Chapter Four : A new uninteresting boy student entered the class + strang feeling -- 'What's this? So strange...'

Saebonchae phaen-phick. ^^

“Aish! Pabo-yah.” You stood up from your chair. Everyone and the teacher stared at you like you had killed a person. You gasped. *cough cough* you coughed. “I’m sorry teacher, please continue.” You told Ms. Koo to continue and she did. You sat on your chair as usual. “Starting from today, we’ll have a new student who had transferred from Woolim High to Cube High, here.”


All of your classmates whispered to each other. You and Minwoo just concentrate on what the teacher is saying. “And he’s a boy.” Ms. Koo continued and all the girls in your class squealed but not you and Minjae. The boys sighed because the new student is a boy and they’re afraid that he’ll take their girlfriends away from them. You just laughed at the boys’ reaction. “Oh wait. There are two of them. A boy and a girl from Woolim high. ‘What?’ you thought. ‘Well, they have nothing to do with me, though.’ You continued thinking. “And they are…” Ms. Koo stopped. The class is silent when Ms. Koo stopped. “Lee Seungyeol and Eun Haerin!” She continued happily.


“wow.” You said, amazed. “Minwoo, you go to sit at that table.” Ms. Koo ordered. “Sit on a table?!” Minwoo stood up. Everyone laughed at his cuteness. “On the chair.” Ms. Koo cleared. “And Haerin, you go sit beside Minwoo.” Haerin then shyly walk to Minwoo’s table. ‘She’s cute.’ Minwoo thought. “What about me Ms. Koo?” you asked your teacher. “I’m not finished yet. Seungyeol, you go sit next to Eunhae.” Ms. Koo ordered Seungyeol. Then Seungyeol approached your table. “Hey. What’s your name?” He said. But you ignored him; you’re not interested in him..




“Can I join you too?” Seungyeol grabbed your wrist. “O-of course you can.” You looked at your wrist. “Ermm, t-that, can you let it g-go?” your heartbeat beats faster than ever. “O-oh? I- I’m sorry.” He let it go. “L-let’s go.” You walked faster and faster till you left Seungyeol behind. 'Well, that's strange' you thought and tilted your head side to side.



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imme_myunghyeon #1
keiichie_21 - the story isn't finish yet. sorry~ XC
KaeRin1603 #2
what happenned next? is there a sequel?
imme_myunghyeon #3
@shineekey_9165 : yeah, ahahaha. ^^
shineekey_9165 #4
nawww minwoo! xD