chapter six

home is (in your arms)

(words: ~1.2)

(song: f(x) – glitter)


with the seasons changing, jongin finds himself bedridden with a stuffy nose, sore throat and pounding headache. maybe he should have listen to all those times that his friends and sehun (especially sehun, he’d repeated it so many times jongin recited his lectures off by heart). now, he finds sehun peering down at him with a -earning grin on his face that exuded the words ‘I Told You So’. jongin groans and pulls his blanket over his head to cover himself up. he feels the side of his bed dip down before sehun yanks the blanket away.

jongin turns his head with his eyebrows furrowed and eyes droopy, still heavy with sleep. regardless, he can still see that sehun’s still grinning down at him.

“don’t even bother”

if possible, sehun’s grin widens even further. “bother with what?” he asks, pretending not to know what jongin’s talking about.

“you know what I’m talking about” jongin grumbles, bringing a hand up to brush his hair away from his forehead.

“what? you mean about me telling you to take care of yourself because you might get sick?” sehun answers innocently.

jongin rolls his eyes and then props himself up on his elbows. “what are you doing here? go home. you’ll get sick too” his voice is hoarse from all the coughing and he slightly cringes at how he sounds.

sehun frowns at jongin for a moment before standing up and leaving the room.

“wha–” jongin’s taken by surprise. did he upset sehun because he came off too harsh? he was just concerned because sehun could get sick because of him too. just as he’s about to go deeper into his thoughts, sehun comes back with a towel in hand and sits down on the side of the bed again, this time a little closer to jongin.

“i thought you left” jongin breathes out as he sits up fully and leans forward to press a kiss on sehun’s shoulder. sehun tilts his head and presses a kiss on the side of jongin’s head in return. “do you want me to leave?” sehun murmurs. jongin shakes his head. he then leans back and looks at sehun, who stares back at him.

sehun’s the first to break eye contact when he brings the towel up and daps it slightly on jongin’s forehead to wipe the beads of sweat away. once he’s done, he gets up to return the towel when jongin grabs his arm and pulls him back down.

“jongin, let me go” sehun says, “i need to get you something to eat before you take your medication”

jongin reluctantly lets go of his grip on sehun and pulls his blanket over his shoulder again. sehun smiles down at his boyfriend and quickly leaves the room to get some food for him. when he returns, he finds jongin fast asleep again with his mouth slightly agape.

sehun stifles his laugh and carefully places the bowl of soup on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed. he runs the back of his fingers against jongin’s cheeks and leans down to press a gentle kiss on his nose. he's about to pull away when he’s surprised by jongin’s grip on his bicep.

“if you’re going to give me secret kisses like that it’s going to be difficult for me to hold myself back, you know” jongin mutters, eyes still closed albeit with a slight grin.  sehun rolls his eyes and ignores jongin’s comment. instead, he pats jongin’s thigh and moves to grab jongin’s food.

“come on, get up. you need to eat”

jongin obeys and leans himself up against the headboard. sehun’s about to hand him the bowl when he sees jongin open his mouth wide, his eyes sparkling.

“feed yourself” sehun deadpans, holding the bowl further away from himself. jongin pouts.

“but i’m ill and I can barely move. my whole body is sore, my legs are sore, my arms are sore – hey, even my lips hurt a little maybe you could–” jongin suddenly finds a spoon shoved in his mouth, preventing him from saying anything further. when he looks up, he sees sehun smirking at him.

“i can’t believe I’ve been able to deal with you for so long. i should get another boyfriend” sehun huffs. jongin frowns and nudges sehun’s hip with his knee. sehun glances up for a moment but then focuses his attention on scooping the right amount of food into the spoon. jongin nudged sehun again with this knee and this time sehun breaks into a smile and stands up to kiss jongin on the forehead.

“i’m just joking and you know that” he then places the bowl in jongin’s lap, “now feed yourself for a moment, you baby. i need to pee”

jongin’s face scrunches up with the unnecessary information but obeys and picks up the spoon. just as he’s about to bring up to his mouth, sehun’s phone begins to ring. jongin drops the spoon and grabs the phone. it’s not unusual for them to look through each other’s phone to take each other’s calls or read each other’s messages since they’ve been doing it to each other since they both got their first phones.

jongin frowns when he sees the name of the contact because he hasn’t ever heard of the person before, but it’s not like he’ll ever know every single person in sehun’s life so he swipes to answer the call. before he’s able to speak, the person on the other line talks first.

“hey, sehun-ah~ I haven’t heard from you in a while, are you still up for that date next week like we planned or are you still contemplating about the whole thing for your boyfriend?”

jongin stares at the wall blankly in front of him, trying to process what’s been said. he’s tempted to speak up but he waits a little longer just to see if the person is going to speak more.

“hello? sehun, are you there? you’re not ignoring me because of last time, right? I apologised! you should have told me that I was pushing too hard” the other person begins to whine and jongin can feel his temperature rising by the second and so he ends the call and places the phone back to where it was before.

jongin’s almost done gulping down all his food when sehun returns. “that was a long pee” jongin states when sehun sits down on the bed beside him.

“it ended up being more than just a pee” sehun replies casually. jongin grimaces at the extra information and is about to comment back when sehun’s phone rings again. glancing at the name, jongin sees that it’s the same person as before. he catches the slight glance sehun gives him before he pats jongin on the thigh and stands up to leave the room.

jongin watches as sehun steps out of the room and closes the door behind him. he can’t help but frown a little at sehun’s behaviour but he decides to brush it off and places everything on the side table before he curls up under the blanket again.

jongin scrolls through his phone for a bit before he deems himself too tired and puts his phone away. he lies on his side, curled up in his usual foetus position. his eyes are already closed and heavy with sleep when he hears the door open slightly and sehun murmur “yeah, I’ll see you in a bit” as he enters the room.

just as jongin’s about to fall asleep, he feels sehun press a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room.


a/n: HELLO EVERYONE!! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME. I realised how plotless by stories are and so here we are. There's not a lot of drama. Too much drama annoys me (i'm not too good in that field anyway lol). I'm just trying to wiggle in some extra plot and later more fluff if i can. Hope you enjoyed it.

Check out some of my other stories on my profile as well if you're interested. I'll be updating those soon. Thank you for reading!

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Final chapter will be posted soon! Sorry for the long wait!


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pinkhamsters #1
Chapter 10: Oh, your sekai is so sweet. They're adorable really <3
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: thank you for the wonderful ending. don't worry about the little mistakes, in the end, you make us happy with your amazing works. will check out the other stories as well
pandamen #3
Chapter 10: awww this finish to fast
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: aarrggghhh this is killing me, the suspense is just awesome. I wonder what will happen next on Friday for kaihun. I bet sehun is preparing a gift in the form of a solo dance for jongin right?
yanelina98 #5
Chapter 9: Whyyy you stopp T_T
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 9: Eeeeeep what could sehun be planning :3
yoonsss #7
Chapter 9: Ugghh I am really curious right now ><
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun being jealous while sick hurts me ;A;
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 8: hmm who could that be? o.o
Chapter 8: sehun.. who is that?