I'm a ghost who fell in love with a... VAMPIRE?!?



I slowly opened my eyes. What happened?

“Hyung!” I heard voices called me. I looked at my side and saw my friends looking at me in concern. I was… lying on a bed. I looked around me. This was… a room in the castle.

Why was I here? This was not my room. What happened? The last time I remembered… I was in the alley… protecting ~~~~~-ah…. ~~~~~-ah!

I immediately sat up and looked for ~~~~~-ah.

“She was fine, hyung. She was in other room, resting,” Changmin said, reading my thoughts. I sighed in relief. She was fine…


I looked at Changmin again. “W-what about… Grandpa?” I gulped.

His eyes shown sadness. No… don’t tell me… but how… Grandpa was much stronger than me…

“Hyung… don’t you feel any change in you?” Yoochun asked. I looked at him in confusion and tried to feel if there was something wrong with me.

I didn’t feel hurt… My body is fine… I was actually feeling great… feeling… stronger…

“Hyung…” Changmin started but got interrupted when the elders, the oldest vampires, came inside the room. They were all looking at me… smiling at me…

“W-what’s wrong?” I asked slowly. I knew something was up…

“We are glad that you’re now awake, King,” Grandpa Kang greeted me.

Wait… K-King?!? What was the meaning of this? I looked at my friends and they were all looking at me. They didn’t seem surprised.

“Wait, I don’t know what’s happening. King? I’m not the King,” I told them.

“Of course you are. You are now the most powerful Vampire,” Grandpa Shim said.

“W-what? That’s… that’s impossible… how?”

“Hyung… Grandpa Kim…” I looked at Changmin, waiting for him to continue. I was now having a clue on what was happening but… that was ridiculous.

Why… Why would he do that?

“Grandpa Kim… transferred all his strength and power to you. His power combining with yours, it made you more powerful, surpassing even the elder generations of Vampires,” Yunho explained.

I just looked at him… processing everything he just said. I slowly shook my head. No… no… why… why would he do something like that? Why did he sacrifice his own life… just to give me his power?

This didn’t make any sense…

“I…” I paused as I gulped. “I wanted to be… alone…” I told them. They bowed as they left. My friends were the last to leave but before Yunho left, he gave me something… a letter…

“Read this. This is from Grandpa Kim. You might find the answers to your questions once you read it,” Yunho said as he patted my back.



I was lying on a bed, thinking of everything that had just happened. It had been a long day…

I didn’t know what happened…

Why did those vampires attack me? Why did he save me? Why did he fight his grandfather just for me?

There were many questions lingering on my head but…

He was the only one who could give me the answers…



I opened the letter with trembling hands. It was… grandpa’s penmanship. I started to read the letter…


My grandson, Jaejoong,

If you’re reading this letter now, it only means one thing. My plan succeeded.

Let me tell you a secret. Once in my life… I had loved a human… but like what happened to every human who got involved with purebloods like us, they were killed by the elders. They wouldn’t let any purebloods be associated with humans. Since then, I had always wanted to change the rules… to let purebloods be with them… humans…

But my power isn’t enough to make those changes. All elders have equal powers. That is also the reason why there is no King in the Vampire clan for a long time.

That’s the reason I decided to make the new King. I trained you until you became the most powerful Vampire in your generation. I am glad that I succeeded.

I know that once I transferred my power to you, you will become powerful enough to become the new King but there is a problem I encountered…

You had become like them… You treated humans as foods… killing them… you don’t care for them… I thought I failed but then… you met her… ~~~~~-ah…

She changed you. You started to care for them. And that was when I decided to do my plan. By giving you my power and by dying from your hands, your life will be longer. The span of my life will be added to yours. Whatever danger you encounter, you will not die. That is one thing a King should possess…

I needed to use her… to make her vanish so you’ll think that I’m serious on killing her… but the truth, that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

I needed to do all those things because… a vampire can become much stronger if the transferring of power happened in a fight and in the process of transferring the power to them, they felt two of the strongest emotions… anger and love…

For you… it is anger for me… and love not only for the girl you loves but also for someone who raised you…

But my first attempt didn’t succeed. She vanished and you didn’t fight me. That was why I need to repeat everything. I brought back the time with only the two of us having the knowledge of everything that had happened. That way, you will do everything just to stop me… even if you have to kill me.

I will do it again and again, I will bring back the time again and again if I have to until you’re angry enough to kill me.

When the elders recognized you as the new King… change it, my grandson…

Change the rules…

That way, you can be with her… and every vampire who loves humans can be with each other…

Don’t let my sacrifice be of waste…

I trust you, Jaejoong…

I trust my grandson…



I looked blankly at the letter. All this while I thought… I thought he was also like them… like those vampires who killed humans… a kind of vampire I once become… but… I was wrong…

He must have been hurt when the girl he loved died… for him to do these things…

I closed my eyes as I breathed hard…

Don’t worry Grandpa, I would not let your sacrifice be of waste…

I promise…



I looked around the room. It was dark, the lights inside the room were just coming from the candles that were placed in each corner of the room…

I stood up. I was actually feeling well. Jaejoong’s grandfather didn’t do much of harm to me.

Suddenly, my eyes caught something. It was a bowl, not too big and not too small. In it was water. I could see my reflection on it. Weird…

Just then, something was shown on the water. That was… me… and Jaejoong… I heard my own voice coming from it…


“Where are we going?” I asked as we were walking.

“You want to go farther, right?” he asked and I nodded. What was he planning? “Now, put your hands around my neck,” he ordered but I didn’t move.

“I can’t! I don’t know how to touch---“

“Just concentrate. Put your arms around my neck and think that you are really holding me. Now!” he shouted and I quickly did what he said. I closed my eyes, thinking that I could hold him. It was so hard! I couldn’t do it! “Concentrate,” he whispered and I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was intently looking at me. Yeah, I wanted to… I wanted to touch him. Just then, I felt strange… He smiled. “See, you can do it,” he said and true enough, I could feel him!

I smiled but it quickly faded as I noticed we were floating.

“W-what---“ I hugged him tighter and buried my face on his chest as he jumped up.

“Look,” he whispered on my ears that made my heart beat so fast. I didn’t know I could feel something like this.

I looked around and… we were on top of a building. I went and looked around downstairs. I could see everything! It was so nice… so good! Amazing!

“You like it?” he asked and I looked at him with a wide smile on my face. I nodded.

“It’s lovely! This is the first time I saw everything! Come! Let’s go down!” I said as I hold his hand.

“No,” he said.

“Why?” I asked as I frowned.

“I don’t really like going in crowded places in the morning. I only did that during night time.”

“But I want to continue searching,” I said. He sighed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and the next thing I knew, we were on the ground.


I didn’t remember any of this happening. But… why… did it felt… familiar… Even my thoughts… I could hear them… Then, another image was shown on the water.


“Thank you,” I said as I looked at him. Silence. “What’s your name?” I asked.

He looked at me intently like how he did that night. I gulped. His gaze… I couldn’t take it… It made me felt weird.

“Kim Jaejoong,” he answered after a while.

“J-Jaejoong,” I repeated.



“I’m sure I’m older than you. How long have you been here?”

“Almost a year?”

“By your looks, adding a year, yeah, I’m older so you should call me Jaejoong oppa.”

“Jaejoong oppa.”

Again, pure silence.

“What should I call you?”

“I-I don’t really know my name.” I whispered. “Why? Why did you help me? I-I mean, you won’t get something from me. Even a drop of blood.” I tried to joke around.

“Honestly, I don’t know.”

Again, silence.

“~~~~~-ah,” he whispered.


“I think the name suits you.”

“R-really? Why did you think so?”

“I just know and because I like your eyes. One look from those pair of eyes, I already knew what I should call you.”

“M-my eyes? T-that’s why you’re doing this?”

“Like I said, I don’t really know but you left a very deep impression to me.”


He named me… ~~~~~-ah?


 “What’s wrong?” he asked me as we were sitting on the ground at the alley. It was midnight.


“You’re very silent.”

“Y-you could read my mind, right?” He didn’t respond. “So you know what I was thinking every time we were together.” I waited for him to respond but he didn’t react. He was just looking at me. “You know how I feel… right? For you…” I asked as I gulped.

“Tell me… what you feel. I want to… hear you say it,” he whispered. It was followed by pure silence. We were just gazing at each other.

“I… I love… you,” I said after a while. I bit my lower lip, waiting for him to say something. I wanted to know what he was thinking… what he felt for me…

He put his hand on my cheek, caressing it. Suddenly, his face was coming closer to mine.

“I love you, too,” he whispered before his mouth claim mine.


I could feel myself blushing. Did this… did this really happen? I… I kissed him?!?!


“I see what keep you busy these past few days,” a man said. I looked up and saw an old man. His face was familiar. That face… He looked liked Jaejoong oppa.

“What are you doing here, Grandpa?” I heard Jaejoong oppa said as he stood up. I also stood up. Grandpa? It was his grandfather?

“Aren’t you going to introduce your little girlfriend to me, my grandson?”

“What do you want, Grandpa?” Jaejoong oppa asked as he went in front of me, an act of protection. But why? It was his grandfather.

“What do you mean? I just want to see the girl who kept my grandson so busy these past days. Is that wrong?”


“Jaejoong oppa,” I whispered. Suddenly, there were pairs of arms holding me. I looked at my sides and saw two men holding each of my arms. Before Jaejoong oppa could help me, he was thrown away by them.

“Jaejoong oppa!” I shouted as I struggled free from their grasps. What are they doing? That was when I saw his grandfather coming closer to me.

“What a pretty girl you are. Too bad you’re already dead,” he said as he stopped in front of me. He put his hand on my forehead. “But you should know… that a ghost and a vampire can’t be together especially for pure blood vampires like my grandson. That’s why, one of you need to disappear. And that is… you. Disappear… forever,” he whispered on my ear as I felt something hot coming from his hand. It was causing me pain. It gets hotter and hotter like my mind was being burned until it spread to my whole body. I shouted from the pain.

“No! ~~~~~-ah!” I heard Jaejoong oppa shouted. I looked at him. He was held by four guys. They were all looking at me.

I plead to for him to help me. I plead his grandfather to stop it. I continued screaming… continued pleading…  

My eyes widen… It was almost the same… but how… what was this?

“My grandfather… brought back the time… that’s why you can’t remember those things,” I heard a voice said behind me. I looked around and saw him standing on the door. He came in and closed it.

“I-it’s you.”

“I know everything had changed. You don’t know anything. You can’t remember those things.” He stopped as he looked at me. “I won’t stop you if… you want to go away from here… away from me… I won’t stop you… if that’s what can make you happy.” He was sad… I could see the sadness on his eyes… I could feel it… my heart was aching… by looking at him… by knowing he was sad…


“Don’t worry. I won’t kill another human again,” he said.  Why… he could read my thoughts, right? Then why…

“Why?” I asked, feeling the tears that were now falling down my cheeks. I didn’t know that this was possible… that I could cry… but I didn’t care anymore. It was not important anymore why I could feel these things… only one thing was important right now…

“You could read my mind, right?” I asked, repeating the words I saw at the water a while ago. “So you know what I was thinking. You know how I feel, right? For you…” I asked him, repeating everything I saw a while ago.

It might be different now… Our encounters might not be the same anymore… but I know… whatever I felt for him before… was still the same until now… The time didn’t change that… The time let me stored my love for him…

 “Tell me… what you feel. I want to… hear you say it,” he whispered, also repeating the words he said.

“I love you,” I told him honestly.

Suddenly, he was in front of me, gazing at me lovingly. He put his hand on my cheek, caressing it. Suddenly, his face was coming closer to mine.

“I love you, too,” he whispered before his mouth claim mine.

I hugged him as he hugged me back.

Just then, we heard a knock. Four guys entered. They were the men who helped us…

“Hyung, it’s time. They will announce now that you’re the new King,” one of them said.

“I’ll be there,” Jaejoong replied. He faced me. “Just stay here, okay? I promise, everything will be fine. Just trust me, okay?” I nodded. He kissed my forehead as he left with the four men.

“I will wait, Jaejoong oppa,” I said and he looked at me with a smile.



“In front of you is the new King of the whole Vampire clan!” Grandpa Kwon announced. Inside were all Vampires, purebloods and half-bloods.

Everyone looked at me, waiting for me to say something as the new King. I stepped forward with my friends standing behind me.

“I, as the newly appointed King, wanted to say that… I will change some rules of the Vampire Clan!” I started. I could see shocked expressions especially from the elders. “Changes that will involve mostly about humans! From today onwards, humans will not be seen as foods! Everyone is prohibited of killing them!”

“What are you talking about? That’s impossible!” one of the elders shouted in rage. I could see all of the elders didn’t like my new policy, which was expected.

“Also, purebloods can be together with humans!” I added. All elders stepped forward, their faces visible of anger.

“This can’t be! You can’t do this!”

“I can’t? But I thought I’m now the new King? Everyone heard it and once I was announced as the King, everything I say becomes the law, isn’t that right?” I asked them, smirking.

“No one will approve of this!”

“I approve of it!” Yunho joined in.

“Yunho!” Grandpa Jung shouted at his grandson but Yunho just gave him a cold look.

“I won’t listen to you again, never!” Yunho shot back.

“I also approve of it!” Yoochun said and soon most of the vampires were on my side. Most of them were half-bloods.

“You think you’re stronger than us? You might have become the strongest Vampire but if we combined our powers together with our grandsons that are purebloods, you will never defeat us!” Grandpa Kang bragged.

“I am also on their side!” Min Hyuk, Grandpa Kang’s grandson, joined in. Soon, other purebloods joined us.

There were still purebloods that joined the elders but they were no match to us.

“You have no choice now,” I told them. “But don’t worry, we won’t kill any of you,” I added.

I came near them and brought out a bottle. It was given by my grandfather. Once they saw it, they backed away with terror on their faces.

“No! Don’t!” they pleaded.

But this was the only thing I could do to prevent them in harming anyone again be it either a human or a vampire.

I threw the content of the bottle at them. They all shouted. Soon, they all disappeared.

“Hyung, what happened to them?” Junsu asked.

“I erased their memories and made them… humans.”



Everything went smoothly. I was living at the castle with Jaejoong oppa. I also became close with his friends and to other vampires but… it was still hard living with them… because, after all, I was still different from them…

I also wanted to know my real identity. But there was one weird thing that happened. Ever since I stepped inside this castle… I didn’t come back to the alley again… even if the clock strikes eleven in the evening…

“What’s wrong?” Jaejoong oppa asked me as he hugged me from the back.

“Oppa, don’t you think it’s strange? Before, I always came back to the alley even though I wanted to leave that place so much but now…”

I felt his arm tighten on me.

“Do you… really want to know… your real identity?” he asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.

“You… you know?”

He sighed.

“Yes, I know,” he confessed.

“Then… then why didn’t you… tell me?”

“Because everything that was happening to you… the reason why you are still here… the reason why you always came back to that place every time the clock strikes eleven in the evening… all of it… is my grandfather’s fault.”

 “W-what do you mean?’

He held my hand and pulled me in a closet with him. He opened it. There were so many bottles inside. He got something at the most hidden part of the closet. It was a small bottle with red liquid on it. He closed the closet and gave it to me. I looked at him in confusion.

“Drink it. It will help you… remember everything… It will also help you know… not only about yourself but also… everything that you need to know.”

I looked at the bottle and to him. I slowly got it from him. I trust him. He wouldn’t let me be in danger.

He smiled at me before I drank it slowly.

I felt weird. I felt so hot… but it was not a bad kind of feeling. It was as if my whole body just found what was lost the whole time… It was giving me a very good feeling…

…a very wonderful feeling…



I looked at her as she drank it. I lifted her and put her on the bed. It was time. Just a little more. Five more seconds…





And now I became a witness of it…

I witnessed…

A born…

Of a new…



hi! part 2 is done! whew!

so, should I make a part 3 for ~~~~~-ah's past? What do you guys want? haha! do you want me to make a part 3 or just end it here? I feel like this is not a one-shot anymore, haha!

wow, thank u to those who subscribed! so happy! haha

And of course, to those who comment, thank u so much!


Anyway, that's all for now!

please tell me ur decisions soon so i can make the chapter sooner, haha!


DATE: November 16, 2011

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Chapter 9: i was so HAPPY .. yea, literally .. when i saw your story on my NEW UPDATES NOTIFS!! goooossshhh!! author-nim .. i did not GIVE UP ON THIS FIC yeeeeeet~ omg. Jaejoong is Jaejooong .. and that will never change. words are not enough to explain what i feel about your story and your note author-nim .. overacting? no. this is what i feel. really! I AM GLAAAADDDDD!!
Aya_kim #2
Please update ! I love this fanfic <3
iLoveExo12 #4
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
iLoveExo12 #5
love it. . <br />
update soon :))
I want you to continue the story and the Christmas special one please.
JEBALLLLL~~~ *does aegyo*
it's soOOOO interesting~!!!! don't stop the STOOOORY yeet~!!! jebal~??
Aiden1234 #9
do it more!!~<br />
i want to know lore about them!!~<br />
the story is really good!!!!!~~<br />
i love it!!!