extra (two)

home is (in your arms)

(words: 1.3k~1.4k)

(song: hardwell ft. jason derulo  follow me)


sehun’s lying in bed and scrolling through the web on his phone when it suddenly rings. startled, he drops the phone and manages to move his head out of the way so that his phone ends up hitting his cheekbone rather than break his nose. checking the caller ID, it says that it’s jongin’s sister’s and he quickly picks up.

“hey! how are... w-what? when? is he alright? which hospital? where is he…? alright i’m on my way now”

sehun ends the call and runs his hands through his hair to try and calm himself down. grabbing a jacket, he runs out of the house, sending his mother a quick message that he won’t be home until late.

although Sehun lives on quite a busy road and had to deal with his neighbour blasting loud music from their car every saturday at ungodly hours in the morning, sehun was glad that his home was situated near a hospital that was about a 15 minute walk away – half of that if he ran. and so he did. as soon as Sehun made sure to lock the front door, he bolted onto the sidewalk and ran to the hospital near his home.

“stupid jongin and his stupid stubbornness and his stupid inability to stop pushing himself, that stupid idiot” sehun mumbles to himself as he runs. he arrives at his destination quickly and wills himself to calm down when he reaches the entrance of the hospital.

making his way towards the elevator, he clicks on the level Jongin was said to be on. hands on his hips and his body weight shifted onto his right leg, he begins to tap his left foot on the ground. at times like this jongin would be the one to grab a hold of sehun’s hand and tell him to calm down, but this time it was because of jongin that he wasn’t calm in the first place.

as soon as the elevator dings and the doors open, sehun steps out and searches for the room that jongin’s sister had told him jongin would be in. to save time, he asks a bypassing nurse who points him towards the correct direction. with a “thank you”, sehun jogs down the hallway that the nurse had pointed, checking the numbers on the doors as he jogged pass.

“ah” sehun skids to a stop when he’s about to pass the room. the door’s open and he sees jongin on the bed reading and his mother and one of his sisters. he knocks on the door quietly to grab their attention before entering. when jongin sees sehun enter the room, a shocked expression comes across his face.

“sehun? what are you- how did you–” he turns to his sister, “sis, why did you? he’s going to beat me up now”

“damn right I will” sehun grumbles as he walks closer. he bows and greets his mother who brings him into a tight hug.

when she pulls away she says “thank you for coming here, dear. jongin was getting quiet annoying because he was bored so I had to call up his sister to bring a book for him to read, but apparently it was a book he’d just finished recently so we knew he wouldn’t last long”

“yeah, and then when I asked when you were arriving he said you didn’t know, so I took the liberty of calling you myself since jongin was such a stubborn little about not wanting to worry you. but of course, I’m pretty sure that you would rather be worried instead of worried and pissed because he kept this a secret so…” his sister turns to him, “you should thank me”

“you really should” sehun walks closer to jongin and scans his body. “what happened?” he asked.

“uh, well, just a little over exertion. nothing too serious” jongin answers with a reassuring smile on his face. sehun lifts an elegant brow and instead turns to his sister who answers, “he ended up passing out during practice and his hip’s in pretty bad condition too. well, worse than his last check up, that is”

sehun turns his head back to jongin and narrows his eyes at the older, who looks up at him sheepishly.

“sehun would you mind keeping him company? I’ve got to go back to work now and so does his sister” jongin’s mother says as she goes to grab her stuff off the chair. sehun tells her that it wasn’t a problem and then walks over to hug the two of them goodbye, seeing them out the door.

“so you’re fine? is your upper body alright? nothing wrong with your arms? they’re fine?” he asks when he returns to jongin. he gently grazes the back of his fingers against the other’s biceps.

“yeah, it’s fine why– OW WHAT THE HECK?” jongin groans in pain when sehun punches him twice on his bicep.

“now it’s not” sehun huffs with his arms crossed over his chest. he then relents when he sees jongin pout and lightly massages his arms.

jongin grabs sehun by the wrist and pulls him closer until sehun’s sitting on the edge of the bed facing him. he then shifts over to give sehun a little more room and slides his hand down to entwine his fingers with sehun’s. bringing sehun’s hand up to his lips, he presses a kiss on his boyfriend’s knuckles and he mumbles “i’m sorry i worried you”

sehun then brings their hands up to his own lips and kisses the back of jongin’s hand. “then don’t get hurt anymore” he whispers, barely loud enough for jongin to hear. jongin remains silent.

“what did the doctor say?” sehun asked “and please answer honestly this time. i want to know”

with a sigh, jongin shifts on the bed to get a little more comfortable before he starts talking. “the doctor did say that it was over exertion and that I should take it easy for a few days. but in regards to my hip… well, basically I was told to take it easy before I wouldn’t be able to walk properly anymore, let alone dance”

sehun remained quiet. jongin may have said it all in a dismissive tone but he knew jongin and he knew that the news was probably terrifying for him. he then reaches and grabs both of jongin’s hands and tightens his grip on them.

“it’ll be fine. just focus on recovering, ok? I’ll be here with you every step of the way” he says softly. he leans down a little to catch jongin’s eyes. when he does, he swoops in for a kiss.

when they pulls away, jongin shifts closer to the edge and tells sehun to lay down with him.

“I can’t” sehun shakes his head “it’s against hospital rules. plus, you need space to spread out whilst you rest”

“yeah but in order to rest I need to sleep and I sleep a lot better with you in my arms anyway so… I’m sure it’ll be fine if it’s for my recovery, right?” jongin answers cheekily.

with a roll of his eyes, sehun decides to give in. “alright, but move closer to the centre of the bed. I’ll sleep on my side”



“what if–”

sehun raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

“…fine” jongin moves back till he’s a little more situated in the centre of the bed. sehun then carefully lays down on his side, jongin’s arm wrapping around his waist, and places his head down on jongin’s shoulder to use it as a pillow.

“we’re going to get told off when one of the staff come in later to check up on you” sehun mumbles.

“i don’t care. as long as you’re here with me, i really don’t care” jongin mutters. sehun lifts his head up and presses a kiss on jongin’s jaw. jongin turns his head and presses a kiss on the crown on sehun’s head and then another on his forehead.

lips still pressed on sehun’s skin, jongin whispers “thank you, really” and with that he leans back properly on the bed and drifts off to sleep with sehun in his arms.


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Final chapter will be posted soon! Sorry for the long wait!


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pinkhamsters #1
Chapter 10: Oh, your sekai is so sweet. They're adorable really <3
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: thank you for the wonderful ending. don't worry about the little mistakes, in the end, you make us happy with your amazing works. will check out the other stories as well
pandamen #3
Chapter 10: awww this finish to fast
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: aarrggghhh this is killing me, the suspense is just awesome. I wonder what will happen next on Friday for kaihun. I bet sehun is preparing a gift in the form of a solo dance for jongin right?
yanelina98 #5
Chapter 9: Whyyy you stopp T_T
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 9: Eeeeeep what could sehun be planning :3
yoonsss #7
Chapter 9: Ugghh I am really curious right now ><
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun being jealous while sick hurts me ;A;
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 8: hmm who could that be? o.o
Chapter 8: sehun.. who is that?