Bonus Chapter: Etherial

Once Upon A Time

[Mi Hae’s POV]

A warm sensation snakes around me, giving me an impeccable feeling. I relax my tense limbs and settle closer to the warmth. I wrap my arms around the one in front of me and bury my nose into his chest. I take in his sweet scent and let out a peaceful sigh. The sun’s rays directly aim for my eyelid and I regain consciousness while groaning.

“Good morning, Jagiya,” Jisoo whispers, his voice deeper than usual. A shiver runs through my back as he speaks. His sleepy, bed voice always does this to me.

“Good morning,” I reply. He chuckles. “Wae?” I ask.

“You’re so cute,” he answers.

“I know I am,” I giggle.

I look up at him and smile. He smiles back, leaning in and pecking a kiss on my lips. I sigh when he pulled away, not satisfied with the short length of the kiss. He gets up and walks outside the room, taking the warmth with him.

“No,” I whine. “Come back.”

“Come and get me,” he laughs.

Taking on his offer, I throw the covers off of me and following him outside.





“Ah,” Jisoo opens his mouth, asking for another bite.

I grab another chip and feed him. He pecked another kiss upon my lips, his way of saying ‘Thank You’. I turned back around and press my back against his chest. He takes his arms and wraps them around my waist.

“Jagiya, what do you want to do today?” Jisoo asks.

I shrug in response. On lazy days like this, I just want to stay like this: on the couch, cuddling with Jisoo, eating chips, and watching a drama. “What do you want to do,” I ask back.

“Well, I got these amusement park tickets-”

“Amusement park?” I interrupt. “It’s been so long since I’ve went to an amusement park. Why didn’t you say so earlier? It’s already two in the afternoon. I’m going to go get ready,” I say, getting up from Jisoo’s lap and walking to my room.





“Oppa, I’m hungry,” I tell Jisoo.

We arrived at the amusement park at four. It’s now eight o’clock at night. Today was such a fun day. I got Jisoo to ride on so many roller coasters even though he doesn’t really like to ride roller coasters. Thinking about it now, why did Jisoo take me to an amusement park? Maybe I should’ve let him explain further earlier today.

“Ok. Why don’t you grab us something to eat and I’ll get us a table?” he suggest. I nod in agreement and we both set out on our own ways.

“Hamburger?” I question myself while standing in front of a booth that is selling hamburgers. I ponder for a little bit, working up my appetite for a hamburger. “Hamburgers it is.” In the end, I ended up getting a hamburger, a blt, large fries, and a large cola. “Wah, I’m going to get fat.”

As I was walking back to the table, I began wondering about Jisoo. He was being weird today, for the most part. He only gave me short kisses, he suggested himself to go to an amusement park, and he rode all of the rides I wanted to ride. Perhaps… he wants to break up with me?

I balk, having heard laughter and setting my eyes upon a particular table.

I watch as Jisoo converses with two girls. Is there really any difference? He talks to them the same way he talks to everyone else, the same way he talks to me. He looks at them the same way he looks at everyone else, the same way he looks at me. He smiles at them the same way he smiles at everyone else, the same way he smiles at me. I’m not really different than those girls, right? I’m just like them; I’m just like ‘everyone else’.

I walk over to the table, pulling Jisoo’s attention away from them.

“Ah, Mi Hae-”

I slam the tray down on the table. “Bwoh? ‘Mi Hae’?” I sigh in frustration. Never has he called me by my name since we started dating. It’s always been ‘Jagiya’, or ‘Yeobo’, or ‘Baby’. “Hong Jisoo,” I hiss. “You can eat by yourself. I’m not hungry anymore.” I turned around and walked away.

I heard him push his chair back. “Mi Hae,” he called again and again. However, I didn’t stop until he grasped my wrist in his hand. “Mi Hae, what’s wrong?” Again with the ‘Mi Hae’.

“What’s wrong?” I sighed again. “You’re too nice, Jisoo,” I tell him. “You look and talk and smile at everyone the same way you do to me. Am I even special to you?”

He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out of it.

“Don’t have an answer, huh?” I bite my lip, stopping myself from crying. Instead of saying anything else, I turn around and walk away again.

I ended up on a bench in front of the stage.

“What are you doing Mi Hae?” I asked myself. “You could be misunderstanding the situation,” I told myself. “But it still doesn’t make up with the fact that he’s the same with everyone.” I look down at my hands. “Could this really be it?”

A person runs by in front of me. I look to my left, seeing the crowd that was nonexistent moments ago in front of the stage. “He’s so cute,” a girl says. My Jisoo is cute too. “Is he going to sing for us?” another asks. My Jisoo can sing too.

“No, stop thinking about him,” I tell myself.

“It’s still a boring morning. The distance between me and you has no progress.

Do you still think of me as the person before? In your small eyes, I’m probably still a kid. This isn’t the first time so what can I do? I can’t get over how you laugh in front of me. I can’t just stay still.

I wanna be your morning baby. From now on, be alright. Spend it together, morning baby. I want you to be my night. Everything you think of will become all of me. Look at me and be my lady. You’re my twenties.”

I immediately stand up. This is him. He’s singing. I turn to look at the stage, only to have my eyes meet his. He is on stage singing, he’s singing this song, and he’s singing this song for me?

“When you look at me, you’re so beautiful. I want to tell you. All of you that I see I want to cherish it. Just come to me. I want you to want me baby.

I wanna be your morning baby. From now on, be alright. I’ll show you how I only think of you.

Don’t try to brush past it like it’s nothing. If you want me yeah if you want me I can give you my everything if I’m in your heart.”

I sniffle, tears running down my face. The crowd soared, clapping and screaming for my Jisoo. I roughly wipe my tears away, realizing that Jisoo is now walking off the stage.

I turn my back towards him, but I turn back around once I heard his voice over the loud speakers, calling out my name.

“Kim Mi Hae,” he said, getting down on one knee. I clasp my hands over my face, covering my nose and mouth. He pulled out a rose and gestured it toward me, asking, “will you be my date to the dance?”

That is when I realized why all of this happened: why he brought me to an amusement park, why he tried so hard to make me happy, why he was talking to those girls. It was because of me.

“Yes,” I answered, smiling brightly. He gets up and hugs me, tears rolling down my face again. “I’m so sorry I got mad at you,” I tell him.

He pulls away and brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. “It’s okay. It’s normal to get jealous. Just know that whatever happens, I’ll always love you.”

I smile. “I love you too.”

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april10_99 #1
Chapter 5: It's really good, omg i love it. Update please~ fighting!! ^^
yayy~ update. omfg. i really like wonwoo rn. i feel bad, if the main male character is dino, i don't think i could read this fic. ;u; my friend would get a) angry with me and b) i see him as my son. so if it is i don't think i can continue (although its a really awesome idea and fic, don't take this as something negative :)) this fic is brilliant) /thumbs up/
Mimiss #3
Chapter 4: Its great update soon please ☆(人゚∀゚*)☆