chapter two

home is (in your arms)

(words: ~2.7k)


sehun’s still lying in bed when he hears the doorbell ring. his head turns towards the clock and he shoots up. they had planned to go out on a date the coming weekend after they had left the cafe earlier in the week. he was meant to be ready by ten and now it’s, well, 10. with great effort, sehun manages to jump out of bed and run into the bathroom by the time he hears jongin enter his house.

downstairs, he can hear his mother greet jongin and they exchange pleasantries, having not seen each other in a while (she actually bumps into jongin whenever she goes grocery shopping with sehun’s father but the both of them adore jongin so much like their own son that sehun can't help but feel a little jealous).

he’s furiously brushing his teeth when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs. he'd managed to spit out the foam and rinse his mouth by the time jongin approaches the bathroom with a knowing look on his face. he doesn’t say anything though and instead stays quiet as he watches sehun wash his face.

after patting his face dry, sehun throws the towel in the hamper and steps towards jongin, who has his arms open and ready for sehun to walk into. with a small smile, sehun walks straight into them and wraps his arms around jongin’s waist.

“i may or may not have started to get ready a tad bit late” he confesses, his words a bit muffled from his cheek being pressed against jongin’s shoulder.

jongin laughs and pulls away in time to see sehun’s pout. he brings his hand up and grazes his thumb on sehun’s chin. he doesn’t say anything and simply pats sehun’s , urging him to get ready. sehun nods and sprints to his room to change. luckily, he had prepared his outfit the night before so all he had to do was to dress himself.

sehun’s glaring at the mirror whilst trying to tame his bed hair when jongin appears again with a plate of fruit in his hands. sehun glances at jongin through the relfection of the mirror to see his boyfriend munching on a slice of toast. he diverts his attention back to his hair again though, getting frustrated at the strands deciding to not stay in place.

rolling his eyes, jongin places the plate down by the bedside table and calls sehun over who huffs but walks over nonetheless. jongin places his hands on sehun’s shoulders and has him sit down on the bed and places the plate of food in his hands.

“have something to eat first. you’re probably hungry” jongin murmurs as he busies himself with fixing sehun’s hair. sehun keeps his eyes on jongin, admiring the boy’s features, as he helps himself to some grapes. during the time that jongin spends fixing the mess that was sehun’s adorable bed hair, sehun offers some fruits on the plate in front of him. he’d blush every time though, because jongin would leave a chaste kiss on his fingers before eating whatever sehun offered him be it grapes, mandarins or strawberries.

as soon as he’s done, jongin takes a step back to admire sehun. by the end of it, jongin can’t help himself and he leans down to leave a lingering kiss on sehun’s lips, who more than happily returns it. when they pull away, both parties have a small smile on their faces.

“come on, let’s go. we’re already late as it is because it seems like someone had a late start this morning” jongin jokes, glancing at sehun as they head downstairs.

“hm, yes. i wonder who that was” sehun plays along and bumps his shoulder with jongin’s. they both laugh and bid sehun’s mother goodbye before they exit the front door. as soon as the door is closed, sehun makes a move to grab jongin’s hand, who was already holding it out to offer it to him.

as open minded as his mother was, it was still embarrassing to have his mother coo over everything the two did together. jongin finds it cute though whenever he notices sehun’s great deals of effort to resist climbing into jongin’s embrace because his mother was in the room. so many times did jongin spot the boy about to lean in only to remember and pull away, pouting and grumbling about his misfortunes.

regardless, they’re alone now so sehun tightens his grip on jongin’s hand and moves a little closer to the other as they make their way to jongin’s car.

“i’m still amazed that you went to get our licence right after exams, you know. proud, but amazed” sehun comments as he watches jongin drive. his boyfriend’s side profile is so handsome he would lean over and pepper kisses all over his face if not for the dangerous consequences that would most likely follow.

“there’s nothing to be amazed about” jongin chuckles and turns around the corner, “you’re just too lazy to get yours. majority of the people in my year have gotten theirs already so I decided to join to the clique”

sehun hums in reply and sits properly in his seat and closes his eyes. he feels jongin grabs his hand and bring it close to his lips.

“but i thought of you, too. i wanted to be able to drive you so we can have some more fun and be able to go to places we couldn’t go before” jongin says and pressing the back of sehun’s hands to his lips. sehun can’t hold back the smile from appearing on his lips and wordlessly shifts their fingers so they can entwine them. it’s times like this that sehun really wants to hug jongin too but he’ll decide against that for now, since jongin would probably tell him off for being unsafe.

not long after, they reach their destination. they’ve driven into the city since they decided to eat at their favourite restaurant. it’s been a while since they last visited, so sehun’s out of the car and jumping on the balls of his feet as soon as jongin’s parked the car.

now, they’re being escorted to their table for two and, to their delight, it’s one of the tables on the sides against the walls. they’re handed the menu but they only skim over it, already knowing what they want. they always say that they’ll order something different next time but it never really happens.

as they wait for their food, both of them are scrolling through their phones, feet tangled together under the table. occasionally, jongin or sehun would lightly tap the other’s leg and the other would respond back. as soon as their food arrives, they’re both scarfing it down.

“this is so nice. i’ve missed this so much” sehun groans with a mouthful of ramen noodles. jongin chuckles at the sight of his boyfriend being overly excited about his food.

“maybe i should try and steal the recipe to make it for you” jongin jokes. sehun lifts up his head, eyes sparkling. jongin chokes on his food.

no. you know I was joking, idiot” jongin coughs out. sehun wrinkles his nose and passes jongin some tissues.

“one can always wish” sehun says dramatically. jongin shakes his head, unable to stop the smile from appearing on his face. he’ll probably give it a try to copy it though, no matter what he’s told sehun. heck, he’ll probably call up one of his friends and ask them if they knew how to make it.

they stay in the restaurant for probably longer than required after they had finished their food but the two of them honestly couldn’t care any less. luckily for them, they had come in after the lunchtime rush so they weren’t chased out. from across the table, sehun grins at jongin.

“so i guess that someone who ended up preparing late was kind of did a lucky deed, huh?” he says. jongin rolls his eyes but laughs nonetheless. he stands up to go and pay but he’s stopped when sehun grabs him by the arm.

“don’t. I’ll pay” sehun says, rising from his seat. jongin shakes his head. “you don’t need to. I will. i’m older” jongin tries to reason. sehun lifts a delicate brow.

“you already drove here”

“but i wanted to drive”

“and now i want to pay” sehun shoots back. eyes narrowed, sehun and jongin wait until the other backs down. it soon becomes apparent that it was an unlikely situatin so in the end they decide to split the bill.

“honestly, i don’t know what to do with you sometimes” jongin wonders as he slips and arm around sehun’s waist when they leave. sehun laughs.

“if you really wanted to pay then you can always pay me with kisses” he jokes, puckers his lips out for emphasis. to his surprise though, jongin actually turns to peck sehun on the lips.

“i’d kiss you regardless of the circumstances, so that offer seems a bit pointless don’t you think” jongin replies, grinning. a blush creeps on sehun’s cheeks, much to his dismay and he attempts to hide his face into jongin’s shoulder.

“i hate you” sehun mumbles. jongin throws his head back and laughs out loud, earning them a few looking as they go down the escalators. jongin turns his head a little and brushes his finger on the younger’s cheek.

“i hate you too” jongin whispers fondly next to sehun’s ear.


they’re back at sehun’s place by six. they peek their heads into the dining room to greet sehun’s parents who had were in the middle of dinner. the two join at the dinner table, feasting on the homemade food in front of them, hungry after being out for the entire day.

as soon as everyone is done, they offer to do the dishes before they head upstairs to sehun’s room. sehun’s mother comes up to them and kisses the both of them on the cheek in thanks before she heads to the living room to watch tv.

“do you ever wonder what your mum thinks we do in your room” jongin questions as he closes the door of sehun’s bedroom behind him. he gets a pillow thrown in his face in reply.

“not really something i want to think about” sehun answers, a disturbed look on his face. jongin can’t help but laugh at his boyfriend’s expression and throws the pillow back at sehun.

there’s not much to do but sehun and jongin don’t mind because they like moments like these. they decide on a movie marathon and sehun goes to grab his laptop and places it at the end of the bed. once everything is set up, sehun joins jongin on the bed. everything is done without a second thought as sehun seats himself beside jongin, leaning his body against the other. jongin wordlessly snakes an arm around sehun and kisses his boyfriend on the temple before focusing on the movie.

jongin never manages to stay awake for the entire movie marathon, always falling asleep in the middle, or towards the end, at best, of the second movie. sehun watches his boyfriend’s sleeping face as the ending credits roll in. he can’t help but admire the boy’s features. his eyes linger on jongin's lips, his plump lips that stretch and reveal his teeth every time he throws his head back and laughs aloud. not able to help himself, sehun leans in and kisses jongin’s lips. he laughs a little to himself, thinking it would be a secret for himself to know. he leans in again and almost jumps off his bed when he feels jongin kiss him back.

“you can’t actually believe that you could kiss someone and expect them not to wake up from a little nap” he hears jongin mutter. jongin opens his eyes and smirks at his boyfriend.

“but if you really wanted to kiss me, you could always go ahead. i’m not going to stop you” he adds, tightening his arms around sehun’s waist to pull him closer and puckers his lips just like sehun had done earlier in the afternoon. sehun pushes jongin’s face away and presses the palms of his hand on both sides of jongin’s cheeks. sehun lets out a loud laugh as he squishes jongin’s cheeks together, creating a funny face.

they finish fooling around and jongin can’t hold back a yawn as it escapes his lips. sehun chuckles and pats jongin’s legs as he climbs out of bed.

“time to get ready for bed then, i suppose” he says. he turns back and looks at jongin. “you’re staying here, right?” he asks. jongin climbs out of bed with a nod.

the two of them enter the bathroom together and glances at jongin with an eyebrow raised.

“do you want to shower first or…?” he asks.

“why not shower together? save time and water” jongin replies, wriggling his eyebrows. sehun rolls his eyes and resists the temptation to throw his toothbrush at jongin’s pretty face.

eventually, sehun manages to convince jongin to shower first since he’s a guest. twenty minutes later, both boys are standing side by side in front of the bathroom sink. sehun and jongin stare at each other through the mirror as they brush their teeth, making funny faces at each other.

when they’re done, jongin has sehun seated on the edge of the bathtub as he helps dry sehun’s hair since he had already dried his own hair. he runs his fingers through sehun’s hair, admiring how soft and silky the hair is despite the number of times the boy and dyed and bleached his hair.

“you really should dry your hair properly as soon as you finish showering. you might get sick” jongin lectures over the loud noise of the blow dryer.

“it’s okay. if i do get sick then i’ll have you to take care of me anyway” sehun retorts, poking his tongue out. jongin laughs and leans down to kiss sehun on the forehead.

“very true, indeed” he hears jongin reply.


“i don’t know why you try to deny it, it’s so obvious that you can’t resist me” jongin says. beside him, sehun lightly punches his chest.

since jongin usually sleeps over at sehun's house, he’d somehow managed to claim the guest room as his own. it was right across from sehun’s room so both boys had bid each other goodnight as soon as jongin had finished drying sehun’s hair. they had stood outside their rooms for a moment before jongin asks, “are you sure you don’t want to just join me?”

sehun nods. he’s gotten enough of jongin for today. he’s sure of it. he leans in to peck jongin on the cheek as a goodnight before entering his room. watching his boyfriend enter his room, jongin shakes his head and chuckles. he doesn’t understand why his boyfriend was so adamant on trying to sleep in his own room when they both know sehun will end up crawling into jongin’s bed in the middle of the night.

which is why they’re now lying in bed together with jongin propped up against the headrest to read a book and sehun curled up beside him.

“turn the book off and put the light away” sehun grumbles incoherently into jongin’s chest. jongin laughs at his boyfriend’s ridiculous use of words but does as he’s told and puts his book away on the bedside table. he then reaches a little further to turn off the light when he spot something on the ground on the other side of the room.

once the light was turned off, sehun shuffles closer to jongin and tangles their legs together. he always finds himself sleeping the best like this in jongin’s arms, with the natural warmth radiated off jongin’s body. he turns his head and presses a kiss on jongin’s collarbone who returns it with a lingering kiss on the top of his head.

just as sehun’s about to drift off to sleep, he hears jongin murmur something. the words aren’t too loud since jongin’s lips are still attached to the top of sehun’s head, but sehun hears it nonetheless.

“you really need to stop abusing that bear so much, by the way. good night, you adorable idiot”


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Final chapter will be posted soon! Sorry for the long wait!


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pinkhamsters #1
Chapter 10: Oh, your sekai is so sweet. They're adorable really <3
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: thank you for the wonderful ending. don't worry about the little mistakes, in the end, you make us happy with your amazing works. will check out the other stories as well
pandamen #3
Chapter 10: awww this finish to fast
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: aarrggghhh this is killing me, the suspense is just awesome. I wonder what will happen next on Friday for kaihun. I bet sehun is preparing a gift in the form of a solo dance for jongin right?
yanelina98 #5
Chapter 9: Whyyy you stopp T_T
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 9: Eeeeeep what could sehun be planning :3
yoonsss #7
Chapter 9: Ugghh I am really curious right now ><
Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun being jealous while sick hurts me ;A;
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 8: hmm who could that be? o.o
Chapter 8: sehun.. who is that?