Chapter 8

The Special Gangster and the Heart Breaker {Haitus}
Omg! It's been a while since I last updated! Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter!

Luna woke up to the sound of howls and growls. She yawned and looked down to see Exo in their wolf forms sniffing around. She stretched her body making the leaves move a little. That caught the attention of the wolves. They ran towards the tree. They started jumping and growling. She came out of the shady part to show herself. She jumped and landed behind them. 
"Hello boys." She said. They turned around to see her. She winked, smirked and disappeared. They all ran to her spot and sniffed around. Luna appeared in the living room sitting on the couch. She waited for the boys to come back in. Kyung smelled Luna's scent so he came rushing down the stairs. He saw his noona sitting on the couch. "Lulu!" He shouted happily. He ran towards her. 
Luna caught him in her arms. "Hi Kyunggie~~!" She said. He squealed. "Noona, I learn words big!" Kyung said. "Really? Can you tell me the words?" She asked. He nodded. "Watermelon, Strawberry and Blue berry." He said. "Wow! Your so smart now!" She cooed. He giggled. "Noona, what you here?" He asked. "I need your hyungs help but right now they're trying to track me down so I have to wait until they finally find me in the house." She told him. "Hyungs say they smell so I stay here." He said. Though he's only two he already learned how to speak at a young age. 
Then suddenly all of Exo poofs up in the living room. "Thank god! Your finally here!" Luna said in relief. "You know, we searched the entire territory for you. I can't believe we didn't look here!" Kai said. She chuckled. "Well, as you know, I am here." She said. "Yeah, why?" Tao asked. "Well, I'm here on a big mission and since Kris is the only one my brother trusts from this pack he has to always keep E.Den updated about my well being." Luna said. 
"What's your mission?" Kris asked. "I, um, need to always know this is a place I can always come back and sleep." She said. Suho nodded. "Now answer the question." Kris said. "Well, I'm going to get started so I'll see you guys later. Bye guys. Bye Kyung." She kissed Kyung's forehead and disappeared. "Ugh. Why didn't she answer the damn question?" Kris asked frustrated. "She's obviously is ignoring the question. Maybe she doesn't want to tell us about it." Chen said. 
Kris sighed. "Whatever her mission is. We just always have to be there for her. I mean her brother and I did make a pact that whoever is within range with Luna we always have to keep her protected under our watch." He said. "But she's moving around. How will you protect her then?" Luhan asked. "I don't know." He sighed. 
Luna appeared in the middle of Exo's territory. She took out the map. It was blank. She mumbled something under her breathe. Luna grabbed a test tube that contained Hana's blood. She dropped a small drop of blood onto the paper. Then the blood drop started moving. It was moving across the map to which it suddenly came to a stop. An image started to form on the map. It was the continent North America. As it zoomed into NA it was the country Canada. Luna knew exactly where she going. 
She closed the map. She put the cap back onto the test tube. She sent a note to the others. She wrote a note. She lifted it in the air. She made it flow towards Exo's pack house. After it was going over there she packed everything up. She disappeared off to Canada. 
A letter flew through a window. Sehun caught it. He opened it. "Hyungs!" He shouted. They all came towards him. He read the note aloud. 
I will be off to Canada. By the time you get this I'm probably already in Canada searching for a specific bastard. Anyways, by all means, if I don't return in two days please send Kris and others over here as soon as possible. Kris might know where I'd be at. Under any circumstances, do not I repeat DO NOT tell my brother about my well being if I'm in pretty rough shape. I don't want him to be worried. Especially Mark.
"She's going to Canada? Why?" Chanyeol asked. "It says here that she's searching for someone over there." Xiumin said. "Do you know who she's looking for?" Suho asked Kris. He shrugged. "Beats me. She never held grudges on people for this long." Kris told them. Kris was thinking of other reasons why she was going to Canada 
"Then maybe, it's someone who done something really bad and Luna is hunting the person down." Lay spoke. "That may be a great prediction. Good job Lay!" Suho ruffled his mates head. Lay smiled. "Do you know where in Canada she will be staying hyung?" D.O asked Kris. "Sadly I do. I just hope no one moved into that territory." He said with a sigh. Tao patted his shoulder. "So if we ever need to see her, Kris hyung you'll have to search up the place because we all know you at drawing." Chen said. Everyone bursted into laughter. Kris growled at him. Everyone laughed even harder. 
Luna was finally back in her home country. Canada. She smelt the air. She smiled. Where she was was only a place she only knew. It was her treehouse. She built it up high so no one could get in. There was no rope ladders or stairs leading to the tree house. Luna usually had Kris fly her up above the forest and drop her. She'd jump from tree to tree. Now she has her powers she can teleport herself up there. She imagined the indispensable and disappeared. She was now in her treehouse. Everything was still there. Nothing was touched. Not a single thing was moved. 
She walked around touching everything. She had flashbacks of her memories here in the tree house. Then she decided to do a little remodeling since she'd be staying for a while. She thought of a tree house and drew it out. When she thought of it she got straight to work. 
After she did a little remodeling she sat on the sofa. In the living room was a longhorn sofa bed. A few steps away was the small kitchen. In the kitchen was a single burner gas stove, a small stainless steel sink, a mini fridge, her spoon fork and chopsticks three-in-one set, other kitchen utensils, a few fused glass plates (birch tree design) and two wooden smiley face bowls. Within a few steps was a door. Behind the door was a bathroom. Just a toilet, sink and shower with her toiletries and a few towels in a cabinet. 
She took out the stuff in her backpack. She looked at the map. The dot was moving. It was moving east. Probably going back to the pack. She decided to go to the busy parts and go shopping for food. She teleported to a dark alley. She popped out of the alley and started walking to the supermarket. 
When she got to the market she entered and felt a cool breeze past her. She smiled. She grabbed a basket and started walking around. She walked around grabbing stuff. She went to go pay for the things. She walked out of the store. She walked over into the alley. Luna looked around and snapped her fingers. She reappeared in her tree house. She walked to the kitchen and put everything away. 
She then walked over to the sofa and sat down looking at the map. The dot was still in the same place. "Show me where this place is." She put her palm over the dot and moved it up. A visual appeared. It was where that horrible bastard was. Luna growled. She rolled up the map. She put it back into the pack. 
Luna was walking around on the ground. Just becoming familiar with the place again. Suddenly she heard a twig snap. She looked to her left to see a wolf and a pup running over. The adult changed into a human. "Please take care of my son. I must lead these rogues away from him. If I don't come back please watch over him for me." He said. He pushed the pup towards me. He then morphed back into her wolf form and ran in a different direction. 
Soon Luna heard growls, howls and snarls. Then loud barks. Suddenly a loud whimper came out. The rogues howled in happiness as they feasted on the father. She took the pup in my arms and teleported back to my tree house. "Can you please change into your human form?" She asked nicely with a soft voice. The pup transformed to a small boy. "What's your name?" She asked. 
He looked up at her. "I'm Jin." He said with a toothy grin. "Well hello Jin. I'm your new guardian now. I'm Luna." She said with a smile. He smiled cutely. "Do you have any more relatives?" She asked him. "My mom but she's in South Korea right now." He told her. "If promise you Jin. When we go back to South Korea I'll find you your mom ok?" She told him. He nodded. His stomach grumbled. 
She crouched down to his level. "Let's feed you food and then we could talk." She told him. She took out some meat, a pan and the small kitchen griddle. She cooked the meat on it. After she finished she walked to him with a bowl of rice and a plate of meat. "Here. You must be starving." She made him sit on the floor as she fed him. He looked so happy. 
After feeding him she cleaned the dishes. She came and sat back down. He was playing games on her iPod. "How about we go shopping? We could get you new clothes." She said. He nodded. She got ready. She packed her backpack with the map, wallet and some other things. She teleported them to a very secluded area near the mall. They both walked out and walked to the mall. They walked in and started looking around. 
Luna and Jin walked hand-in-hand. Luna didn't want to lose him in the mall. No. She promised his mother shed watch over him from now on. Luna saw a kids store. "Hey let's go in there." She said. She and Jin walked into the store. There was boy clothes and girl clothes for kids. "Go pick your outfits. Make sure they fit you!" Luna told him. He walked around just shopping with Luna trailing behind him. 
He found some clothes. He tried them on. They fit perfectly. As Jin was changing, Luna walked over to the cashier. She looked into her eyes. "We were never here. Tell you boss no one came around." She said. The cashier nodded. Of course Luna used mind control. She fixed the cameras a bit. She made sure they were never seen. Jin came over with clothes in his hands. 
"Hey Jin! I just paid for the stuff! Put your clothes in the bag." She said. After putting the clothes into the bag they both left. "How about shoes?" Luna asked him. He nodded. They walked to the shoe store next door. They walked to the little kids isle. Jin looked around and found a pair of shoes that caught his interest. He tried it on. The perfect fit like Cinderella. "Let's buy that one then." Luna said. 
They put the shoes pack into the box. They brought it up to the front and paid for it. They thanked the cashier and left. Luna was holding the two bags. "So do you want to go get ice cream?" She asked. He nodded. "Yeah! Can I get cookie dough?" He asked. She nodded. 
They walked to the Baskin Robins. Luna went to the counter to order their ice creams. "Hi, can I get a small cookie dough and a small mint chocolate chip." She asked. "Sure. Coming right up." The lady said. She went to make their ice creams. The lady came back with the ice creams. "Thank you!" Luna said. She walked back over to Jin. "Here Jin! The ice cream has arrived." She said. She handed Jin his ice cream. 
They ate their ice creams. After eating their ice creams they left. They walked out of the mall back to the secluded area. They appeared back into the tree house. Jin sat on the sofa. "Okay. So tomorrow I will not be here in the morning. I'm here to do something very important in Canada. Please sit still and do not do anything okay?" She told him. He nodded. 
"I'll have sandwiches made for you in the fridge. There's bottles of juice in the fridge too. When you're hungry or thirsty got to the fridge and find whatever you need. If someone tries to break in use the link I will do in a second to contact me. I will come as fast as I can and get you out of there." She told him. 
He nodded. "Okay." He said. Luna looked into his eyes. Their eyes flashed their wolf eye colors. "Now, tell me about yourself Jin." She said. "Well, I'm four years old. I like the color gray. I love food. I was born on September 7. I like listening to music and singing." He said. "Aw~ that's cute. You should sing to me sometime." She said. "I will!" He said. "So do you have your powers yet Jin?" Luna asked him. "Yeah I do! My mom said I got it at such a young age though. I got it when I turned three. I learned to control it too! My mom taught me." He said. 
"Do you know what you're power is?" Luna asked him. He nodded. "Mom said it was elementukinesis. Meaning I had all four elements." He said. She smiled. "You are quite a ball of surprise aren't you?" She said ruffling his hair. He giggled. 
It was time for them to go to sleep. Luna pushed the horn part down. She put the pillows down for her and Jin. She gave him the wolf teddy and soft blanket she bought for him. She hummed a song making Jin fall asleep. She soon fell asleep after making sure Jin was asleep. 
The next morning...
Luna woke up extra early to make Jin sandwiches. After she wrapped them and put them in the fridge. She grabbed her things. She wrote a note for Jin. She teleported down to the ground. She took out the map and followed it. She disappeared farther into the forest. 
Jin finally woke up. He noticed his mommy Luna wasn't beside him. He pouted. His stomach growled. He giggled. He got out of bed and walked to the fridge. He opened it up and saw the sandwiches Luna made for him. He took one and a bottle of apple juice. 
He saw a note on the table. He took it. He opened it and read it to himself. 
Hi Jinnie~~
I've already left if you're reading this right now. I'll be back soon I promise! My iPod's on the table if you want to use it. Eat or drink if you want to! Be safe! Use your powers if you're in trouble and I'm not there fast enough! Love you! 
Mommy Lu
He smiled. He ate the sandwich and drank his juice. After he threw the wrap away. He grabbed the iPod. He brought the juice and iPod to the bed. He pulled the horn up. He sat down and started playing on the device. 
Luna was near the place where that bastard was. There he was. Sleeping in his wolf form with two others near him. She used mind control and woke the two up. Kill him. She simple commanded. The two wolves walked to him as if he was their prey. Oh and he sure was. He woke up to the sounds of them. 
What are you guys doing? The bastard asked. Remember that girl you harassed that one time? Well you got her pregnant! One of the wolves said. How do you guys know? He asked. We have our resources. The other said. Now you must die. They said together. They attacked him. 
He was fighting back but he couldn't go against them. It was two against one which wasn't fair. The larger one of the two jumped onto him. They landed with a thud. The smaller chomped down on his throat. The one on top started ripping his skin. The smaller bit the throat hard. He too started ripping limps. 
Once the bastard was dead Luna commanded the two to die themselves. They were no use anyways. She teleported back. "Hey Jin! Start packing we're leaving to Korea tomorrow." She said. He nodded. He packed his things in his backpack she bought him. His fold were already folded. His shoes were put on top. He walked over to the fridge and packed his juice and sandwiches. Luna was packing her things too. 
When they finished packing the laid around for a bit. "Let's go somewhere. Bring your back pack." She told him. He put his back pack on. They arrived onto the ground. "Let's go to the—" before Luna could finished she was pushed down onto the ground. Jin hid in the bushes. Luna fought back. A few minutes later there was no longer any sound but heavy breathing. 
He walked out to see Luna crouched beside the dead bodies. She was bleeding a lot. "Jin," she breathed out. "Come here." She finished. He walked over to her. She held his hands and teleported them to Exo. They were surprised to see Luna. Especially with lots of blood coming out and a boy. "Don't tell E.Den." She said before she grew unconscious. 
After an hour. She finally woke up. She groaned as she sat up. "Mommy Lu! You're awake!" Jin said. He hugged her like his life depended on it. She chuckled and hugged back. "Hey." She said. "Lulu noona you're awake!" She heard a familiar voice say. She looked over to see Kyung. "Hi Kyung!" She said. He came running over. "Wow you've gotten so big! And you've aged a year! Wow!" She said. He giggled. 
Jin lightly pushed Kyung. "I've got apple juice. Do you want some?" He asked. Kyung nodded. Jin reached into his bag and pulled out two bottles of juice. He gave one to Kyung. He also pulled out his sandwiches. Jin handed Luna one. She thanked him. She unwrapped it and ate it. The two kids ate and drank happily. 
The door suddenly swung opened. "Kids! I've told you to not come in here! Luna is recovering!" Lay said. He looked over to Luna to see her eating a sandwich. "Oh you're awake!" He said. She smiled at him. She got out of bed. Lay jumped a bit. "Be careful! You've just woken up!" He told her. "I'm fine Lay. Seriously." She assured him. "Come on Jin! Let's hurry." Luna said. Jin packed his juice and sandwiches leaving an extra sandwich and juice for Kyung. 
Luna grabbed her bag and Jin's hand. They teleported to the living room. They startled everyone. "Luna! Are you okay?" D.O asked. "Perfectly fine. I just had to much fun." She said. "To much fun?! What the hell were you doing that was so fun?! You appeared covered in blood and more blood!" Kris shouted. Jin grew scared. He hid behind Luna's legs. "Mommy Lu I'm scared." He said softly. 
"Mommy??" They all asked. "Ah~! I should explain. Gather around peasants!" She said. "Well, I was minding my own business in the forest in Canada. Then suddenly a man with her pup appeared running towards me. He said something about getting rid of the rogues that were chasing them. He also told me to take care of him if anything happens. Then he died at least thirty meters away. They killed and feasted on him." I explained to them. 
They all took their time absorbing the things I've told them. "So now that I'm healed and all i best be off! Thanks for the hospitality boys! Bye Kyung!" She and Jin disappeared within a blink of an eye. 
They appeared in Got7's pack house. "Let's go Jin! We should go up stairs to my room." Luna lead him to her and Mark's room. "Let's bathe you first." She said. Luna bathed Jin. After getting him dressed Luna told him to nap. He didn't fight back because boy did he need a nap. Luna took off her clothes and got into the tub. She had her hair in a bun and sitting with her knees up. 
Suddenly she felt a presence behind her. She turned to see her mate. "Hey Mark. Hove you been?" She asked him. He was dumbfounded. He and his pack mates came in. They've smelt someone in the house. He noticed it was coming from his room so he went up by himself. He opened the door and saw a boy sleeping on his bed. He also noticed the light in his bathroom was on. He opened the door to see a woman bathing in his bath tub. 
Mark was sitting behind her. "Hey, when did you get back?" He asked. "Two hours ago." She said. "Two hours ago and you didn't even bother to call me?" He pouted. Luna chuckled. "I was sleeping dummy." She said. "Oh. Well then who's the boy?" He asked. "My son." She said bluntly. "What?!" He shouted. "Chill! Let's get out and I'll explain." After getting out and changing. Luna walked out of the bathroom as Mark was sitting on the edge of the bed. 
She walked over and sat next to him. He didn't like the way they were sitting so he pulled her up into his lap. "So would you care to explain?" He asked. "Right. His name is Jin. I had an encounter with him and his dad. The dad told me I was to watch over him until he came back. If he didn't then I would have to watch over the boy. So he never returned." She said. "Why?" He asked. "He was killed and feasted on by rogues. I guess they were so hungry they committed cannibalism. But luckily enough I killed them when they tried to attack me." She told him. 
He nodded. "Wait, I thought you said you were on a mission?" He asked. Luna sighed. She told him the truth. "So this was all because to get back at the guy who impregnated Hana? Why?" He asked. "Because he did more then impregnated her. He also committed drugging and . All that was just on poor innocent baby Hana. So she never new about it until I figured it out." She said. He nodded. "Wait so who did all of that?" He asked. "What is up with you and questions today?" She chuckled. He smiled. 
She kissed his cheek. "You should go tell the others that it was just me." She told him. He nodded. He left the room and down the stairs to where the others were at. Luna laid beside Jin. She brought him into her embrace. "I won't let anyone hurt you. I promised your father I'd take care of you. Now I just need to find you your mother." She whispered. She fell asleep without her knowing. 
Mark entered to see Luna hugging Jin in their sleep. She smiled. "So that's the boy huh?" Jackson said. Mark smiled. "Yeah he is. I'll treat him as my own son. I just can't wait to have my own flesh and blood running around." He said. "Well, that'd have to wait. Hanbi just got pregnant two days ago. We didn't want to tell anyone but I'll spill the beans." Jackson said. "What?!" They were both startled. They saw Luna standing next to Mark. 
"What— How did you— never mind." Jackson said. "So what about my precious baby being pregnant?" Luna asked. "Relax will you! And FYI Hanbi is not your baby. She is older then you." He said. "Yeah okay." She scoffed. "So is it a boy or girl?" Mark asked. "Want to find out?" Luna asked wiggling her fingers. 
They were all in the living room. Luna had her hand on Hanbi's stomach. Luna looked at Hanbi straight in the eye like she was reading her soul. Luna removed her hand. She back away from Hanbi. "What? What is it?" Jackson asked. "You're not having a baby!" Luna shouted. They all looked at Luna and then back at Hanbi. "What?" Hanbi's voice barely audible. "You're having twins." Luna said. Everyone was so shocked. 
"Twins? That means two Jackson devils? Omg! Lord what have we done wrong to you?" All five boys except for Mark and Jackson cried out. Jackson chuckled. "The more children the merrier." He said. He pecked Hanbi's forehead. "So what are the genders?" Hanbi asked. "I can't tell right now. They're still young." Luna told her. Hanbi nodded. 
As everyone went to do their own thing again Luna pulled Jackson away. "Whoa Luna. We've already got mates and we've got kids too so I'm sorry." He said. He was hit on the head by a wooden spoon. "You nimrod. No! That's not why I pulled you away!" She said. "Oh then why did you pull me away?" He asked. She leaned closer to Jackson's face. She whispered the genders on the twins. He hugged her tightly. "Thank you!" He shouted. She chuckled and patted his head. 
The two walked back to the living room where the others were. "Where did you two go?" Jr asked. They looked at each other and back at the others. "Just had a little pregnancy talk. I do wanna know how to take care of my pregnant wife." Jackson said. They all nodded. "Oh and Jackson. You my brother better take care of her since she's pregnant. If you don't I'll rip off your balls. Just rip it off." She said with a mischievous smile. Luna disappeared to her room. Jin was stirring awake when she got there. He woke up to see his mommy. "Mommy!" He said. He hugged Luna. She hugged him back. 
They appeared in the living room. "Guys, I want you to meet Jin!" Luna said. They all turned their attention towards the two. "Hi aunties and uncles! I'm Jin! I love food!" He said. "Hi Jin! I'm JB!" JB said. "Are you my daddy?" He asked. JB shook his head. "No. You're real dad is right there." JB pointed to Mark who was standing beside JB. "My daddy looks so cool!" Jin jumped from Luna's embrace into Mark's. He hugged Mark tightly. 
"Hey Jin am I cool like your daddy?" Jackson asked. Jin looked at him. "Eh. You're okay. Not as cool as my dad but your okay." He said. Everyone busted into laughter. "Jin, are you hungry?" Luna asked him. He nodded. "I'm very hungry mommy! Can I get more meat like yesterday?" He asked. She chuckled and nodded. He beamed. He got out of his dad's embrace and ran into the kitchen following behind Luna. 
"Well, he's adorable." Youngjae said. Everyone agreed. In the kitchen Luna was making everyone food. She made Jin his food first because he was hungry. She multi takes as she had her power help her out. She made all the food in thirty minutes. She set the table using telekinesis. She walked out. "Hey guys, dinner's on the table go eat." She said. They all walked into the kitchen. They ate happily. 
After, the seven boys cleaned up. Luna and Jin were upstairs in the room. They slung their backpacks over their shoulders. Luna wrote Mark a note. She and Jin disappeared. Right as they disappeared Mark opened the door. He saw the note on his bed. He walked over and picked it up. He opened it and read it. 
Hey Mark! Me and Jin are heading over to my brother's for a bit. Just want him to know I made it home safely. See you later!
Luna and Jin <3
He smiled as he read the last part. What he didn't know was that Luna was only meeting Lc9 was because she was returning Jin back to his real mom. They were all waiting for Luna Jin to appear and when they did got down to business. 
"So just a little drop of blood Jin." Luna said. She used the sharp point of a knife and made a little cut. The blood dripped onto the old paper. Jin healed right after. Luna murmured some words. With a glow from the crystal the blood puddle moved over to a spot. "That's west from here. It seems like she's not far either." Jun said. Luna nodded. "I'll tell Mark that'd we'd be staying for a few days. After we find his mom I'll got back to Mark." She said. They all nodded. 
"It may be the worst time to say this but I think I'm pregnant." Mina said. Luna reached over to touch her stomach. "Just a few days pregnant. Just like Hanbi. She's pregnant with Jackson's twins. It will be a disaster." Luna joked. "So what is it?" Mina asked. "He's going to be a momma's boy." Luna joked. "I'll tell you what I told Jackson. You my brother better take care of hers once she's pregnant. If you don't I'll rip off your balls. Just rip it off." She said sending him the exact same smile she gave Jackson. 
He chuckled and saluted. "Well, let's call it a day. Head to bed everyone!" Rasa said. Everyone went to get ready for bed. Luna hugged Jin's body next to hers. It was like losing her child that wasn't op even hers to begin with. And it wasn't but she knew she'd be happy if Jin was with his real mom. 
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littlebun91 #1
4hours before arirang website close the vote..lets vote for got7..make them win..igot7 fighting
Lightning_Loves_EXO #2
Chapter 4: Wah!!! Baby kyung is so cute !! Please update soon :) i wanna know what happened to keiko :(
Lightning_Loves_EXO #3
Chapter 3: Jjang!! ^_^ update soon author-nim :) fighting!
Lightning_Loves_EXO #4
Chapter 1: It's cool :) please update soon :) fighting! ♡♡♡
Limzhiqi #5
Chapter 1: Thanks for updating ^^ can't wait for the next Chapters:)
Limzhiqi #6
Can't wait for the story author-nim ^^