Chapter 1

You're mine forever, until the end

Zitao, the Chinese boy who was a open person to everyone, but one day the teacher walks in with a unfamiliar boy.

In the classroom was really loud, it was messy aswell. But Zitao got used to it. The teacher was smiling as she cleared , ready to introduce the boy.
"Attention class." She says.
No one listened,
No one cared.
As usual.
She snaps at the class making everything still, except for Luhan and Xiuman, they were playing with each other's feet under the desks.
The teacher clears once again.
"Excuse me class, in case you didn't know, we have a new student with us today." She said.
The boy had a cute face, with a layer of blonde hair on the top, and a shade of black on the bottom, his cheeks flushed as everyone looked at him.
The teacher looks at the boy while saying, "Well, aren't you going to introduce yourself?"
The boy was looking down at the floor, when he tilted his head up fast and nodded.
"Hello, my name is Oh Sehun, you can call me Sehun though. I come from Korea." As he bit his lip nervously trying to keep a "bad boy" image.
The class snickered as Sehun looked at the floor once again, blushing of embarrassment for his shyness.
Tao studies the boy, Luhan punches Tao's arm saying "He's weird right?" Tao shot him a look.
"Luhan, he doesn't know us, and we don't know him. We shouldn't judge him. He could be cool." He ignores the class snickering and giggling.
The teacher sighs and looks at Tao. Smiling and trying to be a open student like always.
"Zitao, would you like to show Sehun around the school and play with him at recess today?" That's when Zitao's smile faded. He wanted to say no because he wanted to play soccer with his friends.
Tao was about to say 'No' but he looks at Sehun, he had a cute face, and cute eyes. Tao couldn't resist but smile and say 'Yes.'
"Okay." He says.
"Oh great! Well Sehun, you can sit next to him then. She points to the empty desk next to Zitao.
Sehun sits himself down, hands in his lap, red like crazy.
Tao taps on Sehun's shoulder.
Sehun turns to see Tao smiling at him cheerfully.
Sehun was kinda smiling. But it didn't matter, Tao found it cute anyways.
Tao usually brings his lunch but he just loves the chicken nuggets they make here, it was warm and cooked to perfection. As Tao carries his lunch tray to the table, he noticed Sehun sitting alone in a corner. 
"Tao!" Luhan shouts in his ear, making Tao almost drop one of his precious nuggets.
"What Luhan?!" You almost gave me a heart attack! Tao says furiously.
"Sorry," Luhan sticks his tongue out playfully, "Why were you looking at the weirdo?"
"I told you already, Sehun isn't a weirdo."
"Is too!" Exclaimed Baekhyun, "I hear he sleeps with a toy named Pinku." As he chews on to his gummy bears.
"Baekhyun, you sleep with a bear named Cotton candy Welly." Tao shot back.
"But it's weird if he does it!" Baekhyun whined.
"It's reasonable, He's younger than us for peeps' sake!" Tao said.
"Aren't you suppose to be Sehun's "buddy" for today?" Luhan glared.
"Whatever Luhan," Tao rolls his eyes. "I'll see you guys after Recess."
Tao awkwardly scoots to Sehun's table, he sits himself down in making Sehun looking at him with wide eyes. He just looked at his feet and continued eating.
"What are you eating Sehun?" Tao asks curiously.
"Nothing." He answers.
"You're chewing and holding it!" Tao says teasingly pointing at the almost done sandwich.
Sehun swallowed the chunk in his mouth, took a gulp of water and threw the perfectly good sandwich away and walks back to his corner.
"Not anymore." Sehun sighs.
The teacher commands the children to put away their lunchboxes to go play outside. It's a good thing that they have the 1st grade building near the cafeteria and playground, It was sure a big school to attend to.
"Hey Sehu-" Tao says, but only to find Sehun gone, Sehun was already in line listening to the teacher.
The walked to their classroom to put their lunchboxes away and went to the playground.
As Sehun was walking in the back, he was looking around at the buildings, 5th grade, 2nd, they were so huge.
Tao watched Sehun from the front, he slowed down to catch up to Sehun's pace. But Sehun walked faster to the front.
Tao sighs, how can he work with this?
When they make it to the playground he looks for Sehun, it wasn't that hard to find where he was, because most people go near the trees, and Sehun was right under one.
Tao runs up to Sehun catching his breath, Sehun looks at him and hugs his 2 legs tightly.
"Oh! That's right, we never introduced myself properly." Tao says slapping his forehead in embarrassment.
"Hi Sehun my name is Tao." Tao said cheerfully.
"..." Sehun stays quiet. He starts to blush a light color of pink
"Do you want to play? We can go to the other side of the field if you want."
Tao offers Sehun a hand. And Sehun stares at it blankly, and grabs it.
Tao looks at him with suprise, seeing Sehun looking up at him made him blush and smile even more.
"Are you... M-my friend?" Sehun asks with a stare and blushed cheeks.
"Sehun, I am your friend and always will be. Okay?" Tao smiled.
Sehun widened his eyes and threw his arms around Tao's neck, he was so happy.
"I never had a friend before, you're my first one."
That was hard to believe.. Considering how cute Sehun was.
"I'm glad I am!" He hugged Sehun back. He felt Sehun's hair laying on his cheek, it was soft, and it smelled like a bunch of roses in spring.
But then Tao heard sobbing, he gets up to look at Sehun, eyes red.
"I'm so happy, I'm so happy.." Sehun repeats to himself quietly.
End of chapter 1
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Kitao_exo12 #1
Chapter 5: Call the girl Suji or something short and cute (even though she's not) ALSO MAKE HER STOP HUGGING MY PANDA!!! HES SEHUNS!!
Kitao_exo12 #2
Kitao_exo12 #3
Chapter 1: OMG I LOVE YOU *throws flowers* HAVE MY FIRST BORN CHILD!!
panda_forever_68 #4
Chapter 5: I think the girls name should be Maria cause some Maria's are mean and selfish my opinion ..please dont hate me ^.^
Chapter 5: Aww this is so adorable!!!! Looking forward for more:) keep up the great work!
Madhatter_pey #6
Chapter 5: Reason of death: overdose of Taohun cuteness
T6814R #7
Chapter 4: More Taohun moments please! (*¯︶¯*)(≧▽≦)/~┴┴