chapter five

home is (in your arms)

(words: ~2.9k )

(song: miguel – use me)



sehun shoots up from his bed and loses his balances, causing him to fall off the side. untangling himself from his blanket, he comes face to face with his boyfriend who was grinning down at him. groaning, sehun throws the covers over his head again, now opting to sleeping on the floor.

“aw, come on babe. time to wake up. i was hoping for a better welcoming than this” jongin jokes as he plots himself on the floor beside sehun. once he’s on the ground, sehun shuffles his body around so that his head is resting on jongin’s lap. jongin stretches his legs out so that sehun’s neck wouldn’t strain and leans his back against the side of the bed.

sehun pulls the blanket down till it’s right under his nose. he looks up at jongin for a while, who also stares back at him, with blank eyes as if he’s trying to figure out what to do. instead, he suddenly breaks into an eye smile and pulls the blanket up a little higher till it covers his nose, so that now only his eyes were seen. jongin has a habit of staring at sehun with so much affection that there are times that even sehun can’t handle it so he has to hide. this was one of those times.

“i missed you” sehun mumbles under his blanket. jongin leans forward and turns his head a little. “sorry what? I couldn’t hear you” he pretends. sehun huffs under the blankets and repeats it a little louder.

“nope, still can’t hear you” jongin replies, now grinning as he spots the little frown appearing on sehun’s face. wrinkling his nose, sehun pulls down the covers and says “I missed you, idiot”

jongin laughs and turns his head so he was looking down at sehun. he quickly leans down and captures his boyfriend’s lips and grins as he pulls back. “i know” he replies. sehun rolls his eyes but he can’t resist the smile that forces it’s way upon his lips. embarrassed, sehun turns his head to the side and pulls the blanket up to his nose again.

jongin chuckles at how cute sehun’s actions were as he runs his hands through sehun’s hair. leaning down again to press a kiss on his temple, he whispers “i missed you too” right next to his ear which causes sehun to pull the blankets completely over his head and roll around in embarrassment.

once sehun’s a little more clear minded, and refreshed after brushing his teeth and washing his face, they make their way downstairs for brunch. jongin had brought over some take out on his way over so sehun takes out the plates and eating utensils. jongin helps set the food out on the respected plates, often pressing kisses on sehun’s face every time they cross paths. however, considering that they were going to eat their food on the kitchen island, the area between the kitchen counter and the island was pretty narrow for the two of them to manoeuvre around so jongin would purposely walk past sehun so he would be able to pepper kisses on his boyfriend’s face.

annoyed that jongin was kissing everywhere except the one place he wanted him to, sehun moves his head so that the next time jongin leaned on to kiss sehun on the cheek, he ended up kissing sehun on the lips instead. smirking at the shocked look on jongin’s face, sehun tilts his head side to side slightly a couple of times, a small smile evident on his lips, something jongin had noticed that sehun would do when he was proud of himself or feeling particularly happy, or both.

letting out a laugh, jongin grabs sehun by the hand before the other could move out of his reach and pulls him back and presses sehun’s body against his. he circles an arm around sehun’s waist and brings his other hand to brush away the hair falling in front of sehun’s eyes. he’d noticed sehun’s hair was quite long and before he had left, he’d told sehun to make an appointment to cut his hair. from the sight in front of him now, it was evident that sehun was too lazy to bring his lazy to the hairdresser to get a haircut so jongin makes a note to bring sehun to the hairdressers himself soon.

“are you going to kiss me or what?” sehun asks, an eyebrow raised. jongin rolls his eyes.

“what if I was waiting for you to kiss me firs–”

before he can finish his sentence, sehun wraps his arms around jongin’s neck and pulls him closer, pressing his lips against the other’s plump ones. they start off slow with jongin’s hands resting on sehun’s hips, then moving them under sehun’s shirt to rest on the expanse of skin above the sweatpants hanging low from his hips, but soon it intensifies as they both try to express as much feeling as they can towards the other.

sehun pulls his body closer to jongin’s as he feels his legs getting weak. knowing this, jongin turns them around and helps lift sehun up slightly so he can sit on the edge of the kitchen island without breaking the kiss. wrapping his legs around jongin’s waist, sehun runs his fingers through the other’s hair, pulling at it slightly. jongin grunts in response and pulls at the elastic of sehun’s sweatpants from the front in retaliation. it’s not much, he knows, but sehun’s always been a little more careful when it comes to his goods, so jongin isn’t surprised when sehun yelps and pulls back.

with a laugh, jongin leans in and kisses the pout off sehun’s lips. he makes a move to step back so sehun can get down but he finds himself unable to move, as sehun locks his legs in place so jongin’s unable to escape. jongin raises an eyebrow at the younger’s action but sehun simply pokes his tongue out in reply. unable to help himself, jongin chuckles and twist his body past sehun’s body and grabs some food.

“we need to eat” jongin says. he picks up some food and feeds sehun first and then feeds himself. they continue to eat their brunch like so, with jongin feeding the both of them in turns, even when sehun’s legs become tired and he lets them fall on either side of jongin’s hips.

when they’ve managed to polish off all the food, sehun hops back onto the ground and helps jongin move all the plates to the sink to wash. they move around each other effortlessly and soon they’re able to finish the task at hand. sehun’s browsing through his phone when he feels jongin hug him from behind. jongin peers over sehun’s shoulder and sees sehun searching for recipes for dinner.

“you can’t be hungry already?” jongin asks, astonished. he knew sehun had quite a big appetite but it usually takes a bit longer to digest before he’s scavenging for food.

sehun shakes his head and replies, “i was actually thinking of making dinner tonight for the family. considering how you’re back and all… and I sort of want to try these recipes. they looks so delicious”

jongin chuckles at the sight of his boyfriend almost drooling over the images of the food on his phone. “alright then, why don’t you send your parents a quick message and go get ready to go grocery shopping with me then?”. sehun nods and turns to make his way up the stairs, sending a quick text to his parents at the same time that he’d be making dinner tonight.

soon enough, sehun and jongin are out the door and in jongin’s car. the drive is about fifteen minutes at most so soon they’re out of the car and sehun’s running into the store with jongin trailing behind him. sehun makes a beeline for the trolley and begins to look for the ingredients.

jongin watches in silence and helps sehun push the trolley as his boyfriend places certain items into the cart. there's such a wide range of items in the cart that he has no idea what sehun’s planned to make for tonight.

“what are you planning on making?” jongin asks as he stares at the items before him.





“it’s a surprise”

rolling his eyes, jongin decides to let it go and leaves sehun to shop around for himself whilst he looks around the store. he doesn’t find much, but when he spots sehun again, the trolley is filled and he doesn’t fail to spot the sheepish look on his boyfriend’s face as he approaches closer.

“I can’t deny a good deal”

“I can see that”

they make their way to the register and quickly pay for their things. sehun glances at the time and realises that it’s taken them longer than expected to shop around. as they make their way towards jongin’s car, sehun complains to jongin about the reply his parents had given him. they had messaged him to not burn the house down as he cooks and quested for jongin to keep a constant eye on him in case he happens to burn off his eyebrows. again. (“it was just one time” he insists with a pout).

they’re on the road and on their way to sehun’s home and jongin reaches out to naturally hold sehun’s hand, which was resting on the arm rest. he brings it up to his lips and presses a kiss on the back of sehun’s hand. sehun grins and pulls slightly at jongin’s hand to bring it up to his own lips and does the same thing to jongin. the drive back is silent, like is usually is, but albeit comfortable with the music on the radio playing in the background.

the moment they reach sehun’s driveway, sehun darts out of the car and takes the grocery bags out of the back and heads towards the door and into the kitchen.

“do you need help with anything?” jongin asks as he follows behind.

“what’s the point of a welcome back dinner if you’re going to help me anyway?” sehun scoffs. jongin slowly raises an eyebrow at the sight of sehun having difficulty opening the knot of the bag containing the groceries. after amusing himself with watching sehun struggle long enough, he reaches out and gives one side a tug and the bag comes undone.

“I totally loosened it for you” sehun mumbles as he takes the things out.

“sure you did”

knowing that it would be better to just stay out of sehun’s way, jongin pulls a high chair out and takes a seat on the end of the kitchen island so that he could get a full view of sehun as he moves around the kitchen as he takes out the things he needs before he stars to cook.

“chicken” jongin blurts out when he spots it on the island. sehun turns around slightly and grins before turning back to continue his work. jongin leans forward and rests his chin on the palms of his hands and watches sehun as he would reach out for certain thing or how he would frown slightly as he reads the recipe from his phone.

by the time sehun’s parents were home, the food was nearly done so jongin makes a move to set out the table. sehun’s parents head upstairs to freshen themselves after a long day of work as sehun brings out the food.

“you know what, I think this is my third time cooking” sehun comments as he places the final dishes onto the dining table.

“really? i never would have guessed” jongin jokes, earning a bump on the hip from sehun. sehun’s about to turn and head back to the kitchen when he realises jongin didn’t do anything to counteract his action from before.

“jongin?” he asks gently. he watches as jongin shakes his head. sehun opens his mouth to say something when his parents arrive down the stairs, so he decides to leave the topic for now.

dinner goes along smoothly with conversation flowing effortlessly with jongin sharing a couple of stories about his trip with his family.

“i’m quite surprised, sehun. the food is edible and your eyebrows are still there” sehun’s father teases.

 “it was one time” sehun groans.

sehun's mother lets out a gentle laugh, “but really, dinner was very nice, sweetie. thank you”

sehun turns to jongin and smiles, who also returns one. as sehun looks away to grab his glass of water, jongin watches as sehun tilts his head slightly from side to side, a small smile still evident on his lips. jongin brings a hand up to cover the smile forcing it’s way along his lips. sehun was too cute for his own good at times.

with dinner done and all the food finished, they decide to call it a successful night and sehun forces his parents upstairs to go and take a rest whilst he and jongin wash the dishes, who also insisted the same. as soon as sehun’s parents retrieve upstairs, sehun and jongin get to work to quickly finish the dishes. despite the little activity they’d done the entire day, they found themselves rather tired.

heading to sehun’s room once they’ve done the dishes, sehun falls back onto his bed with his limbs splayed out. he shuffles over when he feels jongin move closer to the bed.

 “how’s your hip?” sehun asks as he stares at the ceiling. jongin doesn’t react, knowing that sehun had realised earlier on. it would be an insult to even think sehun wouldn’t ever notice.

“it’s fine–”

“how’s your hip” sehun repeats, his voice serious as he sits up on the bed, still not looking jongin in the eyes and instead now looking at the door of his bedroom. jongin heaves a silent sigh and shifts on the bed so his back was resting on the headboard of the bed.

“it’s tolerable–”


“but yes, it does hurt at times” jongin quickly finishes his sentence before sehun could throw a tantrum. jongin honestly didn’t think it was too big of a deal at the moment, considering how young he still is, he’d ought to recover soon.

sehun shuffles up on the bed so that he could carefully lay his head on jongin’s lap, his feet slightly dangling off the side of the bed. “take care you yourself” he whispers. he closes his eyes and relishes the calming effect of jongin running his fingers through his hair.

“i do take care of myself, sehun. don’t you fret too much over it” jongin chuckles. sehun tilts his head slightly, a frown evident on his face. “don’t fret too much over it? are you serious, jongin? we both know that it could get a whole lot more serious and you know that I know that you will push yourself regardless of sustained injuries or not!” sehun sits up again, clearly too bothered by the fact that his idiot of a boyfriend never took care of himself enough.

“you always look after me and i’m barely able to do the same to you” his voice now turning into a whisper, “so please promise me that you’ll be careful, try not to push yourself too much and get all the rest you need”

jongin leans forward and pulls at sehun’s elbow so that sehun could come closer to him. tucking sehun’s head under his chin, jongin gently runs his fingers through sehun’s hair again. “alright. i'll try. but with the showcase coming up soon there’s still a lot of work to be done”

sehun opens his mouth to protest but jongin beats him to it. “however, i will make sure to take a well-deserved rest as soon as I can and as soon as it gets too much I’ll stop, alright?” he feels sehun nod, fingers clenching around the fabic of his shirt.

unable to resist, jongin presses a lingering kiss on the crown of sehun’s head. sehun wasn’t the type to often express his concerns so some people tend to think he’s detached from most situations, but having known sehun for most of his life, jongin’s aware of the great concern he has over the people he considers dear to him. he’d walked in on sehun praying on the side of his bed more than once and when asked what he often prayed for, the answer he’d gotten was “for the people I love”

“sometimes I wonder what I’d do without you” jongin muses aloud. sehun snorts and replies, “probably sleep in you own bed more often”

“what a horrible experience that would be” jongin says, smiling. sehun hums in agreement followed by a yawn. seeing this, jongin pats sehun’s arm and sehun makes a move to get off jongin so that they could reposition themselves on the bed. as soon as jongin lays down on the bed, sehun crawls into his awaiting arms and and buries his nose into jongin’s chest.

jongin pats the tuff of hair in front of him gently, in the rhythmic way he knows helps sehun fall asleep faster. he’s caught off guard when sehun suddenly lifts his head up and leans down to press a quick kiss on jongin’s jaw, his way of saying goodnight and jongin smiles before returning the gesture by pressing a final kiss on sehun’s forhead.


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Final chapter will be posted soon! Sorry for the long wait!


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pinkhamsters #1
Chapter 10: Oh, your sekai is so sweet. They're adorable really <3
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: thank you for the wonderful ending. don't worry about the little mistakes, in the end, you make us happy with your amazing works. will check out the other stories as well
pandamen #3
Chapter 10: awww this finish to fast
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: aarrggghhh this is killing me, the suspense is just awesome. I wonder what will happen next on Friday for kaihun. I bet sehun is preparing a gift in the form of a solo dance for jongin right?
yanelina98 #5
Chapter 9: Whyyy you stopp T_T
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 9: Eeeeeep what could sehun be planning :3
yoonsss #7
Chapter 9: Ugghh I am really curious right now ><
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun being jealous while sick hurts me ;A;
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 8: hmm who could that be? o.o
Chapter 8: sehun.. who is that?