Never Mind

It's Cold

Playlist for the chapter: Confession song - GOT7, Never Mind - BTS

*Hyemi POV.*

I stared at the boys who were just trying to figure out the situation. Mingyu had a worried expression on his face while Joshua was simply wondering who it was. 
-”Who are you?” Asked Mingyu, frowning.
-”Joshua. Hong Joshua, a friend of Hyemi.” He said getting closer to the boy, offering his hand. “And you are?”
-”Kim Mingyu.” The boy replied, shaking his hand. “Her boyfriend.” He added, looking at me.
I wished he would have thought that Joshua was here for other motives, but his face betrayed suspicion toward us.
-”Oh, her boyfriend…” Joshua said letting go of his hand. “Pleased to meet you.” 
He then looked at me, obviously awkward in this situation.
-”I’ll be going home then. We had plenty of time to advance the project so I guess we will be able to finish it at school tomorrow.” He took his coat and put it on, standing next to Mingyu who was still staring at him.
-”I’ll see you at school.” He added throwing his hood over his head before opening the door. “By the way, Jeonghan would like if you could come and give an helping hand soon.”
-”Oh yes! Thank you for telling me. Be careful getting back home.” I replied as the wind pushed a few snowflakes in the house.
He smiled and left after a quick nod to Mingyu. The door closed, Mingyu stared at me.
-”What?” I said worried.
-”Joshua?” He only replied.
-”Don’t overreact! He’s just a friend. We have history class together and we have a project to do for the end of the week.
-”Yeah right…” He said grumpy. “You should have told me.” He added, crossing his arms on his chest.
-”What would it have change?” I asked softly.
Seeing how Mingyu was getting jealous every time I was around boys was quite funny and it was making me happy to see that he still cared about me. 
-”Just… I would have been less worried that…” He was thinking every of his words, but he knew that what he was asking didn’t make any sense.
-”You don’t have to worry at all. There’s no other guys like you. I only have eyes for you.” 
He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, leaning to kiss my lips. As soon as they touched, all the lights around us started flashing. I got away from him, staring around us. The lights then suddenly closed, letting the house in a complete dark. 
-”Mingyu!” I let out, surprised by the sudden change, unable to see him. 
-”A power failure…” I heard him whisper. 
The house was now even more quiet. The clock had stopped and the fire had died long ago, its ember slightly lightning the floor. 
Mingyu moved to the kitchen window and stared at the streets. 
-”The neighbors don’t seem to have power either.” He said.
With such a snowstorm, I wasn’t really surprised that the power went off. However, we were now stuck without any light. This house didn’t have a lot of window to keep the heat inside.
-”I’ll lit the fire then. We may not have power before awhile.”
-”Let me do it.” Mingyu came up in front of the fire. “You go get some candles or anything that could help us see inside the house.”
He kneeled next to the fireplace and threw wood and paper in it. As he did, I went in my dad’s bedroom to see what was there. I remembered that my mom liked to fell asleep under the different scents of the candles whenever my dad was not there with her. She said that it was helping her fall asleep more peaceful, forgetting her constant worry about him. In fact, my dad had let them on the desk next to my mother’s bed side. I took the three of them and left the room with an heavy heart. 
-”I have three candles. I think there’s one in my room too.” I said remembering that old one that my mother gave me a while ago. I barely light it up because the scent was too strong. 
Mingyu was done lightning the fire as I left to my room, finding the candle behind a pile of books on my desk. I took it and stared at it. For some reasons, now more than ever, it reminded me of my mom. I walked downstairs still looking at it with sad eyes. 
-”It’s the only one?” Mingyu asked me from the kitchen.
-”Yes… I never liked the smell of them so my mother never bought me more…” I said reaching the end of the stairs. 
-”Are you okay?” Mingyu looked at me with his soft brown eyes.
-”Yes. It’s been a year now, I accepted what happened.” 
I walked by him and lightened the candle on the kitchen table.
-”Why are they smelling so nice today?” It was remembering me of her scent, her warm hugs and soft hands passing through my hair as she whispered good night in my ears before going to bed. I tried to control my tears, feeling Mingyu’s hand patting my back.
-”It will take more time than just a year, Hyemi. There will always be days like today once in awhile. The difference is that now you have people on whom you can relay. You don’t have to go through that alone.” 
I smiled even if tears were running down my cheeks. It was the same words he had told me in the past. 
-”Thank you for being with me. Thank you for always have been there for me.” I wrapped my arms around him as he patted my head.
-”I’ll always be there for you. Whatever happen.”

I woke up the next morning, hearing noises downstairs. I sat on my bed, realizing that Mingyu was already awake, probably being the one making noises down there. I jumped off the bed and joined him. He was kneeling next to the fireplace, feeding it logs so that it would continue to heat the house.
-”The power came back?” I asked, realizing that the lights were open in the kitchen.
-”Yes, at around one in the morning.” He said without even glancing at me.
-”You weren’t asleep?” I asked.
-”I didn’t sleep at all.” He only replied, getting up, taking the dirt out of his hand before facing me.
-”Why not?” 
-”No particular reasons.” He replied, getting closer to the kitchen, avoiding my gaze.
It’s at that moment I realized his wet hair. I felt like he was hiding something from me and the fact that he had changed clothes during the night was suspicious.
-”You took a shower?” I questioned him.
-”Ah yes. I hope you don’t mind…”
-”Of course not. You changed clothes?” I continued.
-”Y-Yes. I went back to my house during the night.” 
-”Why does it feel like you don’t want to let me know the reason?” I asked, curious.
-”It’s not that I don't want to tell you it’s just…” He glanced at me and sighed. “I went outside with Wonwoo…” 
I understood that they didn’t only go for a walk.
-”You know that you can tell me about those things, right?” I said taking his hand in mine. 
-”But I don’t want you to get used to this kind of stuff… I want to live just like you would have lived without me, as if I was normal to you.”
-”I don’t want to live as if I’m with anyone. I chose to live my life with a vampire boyfriend, not just any normal boy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and all you are.”
Mingyu smiled patting my head.
-”I guess I’ll never get use to a human taking so much care about vampires. Thank you.” 
I smiled back. 
-”Ah right, you need to go to the café? The weather is better now so you should get going before the snowstorm come back.” 
In fact, the school was still closed today because of the heavy snow of yesterday. I put some warm clothes on and left with Mingyu who was waiting for me. He wanted to drop me off at the shop and I felt him even more protective since he met Joshua. I explained that there was nothing to fear from him, but he only replied that he smelled something fishy about him. Just as if he knew already. Actually, I couldn’t even convince myself that everything would be fine alone with him. Yet, I couldn’t explain why.
-”I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll need to talk to Seungcheol soon.” 
-”Be careful on your way back home then.” He kissed my forehead and left in the white scenery, contrasting with his dark hair and clothes. 
I entered the empty shop for the first time in a while. Jeonghan was cleaning the table staring blankly out the window. 
-”Jeonghan.” I said softly making him look toward me.
-”Hyemi! Sorry I didn’t hear you entering.” He said leaving the table behind. “How are you?”
-”Doing good.” I replied with a smile. 
I looked around. Everything was perfectly clean and well tidied. It made me wonder why he was here. It was useless to open the shop in this weather, knowing that the city had turn in a ghost town. 
-”You needed help?” I asked him.
-”Ah no actually…” He started, going on the other side of the counter. “Here.” He said giving me a white envelope. “It’s all the money you made these past months. Since you didn’t came back, I thought it would be better to ask you to come get it.” 
-”Oh thank you.” I said taking it. “How are things doing here?” 
-”Everything is doing fine.” He shortly replied.
-”You know, with this weather, I feel like you could take a day off…”
-”You think?” He said thinking. “You know I feel like it’s better to be here. Cleaning and stuff, there’s a lot to be done.”
I glanced around making him cough. I understood that it probably had something to do with his sin. 

*Jeonghan’s POV.*

I coughed and stared around. It was seriously the worst lie I ever told. I felt ashamed to have to hide myself like that. Even if she knew about us, I would never tell her about my sin. I looked down at the counter, lost in my thoughts.
-”Is Joshua at home today?” She asked me.
-”Joshua? Yes probably…” I cleaned up some coffee that had spilled on the counter.
-”Well, I’ll see you later then. I have some stuff to take care off.”
-”Yes sure.” I smiled as she left.
I finished cleaning when a thought suddenly made me stop. Joshua? I remembered how angry he was when he got back home the night before. I stared at the window where snow slowly started falling. Didn’t he go to Hyemi’s place yesterday? I wasn’t sure what had put him in this state, but I had a really bad feeling about all this.

*Hyemi’s POV.*
Not even a foot outside, the wind bursted in my hair. The wind was still really strong and the snow accumulated on the roof of the houses were following its flow. On the main street of the city, following the path to Joshua’s house, it was blowing even stronger making my movement slower. I hid my face in my scarf for the few meters left before finally reaching his house. I knocked at the door turning my back to the wind. It took quite some time before it slightly opened. Joshua was on the other side, staring right in my eyes, visibly surprised. However, he seemed worried more than anything else.
-”Hey.” I said, seeing that he didn’t move to let me in.
He suddenly closed the door back in a loud noise.
-”Yah!” I replied, freezing outside. I knocked at the door. “It’s not funny….” I started before the door opened rapidly once again as I kept knocking at nothing.
Joshua grabbed my wrist and forced me to enter. I felt a slight pain spending through my arm as he pushed me to the wall, the door slowly closing by itself under an insupportable creaking noise. I stared at Joshua. He was staring at the floor, his head bent and his hair hiding his face. One of his hand was still grabbing my wrist making it impossible for me to move it, as if glued on the wall. His other hand was on the wall to my left, trapping me between him and it. 
-”Joshua?” I whispered, feeling nervous.
He only sighed, breathing loudly. 
-”You shouldn’t have come.” He then said in a rough voice.
His head slowly got up, his blue eyes deeply staring in mine. I tried to debate, to escape, understanding the situation. His sin was taking over him and it would take only a few seconds for it to take over me. I grabbed his arm and tried to remove it from my wrist, my heart already pounding hard in my chest. He pushed me back to the wall, grabbing my shoulder, and, without hesitation, reached for my lips. I couldn't move anymore, his skin on mine, as I closed my eyes under his soft gaze. It was already too late. My body wasn’t mine, it was now the lust’s prey.


Sorry once again...>.< I had a lot of work to do because it's the end of my semester! I hope you still enjoyed this chapter! It looks like a lot of you are waiting for Mingyu and Joshua to fight over Hyemi xD It may happen quite soon! Thank you for reading me! We finally reached over 300 subscribers and I'm super happy about it~<3

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Chapter 37: i wonder jeonghan and his friends from what kinds ˊ▽ˋ hmm and i hope hyemi's dad didn't involves in any of these mess i mean that guy is suspicious ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 13: OMG I THOUGHT THEY'RE WEREWOLVES ? i even gasped the moment i read "we are vampires" haahaha i mean wow i didn't expect that??? (☉д⊙) you mentioned mermaid & demon but then seungcheol come dropped the bomb like "tadahh we are vampires you know? (^O^)/ "
SofiaSofia #3
Chapter 78: Just finished reading it in one go :D it was soooooo good!! I love the way you described every situation and every character <3 I would love to read a sequel to this story e.g what is happening after that? What about the wolves and the angles? What about woozi? How does hyemi adapt to her new situation and everything like that ??
Chapter 22: *still salty about fight between Mingyu and Minghao* that stupid girl...

how can i be so blind?!!! i only realised now that hip hop unit is vampires, performance unit is werewolves!!! then vocal unit... what are they?
i should have known in character introduction they weren't in age order...
Chapter 20: i blame it all on her
Chapter 19: now i hate her... before i didn't like her because she's so weak!! and now.. she's even stupid too!!! why couldn't she scream "STOP"?!!!
Chapter 18: that little adorable cutie pie!!! i'll bite you!!! it's not legal to be so cute!! i'll pinch your cheeck like there's no tomorrow!!! (don't worry... just Wonu-feels-attack)
Chapter 17: Yeah... wow (*sobs* i wish i was there to see that God's masterpiece)
Chapter 15: oh... so he was Hao
Chapter 14: then who was that wolf?
i don't think he's from SVT... Who else was in foreword?... *too lazy to go back*
i'll just continue reading..