The Clock Strikes at Midnight Pt. 1

Once Upon A Time

Finally, school today is over. Mi Hae has been bugging me the whole day today, trying to get me to go to the dance with her and Jisoo.

Did I also mention that Mi Hae couldn’t stop talking about Jisoo’s proposal? I’ve heard it about a 50 times today, and that is an understatement. I don’t even know how Mi Hae could’ve told me that story that many times when we literally see each other at lunch.

But anyway, school is now over and there isn’t any school tomorrow because it’s a student holiday tomorrow. I also have an early shift today since my mom doesn’t have work and can pick up the kids herself. Perfect. Now I can just go home after work and sleep.





“Welcome home, Nari,” Jun Suk greeted when I walked through the door. I reply back to him in a hum.

“I’m going to sleep for a bit. Can you fix up dinner, Umma?” I ask.

“Yeah, of course. Go get some rest, Nari,” she answered. I smile brightly and walk towards my mom. I give her a kiss on her cheek as a thank you.

I walk to my room and check the time: 6:30. Doing the math in my head, I’ll have about an hour to sleep before Umma finishes making dinner. With that in mind, I change out of my work clothes into my pajamas and slip under the covers of my bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.





Knock Knock

I open my eyes. “Neh?” I groan. The door opens, revealing two figures I couldn’t make out clearly. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Yawning, I open my eyes again, now clearly able to make out the figures: Mi Hae and Jisoo.

“What are you guys doing here? Aren’t you going to the dance?” I ask innocently.

“Oh we are,” Mi Hae answers, the two walking into my room. I watch Jisoo as he places a cute bag on my lamp stand and walks out of my room, closing the door behind him and saying a quick, “Good luck.”

I point to my now closed door. “Good luck?” I look at Mi Hae. “Good luck for what?”

“He’s wishing us luck on getting ready for the dance,” Mi Hae answered.

“What do you mean?” I look at my clock: 7:00. “It’s only seven and I’m not going to the dance with you,” I said. Mi Hae gave me a mischievous smile. Oh. I stood up. “No. No way. There is no way that I’m going to this dance with you,” I told Mi Hae sternly.

“You don’t really have a choice,” Mi Hae shrugged.

“Yes, I do.”

“No, not really. You see, you don’t know this because you didn’t ask nor were you interested but it’s required to go to the dance,” Mi Hae explained. “It’s a 50 point participation assignment in our study skills class.”

“What?” I exclaim. There’s no way Mi Hae could be lying right? She’s not doing that thing where her eyebrow creases when she lies. That means she’s not lying. Oh god, I really have to go to the dance. “Ok,” I sigh. “Do whatever you want with me.”

“Great,” Mi Hae replied, grinning from left to right. “Put this on,” she said, handing me – I’m assuming – a dress wrapped under a plastic covering. I do as she says and change into the dress.

“Uhm,” I murmur after I put on the dress. “I have to wear this?”

“No,” Mi Hae answered, “but it’s really cute and you look really good in it. Ok, now sit down so that I can do your hair and make-up.” Again, I comply to her demands and sit down.

“What are you planning to do?” I ask her, a little afraid of what the result might be.

“I’m thinking about curling your hair, do some basic make-up things, oh and you’re wearing contacts tonight,” she said.

“What? Why do I have to wear contacts?”

“Because I said so,” Mi Hae answered. I rolled my eyes at her response. What have I gotten myself into?





“Mi Hae, I’m starting to regret this,” I told her as the three of us walk up to the school gates.

“Come on Nari. When was the last time you had some fun? Plus, maybe you’ll be able to get yourself a boyfriend tonight,” Mi Hae said.

“Yeah right,” I scoff.

“Hey, who is that?” I heard scarcely over my left shoulder. “Does she go to our school?” I turn around, only to see the group of boys pointing and looking at me. “Holy ,” one of them said, “she’s cute.” “Dude, we made eye contact.” “No way, she was totally looking at me.” Blushing, I turn back around and continuing walking with Mi Hae.

“Neh, neh,” Mi Hae whispered to me. “Since so far people don’t recognize you, let’s play a game with them,” she said.

I look at her confusedly. “What do you mean? Why?”

She shrugged. “Not a lot of people paid attention to you when you’re your normal self right? Well tell anyone who asks that you’re name is Nana and that you do go to this school. Then when people start looking for you, they can’t find you, and all of the sudden you go to school looking like “Nana”, everyone is shocked and you’re instantly popular,” Mi Hae explained. I saw Jisoo in the corner of my eye shaking his head in disapproval.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mi Hae,” I told her.

“Why not? It’s the best revenge.” Suddenly, what she said make sense to me. I contemplated the majority of results that could be the end of this fiasco and realized that whatever is the outcome can’t really affect me since I won’t see any of these people after high school.

“Ok,” I nod. “I’m in.”

Author's Note:

Pt. 2 will be out soon!
Please look forward to it! >///<

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april10_99 #1
Chapter 5: It's really good, omg i love it. Update please~ fighting!! ^^
yayy~ update. omfg. i really like wonwoo rn. i feel bad, if the main male character is dino, i don't think i could read this fic. ;u; my friend would get a) angry with me and b) i see him as my son. so if it is i don't think i can continue (although its a really awesome idea and fic, don't take this as something negative :)) this fic is brilliant) /thumbs up/
Mimiss #3
Chapter 4: Its great update soon please ☆(人゚∀゚*)☆