Goodbye Summer

It's Cold

Playlist for the chapter: I Just Wanna - Amber, Goodbye Summer - F(x)

I was back home, running back and forth from the bathroom to my bedroom. Mingyu would come get me in less than an hour and I was not ready. Actually, the fact that he clearly said that it was a date made me anxious. I looked at myself in the mirror for the fifth time, staring at my reflexion. What kind of date was it? Did I put too much makeup on? I had so many worries. I put on my clothes, a warm shirt with black jeans. The weather was now really cold at night and people were already starting to wear their winter coat, feeling that snow would fall upon the town at any moment. I glanced at the clock. Only ten minutes left. I looked at my hair through the mirror. I didn’t realize how much it grew this past year. I came out of the bathroom and waited for Mingyu. It didn’t took long and a few seconds after the clock hit five, he knocked at the door. I couldn’t control my smile as I walked to the door. On the other side of it, Mingyu was looking at me with a warm smile. He was wearing a long black coat, opened to see his white shirt and dark jeans. I couldn’t stop staring at him. He had decided to push his hair away from his forehead, showing his beautiful eyes even more then usual.

-”Are you ready?” He asked me softly.

I nodded and, passing my arm under his, we left for the festival.


We walked silently under the moon who lighted the clouds in the sky. From afar, we could already hear children screaming happily under some music. The closer we were getting to the public place, the clearer that music was and the lighter the streets were getting. A lot of people were coming out of their houses, smile on their faces, just like us. I glanced at Mingyu one more time. I still couldn’t believe someone like him was my boyfriend. He looked at me.

-”Is something wrong?” He asked.

I smiled and looked in front of me.

-”You are quite handsome today.” I replied shyly.

He patted my head with his hand, a broad smile on his face.

-”You are also really pretty.”

We finally reached the public place. The whole place was burning from the excitement of everyone. It was really crowded and eventful. The youngers were playing hide and seek, running after each other pretending to be a wolf or even dancing with their parents. the older ones were enjoying the food and the music while talking to their friends. Then, there was people like Mingyu and I, who were just enjoying every seconds with their soulmates.

-”I never went to an even with that much people…” Mingyu worried.

-”It will be alright.” I said taking his hand, leading him in the crowd.

He had a smile on his face but the way he looked around him made me understood that he was not in his element.

-”Mingyu.” I softly said so that he will look at me.

He looked down as I got closer to him. I put his arms around me and put mine around his neck.

-”You’re too tall.” I joked as I started moving with the music.

Mingyu laughed, tightening his grip around me.

-”You think I can fit in this kind of crowd?”

I looked at him.

-”I don’t think you can…” I started.

His eyes got gloomy for a second as he lost himself in his thoughts. I passed my hand on his cheek.

-”You’re too handsome to fit in here.” I smiled.

Mingyu laughed softly, hugging me tightly.

-”This is why I love you.” He simply replied.

We danced for as long as the music played. The people around us were doing the same but it was as if we were the only one on earth. I rested my head on Mingyu’s chest, feeling the heat from his body. I wished this time would never end. I wished everything would go as well as today and that it will keep on like that for the rest of our lives.

Unfortunately, the song finished sooner than I wanted it to be, yet, I didn’t let go of Mingyu as someone on the scene asked for everyone’s  attention.

-”You are all invited to move on the other side of the city. There will be a show with a lot of great activities for the rest of the night. It will start in ten minutes.”

The people started moving as Mingyu stared at me with sparkling eyes.

-”Let’s go! It will be fun.” He smiled.

-”I’m not sure it's a good idea…”  I knew what today meant to normal people of this city and I was afraid that Mingyu would feel ashamed of being with them. I wasn’t willing to scrap this beautiful night for something like that. It was not worth it.

-”Come on Hyemi, it’s just for thirty minutes. You don’t want to stay here right?” He said while looking around.

I did the same and realized that the place was practically empty as people were slowly starting to gather the stuff and clean the place.

-”Let’s go.” He said taking my hand, forcing the way.

We followed the path to the big scene next to one of the walls of the city. Many chairs were placed so that we could seat and enjoy the show. On each side, there was some vendors selling food and drinks.

-”Do you want something?” Mingyu asked me as I sat on one of the chair.

-”Oh no it’s fine.” However, he didn’t even listen to my answer and left to buy something.

I looked at him as he was looking at the menu. I laughed at the situation. He probably didn’t even know what to order. He came back a few minutes later right when the man was climbing up on stage.

-”I didn’t know what to get you…” He said, a pastry in hand with a bottle of water.

-”I knew it would end up like that but thank you.” I smiled.

Mingyu looked really proud of himself, which made me laugh.

-”Thank you all for coming.” The man on the stage started. “We worked really hard on this show so I hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoy making it.”

The man left the stage as the lights all closed around us. A few seconds later, the light of the stage opened once again with the actors on stage. The play was telling the story of a young man who fell in love with a pretty woman. They loved each other a lot but their parents were against their marriage. The two lovers decided to flee to another city and start a new life but to do so, they had to go through the outside world. Obviously the play was to demonstrate how dangerous it is to leave the city, so the two lovers had to split up to escape the dangerous wolves of the forest. Unfortunately, the man was the only one to survive as the woman got killed by a vampire during their runaway. The story then continued with the man who promises revenge to his lover by killing every vampires he would encounter. The play ended up in a massive fight between the humans and the creatures in which the main character died after taking his revenge.

Every once in awhile, I would glance discreetly at Mingyu to see how he was responding to the play, but he never showed any expression. At the end of it, everyone got up and left slowly the place while some others were still enjoying the night under the music who started again. Mingyu and I stood up in silent and left the place to walk in the small streets around here, leaving the crowded area. I looked at my watch to see that it was already passed midnight.

I glanced at Mingyu who was looking at me with tired eyes.

-”I told you it was not a good idea to watch it…”

-”You’re right….” He started in a monotone voice. “The actors were so bad!” He then continued, disappointed.

-”What?” I said, as his answer was not what I was expecting from him.

-”I mean, do they really think vampires are supposed to look like that? We are supposed to be attractive, not ugly! And the storyline wasn’t that great either… Why did they split up? It would have been harder for a vampire to attack two people at the same time and the woman probably would have survived!” Mingyu was totally overwhelmed and unhappy about the show.

-”Are you serious?” I asked, shocked.

-”What? Did you liked it?” He wondered.

-”Well… No, it was not that great but…”

Mingyu then realized that I was not shocked for the same reasons as him.

-”What is it then?”

-”Nothing. It’s nothing important.” I replied.

-”Is it because of how they treat creatures on the play?” He asked.

I glanced at him. Why does he always hit the right spot? I kept on walking. I was afraid that he would react badly to the show, but it looked like I worried for nothing. Mingyu ran after me and grabbed my shoulder to force me to face him.

-”You thought I’d hold a grudge against humans for the way they see us? Even toward you?”

I was ashamed to admit it.

-”Really… You are so sweet.” He said hugging me. “You don’t have to worry anymore. I know how they see us and I know how they would treat me if I was to let them know what I am.” He softly patted my head. “But I also know how you see me and how well you treat me. You made me understood that not every humans are the same. That there are somes that can love us and it’s all that matter.”

-”I guess I just wanted to protect you.”

-”Yes and I’m thankful for that.”



Here is the chapter! It's shorter then usual but I hope you still enjoyed it! :)

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Chapter 37: i wonder jeonghan and his friends from what kinds ˊ▽ˋ hmm and i hope hyemi's dad didn't involves in any of these mess i mean that guy is suspicious ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 13: OMG I THOUGHT THEY'RE WEREWOLVES ? i even gasped the moment i read "we are vampires" haahaha i mean wow i didn't expect that??? (☉д⊙) you mentioned mermaid & demon but then seungcheol come dropped the bomb like "tadahh we are vampires you know? (^O^)/ "
SofiaSofia #3
Chapter 78: Just finished reading it in one go :D it was soooooo good!! I love the way you described every situation and every character <3 I would love to read a sequel to this story e.g what is happening after that? What about the wolves and the angles? What about woozi? How does hyemi adapt to her new situation and everything like that ??
Chapter 22: *still salty about fight between Mingyu and Minghao* that stupid girl...

how can i be so blind?!!! i only realised now that hip hop unit is vampires, performance unit is werewolves!!! then vocal unit... what are they?
i should have known in character introduction they weren't in age order...
Chapter 20: i blame it all on her
Chapter 19: now i hate her... before i didn't like her because she's so weak!! and now.. she's even stupid too!!! why couldn't she scream "STOP"?!!!
Chapter 18: that little adorable cutie pie!!! i'll bite you!!! it's not legal to be so cute!! i'll pinch your cheeck like there's no tomorrow!!! (don't worry... just Wonu-feels-attack)
Chapter 17: Yeah... wow (*sobs* i wish i was there to see that God's masterpiece)
Chapter 15: oh... so he was Hao
Chapter 14: then who was that wolf?
i don't think he's from SVT... Who else was in foreword?... *too lazy to go back*
i'll just continue reading..