I glanced behind me to see the tall wall a little further and the trees hiding behind it. As I standed in front of the door, I recalled the nice smile of my mother, her cooking and a warm embrace. I opened the door and closed it behind me, as memories passed through my mind. A hand on my cheek, heating it up, before leaving me under the sunset. It was still blurred memories, but my heart started beating at the thought.


I looked up at the house, dark and cold. It was lifeless in here. A few glasses and plates had fell on the floor, leaving shattered pieces on it. I walked calmly around the house, contemplating the quiet atmosphere. It was way too silent in here, and it didn't feel right. I unconsciously looked behind me, staring at the nail left alone on the wall. I walked toward it, realising that something was missing. In fact, the clock had fell on the floor, breaking the glass on top of it. I took it carefully in my hands, feeling empty inside now that it wasn’t making any sound. I put it back on the wall and left to take a broom. I gathered the glass pieces, cleaning the whole house at the same moment before starting a fire. I sighed in relief, letting myself fall on the couch once it was all done. I knew that it was not the end. I hadn’t walked to my room yet, and I knew that it was a place where many buried memories took place.


As I stood up, someone knocked on the door. I glanced at it finding myself wondering if Mingyu was back. I opened the door to see a small boy with his blemish pink hair standing next to a taller man with black hair.

-”Hello?” I said, wondering what they wanted.

The boys looked at each other before the short one spoke up.

-”You really don’t remember us?”

The tall one put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him in his speech.

-”Hi Hyemi, it seems like you finally woke up. It’s nice to see that you feel better.” The black haired man said with a warm smile. “My name is Seungcheol in case you still don’t remember, I’m Mingyu’s friend.” He finished.

-”Ahhh, Seungcheol?” I repeated to him, without any clue of who he could be.

-”He his Woozi, or Jihoon. Call him like you want.” He added, pointing the small boy. “Can we get in? I’d like to talk to you.”

-”Yes of course.” I said taking aback.

It felt like inviting complete strangers in my house. It was weird and uncomfortable.

Seungcheol invited me to sit at the kitchen table where we all sat in silent for a short moment.

-”I wanted to talk to you about your sudden lost of memories.” Seungcheol broke the silence.

I nodded, making him continue with his speech.

-”Can you tell me anything about what you remember? About your previous life, about us or anything that you think is important to tell me?”

I looked at him, suddenly feeling nervous.

-”I know you don’t remember me but… I’ll do my best for you to recall your memories.” He added to reassure me.

-”I don’t really know…” I started. “I remember about my parents, about my life in this house and in this city… the only thing I can’t seem to recall is all of you...Yet, sometimes I feel like I know you, or Mingyu at least…”

-”What makes you think like that?” He said, intrigued.

-”On my way back here and even in your house, there were memories that showed up in my mind. They are blurred, of course, but I always caught myself thinking about him for some reason. There’s also many things that I wanted to asked you and the boys, but realised that deep inside of me, I already knew the answers to those questions. I remembered what you guys really are without having you to tell me. It made me realise that I must have known you before, but I still can’t recall any concrete moments with all of you...” I finished looking down at my hands, feeling bad to not remember anything.

-”It is better than what I expected.” He said to cheer me up. “You remember quite a lot for your first day since waking up. I’ll try to find more information about what the government did to you and then I’ll come see you again. If there is anything that may help me in my research that you want to share with me, come see me anytime.” He smiled, slowly getting up.

-”Wait, what did the government do?” I asked.

He glanced at me, frowning.

-”If you don’t remember, it may be better for you not to recall that yet.” He said opening the door. “I hope to see you soon.” He added, leaving with Woozi following him.

-”Take care of yourself, Hyemi.” He then said before closing the door.

Hearing my name from his mouth felt familiar for some reason. It was making me feel better, but soon enough, I found myself alone once again in the house, and I hated the feeling.



Right in time! I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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Chapter 37: i wonder jeonghan and his friends from what kinds ˊ▽ˋ hmm and i hope hyemi's dad didn't involves in any of these mess i mean that guy is suspicious ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 13: OMG I THOUGHT THEY'RE WEREWOLVES ? i even gasped the moment i read "we are vampires" haahaha i mean wow i didn't expect that??? (☉д⊙) you mentioned mermaid & demon but then seungcheol come dropped the bomb like "tadahh we are vampires you know? (^O^)/ "
SofiaSofia #3
Chapter 78: Just finished reading it in one go :D it was soooooo good!! I love the way you described every situation and every character <3 I would love to read a sequel to this story e.g what is happening after that? What about the wolves and the angles? What about woozi? How does hyemi adapt to her new situation and everything like that ??
Chapter 22: *still salty about fight between Mingyu and Minghao* that stupid girl...

how can i be so blind?!!! i only realised now that hip hop unit is vampires, performance unit is werewolves!!! then vocal unit... what are they?
i should have known in character introduction they weren't in age order...
Chapter 20: i blame it all on her
Chapter 19: now i hate her... before i didn't like her because she's so weak!! and now.. she's even stupid too!!! why couldn't she scream "STOP"?!!!
Chapter 18: that little adorable cutie pie!!! i'll bite you!!! it's not legal to be so cute!! i'll pinch your cheeck like there's no tomorrow!!! (don't worry... just Wonu-feels-attack)
Chapter 17: Yeah... wow (*sobs* i wish i was there to see that God's masterpiece)
Chapter 15: oh... so he was Hao
Chapter 14: then who was that wolf?
i don't think he's from SVT... Who else was in foreword?... *too lazy to go back*
i'll just continue reading..