Chapter 21

The Team

“IS SHE BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!” They heard the fuming mad voice of Mino and decided to run to him.

“What in the world…”

Roo had locked up the basketball court and the balls so they can’t have access to it. She knew they would never listen to her so she decided to do that.

“What the hell is she thinking?!”

“Hey, guys. I think maybe we should just listen to her once? And just get our studies on the right track. The faster we get a GPA of 3.0, the faster we can resume our practice. There is no point going against her, also, it doesn’t hurt to get a good grade too does it? there is no disadvantage for us” JooHyuk tried to talk them out of it.

“Yah, are you on our side or her side?”

“I am not taking any side… I am just stating the truth…” Joohyuk’s shoulder slumped and walk away, tired of all of them always being so agitated.

“Roo? Roo! It’s almost dinner time, why are you still sitting out here?” JoongKi was returning home when he saw a familiar back view in uniform, sitting on the swing, he ran over.

“Oh, oppa.” She didn’t stand up immediately, instead, she patted on the swing next to hers, asking her brother to sit down.

“Mum is waiting for us at home, let’s go.”

“Oppa, just 10 minutes. Can we just stay here for 10minutes?” Roo sounded almost like she was pleading her brother. Hearing her upset tone, he sat down quietly. He glanced at his sister to only see her silently staring at the ground. Anticipating her to tell him about her worry but received silence in return.

“Do you want to share with me your worries?” He questioned concerned.

I took her a few seconds of hesitation before she spoke. “Did I care too much? Was my caring redundant? Was it just me overreacting?”

“Is my sister starting to care about something? You didn’t have that word in your dictionary before.” He smiled so softly at her. “Was it the basketball team?” As if he could read her mind, he knew that she didn’t have any interest in anything for now other than bringing up the team.

“I thought I was doing the right thing but I guess I was wrong…” She covered her face with her palm, feeling distress about the whole matter. She had sat there for almost half an hour thinking why she’d even care. What were they to her? She could just easily walk away but she couldn’t, something was stopping her and she doesn’t like that feeling.

Joongki stood up and went by his sister’s side. Pulling her into an embrace, he patted her head. “Well, Ji Hyun ah, not everything in the world goes by your favour, sometimes you gain some, sometimes you lose some. Let me tell you a secret” he caught her ears perked up, gaining attention. “Before I decided to study medicine, I had a girlfriend that I really loved a lot a lot. She was my crush whom became my tutor then my girlfriend. It was an unexpected relationship because she was from a very different family background as I am. Well, those 3 months of tutoring, many things happened. I was rejected for almost 20 times before I got her to go out with me. We got together for half a year, then school started to get busy for both of us. I did not have time for her, and she was starting to drift away from me. She got angry with me for not giving her enough attention. Eventually, I chose studies and career over her, and I thought my decision was right even though it hurts.” He was still hugging his sister tightly, as he could still feel the ache in his heart, fresh. “I’ve never regretted anything. Getting with her, choosing my path, giving her up. Nothing.Roo, what I am trying to say here, is that because you chose this path, you can’t regret. Because you are the one choosing it. There are hardships in between, there are things or rather someone you might lose throughout the whole process, but you will eventually gain something out of it.”

“Oppa. You really love her a lot huh” She broke off the hug and looked in to her brother’s eyes.

“Hey, that’s not the point” He gently her head. “Are we ready to go now?” Roo nodded her head. “Oh gosh, I am starving.”

“I didn’t ask you to stay. You could’ve went home for dinner first” She increased her speed cheekily.

Joongki laughed and caught up with her. Throwing her on his back effortlessly.


Hearing his full name from his younger sister’s mouth, she gave an evil smile. He grabbed her on slung her over his shoulder instead and ran in full speed towards their home.

He let her down infront of their house and the big commotion coming from them could be heard by their mom who came to open the door for them. “What’s with the two of you?” She was happy to see them getting along well even when their background wasn’t that fantastic to begin with. “I could hear you two from the kitchen!”

“mom! oppa just abused me!” She ran behind her mum.

“Your rude just called out my full name” he stuck out his tongue.

“That’s bec-“ she got cut off.


If anything, Roo was very grateful to have Joongki as her brother. Grateful for having him always cheering her up.

The next day Roo went to school, everyone was ignoring Roo. Even Bogum who has the same class as her, she figured and was prepared for this since she locked the gym. She didn’t put too much thoughts in to their behaviour and went through school as usual. As she walked pass the Gym, she saw group of girls crowding around it. She decided to walk over out of curiosity.

“Why is it locked up?”

“Are they not going to train here anymore?” She overheard more questions from the group of girls amongst themselves.

“Oh dam, am I not going to see Yeollie oppa train today?”

“Aww I even got Jonghyun Oppa drinks”

The swarm of questions got louder when one of them spotted her. To avoid any more commotions, she decided to ignore them instead. She came to a halt as a girl stood right infront of her. She stopped on the spot to find a familiar girl with big doll-like eyes. She had her arms crossed over her chest, eyes directed at Roo.


“May I help you?”

“Transfer student, do you know why the gym is locked up?”

“I do” she stared right in to her eyes, “but it doesn’t concern you”

The girl was angry at Roo’s reply. However, she didn’t give a dam, the girl didn’t show any mutual respect neither. Hearing Roo’s words, the other girls that were crowding at entrance came surrounding her. She took a glance at them.

“Oh?” the girl raised her eyebrows, widening her eyes, “how wrong you are,” she held onto Roo’s name tag, “Karls Roo. It concerns us in every way, we have been with them ever since we’re in this school.” Roo swooped her hands off her.

“Let’s just say it concern you, but it doesn’t concern me whether or not you need the reason.” Roo pushed past her to leave.

“Sana, who does this peasant think she is?” She heard some other girl angrily shouted. She didn’t show any care and continued her journey home. Before she could even take another step, she felt a rough tug on her hair and before she knows it, she fell back on her . It happened in a flash, before she could react, a hand came slamming down on her cheek. She was furious, it wasn’t even her issue to begin with. Why did she even walk over for no reason? Was she expecting to see any of the guys because she hasn’t seen any in school today?

She attempted to stand up but got pushed towards the wall by the girl called Sana. *ouch* for a small girl, she sure has a lot of strength.

“You think you’re a big deal just because you’re their coach? Oh come on” she tugged on to Roo’s chin roughly, “they don’t even care about you half as much. So get off your high horse and behave like how a new transfer student should.”

Roo grabbed on to her hand away from her chin roughly causing Sana to stumble, “I am the one who locked up the gym. That’s how much power I have as their coach,” she wasn’t gonna pull this coach card but she was getting on her nerves, “Don’t get smart with me because you will never win me. Sana isit? Let me tell you, you can hate me all you want for taking away your chance to watch your oppa, but you know what? I don’t care a slightest bit”.

“You think you have all the power in the world just because you are our coach?” A familiar voice emerged from the back. The girls immediately put on their innocent mask and called out to the person. “Mino oppa~” Roo cringed.

“Oppa~” Sana’s face immediately switched to a pitiful one, contrasting the one she had just a few minutes ago. Mino stood infront of Sana and grabbed onto Roo’s wrist tightly causing her to loosen her grip on Sana. In an instant, she immediately went behind Mino. He held on to her so tightly that both their hands were trembling. Roo wasn’t going to back down and stared right into his eyes fearlessly.

“You think we’re going to listen to you? you think the gym is the only place we can play basketball? It’s no use Roo, if you think locking this place up is going to stop us, you thought wrong then. You’re just a junior girl, we aren’t going to follow your crap!” He said angrily in her face.

The girls behind him were grinning triumphally.

“Fine Minho, it’s either we get me out of this school, or we remove the basketball club from the school list. And just to let you know, I aint backing down too.” She challenged.

“Don’t be silly, the principal will never agree to removing the basketball club.” He smirked, was there something she doesn’t know? “you think you being here, causing a ruckus and bullying other students will make us listen to you?” he was referring to the girls. Roo thought he was dumb enough to think that way, with like 10 girls against her, yet he said she was bullying them. was he blind? She doesn’t know. She couldn’t believe him. She was disappointed in him.

She let out a bitter chuckle. “Forget it Minho, I don’t want to argue with you. I am going home. Let go of my hand” She struggled. She could feel her fingers getting cold as he held on too tightly almost cutting off her blood flow.


“What more?” She glared at him.

“Apologise to Sana” he demanded.

“What the Minho?” Now she is offended. She didn’t care about him misunderstanding the whole situation, but apologise? No Way in hell is she gonna do that. She didn’t intend to do so because she wasn’t in the wrong and Sana was the one that slapped her. She didn’t even touch her. He didn’t seem like he was going to let go of her anytime soon if she’s not going to apologise.

“I said apologise to her. She is my friend, I am not going to watch you being rude to her especially when the issue concerns me.” He let go of her wrist and is now holding onto her shoulders. Now who is being rude to who. She thought.

Her eyes reddened out of anger. “ off. What do you even know?”

“Tch, are you going to claim that she’s the one that started all? you think I am going to believe that Sana was the one that picked up the fight? oh don’t be a fool. Sana isn’t that kind of person, I know her way longer than I know you. You two are way different as much as I know.” Her eyes watered on his accusation. Using all her strength, she detached his hands off her.

She smiled at him sarcastically, keeping a safe distance away from him. “Sure, if that’s what you think. Then let it be.”

She stomped off.

“Oppa~ don’t be angry with her, I am fine” she whined with fakeness dripping off that only Mino couldn’t detect.

“I am sorry Sana-ah, because of me, you had to get caught in this trouble.”

“I am really okay, oppa”

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Chapter 28: its been a while i am rereading the chapters
Chapter 28: its been a while i am rereading the chapters
Chapter 28: its been a while i am rereading the chapters
Chapter 28: its been a while i am rereading the chapters
Chapter 28: Hey author nim I am back. Thank you for the update
Chapter 27: I used my ipad and it didn't allow me to comment. so here I am! Just so u know I always come here to see if u have updated. Ur story is my jam!
Chapter 27: I used my ipad and it didn't allow me to comment. so here I am! Just so u know I always come here to see if u have updated. Ur story is my jam!
Chapter 27: I used my ipad and it didn't allow me to comment. so here I am! Just so u know I always come here to see if u have updated. Ur story is my jam!
Chapter 4: It's official this girl died a hero in her past life! Also fck seoul! Tongyeong is where its at! It seems god made the best genes rain at that place ≧∇≦ if she gets another Song Minguk i'm gon scream (○゚ε゚○) she already has my top two Song's (っ´▽`)っ
But they have to be all BAEeable? (´⊙ω⊙`)
The in Town XD < fave description ≧∇≦