Why her, why him? Why not you?


This'll be short, sweet and simple.
Choi Seunghyun and Kanna were madly in love, but after never ending arguments and 'breaks', they agreed to be officialy over. 
However, they thought their feelings have gone away with other lucky contestants of this game, but no. 
They still care and love each other, but they don't know that. YET.
Teddy and Park Bom are so called obstacles in this game, they are not enemies. And I quote, NOT ENEMIES! So no hate!


Why him? He showed up out of no where right when I needed him. 
Why her? She just showed up when he needed her. 
Where the hell were you? 
Poster made by Lila1414 from 

Circ Du Fr3ak ! Thank youuuu!


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MangoKittyCat #1
Chapter 7: Where r u ?!?!? You need to update
MangoKittyCat #2
Omg I'm so e xcited ya y more !!!
MangoKittyCat #3
Huh .. More please it was getting good
Lady_Kwon #4
Looks like Seunghyun still can't get over jihye~~ better watch out, teddy bear~~~
missingthebay #5
now he regrets, looks like papa bear better watch out now
bam!!!! dumb asss seungie... u regret now
boy? lol
BigBang_VIP #7
Hahahaha I'm gonna go to sleep singing lollipop now xD
nawww TOP so cute in this chapter (:<br />
now I have lollipop pt.2 stuck in my head lol
kyaaaa thanks for the update!!!! ^__^
ann_the_insomniac #10
I know the random song LOL! Wow, Kanna laid down the law on Bom, I really don't know how I should feel about that. And put that bear-brick in a closet somewhere, it's creepy to walk in and find it standing on top of a desk.