I'm a ghost who fell in love with a... VAMPIRE?!?


hi everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I'm sorry to greet just now, I just came from a family gathering, hehe. It was so fun!

Anyway, i'm here to greet all of you and post a one-shot story, a Christmas Special, like what it was said from my title.

If you don't want to read it, it's fine. if u want to, please give me a feedback! thank u!

this is my gift(even though I know u all wanted to know the continuation of the story more, hehe.) 

Anyway, hope all of u will like it even though it's just a rush!



Enjoy! n_n




“Mmmm…,” I groaned as I heard a knock outside my bedroom’s door.

“~~~~~-ah, wake up!” I heard my Omma’s voice outside. I groaned once more as I forced myself to sat up. I rubbed my eyes as I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was seven o’clock in the morning.

“Honey, come downstairs and help me prepare for later, okay? Our relatives will be coming soon,” I heard my Omma’s voice calling me once more.

Suddenly, a smile was formed on my face, remembering why our relatives would be coming later.

Today was Christmas Day and we were going to have a family gathering! How wonderful was that!

I went inside the bathroom cheerfully. After finishing what I had to do, I went downstairs to help my Omma prepare some foods.

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. I smiled at my Omma as I volunteered to open it.

Once I opened the door, I could feel the cold air on my skin, making me shiver. Weird… I knew it was cold but… the coldness was…


I shook my head as I looked around when I noticed there was no one outside our house.

Hmmm, who knocked a while ago? I decided to go out and looked around more. Maybe a neighbour’s child was playing again. But I didn’t find anyone. I was about to go back when I noticed something on the ground.

My forehead knotted as I picked it up. It was a ballpen, a black one. It was simple yet… something was making me feel attracted to it. Maybe it was because I loved to draw and make designs. 

“Who is it?” I heard Omma asked from the door. I looked at her and smiled.

“No one. Maybe it was just a child from the neighbourhood,” I answered as I got up and went inside.

As we finished making the foods, Omma needed to go to our neighbour for a while. I went back to my room and decided to try the pen I saw earlier. But then, something was stopping me.

I suddenly remembered the ghost stories I had with my friends before. About someone picking something which was from a ghost who would do everything to have their things back to them. And then they would kill everyone who took that thing and then… and then…

“No way!” I shouted as I shook my head. What was wrong with me, thinking about those stuffs? I laughed at myself. I didn’t know my imaginations were this wild.

I looked at the pen on my hand and slowly took its cap off. I didn’t know why but my heart was beating faster than usual. I closed my eyes and waited for something to happen but… there was none.

I sighed as I hit my head slightly. I was creating my own fear.

“It’s not Halloween anymore, it’s Christmas Day! How could ghosts came at this time?” I said to myself.

“Who said ghosts can’t come out during Christmas?” I heard a male’s voice said behind me.

My eyes widen as I looked behind me but I saw no one. I looked around my room and saw no one.

“What was I thinking? This is what I got from thinking about those stuffs!” I scolded myself.

“What stuff?” I heard the voice said again. That was when I froze.

No, no. This couldn’t be! It was just my imagination!

“Hey, what happened to you?” I heard the voice asked once more near my ear. I looked beside and came face to face with someone. I shouted before the darkness enveloped me.


“AAAHHH!” I shouted as I sat up. I was panting so hard. I could feel my heart beating so fast. I looked around my room as I remembered about what happened. I sighed in relief as I saw no one around.

It must be just a dream, no, a nightmare.

“That’s right, it’s just a nightmare,” I assured to myself as I closed my eyes and breathed in relief.

“A nightmare?” I heard the same voice again as I opened my eyes wide. Just then, I saw a figure sitting not too far away from me, on my bed, in front of me.

 “W-w-w-who a-a-re y-y-o-ou?” I stuttered in fear.

Suddenly, he smiled at me, showing his perfectly white teeth. Wow, he was handsome, just like a celebrity.

“Are you afraid of me?”

“W-what do you… t-think? And… and… w-what are… you?”

“Me? I’m a ghost. And about your question earlier, I don’t know who I am,” he answered with a smile but I could feel the sadness on his eyes.

“W-why are you… here?” I asked as I gulped.

“Hmmm, I don’t really know. All I knew is that I was sleeping when I saw a light and then when I opened my eyes, I’m already here!”

“What do you… mean?”

“I don’t also really know.”

There was a long silence that came between us, thinking about what was happening. I was surprised that I was not shouting and freaking out right now.

But… who would do that? Seeing a very good-looking ghost, it seemed like he was not one. He looked liked more of a Prince Charming than a ghost.

Suddenly, my eyes caught something on my table. The pen…

My eyes widen as I realized something.

“C-could it be that… you came from… the pen?” I asked him and he looked at me with a confused look. I told him what happened earlier and he just nodded, listening.

“But… what has that pen got to do with me?” he asked after I finished my story.

“I don’t know. Maybe… you own it and you treasured it so much? Or maybe when you died, you were holding it or something?” I said.

“What should I do?” he asked in frustration. I pitied him. He knew nothing about himself. I bit my lip.

“If you want… I will help you look for your identity,” I offered.

He looked at me with a smile.

“Really? That will really be helpful!” he said and I smiled back at him. I still had time before my relatives come.

I went downstairs and wrote a note to my Omma, saying that I was going out to do something important and would be back.

I was about to go out when I heard him called me.

“Are you going out without a sweater?” he asked and I remembered how cold it was outside. I smiled at him and went back to my room and got a sweater.

“Uhmmm,” I heard him said when I went down.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just that… what’s your name?”

“~~~~~-ah,” I smiled as I told him my name. “What about you?” I asked and quickly scolded myself when I remembered that he couldn’t remember anything.

“You could give me a name,” he said with a sad smile.

“O-okay…” I thought for a bit when… “Youngwoong!”


“Yeah. That’s my deceased dog’s name.”

“What? You’re naming me after a dog?!?” he shouted as I covered my ears.

“Why? It’s fine! And you said I could name you!” I pouted.

“Fine, fine. Let’s go,” he said with a sigh and we headed outside.

“So cold!” I shiver as we came out. “So, where should we go first?”

“I don’t know. How long have you been living here?”

“All my life! I was born here!”

“And you haven’t met me before?”

“Not yet.” I would remember him if I did. I mean, how could someone forget that handsome face?

We walked around the place, trying to find his identity. I knew our limited time for today wasn’t enough but even with just a little information, it could already help.

“What about this place?” I asked him if he could remember being in this place before but he shook his head.

Suddenly, I could see an old couple whispering and looking at me. Ooops, were they thinking I was crazy?

“M-my nephew will surely love this place!” I said in a loud voice, looking around, as if talking to myself. I also nodded my head, as if planning something for my nephew. I looked at the old couple once more and saw them walking away. I sighed in relief. That was close.

“I’m sorry,” I heard Youngwoong said. I looked at him. “Because of me, they are thinking you’re crazy.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” I said and continued walking.

We sat on the bench after we searched for one and a half hour. It was so tiring! And yet, we still hadn’t found any.

I looked at him and saw his sad face.

“I’m sorry,” I said and he looked at me.


“I told you I’ll help you but…”

“You did. We’re just unfortunate,” he said with a smile.

“You really love smiling, don’t you?”

“Why? You hate it?”

“N-no… I… I was just…”

“And I love it when you’re stuttering. You’re so cute!”

I could feel myself blushing because of what he said.

“Are you blushing?” he asked as he leant forward towards me, making our faces so close.

“I… I…”

“You’re really cute,” he said as he moved away from me. “It’s Christmas…”


“Why don’t we just enjoy this day?”


“Why don’t we just have fun? You only have thirty minutes left, right?”

I suddenly remembered about our family reunion later. Aish! I almost forgot it!

“But… what about your identity?”

“It’s fine. You should enjoy this day.”


“Don’t mind me. Let’s go,” he said and I didn’t have choice but to follow him.

We enjoyed the day in the amusement park. If there was something a ghost had advantage of, that was he didn’t need money to enter an amusement park and ride the rides inside. It was tiring yet I enjoyed it.

“So, want to try that?” he asked as he pointed somewhere. He was smiling. I chuckled as I looked at where he was pointing.

“I’m not scared anymore on going there,” I said.


“I have already seen and talked with a ghost. Why should I be afraid of the fake ones?” I chuckled and so was he.

We continued walking and walked past the Hunted House.

“It’s already time! I need to go back now!” I said as I rushed back home with him trailing behind me.

“~~~~~-ah!” I heard Jessica, my cousin, shouted. I saw her waving at me outside our house. I smiled and waved back at her as I ran faster.

“How are you?” she asked me as she hugged me.

“I’ve been fine. And you?”

“Just the same. Nothing changed,” I answered but then stopped when I looked at Youngwoong who was also looking at me.  

“Why?” Jessica asked, noticing my silence. She eyed me. “Don’t tell me… something interesting happened to you?” she teased.

Interesting? Yeah, I guess so.

“Not really.”

“Is it about a guy? You already have a boyfriend?” she asked me excitedly.

“No, of course not! How could that be?”

“Come on, you’re so pretty. I bet guys are fighting over you.”

“Not really.”

“Cousins!” we heard a female voice shouted. We looked at its source and saw Yoona. We immediately went towards her and hugged her.

“I missed the two of you!” she said while hugging us. The three of us were very close. We were like real sisters.

The day went on smoothly. Youngwoong stayed in my room so he couldn’t distract me but still, every now and then, I would come up and check him up. My cousins were even teasing me that I had something inside my room but I just laughed at them.

Night came and our relatives needed to get back home. I sighed in relief. I was sure that if they decided to stay, Jessica and Yoona would insist to sleep with me in my room. That would be awkward having Youngwoong around, too.

I opened my bedroom door and lied on my bed, tired. It had been a tiring day.

“You should sleep. Christmas is almost over,” I heard Youngwoong said and I was too tired to respond. My eyes were already heavy.

“Youngwoong…” I whispered.


“Merry Christmas…”

“Merry Christmas, ~~~~~-ah,” I heard him say before I felt something soft touched my lips. That was my last thoughts before I drift to slumber.


“~~~~~-ah! Wake up!” I heard my Omma’s voice, waking me up. I groaned.

What was it? I was still sleepy.

“Honey, come downstairs and help me prepare for later, okay? Our relatives will be coming soon,” I heard my Omma’s voice calling me once more.

Relatives? What relatives?

Suddenly, I remembered what happened yesterday. I immediately sat up as I looked around the room.


Where was he?

“~~~~~-ah, wake up! I need your help for the foods later for the family gathering,” I heard Omma said once again. F-family… gathering?!?!

But… yesterday…

I looked at my phone and checked the date.


… 25…

How could this be?

Don’t tell me… it was all just a dream?

I stood up and looked around my room to search for the pen but I didn’t see it.

So, it’s just a dream…

It felt so… real…

“~~~~~-ah!” I heard Omma once more, her voice getting impatient.

I quickly went inside the bathroom and got ready.

I was already helping Omma in preparing the foods but my mind was still thinking of what happened. I couldn’t believe that it was just a dream. I sighed.

Suddenly, we heard someone knocked on the door. I could feel myself getting nervous. This… it was just like in my dream.

I quickly ran towards the door and opened it but…

“Merry Christmas!” my best friend, Yuri, greeted me cheerfully. I looked at her, disappointed.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?” she asked, pouting. I smiled a bit and hugged her.

“Merry Christmas!”

“I just came to give you my gift,” she said as she handed me a box.

I smiled and ran to my room to get my gift for her. Together, we opened our gifts.

I gave her a CD collection of her favourite dance songs. She smiled as she hugged me tight.

She gave me a sketchbook with pencils, eraser, sharpener, and… a ball pen.

It was the same… as the one on my dream!

“W-where did you get this?” I asked as I showed it to her.


“You didn’t pick this up outside, right?”

“Yah! What do you think of me, cheap? I’m not that poor okay? I have enough money to buy a pen for my best friend!” she said, offended.

“I-I’m sorry. It’s just that…” I started but didn’t know if I should tell her or not. I didn’t know if she would believe me.

“What is it?”

I sighed as I decided to tell her. She wouldn’t stop bugging me if I didn’t.

But I didn’t tell her everything, just about the same pen I picked on the ground.

“It’s really the same?” she asked and I nodded. “Maybe you already had a hint about what gift I’ll give you and you’re so excited to have it,” she concluded and I just agreed, not wanting the topic to go further. “So, I’ll be going. Later,” she said and I nodded.

When Omma and I finished making the foods, I told her I would be going out to have a walk and she agreed. I got my body bag and put the gift given by Yuri a while ago.

I was about to go out when I remembered something.

Are you going out without a sweater?’ I remembered him saying.

I ran upstairs and got a sweater. I knew it was just a dream… a very special dream…

I went out and walked. Seeing the places we had gone in my dreams, it really felt so weird…

I stopped as I came to the park. I walked to a nearby bench… the bench where we sat at in my dreams…


‘And I love it when you’re stuttering. You’re so cute!’


I sighed. Aish! What was wrong with me? I kept on thinking of something that happened in my dreams… I was thinking of it like it was a…

… special memory…

Suddenly, I remembered the pen given by Yuri… I took it from my bag and looked at it.

It was really strange…

I took the sketch pad from my bag and open it on the first page. I kept on looking at it, remembering his face.

Then, it was as if his face was drawn in the paper, making me trace each line with the pen. I put all my concentration on it, wanting to finish it immediately, wanting to see his face again.

After I drew the last line, I looked at it. I couldn’t believe I was able to draw his face in this short time… especially using the ballpen directly without the use of a pencil.

I smiled bitterly. I shouldn’t think of this anymore… I should just forget him… He was just an imagination, a dream…

I tore the page where I drew his face from the sketch pad.

I looked at it for the last time before going to the nearby trash can and threw it in there.

I then proceed on going back home.


3rd Person’s POV

Unknown to the young girl, the paper she threw at the trash can flew away and went near the soccer field not too far away from the bench she sat at.

There were a group playing on the soccer field. On the side benches were different groups of boys and girls watching the game.

As the game ended, one of the players ran to his group of friends who were waiting for him.

“Sorry for the wait!” the player apologized.

“I’m hungry!” one of his friends whined.

“Then let’s go eat,” another one of them said.

“Hyung, let’s go to your house and you cook our food!” another one said, looking at one of their friends. The others agreed.

“Aish! Why do I have to cook your foods every time?” the last one complained.

“Because your cooking skills is the best!”

The man just shook his head and walked away with his friends trailing behind him. The player who was walking behind them noticed something on the ground. He bent down and looked at it, wanting to make sure if what he was seeing was real.

Upon confirming his thoughts, he picked it and ran to his friends and shouted for them to stop walking. They all stopped and looked at him in confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

“Hyung… this drawing… isn’t this you?” he asked, showing his friends the drawing he picked a while ago.

His friends came near him and formed a circle, looking at the drawing their friend was saying.

Their eyes widen.

“Wow! It really looks like you!”

“Did one of your fan girls made this for you?”

“Then why was it on the ground?”

The man at the drawing was still looking at it, not saying anything. He was amazed at the drawing. He was thinking that whoever drew it, she sure had talents.

Suddenly, a smile was formed on his lips.

“What a wonderful Christmas present. Thank you, my Santa.”








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Chapter 9: i was so HAPPY .. yea, literally .. when i saw your story on my NEW UPDATES NOTIFS!! goooossshhh!! author-nim .. i did not GIVE UP ON THIS FIC yeeeeeet~ omg. Jaejoong is Jaejooong .. and that will never change. words are not enough to explain what i feel about your story and your note author-nim .. overacting? no. this is what i feel. really! I AM GLAAAADDDDD!!
Aya_kim #2
Please update ! I love this fanfic <3
iLoveExo12 #4
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
iLoveExo12 #5
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
I want you to continue the story and the Christmas special one please.
JEBALLLLL~~~ *does aegyo*
it's soOOOO interesting~!!!! don't stop the STOOOORY yeet~!!! jebal~??
Aiden1234 #9
do it more!!~<br />
i want to know lore about them!!~<br />
the story is really good!!!!!~~<br />
i love it!!!