Finally Happy.

I Like You
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Chapter 7, I head home and I let Jimin walk me there. Once we are a block away we stop.   He pulls me by my waist into his arms. "I'm really hoping this isn't a dream."   I laugh into his shoulder. "I promise it's not." I curl my arms around his waist. I squeeze him tight.   I look up towards him and purse my lips, he meets me halfway with his own lips. He slowly traces his right hand up until he reaches my cheek, cupping it and rubbing his thumb across the skin on my cheek.   We pull away shortly after. "Bye."   "Bye, I'll text you later." He waves walking off.   I turn around and step down the street. A figure steps out of the shadows. I blink until he comes into focus.   "Jungkook?" I move forward quickly. "What are you doing out so late?"   "Well I snuck out to see if I could get your old history notes." He says avoiding eye contact.   "Yeah of course. Let me head into my house to get them first."

"No wait. I'm sorry I lied." He says quickly. "I actually just wanted to see you."

I freeze, no he can't like me. I can't hurt him like this. I stayed silent.

"Listen Hyejin I..."

"I should probably get you those notes." I say quickly.

"No please hear me out. I-uh saw your exchange with Jimin earlier and I know I have no chance with you. I just have to get this out so I can move on." He says while biting his lip. "I like you, Hyejin."

A tear slides down my cheek. "I'm sorry." I move closer to him.

"No it's my fault, just because you were kind to me I let myself believe that you would come to like me." He frowns. "I'm sorry, I'll go now."

"Jungkook!" I grab him by his wrist yanking him back towards me. "Don't leave just like that."

He just continues to frown at the ground.

"You are a very important friend of mine. I can't let you go away feeling sad because of me." I pat his arm.

He looks up and meets eyes with me.

"I'm sorry that I didn't come to like you that way but I did come to like you as a friend." I admit. "You should find someone better than me because you deserve someone like that."

A small smile plays out on his face. "Thanks, Hyejin." He pats my hand. "You're a good friend."

I chuckle a bit. "No I'm not. I'm sorry I couldn't tell that you liked me. Even when Jin told me you liked me I didn't believe him."


"I don't know. I guess it was because Yoongi didn't like me. I figured there was something wrong with me because I was always the 'little sister' to him. Why wasn't I good enough to be a friend? So, I thought it was impossible for someone to like me, that is until Jimin started messing with me."

"Yoongi is stupid." Jungkook shakes his head.

I laugh, "yeah."

"Oh about what I saw happen between you and Jimin." He smiles. "I'll keep quiet about it."

"Thanks, sooner or later I'll tell Jin about us but not right now. Everything has been too rushed these last three days."

"Take care of yourself." He backs away.

"You too." I say back.

I enter my house to find Jin waiting on me.

He jumps up when I arrive.

"Hey." I awkwardly wave at him. He comes forward and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He breaths out. I return his hug. "I know I'm really over protective and like that but it's just hard to see you be so irresponsible like that."

He pauses taking a deep breath. "I know I'm not mom or dad but sometimes I feel like I'm the one raising you. They are hardly ever around because of their jobs and I guess it just went to my head."

I run my hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. "It's alright, Jin."

I can tell Namjoon's little talk with him has paid off.

"No it's not alright. You're nineteen years old and I'm far from ever being your father. I need to back off and let you make mistakes otherwise one day you'll take off because you hate me and leave me all alone in this house." He says sniffing.

"Is that what you're afraid of Jinnie? That I'll leave you?" I back up and rest my hands on his shoulders. "I could never hate you, even if you act like the over protective father that I don't have. You'll never be alone and if I do leave I'll definitely come back to visit. Plus Yoongi and Hoseok are always around, you'll never be alone."

"You promise to come back and visit?" He cries out into my shoulder.

"Yes of course. Jesus Jin you need to find a girlfriend." I run a hand through his hair.

"I really do. I'm being so pathetic right now." He backs up wiping his tears away.

I shove him. "Man up and go find yourself a woman."

"Aye-aye captain." He salutes me.

"So, um I guess now would be a great time to tell you that I'm dating mystery boy." I say quickly.

He takes a deep breath. "What? I outta.." He stops when I give him a look. "I mean when do I get to meet him?" He cracks a smile.

I roll my eyes at him. "Hopefully soon. But I'm not sure when we will come out publicly as a couple. Only a handful of people know."

"I'm not the first one to know?" He pouts.

"Well you're the first one I've told." I admit. "He told his guardian and someone else just sort of saw us together."


--Three weeks later--

Everyone was hanging out at our place again and Jimin arrived last as usual.

"Oh you're wearing a very scandalous outfit." I eye him up and down. He had on a cut-off shirt with no undershirt on underneath it.

He smirks. "Like what you see?" He flexes his left arm.

"Well considering there's not much to see, no." I give him a serious look before giggling. "Yes, I like what I see." I admit.

A huge smile forms on his face at my comment.

"Come on Mr. Cocky." I open the door all the way to let him in.

He enters the living room while I head into the kitchen to let Jin know that everyone's arrived. Today was Jungkook's birthday and we planned on surprising him.

No one said anything about it being his birthday and the poor guy still came here all smiles. I grab the cake as Jin finishes lighting the candles and we head into the living.

"Happy birthday to you." We start singing and Jungkook's mouth drops.

"Happy birthday Jungkook. Happy birthday to you. And many more." We all finish.
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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! So she‘s Attracted to Jimin but doesn‘t feel the guts to Tell him?
Chapter 7: I've reread this so many times i have actually lost count.
jessi828 #3
Chapter 7: so lovely....loved it...:)))
angiekimmy #4
Chapter 7: This was such a nice story!
Lol I think I'm about to update all of them. Idk why but chapter six was already updated without me knowing...:) Thanks for reading!
btsisawesome #6
Chapter 6: i really like this so far :)