

It felt like I was home again.

Jessica and I sat on the window pane, moonlight pouring on our faces as we talked in hushed voices into the dead of the night. It was like what we used to do when we lived in the palace. That was back when everything was fine. And I pondered if things would ever be like the way they used to be. I looked at my sister in awe. How was she able to gain so much courage and head a rebellion? How did sweet, dainty, and beautiful Princess Jessica transform into General Jessica in a span of 30 nights?


"You must be wondering why I was able to do this," Jessica said, reading my thoughts. "Starting the uprising, I mean."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, indeed. I am. I always thought that despite all the queen had'd remember that at some point, she treated us like her own daughters.

Jessica reached out and touched my face. "Krystal, I don't want to shatter the only good memories you have of the Queen. But you should know that..."

"That was all part of her scheme...her trick to get father's heart," I finished for her and sighed. "But what about your safety? What if something happens to you? You're the only one that I have left."


After mother died, Jessica was the one who looked after me. She became my mom, my sister, my mentor, and my best friend. I relied on her for everything.

"Krystal," Jessica said in a gentle voice, "this is why I didn't let you know what I was doing. You'd worry about me. But you have to understand..."

Tears started to fall from my eyes, "Jessica, I already lost Henry. I don't want to lose you too."

"Henry's gone?" Sadness washed over Jessica's face. "Krystal, I didn't know...I didn't know."

She looked away. "This is my fault."

I was surprised she said that. "Why would it be your fault? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't let him know that I was still alive."

For the first time after father's death, I saw Jessica cry.

"Krystal, if he knew I was safe, he wouldn't have taken you out of Hearthfordshire that night. He knew the queen's men were expecting you to escape. He knew that they'd be there, that they'd attack and probably kill both of you...but he took the risk because he thought that I was dead. He thought that only you could rule the kingdom."

"He would've followed the original plan. He would've waited for Nickhun to come for you."

Jessica cried even harder. I was too stunned to speak.

"Krystal, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I looked at her tear-stained face, and wished I could tell her that I forgave her, that it wasn’t her fault. But I couldn’t. I left the room without uttering a single word.



In search of a place where I could be alone and be left undisturbed, I walked around the mansion. I climbed the flight of stairs to the balcony. All of a sudden, I felt someone pull my arm. I turned around and saw the last person I wanted to see at that moment – Minho.


“What do you want?” I asked him.

He placed a finger on his lips, signaling me to keep silent. “Nickhun and Lady Victoria are there. Let’s not bother them,” he said in a hushed tone. He dragged me along with him out of the house.


I kept quiet the whole time, too preoccupied to even protest or complain that my arm was starting to hurt. All I could think of was how different the situation would have been if Jessica had told Henry that she was alive. He would still be here with me. 


“You’re crying again,” Minho said nonchalantly. His voice snapped me back to reality. I hadn’t even noticed that tears were falling from my eyes.

I hurriedly wiped them away, only to have fresh tears form and pour down my cheeks.

“Tell me what happened,” Minho said.

“I am not obliged to tell you anything that you don’t need to know,” I replied coldly.

Minho took a step closer to me, and in a firm voice said, “You’re living in my house. You must do whatever I ask, Krystal.”

He emphasized how he wasn’t calling me “princess.”

“Tell me,” he said again.

I shook my head, and gave him a look that said that he wouldn’t get a single word out of my mouth.

“Very well, then. You refuse to talk; I must make my own guess on why you’re being like this.” He started to pace around me as if he was interrogating me.

“You had a fight with your sister.”

My expression affirmed what he said.

“I thought so. And I believe I know why. It’s because of Henry’s death, isn’t it?”

“How do you know?” I asked, finally speaking.

“Your sister came all the way here, travelled thousands of miles, risked getting caught by the queen just to see you, yet here you are…blaming her for something she couldn’t control,” he said to me harshly.


“You selfish girl!” he yelled at my face. I slapped him.

He touched his cheek, and stared at me, surprised that I was able to slap him. I, myself, was just as surprised as he was, yet it didn’t stop me from speaking.

“I am the princess of Hearthfordshire! How dare you call me selfish!?”

“You will have no kingdom left to rule if you keep on acting like this,” Minho answered angrily. “Open your eyes, Krystal! Do you think your sister had any way in letting Henry know that she was alive? No, she was fleeing from her own death. And the whole time she only thought about how she could save you. And you, if you knew sooner that Jessica was alive, you’d go searching for her even if everyone told you not to because you’re so stubborn! You would have gotten yourself killed if we told you sooner that Jessica was safe.”

“And you dare to call yourself a princess! What kind of a princess only thinks about herself? The queen has been burning villages to the ground, killing innocent people who refuse to follow her orders while you just stand here and do nothing.”


I cried harder upon hearing his words. Not because I was insulted, but because I realized that he was speaking the truth. I was shaking from all my sobbing, and before I knew it, my legs could no longer support me. I was on my knees, crying like a child.

Minho stared for me for one moment and then left.


Minutes later, Lady Victoria found me. She gave me a hug and led me to the house. “You’re sister has been waiting for you,” she said. “You should go to her quickly. I’m sure she’s already tired. She has journeyed for days without resting.”

I nodded. “Thank you,” I managed to say in between sobs as Lady Victoria escorted me to my room.


When, I opened the door, Jessica was there waiting for me. “Krystal, will you forgive me?” she said as she opened her arms to embrace me.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I answered. “I’m sorry I’ve been so stupid and…”

“Shhh,” Jessica hushed me. “It’s okay…it’s okay. Let’s not speak about this anymore, alright?”


She told me to lie on the bed, then tucked me in. She laid down beside me, caressed my hair, and with her beautiful voice, sang me a lullaby until I fell asleep.  


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A new chapter of Runaway will be posted tonight ^^


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kachan08 #1
Love the plot :)!
Support this story. I find the fic have an interesting plot.
Oh it's getting more interesting. And you should know that I also made this kind of story (no offense, this is pure a coincidence ^^V) but it still in Indonesian (since I don't have any story to post). But hey, yours is awesome!! Waiting for minstal though :B
i seriously love the plotline. :D excited how this stubborn princess jung will fall in love with Minho. hahaha :D Minho is really the other one who can tame this fierce princess. (aside from Ssica:])
and, awwwww. Taeminnie,you really are such a cutieee!:D wanna have a younger brother like you. :D
The ice princess is back....excited on what will happen:D
hope you can update soon. :D
brighterdaysahead #5
@ilovewufan I'm sorry for killing your bb Henry :( But hey, you'll be reading lots and lots of MinStal in the next chapters. I love writing about those two. MinStal is one of my favorite pairings :)
Eehh!! Who died!! Please update soon!!!!
chap 2 is good