

I felt like I was floating through space. When I looked down on my feet, they no longer touched the ground; and I had no control over where I was going. I was simply going with the direction of the wind.

Perhaps I had died.

Or perhaps I had fallen into a deep slumber and was dreaming.

It was a bright summer day. I walked - rather, floated - on the pavement of the palace gardens which were surrounded by tall trees, flowers in full bloom, and  wooden benches with ornate carvings. I saw Henry walking along the flower beds; he was with a girl who was exactly my height,  a man who strongly resembled my father, and another girl with flowing brown hair just like Jessica's.. The girl looked my way...and I realized that the girl was I, and the man was indeed my father, and the brown-haired girl: my sister.

Am I going back in time? 

Though I wanted to speak and make my presence known, something told me that I would be unheard. So I decided to keep silent and just watch.

I could not hear what Henry, my father, Jessica,  nor the other me was saying, but I could see our smiles. And I could honestly tell you that we were truly happy. I watched myself skip hand-in-hand with my sister. She leaned into my ear and giggled. The other me blushed and avoided Henry's gaze; and walked beside my father instead. Perhaps, this was when Jessica had discovered my feelings for Henry and was teasing me about it. 

These were perhaps the days before my father married my stepmother - the days when the kingdom was at peace: the economy booming, and all men had enough money to feed their families. The days when everyone was happy - including my family.

Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered those sweet memories with my family.

All of a sudden, a strong gush of wind carried me away and brought me to another place. This time, I was brought to a shooting range.

Once again, I saw myself. But this time, I was no longer with Jessica and my father. Instead, I was just with Henry. He was teaching me how to use the bow and arrow.

I couldn't help but smile; this was my most beautiful memory with him - a memory that I often recalled and wished that it would happen again. Yet, my smile disappeared soon as I remembered what had happened to Henry.

I continued to watch the dream-like flashback.

Henry was demonstrating how to hold the bow. I tried to follow, yet was unsuccessful. He smiled and positioned my arms. He touched my hand and guided it to the right angle. At that point, he had his arms around me and his face close to mine.

"Now, slowly, let go of the arrow," he instructed.

I missed the target by a mile. Henry stifled a laugh. I blushed in embarrassment.  He gave me this sweet heartwarming smile which made me melt deep inside. I just loved how his eyes became smaller when he grinned. 


"Don't worry, your highness. I shall teach you again some other time," he said.


I woke up startled. Though my vision was blurry, I could tell that i was in a room that I had never been in. My clothes had been changed, and my wounds bandaged. I tried to get up, yet I was too weak. I fell back under the covers again. I tried to speak, but I my voice came out as a whisper.

An adorable young boy with mushroom-shaped hair stepped into the room. He looked at me curiously, then a huge smile crept on his lips.

"Mama, mama! The lady is awake," he said excitedly as he ran outside to call his mother.



Key walked down the hallway to the teachers' longue. As he had said earlier to Jonghyun, his secret crush, he would go to Mr.Cho, their English teacher, to tell him that he would work on the book report on his own. He didn't need Jjong's sweet smile lazy as a burden. It would only be a hindrance to making it to the honors' list.


Key knocked on the door to Mr.Cho's office gently.


"Come in," he heard his teacher reply.


Key got into the room and stood infront of the teacher's desk. Mr. Cho took a quick glance at him, then back to the computer screen and asked, "What can I do for you, Mr.Kim?" 


Key noticed that his teacher seemed annoyed by his presence. He seemed to be in the middle of something very important. Key knew that if he bothered Mr.Cho right now with his issue about Jonghyun, Mr.Cho would just scold him for not being able to "interact with other students properly" as he had done before. 


"Umm...Nothing, Mr.Cho. I just wanted to ask you something, but you seem to be busy," Key answered.


"Then you may go now," Mr.Cho replied, not taking his eyes off the screen nor his hands off the keyboard and mouse.


Key left, mentally cursing himself for not being able to bring up his agenda. He face-palmed at the thought that he'd have to work with Jonghyun for the book report which was due in three days. Mr.Cho, on the other hand, smiled to himself upon hearing the door close.


"Finally! I can play Starcraft in peace," Mr.Cho said out loud.




A/N: I know this was quite boring but, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please do comment :)

Now, I shall go off to daydream about Henry Lau teaching me how to use a bow and arrow. You should do the same ^^

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A new chapter of Runaway will be posted tonight ^^


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kachan08 #1
Love the plot :)!
Support this story. I find the fic have an interesting plot.
Oh it's getting more interesting. And you should know that I also made this kind of story (no offense, this is pure a coincidence ^^V) but it still in Indonesian (since I don't have any story to post). But hey, yours is awesome!! Waiting for minstal though :B
i seriously love the plotline. :D excited how this stubborn princess jung will fall in love with Minho. hahaha :D Minho is really the other one who can tame this fierce princess. (aside from Ssica:])
and, awwwww. Taeminnie,you really are such a cutieee!:D wanna have a younger brother like you. :D
The ice princess is back....excited on what will happen:D
hope you can update soon. :D
brighterdaysahead #5
@ilovewufan I'm sorry for killing your bb Henry :( But hey, you'll be reading lots and lots of MinStal in the next chapters. I love writing about those two. MinStal is one of my favorite pairings :)
Eehh!! Who died!! Please update soon!!!!
chap 2 is good