Kangin's Story

Super Junior: Love Series

Kangin made his way through the bustling throng of citizens as he reached for his bus stop. As he stood in line waiting for the bus his normally cal face slowly crumpled into a frown. His thoughts? Well, his now ex-girlfriend. They had just finished through a huge fight. Kangin had ended there.  Soohee and him had been the on and off again type couple. But this time Kangin had enough. Who goes and makes out with another guy right after you reconcile? Obviously Soohee. Kangin rolled his eyes at just the mere thought of her. He was done.


The bus finally came and slowly pulled to a stop. Everybody filed in as they paid for their fair. Since the bus was filled Kangin found an empty spot to hold onto the railing. The bus began to move, just as people started to settle in. The bus ride wasn’t too pleasant but it was the usual. Kangin didn’t even notice, as his mind was filled with thoughts of Soohee. He pulled out his phone and began deleting pictures and messages of her.


Suddenly the bus pulled to a sharp stop. People jerked forward. “Crap!” Kangin shouted as he watched his phone slide down the bus floor. Kangin pushed through, excusing himself. He reached down to pick up his phone when the bus unexpectedly lurched forwards to start again.. He felt someone knock into him and lose balance, Kangin heard something drop.




Kangin nodded as he blindly reached for his cell phone. He made his way back to his spot and pocketed his phone.




Kangin opened the door to his apartment and all the lights. He slipped his feet into the house slippers and shuffled towards the couch with a plop. Kangin decided to take out his cell phone and continue deleting all evidence of Soohee. He flipped open the phone and realized it was turned off. “That’s weird.” He pressed the on button and waited for the signature ding of the phone. “Yoonji?” The welcome screen read Yoonji on it. “What is this?” Kangin flipped the phone over to make sure. It was the same brand and even the color. The start page appeared. Instead of the wallpaper as Kangin and Soohee it was replaced with a girl. Kangin starred at the picture as he wondered who the girl was on his phone. She was pretty, with short wavy hair, pale skin, and full lips but he wasn’t her type. He decided to through her contacts. Sure enough there was no one he knew. Kangin cursed in his head. He must have picked up the wrong phone on the bus before.


Kangin dialed in his number and waited for the other line to pick up.


“Hello, do you have my phone?”


“Yeah are you Yoonji?”


“Yes, I’m Yoonji.”


“I guess we switched phones or something,” stated Kangin. “But, when are you free?”


“Wait are you asking me out, I don’t even your name.” Yoonji replied.


“It’s Kangin and no I’m not asking you out I just want my phone back.”


“Well so do I, but I’m not free anytime soon.” Kangin heard her sigh into the phone. “You think you can drop it off for me at my house?”


“Well sure,” Kangin said. “I’d like my phone back as well.”


“Okay I’ll put your phone in my mailbox and you leave mine in there too, cool?”


“Yeah.” Kangin said agreeing.


“I’ll text you my address, goodnight.”




Kangin hung up the phone and leaned back into his couch.






“Hey Yoonji, Mr. Choi wants you to file these papers,  send these to production, and after meet him in his office. He says he has some important news for you.”


Yoonji accepted the files. “Okay, tell him I’ll be there as soon as possible.” She nodded and began making her way towards the filing room.


It had been three years since Lee Yoonji worked at Choi Architecture’s. Yoonji was the head assistant to the president, Mr. Choi. Her work included filing papers, fetching diagrams, organizing blueprints, going out on errands, and her all time favorite fetching coffee. But, the job pays well. Good enough that she had her own house instead of a lousy apartment. She lived alone and was able to pay rent with ease.


As she opened the file cabinet with ease, she felt her phone vibrate in her skirt pocket. Before she even got a chance to say hello, a voice interrupted her.


“You forgot.”


Yoonji cursed in her head. “Sorry, we’ll talk tonight.” She hung up the phone and went back to filing.




Kangin lay on the couch with his eyes shut. He had just gotten home from the construction site and his whole body ached. It was hard being in construction. He needed a good sleep. As he began to doze off, Kangin felt his cell phone in his pocket vibrate. He rolled his eyes upon seeing the caller id. It was Yoonji. It was about a week ago since she last contacted him. He still didn’t have his phone and Kangin was pissed.


“Yah!” He yelled.


“Omo omo omo! Are you yelling at me?”


Kangin made a ‘tsk!’ noise with his mouth. “What happened to calling me back? My mom got all worried and thought I was dead because she couldn’t get through!”


“I’m calling you back aren’t I?” taunted Yoonji.


Kangin rolled his eyes. “Look, when do I get my phone back?”


Yoonji sighed. “I’m in America right now with my boss. This was why I haven’t contacted you in a week.”


“How long are you going to be in America for?”


“Another week.” replied Yoonji. “I promise you as soon as I get back, we’ll meet up and switch phones. Were there any messages for me?”


“Yeah some calls from your mom,” said Kangin. “What about me?”


There was a silence on the phone as Yoonji thought. “A girl named Soohee texted you a couple of times and called. I accidently opened one she said she wanted to meet up, is she your girlfriend or something?”


“An ex, she’s not that important.”


“Well she must have been important with all these text messages she keeps sending!” They stayed silent for a moment. “Do you mind if I ask what happened?”


Kangin frowned. “You’re a stranger.”


Yoonji laughed. “You know strangers are usually the best listeners.”


And just like that, Kangin and Yoonji talked all throughout the night.






Yoonji scrambled around for her phone and knew instantly it was a text message.


‘I really hate work right now.’


Yoonji smiled. It was Kangin. She quickly texted him back.


‘Why, what’s your task today?’


A few seconds later, another ding.


‘Constructing a new building, it’s been a hectic few months since we’ve started the project, and I’m tired of it.’


Yoonji giggled. It was typical of Kangin to be lazy.


‘Strive through it. You’ll be fine. Fighting! :]’


‘Thanks, Call me later okay?’




Yoonji put her phone away in her pocket. Well, it was still Kangin’s. Just a week ago she had found out her boss was taking her to America on business in New York. She had no time on her hands whatsoever. Of course, Yoonji felt bad and called Kangin as soon as she had the time. In that one phone call, they just started talking practically every night. Their conversations consisted of work mostly but from time to time it would drift off to personal issues like Kangin’s ex-girlfriend. It was rounding out to the end of the week. Yoonji had promised Kangin that they would meet up once she returned to Korea. But, Yoonji was hesitating it. She didn’t know what the outcome of their meeting would be. Would they return to not knowing the other even existed? Or would they stay friends? Or more?


Knock Knock.


Yoonji looked to see who it was. An American male brunette head popped in. He smiled at her.


“Miss Lee, Mr. Choi would like you to accompany him at his meeting.”


Yoonji nodded. “Sure thing Adam, see you in five.” Yoonji smiled to herself with her improving English. “Oh and can we have two Americano’s?”


“You got it Miss Lee.”


Yoonji watched for the door to click shut and got ready for the meeting.


Another busy day.






Kangin turned around to see who had called him. He was surprised to see Soohee running towards him. Anger began to rise as she came closer. He felt compelled to walk away but that was rude. Kangin simply nodded at her as she stopped in front of him.


“Did you get my messages?” asked Soohee.


“No.” stated Kangin.


Soohee’s face fell. “Where have you been?”




Soohee looked away. “Are you just going to give me an attitude like this?”


Kangin glared at her. “Why not?” He began to walk away.


“Stop ignoring me Kangin!” cried out Soohee as she followed him.


“We’re over Soohee,” said Kangin. “I’m tired of playing your games.”


“Stop saying that. We’re not over!”


Kangin stopped and turned around to face Soohee. “What do you mean, we’re not over?”


Soohee took a step towards him. She stared into his eyes before grasping his hands. Kangin softened his features at her touch. “Just, please don’t leave me again.”




Yoonji placed her (well Kangin’s) cell phone between her shoulder and ear. She looked around for a frying pan in her small hotel room kitchen.




“Kangin!” Yoonji found the frying pan and searched for the cooking oil next.


“What are you doing?” He asked.


“Cooking dinner,” explain Yoonji. “Tonight will be corn beef!” She heated up the stove and placed the pan on top. “What time is it there?”


“8:05 in the morning.” Grumbled Kangin.


“I’m sorry! Did I wake you?”


“First of all,” replied Kangin. “Don’t shout and yes you did Miss Lee.”


“I’m sorry,” whispered Yoonji. “Do you have work today?”


“No, I’m off today thank god.”


Yoonji added the beef.


“It sounds so good, I can even hear the beef sizzle.” Kang sin said. “I’m starving.”


“Eat some breakfast then.” Replied Yoonji as she added the vegetables and seasoning.


“I’ll eat some later,” said Kangin. “Soohee wants to get back together.”


Yoonji stopped cooking and placed her spoon down. “Well that was a bit random, she really wants to get back together with you?”


“Yeah…” Kangin sighed. “But, I don’t know though. Last night we talked at a restaurant. She promised me she would never cheat on me again. But that wound from getting hurt never truly heals. How does she expect me to trust her again? The trust is gone.”


Yoonji breathe out a sigh. For some reason she felt a tinge of jealousy. She resumed cooking. “Do you love her?”


It was silent over the other end of the phone. Yoonji knew he had no answer. She placed the finished corn beef and rice on a plate and set it down on the dining room table. She took a seat and a bite of her dinner. “Love is not the only thing that keeps a relationship strong. There’s trust, respect, honesty, and more. Kangin if those things don’t apply to Soohee, I think you shouldn’t try to pursue it again.”


“I’ll tink about ti more.” Kangin said. “So, when does the Lee Yoonji come back to Korea?”


Yoonji chuckled. “In two days.”


“Ah, I finally get to meet you.” teased Kangin. ‘I’m so excited.”


Yoonji rolled her eyes. She decided to change the subject. “Tell me what you plan to do all day on your day off.”




They laughed together at Kangin’s remark.




Today was finally the day. Kangin had gotten a text from Yoonji that she had arrived in Korea safely and had gotten a goodnights rest. They planned to meet at the bus stop where it all happened and from there have dinner. Kangin was extremely excited and extremely nervous at the same time. It wasn’t a date or anything, but it felt like one. Plus, it would finally be nice to have his phone back.


The bus ad arrived at the bus stop and Kangin exited. Since it was around 9 the bus stop was empty. He decided to sit down and wait.




Kangin turned around. There in front of him was Yoonji, all smiles. She approached him. She was exactly how the picture looked. Tanned, short wavy hair, full lips, a little short, large eyes, and just so pretty. He smiled at her.


‘Are you hungry?” He asked.


Yoonji nodded. “Starving!”


“Okay,” Kangin started walking. “Let’s go!”


Yoonji followed him.


They arrived at a restaurant. The waiter led them to their seats. IT was the type of restaurant where one sits on the floor and the food is set on a low table. The fun part of the restaurant was you could grill your own meant. Kangin began placing the meat on the rill as the waiter set down the side dishes.


Once the meat cooked Kangin motioned for Yoonji to eat. She picked up a piece and ate it.


“It’s been long since I’ve had Korean beef.”


“It’s only been two weeks.” Kangin teased.


Yoonji laughed. “And it’s been hell.”


They stayed silent throughout the whole dinner, happily enjoying the food. After they finished, they headed out. Kangin offered to walk her home and Yoonji agreed. They first took the bus to Yoonji’s district. Once off, they began to walk.


“I actually know what you house looks like.” said Kangin. “I had to drop off a phone once.”


“Sorry about that!” replied Yoonji. “Honestly I forgot!”


Kangin rolled his eyes playfully. “Yeah, yeah.”


Yoonji playfully pushed him in the arm. “Stop teasing me!”


“Okay, okay.” surrendered Kangin. “When do I get my phone back?”


“Right now.” Yoonji searched through her bag and produced his cell phone in her hands.


Kangin took hers out of his pocket. “Here you go.”


They exchanged phones. Immediately they both check their text messages.


“Oh,” Kangin said. “You didn’t put your number in here.”


Yoonji looked up at him with raised eyebrows. “Do you want me too?”


Kangin nodded as he handed over his phone.


“Well you put in yours as well.”


They did, and exchanged numbers. As they were doing so, Kangin and Yoonji arrived at the front gate of Yoonji’s house.


“Thanks for tonight,” smiled Yoonji. “It was nice to finally meet you.”


“You too.” Kangin smiled back.


Yoonji leaned in for a hug. “Call me, text me, whatever.”


Kangin nodded. “I will.”


They both let go. Kangin waved and began to retreat back to the bus stop. Yoonji waited until she couldn’t see him anymore before entering her home.




 The next morning Yoonji entered the doors of the office to find everyone bustling about. She made her way towards her desk and found a pile of paperwork. She the MAC computer and started typing up the paperwork.


“Conference room in 5 minutes!”


It was the usual Monday meeting. Yoonji prepared her notebook, planner, and grabbed a cup of coffee. She entered the conference room and took her usual seat by Mr. Choi’s chair. As she set up her things, people began to swarm in. The last to come was Mr. Choi. Mr. Choi was your typical boss. Middle aged 40’s, glasses, and always wears suits, he inherited the company after his father passed away seven years ago.


“Good morning everyone, we have lots to discuss today.”


Yoonji nodded as she took down notes.


“WE will be teaming up with a construction crew company. We design, and they guild. We will be constructing an arts institution. The company specifically asked up to team up. So I need Soojin, Yejin, and Byunsoo to draw up the plans. Sunmi and Sewon to do interior designing. Yoonji as my assistant I want you to oversee this project for I will be going to business in Japan. You know how I like to run things, right Yoonji?”


Yoonji slowly nodded.


“Good! I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Mr. Choi gave a smile and exited the conference room.


It was silent in the room as each person looked at each other with shock. All Yoonji could do was listen to her boss.




Kangin arrived at the construction site at a quarter to 9. He was early but ready. Kangin donned the usual work attire, white v-neck t-shirt with the company logo on it, jeans, and tan timberlands. He shoved his gloves in the back of his pocket and held his yellow construction hat in his hands.


“Oi, Kangin!”


Kangin looked up to find one of his co-workers, Junho approach him. “Hey.”


“You hear about the big company coming over?” asked Junho. “They’re a bunch of big shots in my opinion.”


Kangin shrugged. “We’ll see.”


They headed towards the other construction workers from their company. Two days ago the company heard announced their collaboration with Choi Architecture’s. At first Kangin and the rest were skeptical. They weren’t used to big dominating companies, especially as infamous as Choi Architecture’s. Their boss stood before them with a hard hat on, a suit, and clipboard in hand. He explained in front of the group that the Choi Architecture’s employees will arrive soon. Along with the construction workers, Kangin went over to the food stand and drank some coffee.


Suddenly two black cats came into Kangin’s view. The cars pulled into a ditch beside the empty construction site. Men in suits and women in skirts climbed out of the car. As Kangin took another sip of his coffee something caught his eye.






Yoonji stepped out of the company car and was met with the warm sunshine of a Wednesday morning. Today was the day Choi Architecture’s were meeting with their partners. Mr. Choi had come along for the first meeting, but right after he would leave for Japan and hand Yoonji all the responsibilities. Yoonji followed behind Mr. Choi as they made their way through the site. Yoonji could already spot the 50 or so workers in their yellow had hats scattered about. As they came closer, the men began to assemble in front of them.


Mr. Choi took a step forward as everyone made a big circle around them. “Hell, I’m Choi Joonhyun of Choi Architecture’s. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all. We have drawn up plans for all of you to see. We’ve laid out blueprints on a table over there.  If you have questions please ask the designers Soojin, Yejin, and Byunsoo. I would also like to introduce the leader of this project. Lee Yoonji.” Yoonji stepped up beside Mr. Choi. “After this, I will leave for Japan tomorrow, she will be taking the reins on this project.”


Claps were made as Yoonji took a bow. Suddenly her eyes caught something familiar. Her eyes locked on familiar eyes. Kangin. He looked at her with the same shock she had in her eyes. They starred at each other until the instructions were given. As the group began to clear off to their duties, Yoonji and Kangin stayed put.


When there was finally no one left, Kangin motioned Yoonji to follow him. They hid behind a food tent.


“What you oing here?” They both said at the same time. Kangin urged Yoonji to continue.


“This is the company you work under?” asked Yoonji.


Kangin nodded. “And you’re part of this big company?”


Yoonji nodded. “I can’t believe it, this is like fate or something.”


“I know,” agreed Kangin. “But it feels a little awkward.”


“It is, but we’re working together!” exclaimed Yoonji. “We’ll be together often!”


“You’re right,” chuckled Kangin in excitement. “This is really weird.”


Yoonji straightened her bask as she hold out her hand. “It’ll be a pleasure working with you.”


Kangin took her hand and shook it. “You too.”


Yoonji and Kangin decided to go back in case anybody would suspect anything. Yoonji went back to shadowing with Mr. Choi as Kangin joined his co-workers. They both held back wide smiles.




It had been a month since the start of the new arts institution. By a month there had been a definite improvement. Yoonji was busy as ever, being the leader and all. Kangin was busy building. But, during their ten minute breaks they would text each other back and forth, meet up for lunch, and Kangin would walk Yoonji home. They had become closer this way.


That night, after a long day of work, Kangin and Yoonji walked to their bus stop as usual. Once the bus came, they took their seats.


“Announcement, we will not be stopping at the eastern part of town. It has been announced that a major accident has blocked all roadways that way. We apologize for the inconvenience.”


A couple of bus riders let out a loud groan of the frustration as the bus started up.


Yoonji turned to Kangin. “What do I do, that’s my part of town!”


Kangin thought for a moment and then proposed an idea. “Sleepover.”


Yoonji starred at Kangin with shocked eyes. “Sleepover?”




“Its dark.” said Yoonji as they walked into Kangin’s apartment building. “The whole place is dark.”


“Wait, let me ask the owners what’s going on.” Kangin made his way through the dark.


After five minutes Kangin returned with candles in his hand.


“The owners say that there’s a black out. The eastern accident knocked out some power lines that connect here. So, we’ll be in the dark for a while.” Kangin led Yoonji to the emergency stairs.


They climbed up three floors and entered Kangin’s apartment.


“Welcome to my home,” said Kangin with a smile. “It’s not as luxurious as a mansion but it’ll do.” He held up the candles in his hands. “I’ll go light these up, make yourself comfortable.”


Yoonji nodded as Kangin searched for matches. She walked through the living room. It was small with a large couch and a small coffee table stacked high with snacks. There was a small T.V. propped tightly in the corner and a small bookcase filled with what looked like old school books. The window was small with only the moonlight shining through it.


Kangin then returned with matches and started to place the candles around the place and light them. “Are you hungry or something?”


“No, it’s okay.” replied Yoonji. “Just really tired.”


“You want me to lay out the sheets for you?” asked Kangin.


“Lay…out the sheets?


Kangin nodded. “Yeah I actually don’t have a bed, it’s sort of sad. I mean you can sleep on the couch if that’s better? I normally sleep on the floor anyways.”


Yoonji shook her head. “It’s okay,” She stood up. “I’ll help you with the blankets, is it in that room over there?”


Kangin nodded. They went to the empty room. The reason Kangin never really made it into the bedroom was that at the time beds were expensive, there was no heater in there, and the fact he was just too lazy.  They went into the cold room and gathered up the blankets and pillows. Once in the living room they pushed the coffee table to the side and laid out the blankets and pillows. Yoonji took one side and so did Kangin.


“Do you need clothes?” asked Kangin


“Oh…yeah.” Yoonji looked down at her work clothes. She looked back up at Kangin and smiled. “That would be nice.”


Kangin went to fetch Yoonji clothes. He came back with a t-shirt and shorts. “The bathroom is right over there, I’ll change in here okay?”


Yoonji nodded and took the clothes. “Thank you.”


As soon as Kangin heard the bathroom door close shut he changed out of his work clothes into his usual pajamas, an old t-shirt and gray sweatpants. He set up his sleeping space with a pillow and large blanket comforter. He lied down first and snuggled deep into his blanket. He was so tired from work.


Suddenly the bathroom door cringed open and walked out Yoonji. The clothes on her of course were way too big. She let her short hair down messily.


She smiled at Kangin sleepily. “You must be sleepy.”


“Yup,” replied Kangin. “Come on sleep too.”


Yoonji walked over to her side of the blankets. There wasn’t much space between them since the blankets weren’t too wide. She had her own blanket and pillow though. She snuggled into the blankets just like Kangin did and starred up into the ceiling.


“Hey,” whispered Yoonji. “Do you snore?”


Kangin laughed. “I don’t know I never really asked. You can tell me if I do tomorrow morning.”


 “Kangin, tell me about yourself.”


“Tell me about myself?” asked Kangin. “Like what?”


Yoonji shrugged in her blankets. “Anything, as long as it’s about you.”


“Well okay,” agreed Kangin. “My real name is Kim Youngwoon but everyone calls me Kangin. It’s a nickname I got in grade school meaning strong benevolence. I think it suits me. I do have broad shoulders. Anyways my birthday is January 17. I’m 25 years old. I work as a construction worker. I like to have fun and drink. I get lazy but I do things that are a must to the fullest. I swam before. So I guess I’m athletic in some way. I’m a pro arm wrestling champion. I swear no one can beat me. I love food. Food is love. I think that’s about it.” Kangin turned towards Yoonji. “Your turn.”


Yoonji turned over to face Kangin as well. “My full name is Lee Yoonji. My birthday is March 15. I’m 25 years old too. I work as an assistant at Choi  Architectures. I’m neat and tidy and I do everything that I’m asked. I like traveling the most. I swam before too back in my school days. So we have something in common. I love sweet potatoes and carrots. I don’t share my food with anyone unless I like them. I try to spend wisely too.” Yoonji smiled at the end. “Finished.”


“We never really talked about these things. Now I know a lot more about you.” Kangin smiled at her.


Yoonji smiled back. “I didn’t know you swim.”


“I was on my schools swimming team.” said Kangin proudly.  “The team completely relied on me.”


“I’m sure of it.” teased Yoonji.


“What? You don’t believe me!?” pouted Kangin. “You can even search it up if you want!”


Yoonji giggled. “Alright, alright I’m just teasing you.”


Kangin reached over with his hand and touched Yoonji’s cheek. Shocked, Yoonji laid still. “You have an eyelash right here.” He took off the eyelash and held it up for her to see. “Make a wish.”


Yoonji closed her eyes and blew the eyelash off his finger.


“What did you wish for?” Kangin asked.


Yoonji shook her head. “Secret.”


They smiled at each other.


“Goodnight Kim Youngwoon.”


“Goodnight Lee Yoonji.”


Yoonji waited until Kangin closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. As soon as she knew he was asleep she whispered, “I wished for you to always be by my side.”




It was the morning after the blackout. The candles were all burnt out and waxed down to the smallest stub. The light shone brightly through the small window. Kangin opened his eyes. Before him was Yoonji in the exact same spot they were in last night. He smiled as he watched her breathe deeply in and out. Suddenly he felt her hand twitch in his. That’s when Kangin noticed they were holding hands. Her hand was underneath his and holding on tightly. Kangin smiled. He reached over with his free hand and started poking Yoonji’s face.


Yoonji scrunched up her nose. She felt someone touching her. Her eyes fluttered open and found Kangin smiling at her. “What are you doing?” She asked sleepily.


“Waking you up.” replied Kangin.


“You don’t snore.” smiled Yoonji sleepily.


Suddenly, Yoonji shot up and looked around her. “We have work today, shoot where is my phone?”


Kangin sat up next to her and squeezed her hand. “Relax, I have my phone right here let me check what’s going on.” Kangin opened his phone and checked his messages. Sure enough there were some from his co-workers. “No work today, the electricity is still out so the machines can’t work.”


Yoonji let out a sigh. “I thought we were going to be late for work.” Yoonji looked down and suddenly realized she was holding onto Kangin’s hand. She looked up at him.


Kangin simply smiled at her. He let go of her hand slowly. He stood up. “Let’s clean up and go out okay?”


Yoonji nodded and stood up herself. “Okay.” She grabbed a blanket and started folding.


When they finished cleaning up the blankets and candle stubs they both changed. Kangin was able to change into fresh clothes while Yoonji dressed into her work clothes. They decided to go to Yoonji’s home and see if the electricity was back on.


30 minutes later they arrived outside of Yoonji’s house. Yoonji took out her keys and unlocked the door. Kangin followed her inside. They took off their shoes and walked into the house more.


Yoonji turned to Kangin. “I’ll go change into clothes you can look around the house if you want.”


Kangin watched Yoonji climb up the stairs and disappear into the hallway. He hesitantly began looking around. The house was large with a big living room and big kitchen. Yoonji definitely lived well.  He walked around the living room and found it to be a little bare of pictures. He was the same way, but it was just that he couldn’t afford it. There was a rather large T.V. and a complete couch set. He ventured off into the kitchen. His favorite place in the house so far, considering he’d only seen the living room and entrance. The refrigerator was stainless steel and large. There were marble countertops and an island in the center. Kangin peeked into one of the cupboards and found packs of ramen, snacks, and other ready to make food. The kitchen was neat and tidy.


“Just like heaven.” Kangin joked.


“Just like what?”


Kangin spun around to find Yoonji standing in the archway of her kitchen. Her hair was still a little wet from the shower. She dressed into a navy blue v-neck and gray skinny jeans. She smiled at him. “Like what?”


“Nothing,” Kangin said. “It’s just that your house is huge.”


Yoonji walked towards him and leaned on the kitchen island. “I guess when I bought this house I thought I would have someone to share it with but that’s been over a long time ago.”


Kangin looked at Yoonji with a small smile on his face. “Am I going to have to nag you to tell me about it or are you just going to tell me?”


Yoonji smiled. “No, I’ll tell you. It’s only fair right? It was about two years ago. I finally settled in at my job at Choi Architecture’s. Then there was this guy. Choi Jaeho the son of Mr. Choi. I don’t know what it was but we ended up dating each other. It was quick too. Suddenly there was ‘I love you’ said and ‘we’ll be together forever’ said. I believed all that I really did. I bought this house for us. He loved it. But after that he started disappearing on me. And that’s when I found out he was cheating on me. I confronted him, I did. And all he was said it was all just a joke. I don’t care about him anymore. The point is he took away the meaning of trust. Trust and commitment go hand and hand. In that one relationship I’ve lost all that. It’s a shame because every time I walk into this house instead of seeing its beauty, all I see are the hardships.”


Kangin leaned into the kitchen island next to Yoonji, shoulder to shoulder. “I never really understood what love meant either. Soohee was who I thought love was about. But hearing you and listening to my feelings I know I can never go back to Soohee. What that Choi Jaeho guy did to you is horrible. He’s a jerk.”


Yoonji laughed. “Thanks I feel better.”


Kangin clapped his hands together and smiled brightly. “On a day off we should do something fun.”


“Like what?” questioned Yoonji.


Kangin held out his hand for her to take. “You’ll see.”


Yoonji smiled and took his hand. Together they walked out of her house to their destination.




“What is this place?” exclaimed Yoonji in awe.


Kangin had brought Yoonji to a large park. It was no ordinary park. Sure it had the playground for children but there were large slides, a sandbox, exercising units, a pond, and a large gazebo seated atop a hill with large stairs surrounding it.


“It’s a park.” said Kangin with a smile. “I always used to come here as a kid. Well, it wasn’t this great back then but the gazebo hasn’t changed. Come on let’s climb up to the top.”


The gazebo was beautiful. It had that antique feel to it. Donned with white paint and a tan roof, as they got closer Yoonji could see the intricate detailing on the poles. They entered the gazebo. Yoonji looked around her. There was a bench and a street lamp. Flowers were set on the edge.


“It’s so beautiful up here.” said Yoonji as she admired the scenery. She could see the entire park.


“Do you know why I brought you up here?” asked Kangin.


Yoonji shook her head, waiting for Kangin to answer.


“To show you that there’s a whole part of the world you haven’t seen yet. To show you to trust again and have faith.” Kangin faced Yoonji. “Especially in me.”


“But, I’m scared,” Yoonji said. “I don’t want my heart to hurt again.”


Kangin reached for her hand, but she flinched away. “You shouldn’t think like that. Yoonji the heart is meant to be hurt but only to be mended right away. Yoonji I’m not good at these type of things. I don’t know how to confess well.”


“You’re confessing to me?” whispered Yoonji.


Kangin smiled. “Yes, Yoonji I like you.”


Yoonji looked away. “I’m sorry Kangin, I can’t”


With that she headed out of the gazebo and began descending down the stairs.


“Lee Yoonji! Stop!”


Yoonji stopped. The tone in Kangin’s voice was different.


“Lee Yoonji, turn around and face me!”


Yoonji slowly turned around. Kangin was at the top looking down at her.


“Why do you think I didn’t go back to Soohee? Because I like You! Why do I do all these things for you and only you? Because I like you! You’re the one I want to mend my heart, and for me to mend yours! Trust me Yoonji. Believe in me, have in me! Damn it Yoonji screw I like you, I love you!”


Upon hearing those last words, with tears in her eyes Yoonji ran up the stairs to Kangin. She jumped in his arms and began kissing him.


“I trust you.” She kissed him on the forehead.


“I believe in you.” She kissed him on the cheek.


“I have faith in you.” She kissed him on the top of his nose.


Yoonji placed her forehead on his as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. Kangin smiled at her.


“I love you.” They kissed each other.


As they let go for air Yoonji wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. Kangin was still holding her.


Kangin laughed. “This is way too mushy for me.”


Yoonji giggled. “Liar.”


“You’re right I just wanted to seem manly.”


They both laughed, never letting the other go.

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im here to visit and wishing u a very good luck!
EunhyukOppaXD #3
kimjongkyrawoon #4
ahh~leeteuk's stoy is so sad!!ahh~i cant imagine live without the one we love..
Omo!!!i just luv everything!!poster,chaps,theyre great!!!:)
YesungLover #6
XDDDD<br />