Chapter 10

Just business
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 Oh my god. So... I haven't updated in almost an year. Honestly, I kinda gave up on the story but my "Black glitter" fanifc inspired me to edit up the already drafted 10th chapter. I know there will bearly be any views but there are only a few chapters left and I wanna finish my story.

***Jiyong's POV***

I could feel my heart beating in my throat as an unfamiliar cold sensation took over my whole body. My feet moved on their own in a sad attempt to follow Seungri down the hallway. I could feel it- we were both broken into million pieces in just a couple of minutes and it would take centuries to put the pieces back together. There was a huge hole burning in my chest- hurting, bleeding, treating my life. And I knew this horrible feeling won’t fade away soon. It was too strong and powerful, killing all my thoughts and emotions.                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘Please, let me explain.’ I pleaded, completely ignoring the tear rolling down my cheek as if it didn’t exist ’ Seungri, please. ’ But in reality I couldn’t explain a thing. I really did try stealing away his boyfriend, it’s a fact.
Somehow I found myself on the floor in my office, curled up and crying. The question how did he found out about the tape couldn’t leave my mind. Who did this? How is it possible? And the saddest part is that I did all this to myself. My own head created this selfish plan and I had no one to blame.
Green velvet shoes’ clicking rang trough the room- the only sign of Angela’s presence. She just stood there in complete silence, sad and tired eyes glued to me. I was the pain and sorrow dancing in them right before another piece of my heart broke off. They were so beautiful, yet so lifeless. We all have too many problems and sometimes we need to be less selfish in order to save ourselves from further damage.
Click. Click. And she was gone just like she came in. I was left in the darkness with my confusing thoughts. I had to find him and explain everything. Seungri might hate me after all this but I would never forgive myself if he keeps thinking I tried to take away his boyfriend. 
Wiping away the tears, soon I was in my car, driving down the familiar road.

***Angela's POV***

'You did what?’ Bae raised his voice and I felt even smaller under his judging gaze
What I did was wrong and I regretted it completely. If I could turn back time I wouldn’t have sent the video under any circumstances. Somehow my brain shut down for a few seconds as the anger took over me and then the footage was already in Seungri’s inbox. This was very selfish of me but in that moment I had to show him that he isn’t special in any way. And what did I get? Jiyong is a traitor in his beloved’s eyes while Young Bae lost all the feelings he had left for me. I could see it in his angry expression- I was nothing more but a stupid girl who ruined his best friends life.
'I…I’m so s-’
'Sorry?’, he cut me off, 'You’re sorry? Oh, well that fixes everything, doesn’t it? Leave. I don’t want to look at you.’
I got up and left Bae’s office as quick as I could before the tears could roll down. Jiyong wasn’t the only one who lost their loved one today. We were both losers who thought they’re way more clever than the others. He didn’t have to film himself trying to trick Seungri’s boyfriend into cheating and I never had to send the footage. I popped a pill in my mouth, in a desperate attempt to calm myself down, and quickly fell asleep on Jiyong’s leather couch.

***Jiyong's POV***

I pressed the button quickly, without giving myself a chance to hesitate even for a second,  and looked up at the security camera. Nothing. I pressed it again. ….again… again…
'Give up, you jerk.’ I finally heard Seungri’s voice coming from the entryphone and my heart skipped a beat in a bitter sweet way, 'Go away before I call the police.’
'Seungri, we need to talk. Please, let me in. It’s not what it seems. Let me explain.’
I wasn’t sure what I was getting at. I just wanted to see my makn

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Chapter 13: Ah, this was a journey ❤️
Chapter 13: Omg! This was such an incredibly awesome story. I’m so glad I read it. T_T
Too beautiful for words! Thanks so much for sharing it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 13: That was an incredible story, it made me shed so many happy fluffy tears!
Thank you so much for finishing it, I’m still grinning like an idiot over such a happy ending ❤️
Lolaezel #4
Chapter 13: Amazing story!
Chapter 13: I love it!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Such an amazing story!! So glad I had the opportunity to read it!! Thank you for sharing it with us all!! ^_^
hannysoe #7
Chapter 13: Happy ending, thank you authornim
Chapter 13: Seriously, one of my favorite stories :') I love to come back to it when I long for some nyongtory :3 Great job~
Annyadja #9
Chapter 13: good story...
Finally happy ending
Chapter 13: Haha interesting story!