Bang Bang Bang

Of songs and feels

This is for xxDRAGONLOVERxx

Thank you dear for being super supportive, active with commenting and everything else.


The town is alive on this black night. We were having a song off at one of the many karaoke places in town. We were singing our lungs out. We were having so much fun and just sang until our voices fell short and we had no more energy. 

But the next thing I know, we were no longer singing at the confines of a karaoke room, we were singing in a studio then in a concert. We had switched up the atmosphere from rookies to actual artists. 

We were having the time of our lives. Now we were in a nightclub in LA, and the atmosphere was free. I knew I could show my romance with my hyung without seeming too much out of place. I saw that everyone around us was feeling confident, having enough alcohol in their systems that their restraints were coming off. So I felt free to do the same with Jiyong.

We spend the night having fun, necking and drinking. But none of us forgot the promise we did earlier on. So when we all set our eyes on the time, we knew it was time to go. We hauled a taxi and ordered it to take us to the tallest place near. We had to see the sunrise. It was almost like a tradition between us that once we hit a new town, we would see the sunrise in there. We would then shout our wishes to the sky at the top of our lungs and then come back to our roots and not forget what we all had to do to get ourselves to the position where we were right then.

The next night was as magical as the previous one. A suggesful concert once again. And a party to match the adrenaline coursing through our veins. We would blast our voices to all the chart toppers and sometimes our songs would come out as well and then we would all go crazy. We let loose, again, necking and having fun. But that night/morning we didn't go and see the sunrise, we went straight to the hotel after all happened and I knew that we two would continue to make our voices even hoarser. Thank god tomorrow we didn't have a concert. So I knew we could go crazy and make as much noice as we wanted, the whole floor was reserved for us and I knew for a fact that the rooms right next to us would be unoccupied just for this reason. The next morning we just laid in the bed like we had been shot, bang bang bang.

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maryfemme #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!! this is awesome authornim!! I love it !! Could there be any reason why Seungri cold off from Jiyong?
Chapter 5: I love this!!!! It felt real!!
maryfemme #3
Chapter 3: Somehow I feel that this is Seungri pov. I'm kinda feel it that way. Thanks for the updates and dont worry, take your time. We willing to wait for you.
Chapter 3: Seungri I hv found a perfect replacement for ur heart!!! U can take top n leave jiyong!!! Hahahaha!!! Hell yeah Topri!!! I don't usually ship Topri since my ultimate ship is nyongtory but this somehow feels right!!! Thx authornim n I'll wait for the upcoming updates!!!
BinguTop4Life #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : HELL YEAH NOW THIS IS MY CUP OF SOME HIGHLY CAFFEINATED ENERGY DRINK , TOPRI FTWWWWWW !!!!! ........*cough cough* Um I'll calm down now , sorry XD As you've noticed I'm crazy for some Topri so I'm not kidding AT ALL when I say that I freaking squealed when you said it was Topri XDDDD I loved how you didn't tell us who's point of view this was from and left us to think and decide ourselves who it was . Angst is my guilty pleasure and ugh I just liked all of it ^^" Hope you update soon whether it be Gri or Topri ~Fighting !
BinguTop4Life #6
Chapter 3: Chapter 1 : Even tho Gri isn't really my cup of tea I completely loved this little story thing and sincerely admire the way you spin all of your words into realistic situations that I can feel T^T
Chapter 1: Can I request a fix base on bigbang's Bang Bang Bang???
maryfemme #8
I know most want Loser to be a fic since it is match. But can i request for ' We like 2 Party as a Gri fic?