Chapter 5

The Special Gangster and the Heart Breaker {Haitus}
E.Den was wiping Luna's tears away. "Alright stop crying. If you do I'll buy you ice cream." He told her. Luna smiled. "You're really the best brother ever." Luna said. E.Den chuckled. He put his arm around her. "Let's get going. We still have someone to see." E.Den said. Luna nodded. They both left. What they didn't know was that a very sad and pissed Mark was standing on the side of the building. He was upset that he didn't get there on time to comfort Luna himself. He was sad because of the scene he saw. He was pissed because he was supposed to be the guy who came to her when she was crying, to go cheer her up with ice cream. 
Make sulked all the way home. He was walking very, very slow. He was passed by an 85 year old woman. By the time he got there he saw JB and Jackson loading his things into the car. He walked towards them. "What are you doing?" Mark asked. "Well, we're loading your thing into the van so we can go to house address Luna gave us. Hop in the car. We gotta go or we'll be left behind. Mark sighed and got into the car. 
After they bought Ice cream and went to visit Mina, the doctors said Mina was free to go but not to do so much lifting and to let her arm rest. They went to the side of the hospital and away from the cameras. They all hugged Luna as she teleported them to the house. Everyone's luggage was already there. Luna teleported to E.Den's room and came back with her and Kyung's things. Jun took them and put them in the van.
"So how did Keiko get out?" Luna asked. "Well I was walking to the store and saw Mrs. Kim walking Keiko and Lakota. When Mrs. Kim wasn't looking Keiko ran off. I told Mrs. Kim I'd run after him. And I did. Then suddenly as Keiko crossed the road a car came and hit Keiko. He flew about six feet away. I was also hurt because as I was running I caught the leash but Keiko turned and my hand was pretty loose so I tried twisting my hand. At the same time Keiko almost hit a wall but I hit so then I broke my wrist from the impact and the twist and pull." Mina told her. Luna nodded. 
Then Got7 and Dark Angels arrived. E.Den went and opened the door. Mark was surprised. "Come inside!" E.Den smiled and walked away. The others came in. "Wow! This house is big!" Bambam said. "Well my hubby does earn a lot of money." Mina said. E.Den smiled. He went and sat next to Luna. He put his arm over her shoulder. "Will you be fine if Keiko won't be here anymore?" E.Den asked. Luna sighed and nodded. E.Den smiled. "That's my girl." He said and ruffled her hair. He got up and went and sat next to Mina. He rested his head on her. 
Mark was quite disgusted. This guy was cheating on both girls right in front of each other. "Yah! Why did you do that for?" E.Den shouted. Ao and Jun ran to hide beside Luna. "Noona protect us from hyung!" Ao said. "Why should I?" Luna asked. "Because you're his adorable, loving, cute, hell of a chef baby girl. And hyung wouldn't hurt you." Jun said. "Yah! Stop hiding behind Lu and get out so I can beat you guys up." E.Den said. He walked towards Luna. She put her hand up making it look like she was telling him to stop but she stopped him. 
"You've got to calm down big bro. So what that that face of yours was hit by a pillow with such a hard impact Mina still loves you for that face of yours so stop complaining." Luna said. E.Den was about to fight back but Luna looked to the side facing away from Got7 and Dark Angels and her eyes flashed an ice color. E.Den stopped and pouted. Luna smiled. "I love noona because she's my hero!" Ao said as he bag hugged Luna. She tapped his hands around her. He pouted and let go. "Alright kids! Get your asses into the car and let's move out!" Luna and E.Den shouted. Everyone was startled. "Let's get a move on people! We have a flight to catch!" They said. 
Everyone went to the big van they rented that would fit all three groups. Everyone was moving their stuff into it. Once everyone was settled Luna, Kyung and E.Den locked the door. They walked into the van. Rasa was sitting up in the driver's seat. "Alright let go to the airport." Rasa said. He started the vehicle and drove off. "That was so scary. Earlier when that guy and Luna noona shouted. It scared me." Bambam said. Mina chuckled.
"Don't worry about it. Those two siblings always do stuff like that. I mean it's like they both are copies of each other. But don't worry. They only do it to stay on schedule." Mina said. "So Luna and that guy are siblings?" Jackson asked. Mina nodded. "Of course! It's just sometimes it's really hard to even tell who is who. They both are alike when it comes to sports, food or fighting it's impossible for me sometimes." Mina told them. They pursed their lips and nodded.
They heard a kid laugh. They turned to see E.Den and Luna playing with Kyung. "So who's is the kid?" JB asked. "That's Kyung. He's a cute little thing." Mina smiled. "So whose is he?" Youngjae asked. "Luna's kid." Mina said. "So he's her son?" Youngjae asked. "Well technically no. We found Kyung but none of us knew how to take care of him besides Luna. So Luna took him until me and Hana can get comfortable on how to raise a kid. She's doing a really great job with him. She'd make a really great mother." Mina said. They nodded. Luna and E.Den were playing peek a boo. Kyung was laughing. Luna and E.Den would laugh. 
"Yah! Mina! If E.Den sees you hanging with them you're going to get it!" King said. "Shut up!" Mina joked getting up. She walked to King and slapped the back of his head. He screamed in pain. Mina laughed. She sat in front of King and started playing card games with him. Dark Angels and Got7 were really awkward being with the others. But the two groups talked to each other. They were talking until suddenly they heard a cry. "What the Jun?! You know he doesn't ing like that! Why the hell would you— why would— just get away before I tear you into shreds." Luna tried to calm down. Kyung stopped crying when he saw Luna calming herself down. The others were quite terrified. They never heard such a shout of words come from Luna. 
Jun was in the corner pouting. "Alright you can get out of timeout." Luna said. Jun got up happily. "But stay away from Kyung's grapes and we'll have no problems." Luna said. Jun saluted and walked to Ao. They arrived a few minutes later. They brought all of their things into the jet. "This is such a big jet!" King said. Everyone agreed. "Alright since we out our stuff away in their spots let's set some rules." Minhee said. "My jet. My rules." Minhee said pointing at herself. "Do not go into the back room. Do not do anything stupid in the jet. Lastly have fun!" Minhee said. 
"Why can't we got to the back room?" Yugyeom asked. "It's reserved for Luna at all times when we come on this jet. You can enter it if you knock to see if she's in it or not. Now get seated we are taking off!" Minhee said. Everyone sat down. Luna took Kyung to the room. When she got there she the tv for Kyung and laid on the bed. She remembered the last time she was in this room. She started tearing up. 
There was a knock and the door opened. Mina and Hana came in to see Luna in tears. They ran and hugged her. "Why are you crying?" Hana asked as she rubbed Luna's back. "The last time I was in here was when I was with Keiko." Luna said leaning on Mina's shoulders. "How about you get out of this room and come stay with us huh?" Hana said. Luna nodded. After calming down and drying her tears she felt better. Hana and Mina left Luna alone so she could get her things together again. A few minutes after her eyes weren't swollen and red anymore they got out. 
Kyung ran out of the room. He ran into someone. "Dada!" Kyung shouted. Luna looked up to see Mark. "Oh I'm sorry about Kyung." Luna said. She bowed her head. "Come on Kyunggie. Let's go to Papa Jung Hyo hm?" Luna said. Kyung ran into her arms happily. Luna apologized to Mark again and left. "Papa Hyo." Kyung said cutely when he saw J-Hyo. "Mama Nana." Kyung said when he saw Hana. She smiled.
Then Luna pointed to everyone. Uncle Jun - Jun. Everyone was literally crying after they finished laughing at Jun's name. Aunt Mimi - Mina, Uncle Ao, Uncle Jae - E.Den, Uncle Rasa - Rasa. Everyone was once in tears again. Uncle King - King and last but not least Lulu - Luna. Everyone softened when they heard Kyung called Lulu. Luna felt touched. 
It was time for food. Luna took Kyung's backpack and took out his food. Everyone was told to eat together. Kyung sat at the head of the table. Luna sat next to him. Across from her was Mark. Luna placed Kyung's food in front of him. "Eat Kyung." Luna said. Mark was eating and watched as Luna ate and kept an eye on Kyung. Kyung was eating when he picked up a grape and put it in front of Mark's mouth. Luna stared at Mark to see what he'll do. "Eat it." Luna said. Mark opened his mouth. Kyung put the grape into his mouth and clapped. "Who?" Kyung asked. "That's Uncle Mark." Luna said. "Uncle Marker!" Kyung shouted looking at Mark. 
His shout caught everyone's attention. "Uncle Marker grape!" Kyung said handing Mark another grape. Luna smiled at the cute scene. Mark smiled at Kyung and took the grape to eat. Kyung clapped his hands. Mark smiled at Kyung. "Come on. You're done." Luna said getting up. She took Kyung out of his chair and let him down. She cleaned his mess and threw away any things that was eaten. She put the left over rice balls away. Luna handed him the container with grapes. He took it and shoved a grape into his mouth. Luna patted his head. "Share your grapes with five people." Luna said. 
Kyung took a grape and went to Mark. "Uncle Marker." Kyung said. Mark smiled and took the grape. "Thanks Kyung." Mark smiled. Kyung squealed happily and laughed. Mark ruffled his hair. He walked to Bambam. "Uncle." Kyung said. "I'm uncle Bambam." Bambam said. Kyung smiled. Bambam smiled happily and took the grape thanking him. Kyung walked to E.Den. "Uncle Jae!" Kyung said. He handed him a grape. "Thanks Kyunggie!" E.Den said gladly accepting the grape. Kyung walked to Hana and J-Hyo. He handed them both one. Kyung walk back to Luna. "Lulu!" Kyung said. Luna knelt down and took the grape. "Thanks Kyung." Luna said. He smiled. He turned and walked back to Mark. "Uncle Marker what more?" Kyung asked. Mark shook his head. "You eat it." Mark said. Kyung smiled. Luna finished eating and took Kyung away from the others. 
"It seems like Kyung really like you." Jun said. Mark looked up. Everyone was looking at him. "I guess." Mark said. "So do you know who is sleeping with who?" JB asked E.Den. "Oh that's right!" He said. "Luna!" He shouted. Luna came into the room with Kyung trailing behind her. Luna stood besides E.Den. "Do you have the list?" He asked. Luna took the list out. "Alright. The people who will be sleeping together will be Hanbi - Minji - Minhee, Rasa - E.Den - Jun, J-Hyo - King - Ao, Jackson - JB - Jr, Yugyeom - Youngjae - Bambam, Hana - Mina and lastly Me and Kyung. Did I miss any one?" Luna asked. 
Mark raised his hand. "Um it seemed like I was left out." Mark said in a low voice. "Oh I'm sorry! I was trying to set everything out and the houses that I didn't even make sure everyone was on the list." Luna said. "Well you will have to room with Hana and Mina or Me and Kyung." Luna said looking at the list and back up to Mark. "Uncle Marker!" Kyung shouted. "Then Mark is staying with Luna and Kyung." Hana said. 
They arrived at the Fiji airport landing place. Luna and E.Den went to the front desks to talk to them. Everyone else was taking the baggage out. Luna and E.Den came back. "Okay follow me and I'll show you guys where we will be staying." Luna said. She put Kyung on her suitcase and he'd be dangling from the handle. She dragged both of their suitcases. Then Luna stopped at the path. "So our houses are down this path. We have the seven houses down there." Luna said. Luna showed everyone their houses. Luna, Mark and Kyung went into the last house. "If you want, me and Kyung can go sleep with Hana and Mina." Luna said. "Oh no it's fine. I'll be fine sharing a house with you and Kyung." Mark said. Luna nodded. 
She went to the room. "Well there's only one bed. So you can have it." Luna said. Mark shook his head. "You and Kyung have it. I can sleep on the couch." Mark said. Luna looked at him but nodded. "If I see you being uncomfortable I'm forcing you to sleep on the bed too." Luna said. Mark saluted and chuckled. There was a knock at the door. Luna opened the door. It was a half E.Den. "Hey the guys and I are going swimming do you want to come?" E.Den asked. Luna thought and nodded. "Is the others coming?" Luna asked. E.Den nodded. Luna hummed. "Well, I'll tell Mark. We'll be out in a bit." Luna said. E.Den saluted and walked away. Luna shut the door.
"Well you can go change into your swim trunks because we are going swimming." Luna said. Mark stared at her. "Right now?" Mark asked. Luna nodded. She was changing Kyung into his swim suit and a swim diaper. "You can change out here. I'll change in the bedroom. Keep an eye on Kyung for me." Luna said walking into the bedroom. Mark nodded. Luna shut the door and locked it. Mark changed into his swim trunks. Kyung was eating his banana. Luna came out. She was in a 3 Piece Bathing Suit Padded Push Up Fringe Bikini Top Long Sleeve Beach Cover Up With Swim Bottom Woman Boxer Underwire Swimsuit. Mark was in a similar color as her bathing shorts. 
Luna made sure to have snacks for Kyung in a backpack. She packed sunscreen, sunglasses and a few beach towels. "Ready to go?" Luna asked. Mark hummed. He got up off the sofa and saw Luna. She looked really beautiful. "Hey let's get going. The others are waiting." Luna said. She picked up Kyung. She went towards the door. She turned to see Mark still in place. She huffed. She went over and grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the house. 
They saw the others waiting. "Alright, we're all here now so let's head to the beach!" E.Den said. Luna let go of Mark and walked beside Jun. She gave him Kyung. Jun put Kyung over his head. Kyung was sitting on his shoulders and neck. 
Mark was upset that the warmth around his wrist was now gone. Rasa was bending down as Luna got onto his back. Her lower half was covered with a sweater Rasa carried with him. Luna rested her head on his shoulder. Mark was really sad. He didn't know why but when he saw Luna on Rasa he didn't like it one bit. 
"Aw~ is little Mark sad he doesn't have his girlfriend sitting on him instead?" Jackson joked. Mark sent him a glare. "Shut up." Mark said. "Well she looked pretty hot. I mean that bathing suit she's wearing it wow." Jackson said. Mark slapped the back of his head. "What about Hanbi huh?" Mark asked. "Well she's my dream girl. My one and only for me." Jackson said. Mark snickered. There was a cough behind them. They turned and saw Hanbi. "Uh I um... er." Jackson tried saying something but a single word didn't come out. Hanbi's cheeks were a little pink. She walked ahead. 
In the back was the four awkward maknaes. Yugyeom and Minhee were walking side by side. Their hands brushed against each other a few times. Minhee had pink cheeks and so did Yugyeom. Bambam and Minji were walking together. Bambam looked like he was fighting with himself. 
They made it to the beach. Luna got off of Rasa and gave him his sweater back. She took Kyung from Jun and let him play in the sand. Luna and E.Den set a large beach towel down. She set Kyung's snacks down. Everyone set their things on the towel. "Alright let's get into the water!" Ao, King and Jun shouted. Everyone went into the water and started playing. 
Mark sat beside Luna. "Your not swimming?" Mark asked. Luna shook her head. "No one to watch Kyung." Luna said. "Yeah how old is he anyway?" Mark asked. "He's two. He's turning three soon." Luna said. Mark nodded. Luna smiled. She hugged her knees. "Are you swimming?" Luna asked. Mark shook his head. 
She dragged him away from everyone. Everyone watched as the two talked. It looked like they were arguing. Luna looked like she could kill someone. The rest went to them. "You guys watch Kyung." Mina said. They ran to the two. Then all nine of them were talking. They saw Luna backing away as the eight were arguing. Luna turned and sniff the air. "I found him." Luna said. "Then you and Jun go after him. We'll stay here with the others. Find him and bring him." Rasa said. Luna nodded. The three ran into the forest. As they went deeper they changed into wolves. 
The rest went to Got7 and Dark Angels. "The two went out to look around on the island for other things we could do." Mina lied. The others nodded. "Well let's head back and wait for them. Then we could go have dinner." Mina said. They all cleaned up and went back to their homes. Mark opened his door. "Um Kyung will be staying with us until they come back so you can go hang with your friends." Hana said. Mark nodded. He put his things on the couch. He then walked to JB's room. He knocked. Jr opened the door. "Oh you're here! I was going to come and get you." Jr said. Mark sighed and entered. 
He saw the others and Dark Angels. "So you guys are here too?" Mark asked. They nodded. "So why are you guys here?" Mark asked as he sat beside Bambam. "The girls wanted to come and see the guys." Hanbi said. "Why don't you guys just date already! It's just taking forever." Mark huffed. Everyone looked at him. "Is something wrong?" JB asked. "It's just— nothing." Mark said. Everyone looked at him weirdly and ignored his behavior.
Luna was ahead and tracking his scent. She caught a big whiff of it. 'He's this way.' Luna said. The two ran in the direction of the scent. Finally the scent came to a halt near a small rock cave. 'Come out. Why are you here?' Luna commanded. The wolf came out. 'What are you doing here?' Jun asked. 'To receive my child back.' He said. 'What child?' Jun asked. 'He's talking about Kyung.' Luna said. 'Yes, Kyung. You see, I'm Kyung's older brother Kyungsoo.' Kyungsoo said. 'Then why was Kyung left all alone?' Luna asked. 'I don't know! I was out hunting! Then my mother disappeared, Kyung ran some where and I was left alone. I traced my mother's scent to see where she was. Then I found her dead by the river bank. I went looking for Kyung. I followed his scent and here I am." Kyungsoo said. 
Luna turned around and walked back. 'Where are you going?' Kyungsoo asked. 'Do you want to see Kyung or not?' Luna asked as she came to a halt. 'Of course I would want to see him again!' Kyungsoo said. 'Then let's go.' Luna said walking away. Kyungsoo and Jun followed her. They changed. Luna was back in her bathing suit. The two boys changed. Jun was in his trunks and Kyungsoo was wearing a black hoodie with ripped jeans. 
The three walked back to houses. When Luna got there Kyung ran out of the house. She ran pass him and into Kyungsoo's arms. "Hi Kyunggie! How are you?" Kyungsoo asked. "Lulu." Kyung said pointing at Luna. Kyungsoo looked at her and back at him. "She took care of you?" Kyungsoo asked. Kyung nodded. Kyungsoo smiled. He set Kyung down. He went towards Luna and hugged her. "Thank you so much for taking care of him. I don't know what I'd do with Kyung." Kyungsoo said. "Your welcome Kyungsoo." Luna said. "Just call me D.O." D.O said. Luna nodded. "Well how about you stay with us for the trip. We can bring both of you back to Seoul with us." Luna said. D.O nodded. Luna smiled a little. Kyung ran to D.O. He picked him up. 
Got7, Dark Angels and LC9 came out and saw the scene before them. It looked like they were a family. "So who is he?" King asked. "Ah he's Kyungsoo or D.O." Luna said. Everyone nodded. "Well, go to your houses and get ready for dinner." E.Den said. Everyone left except for LC9. "Why are you here?" Rasa asked. "To receive back my brother." D.O said. "So Kyung is he your brother?" Jun asked. Kyung nodded. "Hyung is jjang!" Kyung said giving them a thumbs up. "Well do you have extra clothes?" Hana asked. "Yes I do. They're in the cave tho." D.O said. "Oh it's okay. You can wear one of the guys clothes." Mina said. The six guys nodded. 
Luna changed into a more comfortable outfit. She wore a black zipper pocket skinny jean, a sleeveless mint green see through button up and her high tops. She changed Kyung and got out. When she got out Mark got out of the bathroom. "Ready to go?" Luna asked. Mark nodded. The three left the house to greet the others. Luna ran to D.O and gave him Kyung. D.O took Kyung into his arms. He turned and talked to Luna. They were both immersed in their conversation and forgot about everyone else. 
Mark clenched his fists. E.Den put his arm around Mark. "It's okay. Luna doesn't like him." E.Den said sending him a wink. Mark was confused. "So D.O, do you have a pack of your own?" Luna asked. D.O nodded. "There's twelve of us. We are separated into two groups of six. Our alphas are Kris and Suho." D.O told her. "You know Kris? Like Wu Yi Fan, Kris Wu?" Luna asked. "Why do you know him?" D.O asked. Luna nodded. "Me and my brother lived in Canada for a while. We met a boy name Kris. He was really dorky and tried to act cute but he seriously couldn't." Luna said. D.O laughed. 
The two talked about Kris as they walked to the restaurant. When they got there Luna and Jun walked into the restaurant to get their seats. Jun came out and got them. They walked to a very big spot in the back. There was a booth. The tables were pushed together. Luna was setting the chairs on the other side. Luna went and got a high chair for Kyung. Luna put him in there. She sat down beside him on the booth. D.O sat next to her. Mark huffed and went to go sit across from Luna. 
They ordered food for all twenty-one of them. "So D.O-sshi what are you doing here?" Hanbi asked. "Please drop formalities. I came here to get Kyung back, since of course, I am his older brother." D.O said. Luna smiled at Kyung. "I'm going to miss Kyunggie tho." Luna said. D.O put his arm around. "Remember our scent and than you can find us." D.O whispered. Luna chuckled. "Yeah and do what? See Kris' say he's an amazing Picasso." Luna joked. "That's about right." D.O said. Luna chuckled. Mark was fuming with jealousy. He was playing his phone to distract him. 
D.O suddenly got a video call. The caller was the devil himself, Kris. Luna laughed. "Great just when I thought I'd never see him again." Luna joked. D.O chuckled. He pressed the answer button. A very handsome Kris popped up. "D.O have you found your brother yet?" Kris asked. D.O nodded. Luna excused them both so they could talk to Kris privately. E.Den was wondering where they were going. 
"Yah! I don't get a greeting from you?!" Luna asked. Kris squinted his eyes. "Who are you?" Kris asked. "Seriously? If I tell E.Den you forgot about us he's going to flip." Luna said. "Wait Luna? Is that you?" Kris asked. "Duh! You arrogant Picasso wanna-be. Who else would freaking be?" Luna said. Kris laughed. "Still a tough nut huh?" Kris said. Luna scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Anyways, D.O you need to come back as soon as possible." Kris said. D.O nodded. "I'll come back home tomorrow." D.O said. "Can I see where you are?" D.O asked. 
Kris showed them that he was in the woods in their secret cave. Kris and D.O chatted for a few more minutes. Kris hung up. "But we're leaving Monday not tomorrow." Luna said. "Well I got to leave on tomorrow. I also have to buy Kyung all of his things." D.O said. Luna got an idea. "Why don't we just leave now?" Luna said. "How?" D.O asked. "You'll see. I'll text E.Den. You go get Kyung." Luna said. D.O nodded.
Hey, me and D.O are leaving tonight to get Kyung's stuff for him. Say that me and D.O are going to go look around the island. - Luna
How? You're going to use your powers to get you guys back to Seoul aren't you?! You're not ready for such a long distant location! What if you get hurt? - E.Den
I'll be fine. I love you! - Luna
Alright.... be careful! Love you too. - E.Den
D.O came back with Kyung. "Let's get to the house." Luna said. D.O nodded. They both left to Luna's house. When they got there Luna unlocked the door and went straight to the bedroom. She packed Kyung's stuff. She came out to see D.O. "You ready?" Luna asked. He nodded. She grabbed his hand. "Hold on." Luna said. She mesmerized the cave. In a flash the two were gone. They reappeared in a cave. When they both got out there was a breeze. It carried all three of their scents. 
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littlebun91 #1
4hours before arirang website close the vote..lets vote for got7..make them win..igot7 fighting
Lightning_Loves_EXO #2
Chapter 4: Wah!!! Baby kyung is so cute !! Please update soon :) i wanna know what happened to keiko :(
Lightning_Loves_EXO #3
Chapter 3: Jjang!! ^_^ update soon author-nim :) fighting!
Lightning_Loves_EXO #4
Chapter 1: It's cool :) please update soon :) fighting! ♡♡♡
Limzhiqi #5
Chapter 1: Thanks for updating ^^ can't wait for the next Chapters:)
Limzhiqi #6
Can't wait for the story author-nim ^^