
Fighting Till The End
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“So who do you want?” 2 men stare straight dressed in full black with black masks covering their face. “You can’t treat us like dogs!” one of them yell while the other starts to scream as well. “You can’t go from one to the other all the time! You have to make a decision! You can’t have both of us!”  They start going forward. Their going at HER. She won’t manage to decide! They torment her. She starts to run away, but they run faster. She sprints, but they catch up. They’re in some old town, and nobody’s there except for the three. They tug on her clothes to pull her closer, but instead they slowly rip the shirt to pieces. And then she gives up and stops. She sits down and puts her head at her chest sitting crossed legged. She starts to sob and turns around to see where the 2 men have went.

But now she looks around to see herself in a whole new destination. The men are gone. She stands up and takes her hands to her face to wipe off the tears. There’s people, a lot of them. It’s crowded, she gets pushed and shoved. The first time she falls to the ground but brushed herself off and gets back up. She look for familiar street names but, nothing. Nothing to recognize around here, no streets, buildings, or people. She walks through the city looking at all the billboards and signs everyone for clues as to where she might be. When she tries to ask someone nobody hears her or gets her attention. When she reaches and intersection she plans to keep going straight but waits at the red light. Her head flies in circles looking at everything around her. She looks across from her on the other side of the intersection to see the 2 men from before just standing there side by side with their arms crossed.

Fear came across her and goose bumps covered all of her skin. She turned around to run but now they were standing in front her. She turned to her left, they’re there. To her left, they’re there. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE! “Please leave me alone what do you want from me!?” Tears streamed down her face as she yelled the words. The 2 men didn’t seem to care to what she said. They stepped closer to her, looked her right in the eyes and leaned in close making their face centimeters away from the girl. She made more whining noises and pleaded but the men didn’t budge. The girl yelled once again “Please let me go I’ll do anything!” She cried and yelled at the top of her lungs. She was surprised that no body heard her. She was surrounded by hundreds of people. But no one glanced at her or turned to see if she’s okay or what’s going on. It’s as if she’s invisible…

She stares up to see the blue sky and drops. “Ahhhhhhhh” she screams and cries once more. She looks in front of her seeing soil, as if she’s in the earth. Falling, falling, deeper, and deeper into the core of the earth. She wants to stop but there is no way. She falls for minutes rapidly but gradually slows down before she lands on a chair.

Now she’s sitting on a simple wooden chair. The fall hurt her but she was to scared and worried to care. Immediately she was tied to the chair with thick rope making her unable to move. The 2 men from before are once more standing in front of her just meters away, a table separating them apart. But this time there is nowhere to turn. She’s stuck on a chair. The 2 men go up to her one holding a tray containing 2 blue and 2 red tablets, 2 glasses and a bowl, the other man just continues staring at the girl. He stops his glance and turns to the tray. He takes the 2 glasses and bowl and places them on the table in front of him. He doesn’t say anything but by his actions you can see he’s showing an example. He takes 1 blue pill and places it in t

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
Mmm EXO and BTS are my faves :D
Chapter 5: No, that's cruel especially for me.
Ashley should just die before he can do anything ^-^
Chapter 4: Heehee true
Chapter 4: Xiumin needs to man the hell uppp