chapter one

home is (in your arms)

a/n: what are caps idk

(words: ~1.8k)


it feels like months – years, even – since sehun had seen jongin. actually, it’s only been a month but let’s not go there. regardless, they haven't seen each other in a while and sehun can't help but feel like he's missing a little (a big) part of his soul. it’s late at night and sehun finds himself still staring into a chemistry textbook trying to study for his upcoming and final exam for the semester. it’s their finals and everything counts so there’s really no excuse to be distracted.

this is why sehun hasn’t seen jongin in an entire month. they also go to different schools so there’s pretty much zero chance of bumping into each other during break time because, well, their schools are situated in different locations.

with their exams being pretty much around the same time, both parties had come to the conclusion that they shouldn’t meet up with each other until exam period was over since they couldn’t afford to be distracted. mostly because whenever they decided to ‘study together’ it ended up with the game consoles out and them bickering until three in the morning.

sehun feels like pulling his hair out as he stares at the equations before him. he always hated chemistry and will, for the rest of his life, regret making the decision of choosing it as a subject to be assessed on. he glances at the clock and realises it was getting late. heaving a sigh, he slams the textbook shut and leans back in his chair. his eyes close for a moment and is about to drift off to sleep when – nope. he shoots up again, the uncomfortable feeling of guilt washing over him for relaxing when he should be studying.

he tries to force himself to study for another half an hour until he comes to the conclusion that forcing himself any longer would just be a waste of time, sleep, and ultimately his sanity. another glance at the clock and sehun gets up from his study table and decides to go to sleep. it’s late, so he makes sure to not make any loud sounds to not wake anyone else up.

climbing up the stairs, cringing with every creak heard underneath his feet, he makes a turn to his room but stops at the front door. he eyes drift to the room across from his. maybe… no. he shakes his head. he really needs to learn some self-control, he thinks to himself as he enters his room.

his shirt discarded on the ground, sehun climbs into his bed and under his blanket. he thrashes around, trying to get comfortable until he realises that its futile.

I probably could have studied another chapter by now whilst i was trying to sleep, he thinks as he glares up the ceiling. poor ceiling. it didn’t do anything to him to deserve his nightly glares but hey, he couldn’t sleep.

a sigh escapes his lips once again for the umpteenth time that night and he throws his covers off his body. swinging his legs off the bed, he reaches down to grab his shirt in his hand and exits his room.

he walks straight across the hallways and opens the door directly opposite his. instantly, he feels his body relax simply from seeing some of jongin’s belongings in the room – heck, even the stupid stuffed bear with the creepy bright blue eyes jongin had begged him to get a couple of months ago made him smile a little.

sehun makes a beeline for the bed, picks up the bear and climbs under the bed covers. lying down, he lifts up the bear up and stares at it.

“i wonder how jongin’s been” sehun mutters to the bear. he stares at it for a while as if expecting a response when the bear suddenly drops on his face (he throws it across the room after that. he just knows the bear has a mind of its own).

slowly, drowsiness begins to creep over him and sehun feels his eyelids drooping, heavy with sleep. it’s not long until he finds himself falling asleep, looking forward to seeing jongin after his final exam.


“and pens down please, your time is over”

sehun manages to finish off his final sentence just in time and happily throws the pen down on his desk. his happiness dulls a little bit soon after when the ache in his hand starts to act up, but nonetheless he’d managed to finish the exam and that’s all he cares about.

he patiently waits for his exam papers to be collected before given permission to leave. exiting the exam halls and walking straight into the cold winter air couldn’t have felt any better at this very moment. the people around him are rushing to get out of the halls and out of the school to celebrate finishing their final exam but sehun simply takes his time, walking behind everyone else.

“ah, sehun!” he hears his name being called out and turns around to see his chemistry teacher. he smiles politely in response and makes his way over.

“hi mr. kim…” he says, already knowing what his teacher’s going to ask.

“how did you go with the exam?” yup. nailed it. he hates when people always ask him this after exams. how would he know? the results aren’t out yet. not knowing how to answer, he simply shrugs. “i’m not too sure… we’ll see what the results say” he answers quietly.

his teacher smiles warmly at him. “i’m sure you did fine” he says. sehun lets out a light laugh and shakes his head. no, he really didn’t, he thinks to himself. he knows he didn’t. sehun stays silent with hopes that the conversation won’t continue. luckily for him it doesn’t because his teacher has to leave.

after bidding his teacher goodbye, sehun starts to head home. he turns the corner down the road from his school and spots a familiar figure a distance away.

“jongin?” he calls out. the person whirls around and sehun can feel the muscles on his face pull into a huge smile. he makes a dash towards jongin and jumps on him, wrapping his legs around jongin’s waist.

“sehun wha–ooft”

sehun clings onto jongin with all his strength, wrapping his arms around jongin and burrows his face in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck. he hears jongin chuckle softly next to his ear and feels a hand pat his head softly and he knows jongin feels the same too. he really missed jongin a lot, so it’ll be a while until sehun’s going to let go.

“are you going to let go now?” jongin asks after a while of silence.

“no” sehun grumbles into jongin’s shoulder. he does get down on his two feet though so jongin doesn’t have to carry his weight, but his arms remain wrapped around jongin’s neck. he turns his head a little and inhales jongin’s scent and feels his nerves begin to finally calm down after an entire month of agitation.

he feels jongin reach up and unwrap sehun’s arms from around his neck. sehun pouts and takes a step back, facing down. jongin laughs when he sees a glimpse of disappointment on sehun’s face and opts to wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist to pull him closer.

“i haven’t been able to see your face in person for a month. at least let me see your pretty face before you go back to your puppy-like habits” jongin says as he gently lifts sehun’s face up to look him in the eyes.

sehun’s face flushes in embarrassment. trust jongin to make the cheesiest comments. he tries to hide his face again but jongin doesn’t allow it, placing his palms on either side of sehun’s face to keep it in place. he runs the pad of his thumb gently over sehun’s cheek for a moment before lowering it to sehun’s lips.

without saying a word, jongin pulls sehun closer and presses their lips together and oh the bliss. sehun feels himself being transcended up to the heavens once again after so long as he throws an arm around jongin. the feeling of jongin’s lips on his reminds him of the calming effect jongin’s always had on him, and for that he’s eternally greatful.

they pull away after a few minutes and stare at each other in silence. jongin still has his hand on sehun’s cheek and he lets it drop to unwrap sehun’s arms around him to entwine their fingers together.

it’s moments like these that sehun loves the most. these silent moments between them. not many people understand them when they see sehun and jongin together. they’ve never been the time to display their affections for each other in front of others and their noise levels usually range from really loud to dead silence between the two.

although sehun really enjoys the times when they’re able to roll around and laugh with each other and falling into each other’s embrace, it’s the moments after that sehun tends to crave for a lot of the time. the calm after the storm, perhaps. the silence between them is, in a way, therapeutic for sehun. maybe it’s jongin’s presence that calms him down. he really doesn’t know how to explain it. but the silence that the two usually fall into tends to be a thing between them. it’s not awkward, but rather enjoyable for the both of them. it’s everything to do with actions speaking more than words.

they stay there in silence before sehun’s the first to speak up.

“so what are you doing here?” sehun asks lightly as his fingers drift along jongin’s forearm, tracing a vein.

“to meet you, of course” jongin states. “my final exam was two days ago. you have no idea how much i wanted to run over to your house and tackle you at your front door”

sehun laughs out loud but doesn’t say anything but he’s pretty sure he has quite a clear idea of how jongin probably felt. they go back into their comfortable silence after that until it’s jongin’s turn to break the silence.

“let’s go and get something to eat”” he says as they head towards the train station.

“you’re paying, right?” sehun jokes, a cheeky smile appearing. jongin scoffs. “of course. we need to celebrate our hard efforts” he says dramatically, swinging their hands back and forth.

sehun’s gaze lingers on their entwined fingers and he can’t help but smile. he gives their fingers a little squeeze and jongin squeezes right back.

as they wait for their train to arrive, sehun wraps his arms around jongin’s waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. nothing is said between them but they’re both glad they’re able to be in each other’s presence once again.

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Final chapter will be posted soon! Sorry for the long wait!


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pinkhamsters #1
Chapter 10: Oh, your sekai is so sweet. They're adorable really <3
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: thank you for the wonderful ending. don't worry about the little mistakes, in the end, you make us happy with your amazing works. will check out the other stories as well
pandamen #3
Chapter 10: awww this finish to fast
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: aarrggghhh this is killing me, the suspense is just awesome. I wonder what will happen next on Friday for kaihun. I bet sehun is preparing a gift in the form of a solo dance for jongin right?
yanelina98 #5
Chapter 9: Whyyy you stopp T_T
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 9: Eeeeeep what could sehun be planning :3
yoonsss #7
Chapter 9: Ugghh I am really curious right now ><
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun being jealous while sick hurts me ;A;
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 8: hmm who could that be? o.o
Chapter 8: sehun.. who is that?