take care of you

Love Me Like You Do
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Hello, jiyong ah"....a woman with an excited voice speak over the line...


"Hello, ohh ommaaa.."...jiyong answered the called with a smile


"How are you my son in law, how's college?is everything okay?how is my son doing?did you guys take care of each other?"..seungri mom throw a multiple question to jiyong...making him giggles with his mom in law curiousity..


"Omma...let me speak too"...he said with a pout...


"Kkkkk..okay omma is sorry, now speak"..at last she let jiyong speak...


"I'm fine, seungri is fine, everything is okay and he take a good care of me..so don't worry about it my gorgeous mother in law"...jiyong said to seungri mom...


"Okay then, i feel better now...i just worried about Ri since he doesn't have a friend here.." she said with a sighed..


"Don't worry omma, he can adjust himself with a new environment easily"...


"You two live in the same room right?" She asked jiyong just to test her son in law


"Ohh..hmm...yeah...of course we live together"...he stuttered when trying to tell a lie...


"Aishh...don't lie to me jiyong-ah,  i know my son better...i'm a mother afterall"...yes she's a mother...and you can't hide anything from them....that's a fact and jiyong know that...but what can he said? No we don't live together and your son don't love me? Huhh no matter what i will make him as mine!!!! Jiyong exclaimed his determination....

"I hope you can stay with my son in any situation and please take a good care of my only son, ..it 's hard for him to accept a stranger as his husband but i believe my handsome son in law can handle it wisely...give him a time"....she said her wished, making jiyong more generous to claim the Panda as his property....

"I will omma....just leave it to me" he said with a giggles...at the same time he feel proud because his mother in law on his side...

"Good...fighting my son in law..you can do it"...she said with a relief before continue "ohh before omma forget, seungri has a quiz next week and i can imagine how hard he study right now...sometime he don't really care about his food and sleep when he study...i hope you can force him don't forget to eat and ask him to take care of himself...aigoo he always make me worried jiyong ah"...she said to jiyong with a sighed....


seungri, a good boy or you can also call him a nerd, he think about book more than he think about food...he like to eat but when he get the book, food is almost invisible to him....he rather spend  his time to do a revision than loss 10 minute to eat....and this situation always make Mrs Lee worried..but now, she will leave it to jiyong to take care of it....

"Don't worry omma,...i will take care of your son"...jiyong said

They end their called with a promise from jiyong to handle his wife wisely.....




Seungri was in his room....study and do some revision for the quiz...although it just a simple quiz, but seungri can't take an advantage of it....eveything he do, he must do it perfectly...that's his style...he don't really like to study at the library since it is a public center and most of student will choose to go there to have a group discussion and all the stuff related to their academic.....consider about calm and privacy environment, he rather stay at his luxurious room...


Suddenly his phone ringging loudly, making a command to be answer..with a lazy step, he goes to the bed where he put his phone to see the caller....arghhhh what he want??...he asked no one when the caller id is appear on the screen...


At first he just ignore the called but that person is really don't know how to give up..

Seungri answered the called with a cold voice...


"Yess, what you want?"....he asked the person over the phone

"Is that a right way to greet your husband??"...jiyong said...

"Huhhh...why? Is that wrong?" He asked feel annoyed...jiyong can feel it but he just like to tease his wife...

"Call me sweetly or  i will make you regret with all your life"....he threaten his wife...

"I told you don't order me as you like"....he answer anggrily...

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Chapter 26: Me encanta!
Tenkaichi2121 #2
Chapter 26: How rude I am for just finding this story now T_T
This is such a cute story ❤I love it!
rosemben58 #3
Chapter 26: I really like the story.They have a sweet love.
pandari_1212 #4
Chapter 26: Im re reading again but this story stil sweet
Thank authornim made my day
Chapter 26: I'm back
And I still am getting those sweet butterflies
Chapter 26: This is so sweet
I'm dying
Gosh I love it so much
They're so damn sweet
Chapter 26: Im satisfied with this story!! Thank you authornim for make amazing story for this >< im happy finlly they meet their partner of their life and happy together. Wow seungri preganant twins?? Ah im happy for this ^^ jiyong your will babying 4 babg after this hahahhaa the pregnant seungri of this twins will challenges jiyong's life anymore. Hahhaha be strong and brave jiyong. I know you are strong ㅋㅋㅋㅋ fightinggg!!! I love both of you ><
Chapter 13: Aigoooo... How cheesy you are ji, im overdose with your sweetness lol!! This chapter so much full of flirting ad sweetness make me diabetes enough hahahha but im glad it. Hope everything will going okay no matter wht will happen in the future
Chapter 9: Omggg hahahaha really spoiled mood. I think both of thwm will really making out but danny is coming hhahaha frustation jiyong exactly XD then be also share his wife in the bed too with danny. How miserable your night ji XDD
Chapter 7: Hahaha i enjoyd the jealous dragon in here.. Wkwkwkk seungri is totlly cute. You can't let him go lonely or another man will catch up him.. His beautifulness and cuteness is unhandle it...
I can't imagune how shocked top when know jiyong and seungri actually have been getting married. It would be good ><