here's the sequel!

he hates his roommate... but today is an exception


Jimin fumbles with his keys tiredly and steps forward inside his room after he successfully unlocks the door. He quickly paces to his bed. Buries his head deep in his pillow with a satisfied sigh escapes from his lips.

he feels so dead.

His literature class required too much note taking. Also today his professor somehow turn his attention all on him, expecting him to understand the concept of the book that he didn’t bothered reading (he has a good excuse for it actually) and now he will be the centre of the attention for weeks.

He wishes it wouldn’t last that long.  

He pushes himself off, sitting on his bed taking the bag’s strap that was rested on his shoulders for hours away from him. The thought to shower or not to shower is blinking on his head like a car signalling a way, so he chooses to lie down instead.


Thankfully, he is rested in his own bed and not someone whom he barely knows…


After Jimin woke up in the morning, he instantly left Taehyung’s room without a sound. And to that, he was greeted by his foe. Jungkook. He received what he had promised himself to do yesterday. He earned two beatings because: a) he left him to drought alone in the hall and b) Jungkook accidentally took his keys.


“Yeah, you should’ve at least checked you .” Jimin glared.

“At least you slept with a hot guy, right?” Jungkook smiled slyly.


Jimin slapped him again, luckily (not for Jungkook) at the same spot.


Woops, he actually received three beatings.

He deserved it.


There was a knock on the door.

Speaking of the devil, Jungkook is here.

Jimin groans, shoving his pillow on top of his face, wanting to ignore the spawn of satan coming to the room. He’s not talking to him.

He is still moping because of the incident yesterday.


“Um, hey.”


Jimin couldn’t make out whose voice was it because Jungkook’s voice isn’t that low…? Although it kind of makes sense since he has his pillow covering the sound waves, which is probably why Jungkook sound a bit muffled.


“Go away Jungkook.”



Taehyung? Who the fu—oh … Jimin immediately bolts up from his bed and glance up at the person beside him. He with a white and blue striped long sleeved shirt and a maroon skinny jean, hugging his goddamn thighs making him absolutely— oh crap. This isn’t the time to be ogling his eyes on him like a freaking creep.

Jimin tear his eyes away from the stranger’s body and looks up to see an amused grin on Taehyung’s lips.




“Nothing, just admiring how incredibly hot you are with a messy hair.” Taehyung boldly winks, sitting on his roommate’s bed with his legs crossed.


Jimin didn’t realize he had said ‘what’ out loud but it was too late to back out anyways…

He suddenly takes interest with his room, scanning around corner to corner even though there’s nothing particular here. The silence is awkward and he’s avoiding eye contact with Taehyung because he makes him a tad bit nervous… Besides what the hell is he doing here?


“I guess you don’t remember?”


Did I say that out loud again?  Jimin wonder.    


“Uh, remember? I—“ He couldn’t recall what Taehyung is talking about, “I don’t remember. Sorry.” Jimin murmur, fidgeting with his fingernails because he feels bad for whatever he was supposed to remember.

“I see.”


Again with the silence… 


“I-I’m sorry though, for not remembering. My mind was occupied with assignments and lectures that I had today.” It was tiring Jimin wants to add but he prefer not to complain.

“You were supposed to go out with me today but whatever. Apology accepted.” Taehyung said patting his knees, ready to leave, “I guess I should go. There’s nothing for me to do now so…”

“Wait! I could, uhm—“ Jimin has no mood to get out from his room. He prefers to stay in his cocoon and watch a movie until he falls fast to sleep. “—How about you watch a movie with me? Here?”


Since he felt terribly bad for not remembering the “date” he is supposed to go so maybe he could spend his time with him here? Would that consider as a good idea? He did sleep in his room and it shouldn’t be a bad idea but… for a first date? Really?

Nevertheless, the look on Taehyung’s face is a confirmation that it would be a good idea. His face was gleaming with happiness, which Jimin finds it too adorable.


“I guess I should find a dvd to watch then…” Jimin said, hovering himself off his bed to the ground.

“You’ll go search for a movie to watch and I’ll be waiting in my room. See ya.” Taehyung waves, running out from his room before Jimin could protest.     

“Why the heck do I have to go to his room?” He complains, shaking his head in disapproval while searching for a suitable movie.



Jimin was surprised how he could remember where Taehyung room was. Did he memorised the number of his room or— Hm, if he could remember this, why didn’t he remember about the date oh my god… 

Now this makes him feel like a huge jackass to be honest. 

He walks inside Taehyung’s room to find him comfortably sat on a couch with two cups of noodles (of course…) and coke or pepsi (the colors are the same. don’t judge for his lack of knowledge of not knowing the difference) on a glass table.

Since when did Taehyung have a couch?


“Great! What did you bring?”

Jimin eyes follow to where Taehyung was looking and, “Oh, I bought Brick Mansion.”

“Never heard of that before…” Taehyung frowns, “Is it good?”

“I haven’t watch it as well but I have seen the trailer. It looks pretty cool.” Jimin shrugs, handing the dvd to him.

“Trailer always has its way to attract its audience. We can’t judge it based on what we see.”


Jimin hadn’t expected that kind of answer, and it made him laugh.

“I assume you take film class then?” Jimin ask, genuinely curious.

“Yeah I do!” Taehyung grins, inserting the cd on the dvd player and joins Jimin on the couch.


The movie starts playing and Jimin leans down on the couch to get comfortable. He holds on a mug of coke or pepsi (still doesn’t know the difference), sipping little by little, and eyes focusing on the screen. He was a little distracted by Taehyung loud slurping of his noodles though. Jimin had checked if it was still hot and he has no clue how Taehyung could handle the heat stinging on his tongue.

So far, the movie was intriguing. This one half- man running around jumping building to buildings to escape for these people who was chasing him for something. Honestly, Jimin wasn’t paying attention to the movie much.

Why? He is too tired.

He wanted to sleep after he finishes his classes but then this turn of events happened. He should’ve expected it though… Because of the “date”…


Jimin looks down on his mug and realize it was finished (that was quick). So he puts down the cup on the table and leans back down again. He yawns quietly with his mouth close, nostrils flare and slowly tilt his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. Yeah Jimin knows what he was doing yet he is too drained to care. He flutters his eyes wearily and remains it shut a few seconds after.

He could feel someone’s hand touching his arm, pulling him closer to the crook of the boy’s neck. Jimin complies with the gesture and yawns again.

Taehyung’s fingertips tingle on his skin. There’s a warm sensation on his chest that he couldn’t make out right now because “he is too drained to care” therefore he took this chance to sleep through the thought.

He just wants to sleep.


Jimin couldn’t believe this is the second time he had slept in Taehyung’s room. It would be nicer if he slept on the couch (which he doesn’t know Taehyung had) since he doesn’t want to be a bother. However, he ended up in same bed with Taehyung once again.

Jimin is kinda half-complaining because what does that make them? They barely know each other. He only knows his name and took film class. That’s it. It’s not good enough to cover the situation in ease. They are practically strangers for god sake! He couldn’t get too comfortable, even if he slept in the same bed with him twice.

He groans, leaving right away to get to his room.

Having no class today is a relief. He’ll be in his room drowning in thoughts to pass time. He has to think about what Taehyung is to him, and wonder what he is to Taehyung. It’s weird, the situation is too weird.

He seriously doesn’t know what to do.


Jimin opens the door easily (it wasn’t locked) and gasps loudly, receiving attention from the other two that was in the room.

“Oh my ing god Jungkook…” and also “Hoseok…”

“You guys are animals. Stop sticking your on each other’s assess every time. Go out or something” Jimin adds, shaking his head in disgust, couldn’t believe the sight he is seeing.    

“Not our fault you had to see that.” Jungkook said, getting himself off from Hoseok.

“It kinda is.”



“You came without knocking.”

“It is my room too, you idiot.” Jimin hiss, rolling his eyes and slams himself on his bed.

Oh really? You haven’t been sleeping here for two days.” Jungkook states as a matter of fact, “I guess you have been hooking up with that Taehyung guy huh?”

Jimin stares at him in shock, “W-wait, how the hell do you know his name?”  

Jungkook shrugs, “Hoseok knows everybody here apparently. And that guy takes film class right?”

Jimin nods, listening further to what Jungkook wants to say because he is eager to know about him. Something new.

“I wonder if he is willing to tape Hoseok and I having …”


His best friend is worthless.



Jimin hadn’t seen Taehyung for several of days, which is good. He wants to avoid him at all cost. It’s too awkward. It feels too weird. It makes him confused at most.

If he has courage to talk to Taehyung properly by getting to learn about each other’s interests, acknowledging the flaws and other things that would be them feel a lot closer. Then perhaps he could build another level of their friendship.

He whines, thinking that he may be the only one who’s having a lot of thought about this at the moment and it drives him mad.

Where is Taehyung?

Why isn’t he bothered to come see him?



Jimin couldn’t possibly feel like he misses his presence.

No. that. Hell no.  


“Hey, are you okay?”


Jimin looks at Jungkook’s concern expression, noticing he has been staring at a blank piece of paper that he was supposed to write. He smiles at his best friend,

“Lot of stuff inside my head, that’s all.”

He tries to wave it off but it failed.

“Oh man, it’s Taehyung isn’t it?” Jungkook grins.

“Shut up.” Jimin grumbles, face plants on the table.

“You told me you don’t know each other well, and yet you are here miserable not being in his arms.”

“I said you to shut up.”

“Go talk to him, pretty sure he misses you too.” Jungkook persuades.

Jimin scoffs, “Yeah right. If he does, wouldn’t he come to me? Besides, I don’t miss him… He just—I don’t know. I don’t even know him.”

“You think too much. You like him. Simple enough.”

“Yeah that’s the thing. I have no clue if I like him or not. I don’t know him well enough to like him!”

“Talk to him if you want answers. Or else you’ll be staying in the same state you are in right now.” 



Jimin decided to follow Jungkook’s “wise” advice since he does want to know answers.

He waited in front of Taehyung’s door, already knocked on the wood twice but the person he wanted to see didn’t bother to open. It disappoints him a little. He tries another way, grasping on the doorknob, and twist it to the right to see if it’s unlock.

It is.


“Jimin? What are you doing here?”





“Come sit next to the dreadful me.” Taehyung laughs groggily and coughing slightly.

“I-I didn’t—You were sick?”


Jimin knew the question is stupid but he doesn’t know what to say.


“What does it look like to you?”


Jimin bites his bottom lip nervously. His tongue is tied.


“I don’t know how the hell did I get sick… I was sick on the next day that were watching movie here. Did you pass me your disease or something?”

“Wha- No!”

Taehyung nod, “I guess I was lovesick then.”


Jimin’s jaw agape hearing the word ‘love’ and ‘sick’ in a word. Whatever the hell does he mean by that?

“H-Huh?” He manages to stutter out, hopefully Taehyung understands.

“Nothing.” Taehyung said simply, lying down on Jimin’s lap.


No. Not again. He can’t get too comfortable. This is wrong, weird, and confusing… Jimin moves to the free side of the couch on the left, letting Taehyung’s head drop on the cushion with a loud yelp.

“What was that for?” Taehyung whimper.


We need to talk.


“I-I’m sorry.” Curses, that’s not what he wants to say.

Taehyung chuckles, “It’s okay, now let me rest on your lap ‘cause my head hurts.”


This time, Jimin doesn’t move.


“What you doing here? Miss me too much?” Taehyung said smugly, looking up at him.

“Uh.” That’s all Jimin could mutter. This guy makes me too nervous for his liking.

“Miss you too.”


Oh crap, abort! Abort!




“We need to talk.” 

“Hm? What for?”

Jimin sigh, “This.” He gestures, “You offered me to sleep in your room the last five days. Asked me out which I completely forgotten about. Then we watched a movie. I ended up in the same bed as you. Now, you are saying you’re lovesick and claiming it was nothing. Then saying you misses me. What the hell are we!” He breathes heavily, wasn’t expecting to rant it all out.


He whines at the lack of respond, already giving up with everything.

“What do you think lovesick mean?” Taehyung asks.

“I don’t know. You tell me.” He crosses his arm, knowing that the conversation would go nowhere.

“I am sick because I like you.” Taehyung confesses then cringe, looking like he regretted for saying that, “Well, I am sick. But I do like you so, um, that’s pretty much it.”

Jimin blinks at him, confused yet surprised.

, I sound so lame.” He groans with a pink blush on his cheeks that Jimin noticed when Taehyung started confessing.        


What an odd sight. Taehyung looks almost vulnerable, which is amusing to him at least. Mostly Taehyung has this laid-back and confident attitude whenever he’s talking to him, and… This is new. And it sure makes Jimin weak at heart.


“We-well, le-let’s watch a movie like last time shall we?” Taehyung nervously laugh, trying to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere between them.


Inside Jimin’s head he is gathering all of the things Taehyung had said to him. He could feel himself melting with the heat of his emotions while remember that Taehyung actually admitted that he likes him.

He is pretty sure his cheeks are shown proudly with bright color of red. He wants to say something back to the person beside him. The thing he always had on the back of his mind,


“I-I think I like you too?”


Taehyung turns his head to Jimin in a beat, “R-really?”

Jimin nods, “I don’t k-know you well to like you… But I have this feeling that I might be.”

“Oh,” Taehyung smiles fondly, “Then we’ll take our time to figure it out. To get to know each other before we start being—“ He blushes, “Boyfriend…” 


Jimin bites his lips, trying to suppress his laughter at the sight of Taehyung being all flustered, “Yeah.” He nods, “I’d like that.”

“Great. Where do we start?”

“I don’t know… Hobbies?”



They sat down next to each other for hours, blabbering about their embarrassing moments and the time where they had their firsts, talking about their favourite artist and other sorts of things they could think of. They both find each other interesting and Jimin wonder how the hell he didn’t meet him before. Taehyung and Jimin have a great amount in common.

Jimin likes this, talking to Taehyung. He has a caring side of him whenever he talks about his family, like their trips aboard or the memories of his younger siblings. It made him feel so awed and kinda happy.

He’s such a lovesick fool.     



yo, this supposed to be short okay but loOK AT THAT 2800+ words because i love you guy too much <3

i didn't expect the amount of demands for a sequel omg so, there it is.

hopefully you liked it?




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minxing #1
Chapter 3: Woaaaah this so cute~ kkk, like like like
Jiminssi-Tae #2
Chapter 3: Omfg can you writing get anymore perfect
I love it so much ; -;
Chapter 3: Omg so cute and i really love the way you include fluff and jokes and it make the story morr interesting to read ^_^
Chapter 3: y'know that I just REALLY love this?? I love how you write jimin's personality here, it's just so cute omg
Chapter 3: We love it, actually <3 this is even cooler than the first one urgg you're my favorite vmin author ;) and they're so fkin cute here :<<<
Chapter 3: So cute both of them ;)
Jiminssi-Tae #7
Chapter 1: That damn roomate! He's at fault for everything lol :)) but I like him cause if it weren't for him, Jimin wouldn't have met Taehyung
LionRose #9
Chapter 3: I'm TOTALLY LOVE IT . U done a great job #thumbsup