We Like 2 Party

Of songs and feels

Ok so here's one of the requested song-fics that I got. The other one will be up this evening/night as well, feeling productive here :D

So this one was requested by maryfemme. I love you girl for being so active with commenting! So here is a little reward for all that hard work you put to brighten up my day with your words ^^

Let me know what you feel about this and if it came anywhere close of how you pictured this fic to be ;)


My friends came to my place and dragged me out. They said that I had to come and party with them. I wasn't complaining. I needed a distraction from all this work I had piled up for me.

We hit our favourite club and made our way straight to the bar. We asked the bartender to mix us up something interesting and then spiked up a little competition. Whoever lost had to pay for the next five rounds. You had to keep the liquid in your mouth for five seconds before swallowing and then not rush to the bathroom straight after it. 

After downing the drinks, I realised I wasn't the one who lost, it was one of my dear friends. I looked at the time and realised I had plenty of time to try empty the account of my friend. It was a Friday and the night was still young.

We were young and we were testing our limits. To see what was acceptable by our friends and the society. I knew I was not the normal kind, not liking girls in a romantic sense and that was something I have not yet told anyone. 

But now, after spending a couple of hours in the club, I was beginning to feel the alcohol in my system and I knew my resolve was slipping. I knew I would perhaps succumb to my desires in front of my friends but I didn't mind. 

We were young, testing our limits and I was feeling free. Today will never come again. I was free to do whatever I liked. 

I had my eyes on this one blonde mop of hair. I knew I had seen the guy somewhere before this and if I remembered correctly, he was a stunning beauty. I knew what I would do next.

I slipped off from the company of my friends and I made my way to the dancefloor. I wanted to make skin contact with the blonde and I somehow had the thought that I wasn't the only one who had noticed someone here. If I was anywhere correct, someone had been eyeing me as well.

I made my way to the kid and I noticed that even though he was dancing in the middle of the crowd, he was still dancing alone. One guy tried to make a pass at him but he just skipped away from his reach. Another girl was trying the same and he did the same moves on her part as well. But I felt that I would get a different response. So I made my way next to him, didn't touch him yet but I just danced next to him. 

I was dancing there, we slowly had turned to face each other. Then I felt a pair of arms sneak up to the back of my head and it was pulled to meet the other's lips in a heated kiss.

"Wanna get out of here right now? I can take you to heaven with me. The only rule is that 'Being sober is against the rules'." My dance partner said against my ear. 

I just nodded. We left the bar and spent a hot night with each other.

Next morning, I woke up alone. I realised I didn't know the name nor number of my partner from the night. 

I got a few calls from my friends, wondering where I had left and some of them had noticed and asked why he had not said anything to them about his uality.

A few days I was feeling alright. I didn't have a huge hangover, I was feeling happy that my friends had accepted me. The next Friday I went out again, hoping to see this one blonde mop of hair once again.

And I did. I also got a name, Seungri. As well as a number. We started talking daily, meeting more than twice a week. We were pressured by our friends to let them meet the other one. But that was not the only one that was pressuring you. 

After a few months of dating, in my mind as we were more frequently over at the other one's place than sleeping in our own beds (without anyone there with us), I noticed that he didn't have the same spark in his eyes anymore. Slowly, we started to drift off. I noticed it with small hints from his part. He no longer came over so eagerly and suddenly I was banned from his place as well. Slowly the responses to the messages were not coming instantly as they had until a few days.

And then he just disappeared from my life. I felt devastated. No answer to calls, messages. No one even answered the doorbell that I rang like crazy, multiple times a day.

I frequently visited the night club that we had met in for the first time. I didn't drink anything alcoholic after the first few visits. The bartender knew the reason why I was here and knew some of the songs I wanted to be played when I was sitting at the bar. Most of them were the love songs I would be hearing him singing his lungs out.


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maryfemme #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!! this is awesome authornim!! I love it !! Could there be any reason why Seungri cold off from Jiyong?
Chapter 5: I love this!!!! It felt real!!
maryfemme #3
Chapter 3: Somehow I feel that this is Seungri pov. I'm kinda feel it that way. Thanks for the updates and dont worry, take your time. We willing to wait for you.
Chapter 3: Seungri I hv found a perfect replacement for ur heart!!! U can take top n leave jiyong!!! Hahahaha!!! Hell yeah Topri!!! I don't usually ship Topri since my ultimate ship is nyongtory but this somehow feels right!!! Thx authornim n I'll wait for the upcoming updates!!!
BinguTop4Life #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : HELL YEAH NOW THIS IS MY CUP OF SOME HIGHLY CAFFEINATED ENERGY DRINK , TOPRI FTWWWWWW !!!!! ........*cough cough* Um I'll calm down now , sorry XD As you've noticed I'm crazy for some Topri so I'm not kidding AT ALL when I say that I freaking squealed when you said it was Topri XDDDD I loved how you didn't tell us who's point of view this was from and left us to think and decide ourselves who it was . Angst is my guilty pleasure and ugh I just liked all of it ^^" Hope you update soon whether it be Gri or Topri ~Fighting !
BinguTop4Life #6
Chapter 3: Chapter 1 : Even tho Gri isn't really my cup of tea I completely loved this little story thing and sincerely admire the way you spin all of your words into realistic situations that I can feel T^T
Chapter 1: Can I request a fix base on bigbang's Bang Bang Bang???
maryfemme #8
I know most want Loser to be a fic since it is match. But can i request for ' We like 2 Party as a Gri fic?