Ups & Downs

Eric Mun, You Will Fall For Me!

It was Eric's first day of work and he was so nervous. The company was already built in Korea for a few years now and Eric's dad finally figured that it was time for Eric to take over. Luckily his dad told him that he appointed someone who would guided him throughout the process. That morning, he received a good luck from Hyesung and instantly boosted his spirit.

*Eric Mun, fighting! Don't stress yourself too much and drink plenty of water okay~ :)*

Everyone greeted Eric with a smile but he seriously didn't expected them to wait for him at the main entrance. He was puzzled when he saw the stunned looks on their faces when he came with his motorbike. They didn't expect him to come with a luxurious car and a driver, weren't they? Eric's family wasn't that rich to have those. He bowed politely to them and the person-in-charge of him guided him to his office. He was actually the director of the company, he had been asked by Eric's dad to stay in Korea for awhile to keep an eye on Eric.

'This is going to be your new office' he gestured.

Eric nodded and took a look inside. He was in dazed at the spacious room as he didn't quite understand why would someone needed a big room just for himself. But he decided not to question.

(That night)

Right after Eric stepped out from his bathroom, his phone vibrated. He smiled when he saw the caller ID.

*Spoilt Prince*

'Hello, Hyesungie' Eric said with a friendly manner. 

'How was work today? Did they bully you? If they did, tell me... I'll bully them for you' Hyesung replied in a defensive way which made Eric laughed.

'They don't dare to bully their CEO remember. It was tiring but also a nice new experience. Did you go to college today?'

'No. It was the revision week before exam season. I don't have time to study because of schedules' Hyesung said tiredly said. He actually just got back from his filming.

'Hyesung, I know that you're young but you need to watch your health. You can't be working and studying at the same time. Take some time off'

'I'll see what I can do. Maybe Junjin can help'

'It's getting late now and I'm sure you just got back. Just take a bath and go to sleep straightaway okay. I love you'

'Love you too. Goodnight' Hyesung yawned.



Knock... Knock... Knock...

'Come in' said Eric who was typing some documents in the laptop.

'Mr Mun, there's a delivery for you' his secretary, Kara said while putting a nicely wrapped package on the table.

'Ok, thank you' he said shortly as he took the package to observe it.

He chuckled after he unwrapped the package. It was a small cute fluffy white bear looking at him with a wide smile. Then, there was a card hanging from its ear.

*Yah, I miss you :( Remember me a lot okay~*

Reading the card made Eric sighed. He knew it was from his boyfriend. He had been working for the company for a few months now and the first month, he was struggling and needed so much guidance. It made him so busy that he didn't have time to see Hyesung even for awhile. When he had free time, Hyesung was busy with his filming. But one thing for sure is that, he would call Hyesung daily to ask the younger guy about his work. Of course the actor would complained about how busy they were and how he wished that he wasn't an actor and Eric wasn't the CEO. Even though Hyesung was an immature person, he was still understanding towards Eric's job.

'That's it!' Eric slammed his table.

He took his phone that was on table and dialled a number.

'Junjin, this is Eric' he said when the person on other line picked up.

'Listen...' he continued.

(A few days later)

'And... CUT!' the director ended the final scene after filming for a few hours now.

'Finally...' Hyesung who was the lead cast sighed in relieved. It was a long day for him that day as they needed all the important scenes.

'Have you seen Junjin?' Hyesung asked his stylist.

'I don't know. He went out just now' she shrugged her shoulder and went to coordinate Hyesung's next outfits.

Hyesung just roamed around the set absentminded as he didn't have anything to do. He didn't have Twitter, Instagram or any other social apps other than Kakao but that was only for personal usage. As he walked outside, he saw a car driving towards him. More specifically HIS car. He wanted to just walk away and waited for Junjin inside but the person sitting next to Junjin made him curious.

Hyesung : Andy..?

As the car approaching, he could clearly see the mysterious figure. It took all his might not to jump and squeal happily when he looked at his boyfriend who he rarely see nowadays. They only meet on weekends but only for a short while because Hyesung had schedules and sometimes Eric travelled for business.

Eric was wearing black tank top covered with red plaided shirt together with black jeans and a pair of sneakers. As always, his boyfriend looked good. He wanted to hug Eric tightly but much to his dismay, the older guy just casually gave a handshake and a brief hug. Hyesung didn't care because he was too happy to see Eric.

'What are you doing here?!' Hyesung said as he still couldn't believe his eyes.

'I thought that I should visit you at work considering you're too busy. I heard Andy always visit you, it shouldn't be a problem right' Eric smiled as they walked inside the warehouse. He was amazed by the sets and cameras that were placed inside the place. He always wanted to see behind the scenes.

'Let me show you around!' Hyesung said excitedly. He got another hour to spend his free time as he didn't have to worry about his script because he already memorised and practiced it.

'Hello!' Hyesung went up to his cast-mates who were eating their lunch.

He continued saying proudly, 'I want to introduce you to someone... This is Eric, he's my b...'

Eric could guess what Hyesung was about to say, so he quickly patted Hyesung's back for distraction before introducing himself, 'I'm Eric Mun. His college friend' he smiled.

He could see Hyesung's frown from the corner of his eyes but he just ignored it. He had his own reasons why he didn't tell them that Hyesung was his boyfriend. Luckily enough, the casts didn't realised anything and just smiled pleasantly. Even some of the female casts looked at Eric with a heart emoji in their eyes.

'Please, don't mind us... Continue eating' Eric gave a smile and excused themselves with Hyesung also gave a smile.

With that, Hyesung immediately walked away and went to a secluded area outside where hopefully no one would heard them.

'Hyesung-ah, you know I had to say that...' Eric tried to lighten up the getting heavy atmosphere.

'No, I don't' Hyesung replied shortly. Thankfully for Eric, Hyesung was the type who would express his feelings even if it was an immature feeling.

'It's not that I don't acknowledge you as a boyfriend. Heck, I'm proud to have you! But you have to understand that you are a rising actor and having people to know about your personal life now would affect your career...' 

Hyesung snapped his neck to look intensely at Eric, 'What do you mean by affect my career? Is me being in a relationship wrong? Is having a boyfriend wrong? Is it too bad in the eyes of society?' Hyesung started to raise his voice but not too loud that it could cause attention.

Eric saw red but he still wanted to make Hyesung understand. He already thought about the consequences of being together with the actor, so he already prepared everything in advanced.

'You know how the society is just trying to adapt same couples and you being in a relationship with a guy would shocked them. Not many celebrities are in a gay relationship. If the people know, they could hate you and would harm you in a way...'

Hyesung scoffed loudly and glared at him, 'Just say that you don't really care about me! I know that I was the one who forced you into this relationship, so you might think I'm desperate'

Eric unconsciously raised his voice, 'YAH, SHIN HYESUNG!'

But Hyesung just ignored him and continued, 'You know how I wanted to feel how someone I love would introduce me as his lover... The feelings of it? I don't care if I get haters for being in love because it's my life!'

'But I care! I hate to see bad articles about you just because of me... I care everything about you! I know you really serious about being an actor and I can't let you affect your career... I hate to see you stress because of it' Eric finally spoken softy and looked at Hyesung.

Looking at Hyesung who didn't say anything, Eric just sighed, 'Let's just stop fighting now... You have work later right, I'll make my move now. And I'll call you tonight' he said.

Hyesung just glared at him as he said angrily, 'Forget it. Don't call at all' and leave the area.

Eric felt a pang in his heart but he needed to obey Hyesung's words. So, he left with Junjin to the place where he parked his motorbike. Junjin who could felt the tension didn't say anything. As for Hyesung, he took a couple of deep breaths and finished the whole bottle of water. 

'Hyesung-sshi, we'll be starting now' the director went up to him when Hyesung was touching up his makeup.

'Yes, director-nim' he smiled.

'I think I'm going to die' Hyesung said tiredly when he got inside his car. He already expected that the filming ended late as it was currently 12 am.

After taking a shower, his phone that was on his bed vibrated and when Hyesung looked at the caller ID, he silenced it. The phone rang a couple of times until it finally stopped for good. 

Hyesung wasn't angry at all but he just didn't understand Eric. Maybe he needed time to actually understand his secret relationship and he really didn't want it to end just like that. What was wrong with people know he is in a relationship? 


It had been a couple of days since Eric and Hyesung last talked to each other and it killed the older guy inside. He wanted his immature and cute boyfriend back. Maybe it was a bad timing because both of them were busy and stress from work. But Eric really hoped that Hyesung knew why he acted like that.

'Eric-ah, are you ready?' Eric's grandfather called.

Eric lived with his grandfather as the old man stayed alone in the traditional house. And since only him in the country, Eric wanted to accompany him. His grandfather was a famous singer who nicknamed 'King of Youth' because of his energetic and young look even though he was old. 

That day Eric took a day off to accompany his grandfather to a show where he was invited as a special guest. Initially he didn't want to go but Eric had persuaded him because he knew his grandfather craved performing on stage again.

(XX building)

Everyone greeted his grandfather like a VIP and Eric knew that his grandfather was loving the attention. When the makeup artist wanted to give Eric some touch-ups, he refused as he didn't see the purpose of it. He was just merely accompanying his grandfather.

'You'll be performing first as an introduction' the writer of programme said.

As the MC started to interact with the audience, Eric and his grandfather got ready behind the stage. As soon as he announced, the curtains were opened and they slowly made their way in front with Eric at his position and his grandfather further in front. 

His grandfather bowed politely before he introduced himself, 'Hello, my name is Junho Mun...' 

After hearing the claps, he continued, 'This is the first time I'm on a stage after so many years and I'm excited about it' 

The MC gestured politely to him, 'I heard from the writer that you wanted to reject the cast initially'

Master Junho nodded, 'Yes, it's true. But my grandson here persuaded me a lot and here I am now' he smiled fondly while pointing at Eric.

'Oh... That is your grandson' the MC looked at Eric.

Eric gave his charming smile as he bowed and only that, it made the female audience went wild. Master Junho just smiled proudly. After the brief introduction, he started performing and as expected from a pro, the performance was excellent especially when the audience swayed their bodies to the rhythm and both grandfather and Eric had their solo part with them playing the bass guitars.

'Wah... Daebak!' the MC clapped his hands acknowledging Master Junho's amazing talent.

'Even though the master was performing, all the female audience was looking at his grandson especially during his solo part' he made a witty comment causing everyone to laugh.

Then he gestured politely to Eric and asked, 'I'm just representing the ladies here... Do you have a lover?' 

Eric smiled sheepishly and replied with the mic in his hand, 'Yes, I do have a lover. And I love that person very very much. Saranghae~' Eric did a heart sign towards the camera. In his mind was only Hyesung and he knew he needed to see the actor.

Some cheered happily and some groaned sadly, 'Sorry, guys... He's taken' the MC said jokingly and was trying to calm them down.


'Nowadays, dating publicly for celebrities are a trend. And as for you Hyesung-sshi, would you be open or just keep your relationship a secret?' the MC asked.

Hyesung was invited for an interview for an entertainment show which he rarely did. So of course questions about his personal life would be questioned and he was ready and confident to answer it.

'I'm not exactly sure because I've never been in a relationship before but now that I've started thinking about it, I think I would keep my relationship a secret. At first, I would just want to let everyone knows but I have to consider my partner's feelings about it especially if that person is not a celebrity. I know for a fact that revealing my relationship would affect my career in a way. I want people to see my talent instead of my personal life' Hyesung replied calmly.

It was true that he thought about the fight that he had with Eric and the older guy was right. He and Eric were in an early phase and anything can happen that could risk their relationship and Hyesung didn't want that. But he didn't dare to make a call to his boyfriend because he was ashamed of himself.

'That person is going to be very lucky to have you as a boyfriend' the MC seemed amaze by Hyesung's maturity.

Hyesung : I'm more luckier to have Eric as mine.

'What's you ideal type?' he continued asking which Hyesung had already figured out.

'I have a soft spot on people who have a really charming and cute smile' Hyesung smiled thinking about Eric. He wondered what the older guy was doing right now.

'And your ideal date?'

Hyesung thought hard about it and snapped his fingers, 'Amusement park and extreme activities like paragliding. But roaming around the streets would be pretty fun too' 

After the interview ended, he changed his clothes and headed to next schedule. Luckily for him, the next one was going to be short as it was just a brief meeting with drama producers and in the same building. 

As he was walking with Junjin, he saw his boyfriend with an old man. Looking closer he was surprised when he recognised the man. His grandparents were a big fan of him!

Hyesung : What is he doing here?

Eric also was surprised to see Hyesung here. Looking at the beautiful face made Eric missed him more. If there wasn't any people around, he wanted to hug the younger guy tightly and gave many many kisses to him.

Hyesung and Junjin stopped in front of them and bowed politely to the old man.

'Good evening, Master Junho. It's my honour to see you here, my grandparents are a big fan! My name is Shin Hyesung' Hyesung remarked excitedly as he tried to cover his nervousness and was trying hard not to look at Eric.

'Aigoo... Of course, I know you. My grandson and I love watching your dramas. He said you're so talented' he said while cupping Hyejung's cheeks for a close examination.

Eric felt heat rising to his cheeks and he bet every fortune that he had turned red.

'You are a very good looking boy. Say... Do you have a lover?' Master Junho eyed him intensely.

Eric and Hyesung looked at each other briefly as their body tensed. Hyesung thought of an idea suddenly. He leaned in to whisper to the grandfather and Eric tried to eavesdropped but failed. Later, Master Junho chuckled lightly and Hyesung just smiled sheepishly at him.

'Aigoo... Your boyfriend sounds just like my silly grandson' he patted Eric's back teasingly causing the guy to blush.

Hyesung gave a small chuckle, 'I'm sorry, grandfather but I have to go now. It was nice talking to you' Hyesung smiled and bowed politely to him. He looked at Eric briefly before heading out.

'I wish you lots of happiness. And I won't tell a soul' he playfully winked at Hyesung.

In the car, Eric couldn't help but to feel curious about what Hyesung whispered to him.

'Grandfather, what did that guy said?' Eric asked trying not to sound desperate.

'He said he has but he needed to keep it as a secret because his boyfriend is a shy person' 

'Oh' was the only reply Eric gave. 

At that point, he really wanted to see Hyesung and he did. He secretly texted Junjin about Hyesung's schedule and after got a reply, a smile widely. After sending his grandfather home, he went out to prepare everything that was needed.

(Next day)

Hyesung decided to just slept in because he had the day off and was too lazy to go out. He reminded of yesterday when he met Eric and only God knows how much he missed the older guy but yet he didn't have the courage to call or text the guy. Hyesung sighed and went out of his room to go to the living room.

'Junjin? Andy?' Hyesung called out but what he got was silence.

Hyesung : Maybe they went out

As if on the cue, there was a knock on the door and since Hyesung was near, he told the maids that he will be opening the door. Who else would come to his house other than Jindy right?

'Where have you guys been?!' Hyesung asked without looked at the person at the door.

Out of the sudden, he felt was was hugged by someone and later was pinned against the nearest wall.

'You don't know how much I wanted to see you, Hyesungie' the person whispered softly and Hyesung perfectly could felt a hot breath on his neck causing him shiver down the spine.

His eyes widen when he recognised the voice. He pushed the figure away and observed him from top to bottom. It would be a lie if he say he didn't get teary because next thing he knew, he was hugging to the figure tightly.

'I-I miss you so much... I wanted to call you but I'm scared if you're still mad at me... I-I'm sorry, please don't break up with me ' Hyesung said in between the sobs.

Eric felt a pang of guilt when he heard his boyfriend's sobs. He pushed Hyesung away gently and wiped his tears while giving a soft kiss on the lips.

'No matter how bad we fight, I would NEVER break up with you. I'm sorry for hurting you for the past few days, Hyesungie' he smiled at his cute actor who was blushing and hiding under his chest.

'I'm happy to see you' Hyesung muttered after the sobs stopped.

'I'm happy to see you too' Eric said after gesturing him to sit at the living room.

When Hyesung and Eric sat, Hyesung noticed a paper bag beside Eric. 

'What's that?' Hyesung pointed towards the bag.

Eric smirked and put the bag onto his laps.

'Remember when you said you want an onesies?' Eric asked.

Hyesung nodded.

'I bought one for you and for me. Yours is panda and mine is kangaroo' he explained while taking out the onesies.

Hyesung's eyes lit up like Christmas balls, 'This is sooooo cute!' he exclaimed and hugged his panda onesies tightly.

'Really? I'm glad you like it' Eric sighed in relieved.

Eric cleared his throat to gain Hyesung's attention and it did.

'I've decided that we should date publicly' he sighed loudly when he finally dropped the bomb.

Hyesung looked at him with his widen eyes, 'W-What do you mean?'

'We still need to keep this relationship a secret but we could still go on a date publicly and you can visit me at work during lunch hours when you're free and vice-versa'

'REALLY?' Hyesung couldn't believed his ears.

'Yeah but with one condition. You have to disguise properly and have to be really really carefully. I'm not going to risk your career because of our relationship' Eric eyed him seriously.

Hyesung's eyes widen as he grasped Eric's hands and shook it, 'I promise! Seriously! I promise...'

Eric smiled widely and gave a kiss on Hyesung's lips. Only God knows how much he missed those plump lips.

'Good. Because I wanna take you for a date now' Eric winked and continued, 'And you're going to wear this' he took out something from the paper bag he brought.

'EH?!' Hyesung shot up to Eric with the eyes saying, *Are you kidding me?*

'Nope, I'm serious. I observed that many celebrities dressed in disguise but looked at the same. So with you wearing this, no one would suspect a thing' he cheekily explained.

'But what if they still could recognised me?'

'Well, first you can ask your agency to help you or we can just tell then the truth?'

Hyesung looked at him in surprised, 'Are you serious?'

Eric nodded casually, 'Yeah, because I know that we'll make through it'

The next thing Eric knew was Hyesung in his embrace while saying, 'This is why I know you're the one'

'I love you too. Thanks' Eric .

'Now, let's go for a date after I get change' Hyesung chirped excitedly and ran up to his room.

Thankfully for them, no one recognised Hyesung when they went out and it was the best day of their life. 

They managed to keep their relationship for years when finally Hyesung and Eric decided to have a press conference about their relationship as they knew they were capable to go public despite their busy schedules. Hyesung thought they might get a lot of hate but he was wrong. Everyone accepted his relationship and said that he got a good guy by his side. More luckily was that they could meet more often and that strengthen their relationship more.


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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 7: I really like your stories! I enjoyed reading this one, thank you so much author-nim.
jasper123 #2
Chapter 7: Omg this is so amazing ! <3
feelgyo #3
Chapter 7: Kekekeke....this is cute. Your plot is always cute. I really enjoy reading your works authornim ^^
Ricsung and Jindy are really cute here. I like how you pointed Junjin as a easy-going friend slash manager slash bodyguard for Hyesung. The friendship between them is beautiful, like rainbow or cute painting, lol
And there's Andy, the awesome maknae. I love it how you make him as a loving and smart friend for Hyesung, bcoz he's just that awesome for me <3
Oh! And Eric, thanks God you make him like this in this story, ahahaha...his harsh comments here and there refreshing(?) my stuffy mind somehow xD
And great thanks too for making Hyesung, uri little prince, as a spoiled brat but with great personality. Uugghh, really want to hug him with deathly hug!! (>.<)
I wish you could put more woodong tho. But that's ok, you're awesome authornim. :D
Thanks for sharing authornim~~
effemm #4
Chapter 7: Authornim, i like your stories! (^_^)
Hyesung so cute with all his effort to make Eric fall for him. Thank u for not making Hyesung a noble-idiot for long. They are cute together!hehe ♥♥♥
angelica94 #5
Chapter 6: Ricsung together ♥♥♥♥♥♥
i like this story.
esluve #6
Chapter 5: Omg ....eric...T.T
So eric is the uke here ??? Kkkkkk
sesamesyung #7
Chapter 4: Yey! Tnx for the quick update, looking forward to read the next chapter. Love all your stories btw
Chapter 4: Woaaahh.. What happen with eric in the past
jayzee #9
Chapter 2: Wahaahha chap 2 was so funnny.. Lols..cant wait fr chap 3
Kentir #10
Chapter 2: The stories are good authornim...and its different. Keep writing and updated. Fighting!!