The Clock Strikes at Midnight Pt. 2

Once Upon A Time

“We should go to the kingka table first,” Mi Hae said once we walked into the gymnasium, where the dance is being held.

My heart skipped a beat, butterflies suddenly filling my stomach. However, not only did I become nervous, I became anxious. I felt that, inside of me, I wanted to know they’re reactions. “Ok,” I agreed.

I immediately changed my mind once we walked up to them, remembering that the boy who always glares at me is in this group.

“Hey, it’s Jisoo and Mi Hae, and…” one of them said, slowly drifting off with his words once his eyes landed on me, “one heck of a beauty,” he continued. I cracked a smile, realizing that this plan actually could be fun. “I’m Hansol,” he introduced himself.

I give him a smile. “I’m Nana,” I tell him. Who knew it was so easy to lie? I break eye contact with him and survey the twelve boys in front of me, finally being gripped by eye contact with the glaring boy.

“Don’t worry about him,” Mi Hae said, playfully elbowing me. “He may look like that but he’s not actually glaring at you, he’s just being shy. He’s actually really nice and cute,” she told me. “Aren’t you, Wonwoo?”

I looked back at him but he looked away. I get now why it seemed like he was glaring at me but I still don’t understand why he was always ‘staring’ at me.

I was introduced to the rest of the group. In my head, I thought, why are they so popular? They aren’t that attractive. I guess it’s just preference and I’m a minority.

Somehow, I managed to spend another two hours with this group and Mi Hae. I learned a couple things about each person:

Wonwoo: shy, doesn’t talk much, stares a lot, and is always near Mingyu.

Mingyu: playboy #1, super tall, pretty stupid, and very loud.

Hansol: playboy #2, flirts with pretty much everyone, and half-white.

Minghao: another shy one, again doesn’t talk much, and is seemingly always preoccupied with something else.

Seungkwan: very, very loud, and is always grabbing other peoples’ attentions.

Seokmin: very stupid, messes around a lot, and giggles most of the time for no reason at all.

Soonyoung: Seokmin’s play buddy, I think he has an interest in Mi Hae (which can’t be good for either of them), and he messes around even more than Seokmin.

Jihun: he is very sassy, he ignores me half of the time, and he doesn’t socialize with people like me I guess.

Junhui: playboy #3, and doesn’t flirt all the time but when he does…

Jeonghan: playboy #4, turns out he’s a guy, and he is a hardcore flirter.

Chan: guessing he’s one of the youngest or he’s okay with teasing because his friends a lot.

“Uhm, Nana,” someone called for me. I turn around and face Chan. “Do you want to – uhm.” He coughed, showing that he’s nervous, avoiding making eye contact with me. I couldn’t contain my smile, thinking it was so funny and so cute. “… dance with me?” he asked.

I raised my eyebrows. I listened closely to the song playing at the moment: a slow song. I looked around and saw couples joining the dance floor, Mi Hae and Jisoo being one of them. Suddenly, my heart began to pound.

“I don’t know how to dance,” I told him honestly.

“That’s okay,” he replied quickly. “I don’t mind.”

“Really?” I bit my lip, thinking about it for a little bit. “Ok. I’ll dance with you this time,” I agreed.

He smiled cheekily and held out his hand, asking for mine. I laid a hand on top of his and he pulled me to the dance floor. Stopping in the middle of it, he intertwined his fingers with mine and put his other hand on my waist. I stared back at him, not knowing what to do.

“Put your other hand on my shoulder,” he said, noticing that I was confused. I did as he said.

We slowly swayed left and right, taking on each stop at a time, me lagging behind.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “It would’ve been better if I knew how to dance, right?”

“It would’ve been,” he answered, “but you dancing with me in the first place tops everything.”

I blushed. He didn’t really use a flirty tone when we were talking before so I’m not used to him talking to me like this.

“Nana,” he called. I looked up at him. “You know, it’s my birthday.”

“It is?” I ask, him nodding in response. “Happy birthday,” I told him.

“Do I get a present?” he asks.

“Uhm. I don’t have anything to give you,” I answered.

“You could,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“Close your eyes,” he ordered.

Not seeing through his plan, I closed my eyes like he told me to. Nothing happened for a couple seconds until I felt his face in front of mine; he felt really close. It was like time stopped. I couldn’t hear anyone or anything else anymore. My eyes were closed so all I could see was pitch black. It was only the two of us at this place.

Then I felt it.

This soft sensation pressed on my lips. My heart beat faster, harder. What is this?

When I opened my eyes, they widened immediately. I observed his face. His eyes were closed, our nose barely scratching each others, and our lips… touching. Kiss? My… my first kiss…

I pushed him away.

“The time is now 12 o’clock,” the principal said into the microphone, over the loud speakers. “Start emptying out of the gymnasium. Remember, there is no school tomorrow.”

I blinked, feeling the tears in my eyes.

“Nana?” I saw him reach out for me, asking if I was okay. I slapped his hand away.

“Nana, what’s wrong?” Mi Hae asks, running up to me.

Ignoring her, I lowered my head and ran out of the gymnasium.

My first kiss; he took my first kiss. 

Author's Note:

My apologies if I offended anyone when describing the members.
This is not how I actually viewed them, it's how Nari views them, and I have to write 
her perspective.
Anyway, how was this chapter? I hope it wasn't too boring >///<

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april10_99 #1
Chapter 5: It's really good, omg i love it. Update please~ fighting!! ^^
yayy~ update. omfg. i really like wonwoo rn. i feel bad, if the main male character is dino, i don't think i could read this fic. ;u; my friend would get a) angry with me and b) i see him as my son. so if it is i don't think i can continue (although its a really awesome idea and fic, don't take this as something negative :)) this fic is brilliant) /thumbs up/
Mimiss #3
Chapter 4: Its great update soon please ☆(人゚∀゚*)☆