Coffee Shop

It's Cold

Playlist for the chapter: Coffee Shop - B.A.P., Insane -Ailee.

I was half excited, half stressed by the idea of starting my job in the coffee shop. I looked at myself one last time before going out. I was wearing a white shirt dress and my hair were tied in a single ponytail. I finally took a deep breath, took my coat and left the house. It was early in the morning as I walked in the streets to the shop. After a few minutes, I was finally standing in front of it and my heart was beating really fast in my chest. I entered the shop knowing that it would open in only an hour. I looked around to see the long haired man cleaning the tables. The lady was on the other side of the counter, staring at me with the same eyes as yesterday. I looked at the floor intimidated by her. Why does she keep looking at me like that? At that moment, I felt hands taking my shoulders. 
-”Hyemi, right?” He smiled looking at my eyes.
-”Y-Yes!” I replied precipitately. 
-”Ready to start your training?” He asked, going behind the counter.
I nodded with a smile. 
-”I’ll give my best.”
-”That’s what we need.” Jeonghan said.
He showed me the different machines that were used for coffee or other hot beverage. He then showed me around and explained how I should take orders, where to find the things to clean the tables and finally how to make the clients pay. People started coming in around nine o'clock. Jeonghan did all the work in the beginning as I followed him around to see how to properly do everything. Around ten, he let me served someone who asked for a coffee. I struggled a little with the machine at first, but with Jeonghan's help it went pretty well. Around eleven, a lot more people started coming in and I had to try by myself. I took the orders of different tables and gave them to the cooks. I then prepared their beverages and served them. I was happy that everything went quite well so far. 
-”Are you doing okay?” Jeonghan asked me, joining me behind the counter as I was already preparing coffees. 
-”I guess. The clients look happy.” I smiled at him.
-”Great then. You’re doing great!” He said, patting my hair playfully, messing with them, before leaving with one of the coffee I just made.
-”Yahh!” I screamed at him.
He turned around to look at me only, to taunt me with a wink.
-”Tsss…” I let out of my mouth, not really angry. 
Jeonghan was quite playful yet really kind. He was always smiling, talking carefully to the clients, never losing his calm. He was helping me a lot for my first day. I was happy to work with such a considerate man. He was basically acting like an older brother toward me, it was reassuring having him near me today.

It finally got quiet as less people came in, diner time was over. I was cleaning the tables when Jeonghan sat in one of the seat in front of me.
-”How was it?” He said pushing his hair behind his head. 
It’s only at that moment that I realized how good looking he was. That explained why there was so many girls coming here. 
-”It was fun.” I said knowing that it was still a lot of work. A job can’t be one hundred percent fun, right?
-”Well, if you want to stay with us, you are more than welcome.” He slightly smiled. 
-”I’ll definitely come again. I need money.” I said softly.
-”Like everyone.” He laughed. “You can leave if you want, I’ll take care of the rest for today. Come by after school tomorrow, we will discuss for your work’s schedule. 
-”Okay then…” I left the tables to Jeonghan who waved happily at me.
-”See you tomorrow!” 

I left the shop quite happy about my day, even if I was exhausted. I took my time to go back home. The weather was warm under the sun, hotter then this morning. I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. A normal day… I smiled at my thought. In fact, it was a day where no creatures were involved. A lot of people were outside, enjoying the weather just like me. I walked toward my house, feeling myself getting hungry. I the street leading to my house. From afar, I could see someone at my house. I stopped, looking carefully to see who it was. The man had a black hoodie and a white shirt under it. Both his hands were hidden in his black jean’s pocket. He was swinging his feet in the snow that was on the ground in front of my house’s door. He was looking at the ground, walking in circle, then, he would stopped to stare at the house, for a moment, before sitting in the stairs that leaded to my door. I laughed at him. He looked pitiful like that. I put my hands in my coat and walked toward him, not even able to hide my smile at his sight.
-”What are you doing?” 
He got up suddenly, staring at me.
-”N-Nothing much…” He said precipitately.
-"Yah, Mingyu-ah, were you waiting for me?” 
He looked at my eyes.
-”Pfff, think whatever you want.” He than turned to face the door.
I laughed. 
-”You’re acting like a kid.” I laughed, going to the door to open it. 
-"I needed to talk to you, nothing more..." He said entering the house.
My day without creatures has been short. I thought following him inside.
I put my coat on the chair as Mingyu sat in front of it. He laid his arms on the table and then put his head on them looking at me with pitiful eyes.
-"Where were you anyway?" He asked me.
-"My father wanted me to find a job, so I am now working in a coffee shop not far from here." 
He sat properly on the chair to look at me happily. 
-"That's nice for you! But why did your father wanted you to get a job?" 
-"My father doesn't like the idea of me spending most of my days with you and the boys..."
-"Aish..." He let out, unhappy. "I'll talk to your dad when he gets back!" 
I smiled at him.
-"At least he is not here often so you can come over as much as you want and I can go see you whenever I want."
 I decided that it was time for me to eat something. I didn't feel hungry at work, but now I was craving. I took some bread out of the fridge with chicken and vegetables. 
-"What are you doing?" Mingyu asked me.
-"Diner. I'm so hungry." 
I grilled the chicken with the vegetables in a pan and put it between two slices of bread with cheese. I sat in front of Mingyu who was staring at me.
-"Sorry to eat like that in front of you..." I said even if he was in no way attracted to have some of my sandwich.
-"It's fine, this is what I wanted to talk with you."
-"What?" I said with a mouthful of sandwich.
-"Tomorrow I won't be at school. I'll go outside to hunt."
I understood that it was to feed himself.
-"I see..." I put my sandwich back in my plate.
I was imagining him feeding himself on the neck of a dead animal. It stopped me from chewing what I had in my mouth. Why did I had to think of that?
-"What is it?" He asked, seeing me getting pale.
It was making me remember that time with the wolf, the first official time I had met Minghao. 
-"Nothing much... Just thinking of things I shouldn't." 
-"Don't think too much about me..." He added staring at the table.
I looked at him. He looked sad.
-"Come on. You have to eat too... Sorry I'm not really used to it yet." I laughed, finishing my plate as he stared at me.
-"Next time let's go to your house."
-"That way we will be able to eat together, like a real couple."
He tried to hide his smile but couldn't. He smiled brightly at me.
I took my plate back to the sink and started washing. Mingyu got up to look at what I was doing. He then laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was surprised at him doing that, but it was these kind of things that made me fall for him even more. Everytime he was shy in front of me, every time he was acting cute, everytime he was acting jealous, I knew that it was because he loved me. These actions made me understand that vampires were not evil, at least not him, that even with his cold look, he was the sweetest boy in town.
-"You could help me instead of watching me."
-"Hummm...." Was the only thing he answered back without energy.
I finished washing without his help. I felt like something was wrong with him since he arrived home. I turned around to face him, trying to go away of his grip. I stared at him as he didn't let me get away from him.
-"Yah." I said softly.
-"You won't go anywhere." He said.
I frowned at him as he grabbed the counter behind me, slowly getting closer. My face was a few centimeters away from his chest as his head was next to my left ear.
-"What if I were to hurt you?." He whispered.
I tried to look at him but he was too close. He wrapped his arm around me, forcing me to look at his chest.
-"Don't look at me." He added.
-"I know you won't..." I sighed.
-"What if I lose myself to the monster inside of me? I hurt Seungcheol and Wonwoo last time... What if they are not there to protect you?"
I tried harder to get away from him, taking his head in my hands. His hair were falling above his eyes as he was trying to avoid my gaze.
-"Mingyu, look at me."
-"I only want to know if you ever wanted all of this... Because if you're not happy with me, I'll let you go." He had now closed his eyes. In fact, something was bothering him since the beginning. 
I passed my fingers on his cheeks.
He finally opened his eyes to look at me.
-"I never wished for all of this..." 
He stared at me with his wet eyes.
-"But I'll never be able to let you get away from me. There's no one I want here, at the moment, more than you. So please, even if something ever happen, stay by my side."
The poor boy was practically crying in front of me. I knew that Mingyu was acting though in front of me, but never would I have thought he was hidden his feelings that much.
I passed one of my hand behind his head, through his hair, as I passed the other above is shoulder to get him closer to me. He put his head on my shoulder as I pat his hair.
-"You don't have to act though in front of me Mingyu. I'm not standing by your side because I'm afraid of you, I'm by your side because I know you're the only one that will always be here for me. I'll always love you as long as you love me ."
I heard soft sobs coming from him as I wrapped my arms around his strong body, feeling myself tearing up with him.


Another small chapter! I'm sorry but I promise next week I'll give you something better since I'll be done with my exams~

I hoped you still liked it!;) 


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Chapter 37: i wonder jeonghan and his friends from what kinds ˊ▽ˋ hmm and i hope hyemi's dad didn't involves in any of these mess i mean that guy is suspicious ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 13: OMG I THOUGHT THEY'RE WEREWOLVES ? i even gasped the moment i read "we are vampires" haahaha i mean wow i didn't expect that??? (☉д⊙) you mentioned mermaid & demon but then seungcheol come dropped the bomb like "tadahh we are vampires you know? (^O^)/ "
SofiaSofia #3
Chapter 78: Just finished reading it in one go :D it was soooooo good!! I love the way you described every situation and every character <3 I would love to read a sequel to this story e.g what is happening after that? What about the wolves and the angles? What about woozi? How does hyemi adapt to her new situation and everything like that ??
Chapter 22: *still salty about fight between Mingyu and Minghao* that stupid girl...

how can i be so blind?!!! i only realised now that hip hop unit is vampires, performance unit is werewolves!!! then vocal unit... what are they?
i should have known in character introduction they weren't in age order...
Chapter 20: i blame it all on her
Chapter 19: now i hate her... before i didn't like her because she's so weak!! and now.. she's even stupid too!!! why couldn't she scream "STOP"?!!!
Chapter 18: that little adorable cutie pie!!! i'll bite you!!! it's not legal to be so cute!! i'll pinch your cheeck like there's no tomorrow!!! (don't worry... just Wonu-feels-attack)
Chapter 17: Yeah... wow (*sobs* i wish i was there to see that God's masterpiece)
Chapter 15: oh... so he was Hao
Chapter 14: then who was that wolf?
i don't think he's from SVT... Who else was in foreword?... *too lazy to go back*
i'll just continue reading..