I'm a ghost who fell in love with a... VAMPIRE?!?


Hi! Because this chapter is about the past, jaejoong won't be in here, okay? so no interaction with Jaejoong for now, hehe. Anyway, I used two members of ShiNee for this chapter. Hope u'll still read it! Thank u!




It was dark. As usual, I was out of the castle, looking for my new prey. I was at the top of a building, looking down to see what was happening in the whole city.

I could smell them… their scents… I closed my eyes…I just needed to choose who got the best smell… the best blood…

There… I smell it… I opened my eyes as I smirked. I saw a young girl, a teenager, walked in an alley… She was looking around… her face shown fear…

I jumped down on where she was at... She froze, seeing me… She stepped back and was about to run but I was faster than her. I blocked her way out.

“W-who are you? W-what are you?” she asked, seeing my eyes turned red. I stepped forward, enjoying the sight of her…

She stepped back as her back hit the wall… There was no escape anymore… I trapped her between the wall and my body…

She looked at me… her eyes were wet from tears…

Suddenly, I stopped… I was mesmerized… with her eyes… It was like a glass… where I could see my reflection… a sight I hadn’t seen for a long time…

She closed her eyes, sensing what I would want to do… No, she shouldn’t… I wanted to see it again… her eyes…

“Open them…” I whispered. Her eyes slowly opened… curiosity with them…

We looked at each other… as if we were reading, looking at each other’s souls…

I stepped back. I didn’t know why but… I couldn’t kill her… I… couldn’t…

Since then, I just found myself watching her…

I felt happy upon knowing she was fine… that she was happy…

I felt mad when I saw her sad… or in danger…

I didn’t know what was happening to me but…

One thing is for sure…

She became the most important person in my life…



I was looking outside the window as I sighed… Another boring night…

“Prince, what’s wrong?” JongHyun, my best friend asked me.

“JongHyun, I want to go out,” I told him and his eyes widen.

“You can’t. You know that your father, the King, won’t approve of that,” he said.

Once again, I looked outside. That was why it was boring. Unlike the other vampires, half blood or purebloods, only the royalties couldn’t go out. Royalties such as me, the crown prince, and my father, the King of the vampires.

The other vampires were responsible of giving us preys for our foods. They were afraid that something wrong might happen to us when we associate ourselves with humans especially that we were the strongest and most important vampires.

“JongHyun, help me. I’m not saying this as your prince… but as your friend… your best friend…” I told him, my eyes were silently begging.

He looked at me, thinking. He knew what I felt because we were always together…

I smiled as I saw him nodded.

“Thank you!”

“But you should be careful. And beware of the surroundings, okay?”

I nodded. We created our plan to escape. It was not hard, considering that the two of us were the most intelligent vampires in our generation.

I breathed hard as I escaped that place… At last, I now felt how to become free… how to become a normal vampire…

I could see many of them… humans… As a prince, I was trained to control myself once I smell a human’s blood…but…

I covered my nose as I smell it… This smell… I wanted to taste this blood… It was so strong…

I looked around, searching for the source of the smell until…

“Help me!” I heard a girl’s voice, shouting from a distance. The blood… it was coming from there… I saw Jonghyun ran fast… His face… he was… worried…

I wonder what was wrong…

In just a split second, we were already standing in front of four men and a woman. They all looked at us.

“You don’t have any business here! Go away before you regret it!” I heard one of the men said but my attention was… on her…

She was looking at me with her wet eyes… she was scared… I couldn’t take my eyes away from her… she was… lovely…

“I warned you! You asked for this!” the man said again and was about to attack me. I looked at them in hatred.

How could they do this? I wouldn’t forgive them for doing this to her! Never!

I stepped forward and blocked the man’s attack. I could see Jonghyun fighting the other two men.

I stood still, looking at them. They were scared. They saw it… my eyes… my eyes that turned red…

I raised a hand and with just one snap, they flew towards the wall. They fainted… they were still alive…

I was about to come near them when she blocked my way.

“P-please… don’t… don’t kill them,” she said in a whisper.

“Why? They hurt you,” I asked.

“B-but… I… I don’t… want to see someone die… because of me,” she reasoned as she looked at me…

I felt myself calm down. I sighed as I smiled. Silly girl. Didn’t she know that these men could do this to other girl, too?

“B-but… can you… can you do something… to… to prevent them in doing the same thing… to other girls?” she asked me in uncertainty. I couldn’t help it, I chuckled. She was so cute.

She looked at me in confusion.

“Yeah, I can do something,” I told her as I went to the two men. I held their heads and erased their memories. I looked at Jonghyun and he did the same thing to the other two.

I turned around to face her again and she was looking at me. I could see her blushed as I caught her staring at me. I smiled.

“Are you not afraid of us?” I asked her.

“I… I am,” she confessed. “But… you two saved my life so… I don’t think… you will harm… me,” she said as she gulped.

“I am Minho,” I extended my hand on her. She looked at it then looked at me.

“~~~~~-ah,” she said as she accepted my hand… Her hand was soft and… warm… unlike mine… I smiled at her as she smiled at me…

“Your name suits you,” I said as I looked at her eyes. Once I stared at her beautiful eyes… that was the first name that came to my mind.

We continued looking at each other.

It was like our hearts were talking… knowing each other…

Without us knowing, someone was looking at us in sadness…



Minho, ~~~~~-ah and I became very close friends. We always see each other every morning because it was easier to get out of the mansion during morning because the other vampires were resting during that time of day.

No one had suspected yet that Minho always escaped the castle. I was always helping him but…

Many times I didn’t want to help him because… I could see them becoming closer each day…

I knew that ~~~~~-ah already fell for him… I could read them… her thoughts… I knew Jonghyun also knew so… it was just a matter of time before the both of them would confess to each other.

I wanted to betray him… to get her away from him…

It was supposed to be me… she was supposed to be mine… I first saw her… loved her…

But he was my friend… my bestfriend…

“JongHyun, I have an important thing to tell you!” Minho said as he went inside my room. He was extremely happy today. I suddenly felt nervous. Don’t tell me… no… it couldn’t be…

“W-what is it?” I asked as I gulped.

“~~~~~-ah and I are already a couple! Isn’t that great?” he asked me.

I could feel my world broke apart. The girl I love… and my bestfriend…

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked me.

I was glad that we were taught how to block our thoughts so no vampire could read what we were thinking.

“G-Great… Great! I’m happy for you,” I told him as I gave him a force smile. He tapped my shoulder.

“What about you? When will you get yourself a girlfriend?” he asked me.

If only you know… If only…


~~~~~-ah’s POV

I was so happy with Minho. He was sweet, caring, a perfect boyfriend!

Yeah, maybe not perfect because he was a vampire but still… whatever he was, I would still forever love him.

“What is my princess thinking?” I heard him whispered in my ear as he hugged my waist. I smiled.

“Why are you asking? You can read my mind,” I told him as I chuckled.

He turned me around and hugged me. He put his forehead on mine as I encircled my hands on his neck.

“I love you,” he said as he kissed me lightly.

“I love you too oppa,” I replied back as I smiled. I hope nothing would change. I hope we would always be together. “O-oppa,” I whispered.

“Yeah?” he asked as his eyes were close.

“What… what about your… clan?” I asked him, voicing my fear. He opened his eyes as he looked at me.

“Whatever happens, we will always be together. Whatever happens, I will always protect you. Whatever happens, I will always love you,” he said as he kissed me once again. He made me feel how much he loved me which I also did.


Jonghyun’s POV

It had been months since the two of them became together. Minho became extra careful since then. I also stopped hanging with them. I would only felt hurt.

I could see that she was happy. She loved him.

I was looking outside my room’s window when I heard it opened. I already knew who it was.

I closed my eyes as I forced myself to act natural around him. We were still friends after all.

I turned around and looked at him. I was about to smile when I saw his sad face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“I decided not to leave the castle from now on,” he said in a whisper.

“Why?” I raised an eyebrow. What about ~~~~~-ah? What happened?

“~~~~~-ah… will go to Taiwan tomorrow.”

“What? Why?” I stood up straight as I waited for him to answer. Why would she leave? Did something happen between the two of them?

Minho looked at me as if he was reading my thoughts. I gulped. Did he find out about my feelings for ~~~~~-ah?

“Her parents wanted to be with her. They were afraid for her safety here,” he answered after a few minutes of silence.

~~~~~-ah was staying here in Seoul with her grandmother. Her grandmother was too weak that they decided to send ~~~~~-ah to take care of her. Her parents had their jobs in Taiwan so they couldn’t go to Seoul.

Her grandmother died months ago but she still chose to stay here.

“When is she going to be back?”

“I don’t know. Maybe after a year.”

“A year? What about the two of you?”

“I decided to let her on her decision. If she still loves me when she comes back, then we’ll be together again but if not, I’ll let her go.”

I didn’t know what to feel right now. I wanted them to break up before but…

I didn’t want her to leave…

But I still waited for her to come back. I knew that once she did, I wasn’t be the person she wanted to see but… I still waited…





It had been eight years but she was not still back.

True to his words, Minho didn’t leave the castle since the day she left Seoul. I knew that he loved her but there was something I didn’t understand.

I could see that Minho missed her so much just like me but… it felt like he knew when she was going to be back… like everything… was planned.

I just confirmed my thoughts when I heard the elders talking in the meeting room with the King.

I was about to leave the castle to go to the city when I heard their voices.

“He is the prince, the next King of the vampires! We can’t let him be with a human!” I heard one of them said.

I stopped on my tracks as I could feel my body tensed. Were they talking about… ~~~~~-ah?

“We need to kill her!” I heard another one said.

But if it was ~~~~~-ah, how did they know about her? She was gone for eight years… unless… she already came back…

I immediately ran to Minho’s room. He was not there. I could feel my heart beating fast…

No… she was back…

I ran fast and left the castle. I wouldn’t let them… I wouldn’t let anyone hurt ~~~~~-ah!

Minho, where are you? I need to warn them!



“What should we do?” ~~~~~-ah looked at me in worry. I held her face and kissed her. I pulled away and looked at her eyes.

“I’ll protect you with my life.”

“Oppa, I love you. I love you so much. I will always be here beside you. The two of us… forever.”

“That will be impossible! Forever between the two of you is impossible!” I heard someone shouted behind me. I looked around and saw the elders. I hid ~~~~~-ah behind me. I wouldn’t let them hurt her!

“You have to kill me first before you hurt her!” I shouted as I felt my eyes turned red. My fangs were ready for any attack.

“You might be the prince but with the combination of our powers, you are nothing! We don’t want to hurt you! You are still our prince.”

“I love her and I won’t let anyone hurt her!”

“You are insane! A human like her and a vampire like you can’t be together! We won’t let you make that worthless human be one of us especially to be the next Queen of the vampires!”

I positioned myself as they started to attack us.

I looked at ~~~~~-ah and she smiled at me… She was my life… I would forever love her… forever…



Where were they?

I kept looking around, hoping to see them.

Suddenly, I stopped as I smelled it. This smell…


The smell was getting stronger and stronger…

This only meant one thing…

She was hurt!

I doubled my speed. I needed to get there fast!

But once I get there, I could feel my whole world crashing. I stepped back as I slumped on the floor. No… No!


~~~~~-ah’s POV

I smiled at Minho oppa as I hugged him. He was smiling at me, too. I could feel my tears falling but I was still happy.

It was silent. Everything around us was silent.

Minho oppa held my face as I closed my eyes, wanting to stay like this with him forever.

I felt his lips on mine as he kissed me.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too, oppa,” I answered as my whole body felt  numb.

I was happy I met him… the only man I would ever love.

 With these thoughts, I let the darkness enveloped me…



It had been a week since they died… together…

I could still remember that night… that image…

The two of them hugging each other… the two of them whispering their love for each other…

Once the elders left, I got her body and buried it. Minho… vanished…

I heard the door of my room being opened.

“I hope I’m not disturbing you from your thoughts,” King Rain told me.

I stood up and bow down at him.

“What can I help you with, King?” I asked. He sighed as he looked outside.

“This is all my fault,” King Rain started. “If I hadn’t agreed to the elders on killing that girl… this would have not happened.”

I couldn’t help but felt mad at him.

“She is a nice girl. They love each other,” I said firmly. I couldn’t help but glared at him. I didn’t care if he was the King. I didn’t care if I got punished. All I could think right now was the image of ~~~~~-ah’s lifeless body.

“I know.” He sighed once again.

“Excuse me, King, but what really is the reason you came here in my room?” I asked, controlling my anger.

“I need you to do something for me,” he said as he looked at me in the eyes.

I didn’t know that his favour would change everything in the vampire world.



I looked at the elders who were sitting in the meeting room. I could feel it… hatred… the emotion I now felt for all of them.

“You should understand that we did that for the sake of the vampire clan,” Elder Hwang said. He was talking about the reason why they needed to kill my son.

I agreed to them when they wanted to kill the human girl because I didn’t want any conflict to happen between me and the elders.

All I asked them was not to hurt my son… but they didn’t just hurt him, they killed him.

“Then what are you waiting for?” I asked them. They all looked at me in confusion. “I know that all of you already planned on betraying me, to dethrone me. I also know that you even got most of the vampires to fight me. “

Elder Kwon stood up as he smirked at me.

“That’s right. So prepare yourself because this will be your end.”

I also stood up as I prepared myself to fight.

They might kill me. They might get the throne from me.

But there would be a time that my own blood would get the throne back for us…



I KNOW I KNOW! Maybe all of u are already very upset with me right now. First, i didn't update for so long and second, there is part 4 of the sequel, haha.

~~~~~-ah's past will be fully revealed on the next update so i hope all of u will still continue reading this story. And i think this update already give u clues about her, right? 

Anyway, thank u everyone especially:


Anyway, that's all for now!

i'll update as soon as I can!


DATE: November 27, 2011

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Chapter 9: i was so HAPPY .. yea, literally .. when i saw your story on my NEW UPDATES NOTIFS!! goooossshhh!! author-nim .. i did not GIVE UP ON THIS FIC yeeeeeet~ omg. Jaejoong is Jaejooong .. and that will never change. words are not enough to explain what i feel about your story and your note author-nim .. overacting? no. this is what i feel. really! I AM GLAAAADDDDD!!
Aya_kim #2
Please update ! I love this fanfic <3
iLoveExo12 #4
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
iLoveExo12 #5
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
I want you to continue the story and the Christmas special one please.
JEBALLLLL~~~ *does aegyo*
it's soOOOO interesting~!!!! don't stop the STOOOORY yeet~!!! jebal~??
Aiden1234 #9
do it more!!~<br />
i want to know lore about them!!~<br />
the story is really good!!!!!~~<br />
i love it!!!