Chapter 3

The Special Gangster and the Heart Breaker {Haitus}
Luna woke up the next day feeling refreshed. She felt new. "Oppa!" Luna shouted. All three boys quickly entered. "What's the matter?" They all asked. "Nothing. I just feel new." Luna said. "Good now we have to go to the house all the way into the mountains." Jun said. Luna nodded. "Can you stand by yourself?" Rasa asked. Luna nodded. "Of course I can. I'm not a crippled person." Luna said. He raised his hands surrendering. "My bad princess." Rasa said. Luna chuckled. "Let's get going." Jun said. They left the room and let Luna and E.Den pack. Luna took the duffel bag with the clothes Hana packed and put them on the bed. "Do you have another suit case?" Luna asked. E.Den went to his closet and brought out another suitcase. 
He tossed it to Luna who wasn't paying attention. Then BAM! Luna caught it. "You're quite fast aren't you?" E.Den asked. Luna laughed. Luna took out the clothes that Hana packed her. "So how long are we going to be gone?" Luna asked. "As long as it takes for you to get a hang of things even if we have to stay their on your birthday meaning you can't celebrate it with the others." E.Den said. Luna pouted. Luna finished refolding her clothes into the suitcase. She put her laptop in the zipper inside the suit case. "I'm done!" Luna said. "Great! Bring it downstairs so Jun can put it in the van." E.Den said. Luna nodded. 
Luna carried it down the stairs to Jun. He grabbed it and put it in the van. Rasa was making snacks so they could eat it if they got hungry. She walked towards him. "Do you need help oppa?" Luna asked. Rasa shook his head. "Just about finished." Rasa said putting all the snacks in the bag. "Don't you ever wonder if there's any more of us out there?" Luna asked. Rasa sighed. 
"It's just sad how we don't have others like us anymore." Luna looked down sadly. "Well, humans wiped our existence of the earth not knowing that both our families were left but we still don't know if there are more of us. I still haven't concluded on how they found our parents and killed them." Rasa said. Luna nodded. 
E.Den came down with his luggage. "We set to go?" He asked. They all nodded. "Then to the car we go!" Jun said. He grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her to the car. They put E.Den's stuff into the van and got in. Luna got to sit in the front with Rasa while the two bows sat in the back. "It's going to be a long ride so try to take a nap." Rasa said. They all nodded and did their own thing. Within a few minutes the other fell asleep leaving Rasa and Luna alone. "Did you tell your friends what you are?" Rasa asked. Luna shook her head. "I don't want to risk their lives when I'm in trouble." Luna said. Rasa nodded. "So are we meeting the others up there?" Luna asked. Rasa nodded. 
After an hour, Luna was fast asleep. Rasa quickly looked at her. He chuckled. We should be ther in a bit." Rasa said. As he was driving there was a fork in the road. Rasa drove to the right road.he then suddenly turned into the shrubbery that had a path. Rasa continued driving along the path. He suddenly came to a stop when he saw four figures standing in the road. He got out of the car. Rasa ran towards the four men. "Omg! It's been forever!" Ao said happily as he hugged Rasa. "What are you guys doing waiting out here?" Rasa asked. "We thought you might forget how to come up so we came down to help you." King said. Rasa nodded.
Hanbi and the girls woke up to no 'Luna's food!'. They were quite sad. "Let's get ready for school girls." Hanbi said. They got ready and left for school. As they parked into the school Got7 walked up to them. "Are you guys in a gang?" Jackson asked. Hanbi and the girls were surprised. "Of course not!" Minji lied smoothly. "Oh how about Luna?" Mark asked. "Of course unnie wouldn't be in a gang! Why would she?" Minhee defended.
Got7 bought their little lie. "Really? Okay then if you know or hear something about the gang Dark Angels please call us immediately." Jackson said staring deeply into Hanbi's eyes. She smiled and nodded. "Of course!" Hanbi said. They bid goodbye and walked away. "That was close girls." Hanbi said. Minji and Minhee nodded. They walked into the school to their classrooms. 
Hanbi sat next to Jackson and put her head down. Jackson sadly looked at Hanbi. He patted her back and faced the front. Mark was totally sad. He just didn't know it yet. He took notes for Luna. It went the same for every class. Then it was Lunch. Got7 and Dark Angels went to the cafeteria to eat the food. But there was a surprise waiting for them. "You guys have a very special meal." The lunch lady said. 
They followed her to the kitchen. "Luna told me she was going to be gone for a while so she told me to heat these up for you guys." Lunch lady said. "Really? She made a meal for everyday she's gone?" Hanbi asked. The Lunch lady nodded. "She made them when she arrived on the first day. She told me if she was ever gone I was to heat these up for you guys. You guys have such a great friend. Be lucky you have one of those." Lunch lady said. They all nodded. They ate in the kitchen. They had the lunch ladies eat with them too. 
They arrived at the house. Luna was awake once they stopped driving. "We're here!" She said excitedly. She got out and smelled the fresh air. "I can't wait to start training!" Luna said. She walked back to the car and got her suitcase. She walked inside of the house. Luna flopped onto the couch. "Hey Luna, can you go wake your brother up?" Rasa asked. Luna nodded. 
She walked towards the car. She opened the door and woke E.Den up in a special way. She her finger and stuck it inside of his ear. E.Den jerked awake. "Luna!!" E.Den shouted. Luna laughed and ran away. With his helpful shout he woke Jun up. He ran after Luna. They were now playing a game of cat and mouse. 
School was finally over. Hanbi and the girls went back home. They hopped into the car. Hanbi started the engine and drive off. They arrived at home. They changed and did their homework. Hanbi and the girls decided to go visit the underground around 7. They wore their mask. They walked into the secret path way. They bumped into a group of people. It was Got7. The girls gasped. "Oh? Hello." Got7 bowed. Dark Angels bowed. "Come and get it.. Got7. Hello we're Got7." Got7 said. "Hello we're the Dark Angels of heaven and hell." The three said. "Oh? You're Dark Angels?" JB asked. They nodded. 
Got7 took a huge step back. The three were confused. "We were told to stay away. We mean no harm." Jr said. Hanbi chuckled. "It's okay. My group and I wouldn't hurt your group." Hanbi said. "Why?" Jackson asked. "That's for us to know and you guys to not find out." Hanbi said. "Isn't there four of you?" Youngjae asked. Minji nodded. "Yes but unnie couldn't make it so we came with only us three." Minji lied. They nodded. The three walked away. 
E.Den caught Luna. She chuckled. "Let's go. The earlier you get to practice the earlier you get to leave." E.Den told her. She nodded. They went inside and had Luna start learning how to use her powers. She finally after hard concentration she finally moved the bottle into the air. "Yes! Finally!" Luna shouted happily. "Great now since you've got that down let's try changing." King said. Luna nodded. After a few times shifting, she got used to the pain. She was this beautiful cream with dark brown and gray classical pattern wolf. Her eyes were an ice color. 
The others changed after her. The five boys had coats of a normal grey wolf. Black, grey, white and/or brown with golden eyes. E.Den was a regular grey wolf too but his fur was a darker gray so it looked like he had black fur. He had golden eyes. 'My goodness Luna! You have such a beautiful coat.' King said. Luna chuckled. 'Thanks King.' Luna said. He nodded. 'Wow! You have such beautiful eyes noona!' Ao said. Luna nodded. 'Let's go for a run!' Jun said. They all ran up the stairs into the kitchen to the back door that had a doggy door. 
Luna ran along side E.Den. They both were running side by side. They kept running until they came to a meadow. They hid in the forest. Luna walked out a little and stopped. She sniffed the air. 'It's safe.' She said. The others walked out. They started playing. Luna sat on a large rock. She watched as the others were playing. 'Why don't you go play?' E.Den asked. He sat beside her. 'I don't do much playing.' Luna said looking at the others. 'Well if you aren't going to play watch out for us okay?' E.Den said. Luna nodded. E.Den went back down and played with the others. 
The others were playing and not paying attention. Then suddenly a scent caught Luna's attention. She stood on all fours alarmingly. The others saw her get up suddenly. 'What's wrong?' J-Hyo asked. 'I smell another wolf.' Luna said. The others ran to her. They circled her. 'What else?' King asked. 'It's injured and it has an injured pup with it also.' Luna told me as she sniffed the air. 'Where is it?' Rasa asked. From the corner of his eyes Ao saw two figures coming out of the forest across from them. 'Found them.' Ao said. Everyone looked in that direction.
Luna ran toward it first. The wolf was alarmed. 'Who are you?' Luna asked. Being cautious, she was a few meters away. 'I'm Hana. I was against a bear but I luckily got away.' Hana said. Luna motioned towards the pup. 'That's Kyung. He was injured and the bear tried to attack him but I came in and saved him. As you see I also got hurt.' Hana told her. Luna nodded. 'Are you in a pack?' Luna asked. She started circling Hana and Kyung. 'No. I was never in one. Nor did Kyung I think. His mother must've died.' Hana said. Luna nodded. She turned around and started walking away. After she walked a meter she stopped. 'Aren't you coming?' Luna asked. Hana nodded. She and Kyung followed after Luna. 
When they arrived to the others, they growled. Luna wasn't scared to go against them. She growled back at them baring her sharp canines. They lowered their ears and heads. 'This is Hana and an abandoned pup Kyung. We will now take them into our pack.' Luna said. 'What? What do you mean we're taking them into our pack?' King asked. 'I'm the alpha so I get to say who's in and who's not.' Rasa said. 'I'm the only female and a newly changed one also. I'm also stronger since I'm still young. So don't push my buttons.' Luna snarled. Rasa lowered his head. 'Now if you'll—' Luna was cut off by a shriek. 
They saw J-Hyo laying down tossing around. 'What's wrong J-Hyo?' Rasa asked. 'I found my mate.' He said. He looked at Hana. 'I promise I will take good care of you.' He said as he walked towards her. She was quite shy so she lowered her head. 'Finally! Someone else In the pack has found a mate!' Luna said. Everyone chuckled. They ran back to the house. Luna carried the pup in . Hana ran along side J-Hyo and Rasa so she wouldn't fall. They made it to the house. They all changed. Everyone was full year loathed and not . Luna grabbed Hana and Kyung and pulled them away. Suddenly they were in her room. 'I have teleportation?! This is so cool!' Luna shouted lay excitedly. 
Luna cleaned Hana's wounds. They changed her out of the outfit she was wearing. Hana wore an outfit of Luna's. Luna made an outfit for Kyung. She has a knack for knitting and sewing. She knitted him a navy blue sweater and sewed him a pair of shorts. "Since I'm not experienced in taking care of children what do we do?" Hana asked. "Let's go downstairs and ask the others." Luna said. She took Kyung into her arms. They walked down the stairs. 
They see the others shirtless. "Put on some shirts you idiots!" Luna said. E.Den walked up to her. He checked her for any bruises. "How did you suddenly disappear like that?" He asked. "I have teleportation!" Luna said happily. "Then that means you might also get telepathy." Rasa said. Luna nodded. "Oh! About Kyung, since I don't know how to take care of him do any of you do?" Hana asked. They all shook their heads. 
They looked at Luna. "Of course I do! I've taken care of children before." Luna said. "How?" Ao asked. "I worked at a daycare once. Watched kids of all ages. From infants to ten year olds." Luna said. She sat down next to E.Den and started playing with Kyung. "So how old is Kyung then?" King asked. "He's about two years." Luna said. 
"Since I mastered my telekinesis and teleportation can I go now?" Luna asked. "Of course not! You just got your powers today! Another day of training and you'll be good to go." E.Den told her. She huffed. After getting to know them and start being comfortable Hana sat next to J-Hyo. "So Luna, are you and E.Den mates?" Mina asked. Luna started laughing. "Sorry did I offended you?" Hana asked. Luna shook her hands. "He's my brother." Luna said through her laughter. "Oh really? I'm so sorry!" Hana said. Luna stopped laughing finally. "Don't be. E.Den already has his mate but she didn't want to come and disturb my training so she stayed behind." Luna said. Kyung started laughing at E.Den who was making funny faces. "Oh yeah! You guys, we need to go buy Kyung milk, diapers, clothes, a crib, a walker, a high chair, baby food and other baby stuff." Luna told them. "Okay. I'll take E.Den, Hana and Ao with me." Luna told them. Everyone nodded. 
The five got into the car and drove off. They teleported to a few miles ahead. There was no one on the roads. Getting their faster, Luna teleported them to a road in the city that was empty and had no cameras. They raced to the baby store. They got there. Luna had Kyung in her arms and they both went into the store first. Luna went to go look at the baby snacks. She grabbed a few for him. She then went to go find Kyung milk. She found some and out them in the cart. She went to the toy section. She bought Kyung a few things. Then she went to go find a bed. When she got there she saw the others looking at beds. "We can just give him this one." Luna said pointing to a big brown square sleeping mat. They nodded. They grabbed the mat and put it in the cart. 
"Now we need a blanket, pillow and protesters so he won't hit the walls or corners." Luna said. They all nodded. They found a cute rilakkuma pillow and blanket set. They went to go find cute plates for Kyung. They bought tsum tsum plates for him. They bought him a spoon and a training chopsticks. After getting everything, they went to go pay. After paying E.Den and Ao loaded the stuff into the car. After they all seat belted. Kyung was sleeping in Luna's arms. She teleported them back to the house. 
Everyone helped bring everything inside. Luna and Hana brought Kyung, the sleeping mat, the pillow and blanket set and the corner protectors. The set everything up and put Kyung in there. They put everything away. "So you'll have him stay with you?" Rasa asked. "Until he turns three." Luna said. He nodded. "Then I'll bring him here. I'll leave notes on how you do things. Hana will be with me a day before he turns three. Then when she brings him here she'll know what to do." Luna told them. They all nodded. 
Luna and Hana cooked food for everyone. Kyung was still sleeping soundly. The two finished cooking and announced it to everyone. They all ate and chatted. They finished and did their dishes. Then they all went to bed. Luna was sleeping on her bed facing towards Kyung. See wanted to be near him so it was easier to get to him when he wakes up and cries. Hana slept with J-Hyo. She felt safe in his arms. 
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littlebun91 #1
4hours before arirang website close the vote..lets vote for got7..make them win..igot7 fighting
Lightning_Loves_EXO #2
Chapter 4: Wah!!! Baby kyung is so cute !! Please update soon :) i wanna know what happened to keiko :(
Lightning_Loves_EXO #3
Chapter 3: Jjang!! ^_^ update soon author-nim :) fighting!
Lightning_Loves_EXO #4
Chapter 1: It's cool :) please update soon :) fighting! ♡♡♡
Limzhiqi #5
Chapter 1: Thanks for updating ^^ can't wait for the next Chapters:)
Limzhiqi #6
Can't wait for the story author-nim ^^