
It's Cold

Playlist for the chapter: If... - B1A4


I wasn’t quite sure how it ended up this way. However, I was not displeased by the situation.

-”I’ll go take a shower.” Mingyu said throwing his towel above his shoulder. “You can go to bed before me if you want.” He left right after.

I let myself fall on the bed and sighed. After some hours spent at the café, we decided to head back home, when Seungcheol proposed to Mingyu to invite me to spend the night with them.

I ran my hand through my hair.

It was Mingyu’s cute eyes that convinced me. We stopped by my house and then ended up here.

I looked at the clock. It was not even passed 8 o’clock. I changed into more comfortable clothes and left the room. The shower could be hear in the hallway. I looked around before going downstairs. Seungcheol had locked himself up in his room since we came back. Noises came from the kitchen while I was going down.

-”Are you sure you’re doing this right?” Wonwoo’s deep voice echoed.

-”Of course…” There was a short silence. “not.” Vernon replied softly.

I entered the kitchen to see Wonwoo looking nonchalantly over the counter where Vernon was trying to do something with food. He stared at me when I entered.

-”I don’t want to do this anymore!” He practically screamed and left the room.

Wonwoo was keeping his laugh inside.

-”What’s with him?” I asked, Vernon’s loud steps echoing in the silent house.

-”He want to cook one of those thing he ate at the café but he can’t do it.”

I laughed too.

-”He will learn that you get good at cooking by practicing. If he keep abandoning while making it, he won’t learn.” I took place behind the counter, looking at what was there.

It was a real mess. Flour was all over the marble surface and bowls with different ingredients were placed around. I looked at it. Water, butter, melted chocolate, sugar and vanilla.

-”I guess there is something to do with that.” I stared at Wonwoo who looked curious about what I will be doing.

I started mixing ingredients together under the gaze of Wonwoo who looked very closely at what I was doing.

-”Why are you putting butter in the mold?” He asked.

-”That way the cake won’t burn and stick to it.”

-”Ohh…” He replied.

-”Want to help me?” I smiled.

-”It won’t taste good if I cook it…”

-”Oh come on.” I said taking his arm for him to move in front of the bowl. “You just need to put the flour in this other bowl and mix it.”

He nodded and started doing it. He was actually funny to watch. He obviously was really insecure about all of this.

-”Done…” He softly said.

-”You did great.” I reassured him.

He smiled, happy of himself. I put the cake in the oven. Now all that was left was to wait for it to cook.

-”He is quite lucky…” He said from behind the counter.

I turned to face him.


-”Mingyu. He is lucky to have you.”

-”Or is it me that is lucky to have him?” I joked around.

Wonwoo smirked at my words.

-”Both of you are I guess. I wish I could have someone with who I would feel what both of you feel.”

-”If you were a little more talkative you could get yourself a girlfriend.” I walked toward the counter and bend over it so that I would see his eyes. “You know the girls at school find you quite attractive.”

He laughed.

-”I’m serious! They keep asking me your name because they are too scared to disturb you while you sleep on your desk!”


He looked at me with big eyes. Was he that happy to hear that?

-”What are you doing? What’s that smell?” Mingyu said entering the kitchen.

-”I was telling your friend he could get himself a girlfriend.”

-”Oh Oh~ Do you have someone in mind?” Mingyu said sitting next to him, looking at him intensively.

-”Shut up…” Wonwoo said crossing his arms before laying them on the counter, his head on top.

I looked at the cake that still needed a lot of time before being completely cook.

Wonwoo, Mingyu and myself talked while the cake was cooking and eventually the others joined, leaded by the nice smell that was spreading throughout the house. We all talked for a while before I could actually take out the cake out of the oven. We continued our late night chat in the living room. Vernon was joyful just as before, Wonwoo was mocking everyone while Seungcheol was being the ‘dad’ watching his kids in silence. Mingyu was just the lovely dork he always have been, laying his head on my laps, smiling at me.Then, one by one the boys left starting by Seungcheol.

-”You’re leaving?” Vernon asked as Seungcheol got up and walked toward the stairs.

-”I have some stuff to take care of.” He said softly, smiling at the boy.

Seungcheol went upstairs, followed by a running Vernon. I looked at Mingyu who smiled like a fool at me.

-”I’ll let you two alone. I’m kind of tired whenever I see him like that…” Wonwoo grined before leaving us.

-”It’s us two now.” Mingyu whispered.

I passed my hand on his cheek. His wet hair falling on his forehead.

-”Your hair are getting long…” I said softly pushing them behind.

-”Right? They will hide my eyes soon.”

-”Don’t you want to cut them?”

-”Hummm… Maybe later this week?”


Their was a huge silence after that. I was playing with his hair and he was just staring at me. I then looked at his eyes, for a long moment.

-”What?” He said.

I felt like I still had questions about him, about what he is.

-”Nothing. Thinking about silly things.” I smiled.

-”There’s no such thing here.” He smiled back.

I hesitated but ended up saying it anyway.

-”Vernon’s mother look quite young for her age and she said that people could see that she was not aging as fast as humans...”

-”Yeah… Vampires aged slowlier than human for some reason. We get to live like 30 years older than most humans.”

-”That is a lot…”

-”I guess… But we still age. I’ll end up old and ugly too one day.” He smiled again.

-”You’re so silly.” I laughed.

He got up to kiss my forehead.

-”I’m happy to have you with me, Hyemi.” He said wrapping his arms around me as I leaned my head on his chest.

I closed my eyes for a while. It was strange imagining myself getting old by his side, but it made me so happy.

-”Aren’t you tired? It’s past eleven now…”

I nodded wrapping my arms around him. I felt him patting my head before taking me in his arms and lifting me up.

-”What are you doing?”

-”I’m taking you to bed.” He said proud of himself.

He looked too happy for me to make him put me down so I leaned against his chest as he put me on the bed.

-”Never knew you could be such a gentlemen.” I smiled as I jumped in the sheet.

-”Only for you.” He said before kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around me as both of us fell, not long after, asleep.


I woke up the next day before Mingyu did. His hair were messy and covered most of his closed eyes. I passed my hand through it, making him roll on the other side. I got up and left the room to go to the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair. Once I came out, I dried them and changed in black jean and a white shirt. I came out to see that Mingyu was obviously still asleep. I decided to get my breakfast before he got up. I was walking downstairs when I heard voices coming from the living room. I looked carefully only to see Seungcheol sitting with a unknown man on the couch. I turned around right away and silently tried to get back upstairs. Unfortunately, it failed.

-”Hyemi,...” Seungcheol’s soft voice came from behind. “Come here please.”

I guess I don’t have any choices…

Seungcheol invited me to sit at his usual spot, on the sofa. He then got up to close the door. I looked around, uncomfortable in this situation. The table was full of papers, books and pen. I tried to read the titles on the papers, however Seungcheol came back before I could.

-”Hyemi, I want to introduce you to my uncle. I’ve talked to you about him quite a lot of time already I think?”

-”Yes… Nice to meet you…”

-”My pleasure, Hyemi.”

I stared at Seungcheol, hoping that my gaze would say it all. He stared back at me before taking a pile of papers and handing them to me.

-”Let’s get straight to the point…” Seungcheol started.

I took the papers and read the title on the first page.

“WCE Project; World Creatures Elimination, Phase 1.”

-”The human government want to kill all of us.” His uncle finished.

Small chapter... *I feel like I say that every weeks*
But whatever! I'm in my exams these days and I don't even know how I'll manage my time for the rest of the week so I may not be able to update on thursday next week! I'll try my best though!
Thank you all for the sweet comments! Hopefully you will like what is coming in the story! :)


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Chapter 37: i wonder jeonghan and his friends from what kinds ˊ▽ˋ hmm and i hope hyemi's dad didn't involves in any of these mess i mean that guy is suspicious ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 13: OMG I THOUGHT THEY'RE WEREWOLVES ? i even gasped the moment i read "we are vampires" haahaha i mean wow i didn't expect that??? (☉д⊙) you mentioned mermaid & demon but then seungcheol come dropped the bomb like "tadahh we are vampires you know? (^O^)/ "
SofiaSofia #3
Chapter 78: Just finished reading it in one go :D it was soooooo good!! I love the way you described every situation and every character <3 I would love to read a sequel to this story e.g what is happening after that? What about the wolves and the angles? What about woozi? How does hyemi adapt to her new situation and everything like that ??
Chapter 22: *still salty about fight between Mingyu and Minghao* that stupid girl...

how can i be so blind?!!! i only realised now that hip hop unit is vampires, performance unit is werewolves!!! then vocal unit... what are they?
i should have known in character introduction they weren't in age order...
Chapter 20: i blame it all on her
Chapter 19: now i hate her... before i didn't like her because she's so weak!! and now.. she's even stupid too!!! why couldn't she scream "STOP"?!!!
Chapter 18: that little adorable cutie pie!!! i'll bite you!!! it's not legal to be so cute!! i'll pinch your cheeck like there's no tomorrow!!! (don't worry... just Wonu-feels-attack)
Chapter 17: Yeah... wow (*sobs* i wish i was there to see that God's masterpiece)
Chapter 15: oh... so he was Hao
Chapter 14: then who was that wolf?
i don't think he's from SVT... Who else was in foreword?... *too lazy to go back*
i'll just continue reading..